public EntryIssue(Issue issue) { InitializeComponent(); this._issue = issue; //基底クラスで実装したコールバック関数でイベントフック this.Load += base.Form_Load; this.btnSave.Click += base.RegisterButton_Click; }
/// <summary> /// 課題一覧取得 /// </summary> /// <param name="condition">検索条件</param> /// <returns>検索条件に合致した課題一覧</returns> public static List<IssueSearch> FindIssuesBy(IssueCondition condition) { #region FixMe ストアド化 string sql = @" DECLARE @Enable bit SET @Enable = 'TRUE' SELECT AS ID ,i.project_id AS ProjectID ,prj.project_id AS DispProjectID , AS ProjectName ,i.category_id AS CategoryID , AS CategoryName ,i.product_id AS ProductID , AS ProductName ,i.issuing_member_id AS IssuingMemberID ,i.responced_member_id AS ResponcedMemberID , AS ResponcedMemberName ,i.checked_member_id AS CheckedMemberID ,i.deadline AS Deadline ,i.[status] AS [Status] ,CASE i.[status] WHEN 1 THEN '起票' WHEN 2 THEN '対応中' WHEN 3 THEN '確認中' WHEN 4 THEN '完了' ELSE '' END AS DispStatus ,i.finished_date AS FinishedDate ,i.comment AS Comment FROM ISSUES AS i LEFT JOIN PROJECTS AS prj ON i.project_id = AND prj.enable_flag = @Enable LEFT JOIN PRODUCTS AS prd ON i.product_id = AND prd.enable_flag = @Enable LEFT JOIN MEMBERS AS m ON i.responced_member_id = AND m.enable_flag = @Enable LEFT JOIN CATEGORIES AS c ON i.category_id = AND c.enable_flag = @Enable WHERE (i.project_id = @ProjectID OR @ProjectID IS NULL) --AND (i.product_id = @ProductID OR @ProductID IS NULL) AND (i.deadline BETWEEN @DeadlineFrom AND @DeadlineTo OR @DeadLineFrom IS NULL OR @DeadLineTo IS NULL) --AND (i.[status] = @Status OR @Status = 0) ORDER BY"; #endregion var model = new Issue(); try { return ModelBase._db.ReadAny<IssueSearch, IssueCondition>(sql, condition); } catch { throw; } }
/// <summary> /// 登録処理 /// </summary> protected override bool Register() { bool result = false; try { result = this._issue.Save(); } catch { throw; } if (result) { this._issue = null; this._issue = new Issue(); } return result; }