Пример #1
 public override IEnumerable<Token> BeginFiltering(CompilerContext context, IEnumerable<Token> tokens) {
   foreach (Token token in tokens) {
     if (!token.Terminal.IsSet(TermOptions.IsBrace)) {
       yield return token;
     //open brace symbol
     if (token.Terminal.IsSet(TermOptions.IsOpenBrace)) {
       yield return token;
     //We have closing brace
     if (_braces.Count == 0) {
       yield return context.CreateErrorTokenAndReportError( token.Location, token.Text, "Unmatched closing brace '{0}'", token.Text);
     //check match
     Token last = _braces.Pop();
     if (last.AsSymbol.IsPairFor != token.AsSymbol) {
       yield return context.CreateErrorTokenAndReportError(token.Location, token.Text,
           "Unmatched closing brace '{0}' - expected '{1}'", last.AsSymbol.IsPairFor.Name);
     //everything is ok, there's matching brace on top of the stack
     Token.LinkMatchingBraces(last, token);
     yield return token; //return this token
   }//foreach token
   yield break;
Пример #2
 public override Token TryMatch(CompilerContext context, ISourceStream source) {
   Match m = _expression.Match(source.Text, source.Position);
   if (!m.Success || m.Index != source.Position) 
     return null;
   source.Position += m.Length;
   string text = source.GetLexeme();
   return new Token(this, source.TokenStart, text, null);
Пример #3
 public ParseTree Parse(CompilerContext context, string sourceText, string fileName) {
   context.CurrentParseTree = new ParseTree(sourceText, fileName);
   if (context.CurrentParseTree.Errors.Count > 0)
   return context.CurrentParseTree;
Пример #4
 private void Parse(Grammar grammar, string script, bool expectError) {
   var compiler = new Compiler(grammar);
   var context = new CompilerContext(compiler);
   var source = new SourceStream(script, "source");
   AstNode root = compiler.Parse(context, source);
   compiler.AnalyzeCode(root, context);
   if (!expectError && context.Errors.Count > 0)
     Assert.Fail("Unexpected source error(s) found: " + context.Errors[0].Message);
Пример #5
 public EditorAdapter(Compiler compiler) {
   _compiler = compiler;
   _context = new CompilerContext(_compiler);
   _scanner = compiler.Parser.Scanner;
   _parseTree = new ParseTree(string.Empty, "Source");
   _colorizerThread = new Thread(ColorizerLoop);
   _colorizerThread.IsBackground = true;
   _parserThread = new Thread(ParserLoop);
   _parserThread.IsBackground = true;
Пример #6
 public void BeginScan(CompilerContext context) {
   _context = context;
   //create streams
   FilteredStream = UnfilteredStream = CreateUnfilteredTokenStream();
   //chain all token filters
   foreach (TokenFilter filter in _data.TokenFilters) {
     FilteredStream = filter.BeginFiltering(context, FilteredStream);
   FilteredTokenEnumerator = FilteredStream.GetEnumerator(); 
Пример #7
    public override IEnumerable<Token> BeginFiltering(CompilerContext context, IEnumerable<Token> tokens) {
      //TODO: fix this. 
      // This is a temporary workaround, to "undo" the change to whitespace made by NewLineTerminal. 
      // if we have both NewLineTerminal in the grammar and CodeOutlineFilter, then NewLines should be generated by filter,
      //  not by terminal. 
      context.Compiler.Language.Grammar.WhitespaceChars = " \t\r\n\v"; 
      _prevLine = 0;
      foreach (Token token in tokens) {
        if (token.Terminal == base.Grammar.Eof) {
          yield return CreateSpecialToken(GrammarData.Grammar.NewLine, token.Location); //this is necessary, because grammar rules reference newLine terminator
          //unindent all buffered indents
          if (_trackIndents)
            foreach (int i in _indents)
              yield return CreateSpecialToken(GrammarData.Grammar.Dedent, token.Location); 
          //return EOF token
          yield return token;
          yield break;
        }//if Eof

