public virtual IokeObject ConvertToDecimal(IokeObject self, IokeObject m, IokeObject context, bool signalCondition) { if (signalCondition) { IokeObject condition = IokeObject.As(IokeObject.GetCellChain(context.runtime.Condition, m, context, "Error", "Type", "IncorrectType"), context).Mimic(m, context); condition.SetCell("message", m); condition.SetCell("context", context); condition.SetCell("receiver", self); condition.SetCell("expectedType", context.runtime.GetSymbol("Decimal")); object[] newCell = new object[] { self }; context.runtime.WithRestartReturningArguments(() => { context.runtime.ErrorCondition(condition); }, context, new IokeObject.UseValue("decimal", newCell)); return(IokeObject.ConvertToDecimal(newCell[0], m, context, signalCondition)); } return(null); }
public static object ToDecimal(object on, IokeObject context, IokeObject message) { string tvalue = GetText(on); try { return(context.runtime.NewDecimal(tvalue)); } catch (Exception) { Runtime runtime = context.runtime; IokeObject condition = IokeObject.As(IokeObject.GetCellChain(runtime.Condition, message, context, "Error", "Arithmetic", "NotParseable"), context).Mimic(message, context); condition.SetCell("message", message); condition.SetCell("context", context); condition.SetCell("receiver", on); condition.SetCell("text", on); object[] newCell = new object[] { null }; runtime.WithRestartReturningArguments(() => { runtime.ErrorCondition(condition); }, context, new IokeObject.UseValue("decimal", newCell), new TakeLongestDecimal(tvalue, newCell)); return(newCell[0]); } }
public object ConvertTo(IokeObject self, object mimic, bool signalCondition, string conversionMethod, IokeObject message, IokeObject context) { if (IokeObject.IsMimic(self, IokeObject.As(mimic, context), context)) { return(self); } if (signalCondition) { IokeObject condition = IokeObject.As(IokeObject.GetCellChain(context.runtime.Condition, message, context, "Error", "Type", "IncorrectType"), context).Mimic(message, context); condition.SetCell("message", message); condition.SetCell("context", context); condition.SetCell("receiver", self); condition.SetCell("expectedType", mimic); object[] newCell = new object[] { self }; context.runtime.WithRestartReturningArguments(() => { context.runtime.ErrorCondition(condition); }, context, new IokeObject.UseValue("object", newCell)); return(IokeObject.ConvertTo(mimic, newCell[0], signalCondition, conversionMethod, message, context)); } return(null); }
public static string GetContextMessageName(IokeObject ctx) { if("Locals".Equals(ctx.GetKind())) { return ":in `" + IokeObject.As(ctx.body.Get("currentMessage"), ctx).Name + "'"; } else { return ""; } }
public static object AssignCell(IokeObject context, IokeObject message, object on, object first, object val) { string name = Text.GetText(Interpreter.Send(context.runtime.asText, context, first)); if (val is IokeObject) { if ((IokeObject.dataOf(val) is Named) && ((Named)IokeObject.dataOf(val)).Name == null) { ((Named)IokeObject.dataOf(val)).Name = name; } else if (name.Length > 0 && char.IsUpper(name[0]) && !IokeObject.As(val, context).HasKind) { if (on == context.runtime.Ground) { IokeObject.As(val, context).Kind = name; } else { IokeObject.As(val, context).Kind = IokeObject.As(on, context).GetKind(message, context) + " " + name; } } } return(IokeObject.SetCell(on, message, context, name, val)); }
public static object ActivateWithDataFixed(IokeObject self, IokeObject dynamicContext, IokeObject message, object on, IDictionary <string, object> data) { LexicalMacro lm = (LexicalMacro); if (lm.code == null) { IokeObject condition = IokeObject.As(IokeObject.GetCellChain(dynamicContext.runtime.Condition, message, dynamicContext, "Error", "Invocation", "NotActivatable"), dynamicContext).Mimic(message, dynamicContext); condition.SetCell("message", message); condition.SetCell("context", dynamicContext); condition.SetCell("receiver", on); condition.SetCell("method", self); condition.SetCell("report", dynamicContext.runtime.NewText("You