This class represents the type information of a Struct. There is one instance of this per Struct RubyClass; all instances of that class shares one instance of StructInfo.
Пример #1
        // friend: RubyContext
        // tracker: non-null => show members declared on the tracker
        internal RubyClass(RubyContext /*!*/ context, string name, Type type, object singletonClassOf, Action <RubyModule> initializer,
                           RubyClass superClass, TypeTracker tracker, bool isRubyClass, bool isSingletonClass)
            : base(context, name, initializer, null, tracker)
            Debug.Assert((superClass == null) == (type == typeof(object)), "All classes have a superclass, except for Object");
            Debug.Assert(!isRubyClass || tracker == null, "Ruby class cannot have a tracker");
            Debug.Assert(singletonClassOf != null || !isSingletonClass, "Singleton classes don't have a type");
            Debug.Assert(superClass != this);

            _underlyingSystemType = type;
            _superClass           = superClass;
            _isSingletonClass     = isSingletonClass;
            _isRubyClass          = isRubyClass;
            _singletonClassOf     = singletonClassOf;

            if (superClass != null)
                _structInfo = superClass._structInfo;
Пример #2
        // friend: RubyContext
        // tracker: non-null => show members declared on the tracker
        internal RubyClass(RubyContext/*!*/ context, string name, Type type, object singletonClassOf,
            Action<RubyModule> methodsInitializer, Action<RubyModule> constantsInitializer, Delegate/*!*/[] factories, RubyClass superClass, 
            RubyModule/*!*/[] expandedMixins, TypeTracker tracker, RubyStruct.Info structInfo,
            bool isRubyClass, bool isSingletonClass, ModuleRestrictions restrictions)
            : base(context, name, methodsInitializer, constantsInitializer, expandedMixins,
                type != typeof(object) ? null : context.Namespaces, tracker, restrictions) {

            Debug.Assert(context.Namespaces != null, "Namespaces should be initialized");
            Debug.Assert(superClass != null || structInfo == null, "BasicObject is not a struct");
            Debug.Assert(!isRubyClass || tracker == null, "Ruby class cannot have a tracker");
            Debug.Assert(singletonClassOf != null || !isSingletonClass, "Singleton classes don't have a type");
            Debug.Assert(superClass != this);

            _underlyingSystemType = type;
            _superClass = superClass;
            _isSingletonClass = isSingletonClass;
            _isRubyClass = isRubyClass;
            _singletonClassOf = singletonClassOf;
            _factories = factories ?? Utils.EmptyDelegates;

            if (superClass != null) {
                _level = superClass.Level + 1;
                _structInfo = structInfo ?? superClass._structInfo;
            } else {
                _level = 0;
Пример #3
        // friend: RubyContext
        // tracker: non-null => show members declared on the tracker
        internal RubyClass(RubyContext/*!*/ context, string name, Type type, object singletonClassOf,
            Action<RubyModule> methodsInitializer, Action<RubyModule> constantsInitializer, Delegate/*!*/[] factories, RubyClass superClass, 
            RubyModule/*!*/[] expandedMixins, TypeTracker tracker, RubyStruct.Info structInfo,
            bool isRubyClass, bool isSingletonClass, ModuleRestrictions restrictions)
            : base(context, name, methodsInitializer, constantsInitializer, expandedMixins, null, tracker, restrictions) {

            Debug.Assert((superClass == null) == (type == typeof(object)), "All classes have a superclass, except for Object");
            Debug.Assert(superClass != null || structInfo == null, "Object is not a struct");
            Debug.Assert(!isRubyClass || tracker == null, "Ruby class cannot have a tracker");
            Debug.Assert(singletonClassOf != null || !isSingletonClass, "Singleton classes don't have a type");
            Debug.Assert(superClass != this);

            _underlyingSystemType = type;
            _superClass = superClass;
            _isSingletonClass = isSingletonClass;
            _isRubyClass = isRubyClass;
            _singletonClassOf = singletonClassOf;
            _factories = factories ?? Utils.EmptyDelegates;

            if (superClass != null) {
                _level = superClass.Level + 1;
                _structInfo = structInfo ?? superClass._structInfo;
            } else {
                _level = 0;

            _weakSelf = new WeakReference(this);
            Version = new VersionHandle(Interlocked.Increment(ref _globalVersion));