        //Now deal with normal, non-EOF tokens
        //We intercept only content tokens on new lines  
        if (token.Terminal.Category != TokenCategory.Content || token.Location.Line == _prevLine) {
          yield return token;
        //if we are here, we have content token on new line; produce newLine token and possibly indents 
        yield return CreateSpecialToken(GrammarData.Grammar.NewLine, token.Location);
        _prevLine = token.Location.Line;
        if (!_trackIndents) {
          yield return token;
        //Now  take care of indents
        int currIndent = token.Location.Column;
        int prevIndent = _indents.Count == 0 ? 0 : _indents.Peek();
        if (currIndent > prevIndent) {
          yield return CreateSpecialToken(GrammarData.Grammar.Indent, token.Location);
        } else if (currIndent < prevIndent) {
          //produce one or more dedent tokens while popping indents from stack
          while (_indents.Count > 0 && _indents.Peek() > currIndent) {
            yield return CreateSpecialToken(GrammarData.Grammar.Dedent, token.Location);
          if (_indents.Count == 0 || _indents.Peek() != currIndent) {
            yield return context.CreateErrorTokenAndReportError (token.Location, string.Empty, "Invalid dedent level, no previous matching indent found.");
            //TODO: add error recovery here
        }//else if currIndent < prevIndent
        yield return token;
      } //foreach token
Пример #8
 public override Token TryMatch(CompilerContext context, ISourceStream source) {
   char current = source.CurrentChar;
   if (!LineTerminators.Contains(current)) return null;
   //Treat \r\n as a single terminator
   bool doExtraShift = (current == '\r' && source.NextChar == '\n');
   source.Position++; //main shift
   if (doExtraShift)
   Token result = new Token(this, source.TokenStart, source.GetLexeme(), null);
   return result;
Пример #9
 public void Parse(CompilerContext context) {
   _context = context;
   _traceOn = _context.OptionIsSet(CompilerOptions.TraceParser);
   _currentInput = null;
   _currentState = Data.InitialState; //set the current state to InitialState
   Stack.Push(new ParseTreeNode(Data.InitialState));
   //main loop
   while (ExecuteAction()) {}
Пример #10
 private void Evaluate(Grammar grammar, string script, bool expectError, object result) {
   var compiler = new Compiler(grammar);
   var context = new CompilerContext(compiler);
   var source = new SourceStream(script, "source"); 
   AstNode root = compiler.Parse(context, source);
   compiler.AnalyzeCode(root, context); 
   if (!expectError && context.Errors.Count > 0)
     Assert.Fail("Unexpected source error(s) found: " + context.Errors[0].Message);
   var evalContext = new EvaluationContext(context.Runtime, root);
   Assert.AreEqual(evalContext.CurrentResult, result, "Evaluation result is null, expected " + result);
Пример #11
 public virtual string GetSyntaxErrorMessage(CompilerContext context, ParserState state, ParseTreeNode currentInput) {
   return null; //Irony then would construct default message
Пример #12
 public virtual void CreateAstNode(CompilerContext context, ParseTreeNode nodeInfo) {
   var term = nodeInfo.Term;
   if (term.NodeCreator != null) {
     term.NodeCreator(context, nodeInfo);
     //We assume that Node creator method creates node and initializes it, so parser does not need to call 
     // IAstNodeInit.InitNode() method on node object.
   Type nodeType = term.NodeType ?? this.DefaultNodeType;
   if (nodeType == null) return; 
   nodeInfo.AstNode =  Activator.CreateInstance(nodeType);
   //Initialize node
   var iInit = nodeInfo.AstNode as IAstNodeInit;
   if (iInit != null)
     iInit.Init(context, nodeInfo); 
Пример #13
 //This method is called if Scanner failed to produce token; it offers custom method a chance    
 public virtual Token TryMatch(CompilerContext context, ISourceStream source) {
   return null;
Пример #14
        public override IEnumerable <Token> BeginFiltering(CompilerContext context, IEnumerable <Token> tokens)
            //TODO: fix this.
            // This is a temporary workaround, to "undo" the change to whitespace made by NewLineTerminal.
            // if we have both NewLineTerminal in the grammar and CodeOutlineFilter, then NewLines should be generated by filter,
            //  not by terminal.
            context.Compiler.Language.Grammar.WhitespaceChars = " \t\r\n\v";
            _prevLine = 0;
            foreach (Token token in tokens)
                if (token.Terminal == base.Grammar.Eof)
                    yield return(CreateSpecialToken(GrammarData.Grammar.NewLine, token.Location)); //this is necessary, because grammar rules reference newLine terminator