tried to activate a method without any code - did you by any chance activate the LexicalMacro kind by referring to it without wrapping it inside a call to cell?")); dynamicContext.runtime.ErrorCondition(condition); return(null); } IokeObject c = self.runtime.NewLexicalContext(on, "Lexical macro activation context", lm.context); c.SetCell("outerScope", lm.context); c.SetCell("call", dynamicContext.runtime.NewCallFrom(c, message, dynamicContext, IokeObject.As(on, dynamicContext))); foreach (var d in data) { string s = d.Key; c.SetCell(s.Substring(0, s.Length - 1), d.Value); } return(self.runtime.interpreter.Evaluate(lm.code, c, on, c)); }
private static bool IsApplicable(object pass, IokeObject message, IokeObject ctx) { if (pass != null && pass != ctx.runtime.nul && IokeObject.FindCell(IokeObject.As(pass, ctx), "applicable?") != ctx.runtime.nul) { return(IokeObject.IsObjectTrue(Send(ctx.runtime.isApplicableMessage, ctx, pass, ctx.runtime.CreateMessage(Message.Wrap(message))))); } return(true); }
public static object ActivateWithDataFixed(IokeObject self, IokeObject context, IokeObject message, object on, IDictionary <string, object> data) { DefaultMethod dm = (DefaultMethod); if (dm.code == null) { IokeObject condition = IokeObject.As(IokeObject.GetCellChain(context.runtime.Condition, message, context, "Error", "Invocation", "NotActivatable"), context).Mimic(message, context); condition.SetCell("message", message); condition.SetCell("context", context); condition.SetCell("receiver", on); condition.SetCell("method", self); condition.SetCell("report", context.runtime.NewText("You tried to activate a method without any code - did you by any chance activate the DefaultMethod kind by referring to it without wrapping it inside a call to cell?")); context.runtime.ErrorCondition(condition); return(null); } IokeObject c = context.runtime.Locals.Mimic(message, context); c.SetCell("self", on); c.SetCell("@", on); c.RegisterMethod(c.runtime.NewNativeMethod("will return the currently executing method receiver", new NativeMethod.WithNoArguments("@@", (method, _context, _message, _on, outer) => { outer.ArgumentsDefinition.GetEvaluatedArguments(_context, _message, _on, new SaneArrayList(), new SaneDictionary <string, object>()); return(self); }))); c.SetCell("currentMessage", message); c.SetCell("surroundingContext", context); foreach (var d in data) { string s = d.Key; c.SetCell(s.Substring(0, s.Length - 1), d.Value); } c.SetCell("super", CreateSuperCallFor(self, context, message, on,; dm.arguments.AssignArgumentValues(c, context, message, on); try { return(context.runtime.interpreter.Evaluate(dm.code, c, on, c)); } catch (ControlFlow.Return e) { if (e.context == c) { return(e.Value); } else { throw e; } } }
private object ExpandWithCall(IokeObject self, IokeObject context, IokeObject message, object on, object call, IDictionary <string, object> data) { if (code == null) { IokeObject condition = IokeObject.As(IokeObject.GetCellChain(context.runtime.Condition, message, context, "Error", "Invocation", "NotActivatable"), context).Mimic(message, context); condition.SetCell("message", message); condition.SetCell("context", context); condition.SetCell("receiver", on); condition.SetCell("method", self); condition.SetCell("report", context.runtime.NewText("You tried to activate a method without any code - did you by any chance activate the DefaultSyntax kind by referring to it without wrapping it inside a call to cell?")); context.runtime.ErrorCondition(condition); return(null); } IokeObject c = context.runtime.Locals.Mimic(message, context); c.SetCell("self", on); c.SetCell("@", on); c.RegisterMethod(c.runtime.NewNativeMethod("will return the currently executing syntax receiver", new NativeMethod.WithNoArguments("@@", (method, _context, _message, _on, outer) => { outer.ArgumentsDefinition.GetEvaluatedArguments(_context, _message, _on, new SaneArrayList(), new SaneDictionary <string, object>()); return(self); }))); c.SetCell("currentMessage", message); c.SetCell("surroundingContext", context); c.SetCell("call", call); if (data != null) { foreach (var d in data) { string s = d.Key; c.SetCell(s.Substring(0, s.Length - 1), d.Value); } } object result = null; try { result = context.runtime.interpreter.Evaluate(code, c, on, c); } catch (ControlFlow.Return e) { if (e.context == c) { result = e.Value; } else { throw e; } } return(result); }
