Пример #1
		} } // ObjectConstructorObj
	// Implementation for calling the Object constructor as a function.
	// "When Object is called as a function rather than as a constructor, it
	// performs a type conversion."
	private static object ObjectConstructorFunction(object this_, params object[] args)
		if (args.Length == 0 || args[0] == null || args[0] is JUndefinedObject)
			return ObjectConstructor(null, args);
		return JConvert.ToObject(args[0]);
		} // ObjectConstructorFunction
Пример #2
		} // ArrayConstructorFunction
	// Implementation for calling the Array constructor as a constructor.
	public static object ArrayConstructor(object this_, params object[] args)
		JArrayObject arrayObj = new JArrayObject();
		if (args.Length == 1 && JObject.Typeof(args[0]) == "number")
			// Treat the one argument as a length, and create an array of
			// that length.
			UInt32 newLength = JConvert.ToUInt32(args[0]);
			if (newLength != JConvert.ToNumber(args[0]))
				throw new RangeError("array length in constructor is outside the UInt32 range");
			arrayObj.arrayLength = newLength;
			// Create an array with the entries specified in the args array.
			foreach (object curArg in args)
			arrayObj.arrayLength = (uint) args.Length;
		return arrayObj;
		} // ArrayConstructor
Пример #3
		} } // StringConstructorObj
	// Implementation for calling the String constructor as a function.
	// "When String is called as a function rather than as a constructor,
	// it performs a type conversion."
	private static object StringConstructorFunction(object this_, params object[] args)
		if (args.Length == 0)
			return "";
			return JConvert.ToString(args[0]);
		} // StringConstructorFunction
Пример #4
		} } // NumberConstructorObj
	// Implementation for calling the Number constructor as a function.
	// "When Number is called as a function rather than as a constructor,
	// it performs a type conversion."
	private static object NumberConstructorFunction(object this_, params object[] args)
		if (args.Length == 0)
			return 0;
			return JConvert.ToNumber(args[0]);
		} // NumberConstructorFunction
Пример #5
		} } // BooleanConstructorObj
	// Implementation for calling the Boolean constructor as a function.
	// "When Boolean is called as a function rather than as a constructor,
	// it performs a type conversion."
	private static object BooleanConstructorFunction(object this_, params object[] args)
		if (args.Length == 0)
			return 0;
			return JConvert.ToBoolean(args[0]);
		} // BooleanConstructorFunction
Пример #6
		} // StringConstructorFunction
	// Implementation for calling the String constructor as a constructor.
	// "When String is called as part of a new expression, it is a constructor:
	// it initialises the newly created object."
	public static object StringConstructor(object this_, params object[] args)
		string strValue;
		if (args.Length == 0)
			strValue = "";
			strValue = JConvert.ToString(args[0]);
		return new JStringObject(strValue);
		} // StringConstructor
Пример #7
		} // NumberConstructorFunction
	// Implementation for calling the Number constructor as a constructor.
	// "When Number is called as part of a new expression, it is a constructor:
	// it initialises the newly created object."
	public static object NumberConstructor(object this_, params object[] args)
		double numValue;
		if (args.Length == 0)
			numValue = 0;
			numValue = JConvert.ToNumber(args[0]);
		return new JNumberObject(numValue);
		} // NumberConstructor
Пример #8
		} // BooleanConstructorFunction
	// Implementation for calling the Boolean constructor as a constructor.
	// "When Boolean is called as part of a new expression, it is a constructor:
	// it initialises the newly created object."
	public static object BooleanConstructor(object this_, params object[] args)
		bool boolValue;
		if (args.Length == 0)
			boolValue = false;
			boolValue = JConvert.ToBoolean(args[0]);
		return new JBooleanObject(boolValue);
		} // BooleanConstructor
Пример #9
		} // ObjectConstructorFunction
	// Implementation for calling the Object constructor as a constructor.
	// "When Object is called as part of a new expression, it is a
	// constructor that may create an object."
	public static object ObjectConstructor(object this_, params object[] args)
		if (args.Length == 0 || args[0] == null || args[0] is JUndefinedObject)
			return new JObject(ObjectPrototype, ObjectConstructorObj, "Object");
			object v = args[0];
			if (v is bool || IsNumber(v) || v is string)
				return JConvert.ToObject(v);
				return v;
		} // ObjectConstructor
Пример #10
		} // IncrementLength
	// If the given string is an ECMAScript numerical array index, fill in
	// arrayIndex and return true.  Otherwise set arrayIndex to 0 and return
	// false.
	public bool IsArrayIndex(string propName, out UInt32 arrayIndex)
		arrayIndex = 0;
		// HACK snewman 10/3/01: need to implement the ECMAScript spec more
		// precisely.
		if (propName == "0")
			return true;
		foreach (char c in propName)
			if (c < '0' || c > '9')
				return false;
		double d = JConvert.ToNumber(propName);
		if (d > 0 && d <= 0xFFFFFFFE)
			arrayIndex = (UInt32)d;
			return true;
		return false;
		} // IsArrayIndex
Пример #11
		} // LookupProperty
	// Store the given property under the given name, overwriting any
	// existing property of the same name.
 	protected override void StoreProperty(string propName, JProperty prop)
		Trace.Assert(prop.name == propName);
		UInt32 arrayIndex;
		if (propName == "length")
			UInt32 newLength = JConvert.ToUInt32(prop.value);
			if (newLength != JConvert.ToNumber(prop.value))
				throw new RangeError("array length set to a value outside the UInt32 range");
			if (entries.Count > newLength)
				entries.RemoveRange((int)newLength, (int)(entries.Count - newLength));
			if (newLength < arrayLength)
				for (uint i=newLength; i<=arrayLength && sparsePropertyCount > 0; i++)
				string iAsString = ArrayIndexToString(i);
				if (props.ContainsKey(iAsString))
			arrayLength = newLength;
		else if (IsArrayIndex(propName, out arrayIndex))
			Trace.Assert(prop.attributes == JProperty.AttrFlags.none);
			if (arrayIndex < entries.Count)
				// This index is already in our entries array; update it.
				entries[(int)arrayIndex] = prop.value;
			else if (arrayIndex == entries.Count)
				// This index lands just after our entries array.  Extend
				// the entries array to include it.
				if (arrayIndex >= arrayLength)
					arrayLength = arrayIndex + 1;
				// Then, if there were any further adjacent entries being
				// stored in the hash table, move them to the entries array.
				while (sparsePropertyCount > 0)
					string indexAsString = ArrayIndexToString((uint)(entries.Count));
					if (props.ContainsKey(indexAsString))
						JProperty tempProp = (JProperty) (props[indexAsString]);
				if (arrayIndex >= arrayLength)
					arrayLength = arrayIndex + 1;
				if (!props.ContainsKey(propName))
				base.StoreProperty(propName, prop);
			base.StoreProperty(propName, prop);
		} // StoreProperty
Пример #12
		} // Get (string propName)
	public virtual object Get(object propName)
		return Get(JConvert.ToString(propName));
		} // Get (object propName)