Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the channel object with the selected channel number
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ChannelNumber">The number of the channel to get</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The ANSILoadProfileChannel object of the selected channel if it is in use, or null 
        /// if the channel is not in use.
        /// </returns>
        // Revision History	
        // MM/DD/YY who Version Issue# Description
        // -------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------
        // 10/02/06 RCG 7.40.00 N/A    Created

        public ANSILoadProfileChannel GetChannel(int ChannelNumber)
            ANSILoadProfileChannel SelectedChannel = null;

            foreach (ANSILoadProfileChannel Channel in Channels)
                if (Channel.ChannelNumber == ChannelNumber)
                    SelectedChannel = Channel;

            return SelectedChannel;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the status LIDs from the meter and creates the channel objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The PSEM response code.</returns>
        // Revision History	
        // MM/DD/YY who Version Issue# Description
        // -------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------
        // 10/02/06 RCG 7.40.00 N/A    Created
        // 04/10/07 KRC 8.00.27 2864   Fixing LID read to get Pulse Weights supported by all versions
        private PSEMResponse ReadChannelStatus()
            PSEMResponse Result;
            int iTotalChannels = NumberOfChannels;
            LID[] PulseWidthLIDs = new LID[iTotalChannels];
            LID[] QuantityLIDs = new LID[iTotalChannels];
            List<object> lstObjPulseWidthData = null;
            List<object> listObjQuantityData = null;

            // Set up the LIDs for reading
            for (uint uiChannel = 0; uiChannel < iTotalChannels; uiChannel++)
                QuantityLIDs[uiChannel] = new LID(m_LIDs.LP_CHAN_1_QUANTITY.lidValue + uiChannel);
                PulseWidthLIDs[uiChannel] = new LID(m_LIDs.LP_CHAN_1_INT_PULSE_WT.lidValue + uiChannel);

            // Read the LIDs
            Result = m_LIDRetriever.RetrieveMulitpleLIDs(QuantityLIDs, out listObjQuantityData);

            if (Result == PSEMResponse.Ok)
                Result = m_LIDRetriever.RetrieveMulitpleLIDs(PulseWidthLIDs, out lstObjPulseWidthData);

            if (Result == PSEMResponse.Ok)
                // Create the Channel Status objects from the data
                for (int iChannel = 1; iChannel <= iTotalChannels; iChannel++)
                    ANSILoadProfileChannel ChannelStatus = new ANSILoadProfileChannel();

                    ChannelStatus.ChannelNumber = iChannel;
                    ChannelStatus.QuantityLID = (UInt32)listObjQuantityData[iChannel - 1]; 
                    // We are getting the integer config value for the pulse weight, so we need to scale it to get the real value.
                    ChannelStatus.PulseWeight = Convert.ToSingle(lstObjPulseWidthData[iChannel - 1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) * m_fltLPPulseWeightMultiplier;


                m_bIsChannelStatusCached = true;

            return Result;