public static object Documentation(IokeObject context, IokeObject message, object on) { string docs = IokeObject.As(on, context).Documentation; if (null == docs) { return(context.runtime.nil); } return(context.runtime.NewText(docs)); }
public string Notice(object self) { if (IokeObject.As(self, (IokeObject)self).IsActivatable) { return("fnx(...)"); } else { return("fn(...)"); } }
public string CodeString(object self) { if (IokeObject.As(self, null).IsActivatable) { return("lecro(" + Message.Code(code) + ")"); } else { return("lecrox(" + Message.Code(code) + ")"); } }
public string FormattedCode(object self) { if (IokeObject.As(self, (IokeObject)self).IsActivatable) { return("lecro(\n " + Message.FormattedCode(code, 2, (IokeObject)self) + ")"); } else { return("lecrox(\n " + Message.FormattedCode(code, 2, (IokeObject)self) + ")"); } }
public static IokeObject GetArity(IokeObject self, DefaultArgumentsDefinition def) { if (def == null || def.IsEmpty) { return(IokeObject.As(TakingNothing(self), self.runtime.Arity)); } IokeObject obj = self.runtime.Arity.AllocateCopy(null, null); obj.MimicsWithoutCheck(self.runtime.Arity); obj.Data = new Arity(def); return(obj); }
public string Inspect(object self) { string args = arguments.GetCode(); if (IokeObject.As(self, (IokeObject)self).IsActivatable) { return("fnx(" + args + Message.Code(message) + ")"); } else { return("fn(" + args + Message.Code(message) + ")"); } }
public static object SetDocumentation(IokeObject context, IokeObject message, object on, object arg) { if (arg == context.runtime.nil) { IokeObject.As(on, context).SetDocumentation(null, message, context); } else { string s = Text.GetText(arg); IokeObject.As(on, context).SetDocumentation(s, message, context); } return(arg); }
public string FormattedCode(object self) { string args = arguments == null ? "" : arguments.GetCode(); if (IokeObject.As(self, (IokeObject)self).IsActivatable) { return("fnx(" + args + "\n " + Message.FormattedCode(message, 2, (IokeObject)self) + ")"); } else { return("fn(" + args + "\n " + Message.FormattedCode(message, 2, (IokeObject)self) + ")"); } }
public override void CheckMimic(IokeObject obj, IokeObject m, IokeObject context) { IokeObject condition = IokeObject.As(IokeObject.GetCellChain(context.runtime.Condition, m, context, "Error", "CantMimicOddball"), context).Mimic(m, context); condition.SetCell("message", m); condition.SetCell("context", context); condition.SetCell("receiver", obj); context.runtime.ErrorCondition(condition); }
public static void Init(Runtime runtime) { IokeObject obj = new IokeObject(runtime, "A hook allow you to observe what happens to a specific object. All hooks have Hook in their mimic chain."); obj.Kind = "Hook"; obj.MimicsWithoutCheck(runtime.Origin); runtime.IokeGround.RegisterCell("Hook", obj); obj.RegisterMethod(runtime.NewNativeMethod("Takes one or more arguments to hook into and returns a new Hook connected to them.", new TypeCheckingNativeMethod("into", TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition.builder() .ReceiverMustMimic(obj) .WithRequiredPositional("firstConnected") .WithRest("restConnected") .Arguments, (method, on, args, keywords, context, message) => { IokeObject hook = obj.AllocateCopy(context, message); hook.MimicsWithoutCheck(obj); IList objs = new SaneArrayList(); foreach (object o in args) { objs.Add(IokeObject.As(o, context)); } Hook h = new Hook(objs); hook.Data = h; h.Rewire(hook); return(hook); }))); obj.RegisterMethod(runtime.NewNativeMethod("returns the objects this