                    //unindent all buffered indents
                    if (_trackIndents)
                        foreach (int i in _indents)
                            yield return(CreateSpecialToken(GrammarData.Grammar.Dedent, token.Location));
                    //return EOF token
                    yield return(token);

                    yield break;
                }//if Eof

                //Now deal with normal, non-EOF tokens
                //We intercept only content tokens on new lines
                if (token.Terminal.Category != TokenCategory.Content || token.Location.Line == _prevLine)
                    yield return(token);

                //if we are here, we have content token on new line; produce newLine token and possibly indents
                yield return(CreateSpecialToken(GrammarData.Grammar.NewLine, token.Location));

                _prevLine = token.Location.Line;
                if (!_trackIndents)
                    yield return(token);

                //Now  take care of indents
                int currIndent = token.Location.Column;
                int prevIndent = _indents.Count == 0 ? 0 : _indents.Peek();
                if (currIndent > prevIndent)
                    yield return(CreateSpecialToken(GrammarData.Grammar.Indent, token.Location));
                else if (currIndent < prevIndent)
                    //produce one or more dedent tokens while popping indents from stack
                    while (_indents.Count > 0 && _indents.Peek() > currIndent)
                        yield return(CreateSpecialToken(GrammarData.Grammar.Dedent, token.Location));
                    if (_indents.Count == 0 || _indents.Peek() != currIndent)
                        yield return(context.CreateErrorTokenAndReportError(token.Location, string.Empty, "Invalid dedent level, no previous matching indent found."));
                        //TODO: add error recovery here
                } //else if currIndent < prevIndent
                yield return(token);
            }     //foreach token
        }         //method
Пример #15
 protected override void InitDetails(CompilerContext context, CompoundTokenDetails details) {
   base.InitDetails(context, details);
   details.Flags = (short) this.Flags;
Пример #16
 //Most numbers in source programs are just one-digit instances of 0, 1, 2, and maybe others until 9
 // so we try to do a quick parse for these, without starting the whole general process
 protected override Token QuickParse(CompilerContext context, ISourceStream source) {
   if (IsSet(NumberFlags.DisableQuickParse)) return null;
   char current = source.CurrentChar;
   if (char.IsDigit(current) && QuickParseTerminators.IndexOf(source.NextChar) >= 0) {
     int iValue = current - '0';
     object value = null;
     switch (DefaultIntTypes[0]) {
       case TypeCode.Int32: value = iValue; break;
       case TypeCode.UInt32: value = (UInt32)iValue; break;
       case TypeCode.Byte: value = (byte)iValue; break;
       case TypeCode.SByte: value = (sbyte) iValue; break;
       case TypeCode.Int16: value = (Int16)iValue; break;
       case TypeCode.UInt16: value = (UInt16)iValue; break;
       default: return null; 
     Token token = new Token(this, source.TokenStart, current.ToString(), value);
     return token;
   } else
     return null;
Пример #17
 public virtual IEnumerable <Token> BeginFiltering(CompilerContext context, IEnumerable <Token> tokens)
     yield break;
Пример #18
 public override Token TryMatch(CompilerContext context, ISourceStream source) {
   return _handler(this, context, source);
Пример #19
 protected override void InitDetails(CompilerContext context, CompoundTokenDetails details)
     base.InitDetails(context, details);
     details.Flags = (short)this.Flags;
 protected virtual Token QuickParse(CompilerContext context, ISourceStream source)
Пример #21
 public override Token TryMatch(CompilerContext context, ISourceStream source)
     return(_handler(this, context, source));
Пример #22
 //This method is called if Scanner failed to produce token; it offers custom method a chance
 public virtual Token TryMatch(CompilerContext context, ISourceStream source)
 protected virtual void InitDetails(CompilerContext context, CompoundTokenDetails details)
     details.PartialOk        = (context.Mode == CompileMode.VsLineScan);
     details.PartialContinues = (context.ScannerState.Value != 0);
Пример #24
 public virtual string GetSyntaxErrorMessage(CompilerContext context, ParserState state, ParseTreeNode currentInput)
     return(null); //Irony then would construct default message