hook is connected to", new TypeCheckingNativeMethod.WithNoArguments("connectedObjects", obj, (method, on, args, keywords, context, message) => { Hook h = (Hook)IokeObject.dataOf(on); IList l = new SaneArrayList(h.connected); return(method.runtime.NewList(l)); }))); obj.RegisterMethod(runtime.NewNativeMethod("Takes one argument and will add that to the list of connected objects", new TypeCheckingNativeMethod("hook!", TypeCheckingArgumentsDefinition.builder() .ReceiverMustMimic(obj) .WithRequiredPositional("objectToHookInto") .Arguments, (method, on, args, keywords, context, message) => { Hook h = (Hook)IokeObject.dataOf(on); h.connected.Add(IokeObject.As(args[0], context)); h.Rewire(IokeObject.As(on, context)); return(on); }))); }
private static void report(object self, IokeObject context, IokeObject message, string name) { IokeObject condition = IokeObject.As(IokeObject.GetCellChain(context.runtime.Condition, message, context, "Error", "Invocation", "NotActivatable"), context).Mimic(message, context); condition.SetCell("message", message); condition.SetCell("context", context); condition.SetCell("receiver", self); condition.SetCell("methodName", context.runtime.GetSymbol(name)); context.runtime.ErrorCondition(condition); }
private static object NoActivator(IokeObject self, object on, IList args, IDictionary <string, object> keywords, IokeObject context, IokeObject message) { IokeObject condition = IokeObject.As(IokeObject.GetCellChain(context.runtime.Condition, message, context, "Error", "Invocation", "NotActivatable"), context).Mimic(message, context); condition.SetCell("message", message); condition.SetCell("context", context); condition.SetCell("receiver", on); condition.SetCell("method", self); condition.SetCell("report", context.runtime.NewText("You tried to activate a method without any code - did you by any chance activate the JavaMethod kind by referring to it without wrapping it inside a call to cell?")); context.runtime.ErrorCondition(condition); return(self.runtime.nil); }
public IokeObject ConvertToDecimal(IokeObject m, IokeObject context, bool signalCondition) { IokeObject result = data.ConvertToDecimal(this, m, context, false); if (result == null) { if (FindCell(this, "asDecimal") != context.runtime.nul) { return(IokeObject.As(Interpreter.Send(context.runtime.asDecimalMessage, context, this), context)); } if (signalCondition) { return(data.ConvertToDecimal(this, m, context, true)); } return(context.runtime.nil); } return(result); }
public string Inspect(object self) { string type = "lecro"; if (!IokeObject.As(self, null).IsActivatable) { type = "lecrox"; } if (name == null) { return(type + "(" + Message.Code(code) + ")"); } else { return(name + ":" + type + "(" + Message.Code(code) + ")"); } }
public string Notice(object self) { string type = "lecro"; if (!IokeObject.As(self, null).IsActivatable) { type = "lecrox"; } if (name == null) { return(type + "(...)"); } else { return(name + ":" + type + "(...)"); } }
public static object GetEvaluatedArgument(object argument, IokeObject context) { if (!(argument is IokeObject)) { return(argument); } IokeObject o = IokeObject.As(argument, context); if (!o.IsMessage) { return(o); } var xx = context.runtime.interpreter.Evaluate(o, context, context.RealContext, context); return(xx); }
public int CheckArgumentCount(IokeObject context, IokeObject message, object on) { Runtime runtime = context.runtime; IList arguments = message.Arguments; int argCount = arguments.Count; int keySize = keywords.Count; if (argCount < min || (max != -1 && argCount > (max + keySize))) { int finalArgCount = argCount; if (argCount < min) { IokeObject condition = IokeObject.As(IokeObject.GetCellChain(runtime.Condition, message, context, "Error", "Invocation", "TooFewArguments"), context).Mimic(message, context); condition.SetCell("message", message); condition.SetCell("context", context); condition.SetCell("receiver", on); condition.SetCell("missing", runtime.NewNumber(min - argCount)); runtime.ErrorCondition(condition); } else { IokeObject condition = IokeObject.As(IokeObject.GetCellChain(runtime.Condition, message, context, "Error", "Invocation", "TooManyArguments"), context).Mimic(message, context); condition.SetCell("message", message); condition.SetCell("context", context); condition.SetCell("receiver", on); condition.SetCell("extra", runtime.NewList(ArrayList.Adapter(arguments).GetRange(max, finalArgCount - max))); runtime.WithReturningRestart("ignoreExtraArguments", context, () => { runtime.ErrorCondition(condition); }); argCount = max; } } return(argCount); }
public static IokeObject Signal(object datum, IList positionalArgs, IDictionary <string, object> keywordArgs, IokeObject message, IokeObject context) { IokeObject newCondition = null; if (Text.IsText(datum)) { newCondition = IokeObject.As(context.runtime.Condition.GetCell(message, context, "Default"), context).Mimic(message, context); newCondition.SetCell("context", context); newCondition.SetCell("text", datum); } else { if (keywordArgs.Count == 0) { newCondition = IokeObject.As(datum, context); } else { newCondition = IokeObject.As(datum, context).Mimic(message, context); newCondition.SetCell("context", context); foreach (var val in keywordArgs) { string s = val.Key; newCondition.SetCell(s.Substring(0, s.Length - 1), val.Value); } } } Runtime.RescueInfo rescue = context.runtime.FindActiveRescueFor(newCondition); IList <Runtime.HandlerInfo> handlers = context.runtime.FindActiveHandlersFor(newCondition, (rescue == null) ? new Runtime.BindIndex(-1, -1) : rescue.index); foreach (Runtime.HandlerInfo rhi in handlers) { Interpreter.Send(context.runtime.callMessage, context, Interpreter.Send(context.runtime.handlerMessage, context, rhi.handler), newCondition); } if (rescue != null) { throw new ControlFlow.Rescue(rescue, newCondition); } return(newCondition); }
public static object ActivateFixed(IokeObject self, IokeObject context, IokeObject message, object on) { object cell = IokeObject.FindCell(self, "activate"); if (cell == context.runtime.nul) { report(self, context, message, "activate"); return(context.runtime.nil); } else { IokeObject newMessage = Message.DeepCopy(message); newMessage.Arguments.Clear(); newMessage.Arguments.Add(context.runtime.CreateMessage(Message.Wrap(context))); newMessage.Arguments.Add(context.runtime.CreateMessage(Message.Wrap(message))); newMessage.Arguments.Add(context.runtime.CreateMessage(Message.Wrap(IokeObject.As(on, context)))); return(Interpreter.GetOrActivate(cell, context, newMessage, self)); } }
public static object SignalNoSuchCell(IokeObject message, IokeObject ctx, object obj, string name, object cell, IokeObject recv) { Runtime runtime = ctx.runtime; IokeObject condition = IokeObject.As(IokeObject.GetCellChain(runtime.Condition, message, ctx, "Error", "NoSuchCell"), ctx).Mimic(message, ctx); condition.SetCell("message", message); condition.SetCell("context", ctx); condition.SetCell("receiver", obj); condition.SetCell("cellName", runtime.GetSymbol(name)); object[] newCell = new object[] { cell }; runtime.WithRestartReturningArguments(() => { runtime.ErrorCondition(condition); }, ctx, new IokeObject.UseValue(name, newCell), new IokeObject.StoreValue(name, newCell, recv)); return(newCell[0]); }
public object Evaluate(IokeObject self, IokeObject ctx, object ground, object receiver) { Runtime runtime = self.runtime; object current = receiver; object tmp = null; string name = null; object lastReal = runtime.nil; IokeObject m = self; Message msg; while (m != null) { msg = (Message); tmp = msg.cached; if (tmp != null) { lastReal = current = tmp; } else if ((name =".")) { current = ctx; } else if (name.Length > 0 && msg.arguments.Count == 0 && name[0] == ':') { lastReal = msg.cached = current = runtime.GetSymbol(name.Substring(1)); } else { IokeObject recv = IokeObject.As(current, ctx); lastReal = current = tmp = Perform(recv, recv, ctx, m, name); } m = Message.GetNext(m); } return(lastReal); }