Пример #1
 private void MapServiceDefinedAtAttributeLevel(ServiceMapTable services, Type serviceType, ServiceAttribute serviceAttribute)
     if (serviceAttribute.Contracts != null)
         foreach (var contract in serviceAttribute.Contracts)
             if (contract != null)
                 //First we need to check whether service class is inherited from this contract
                 if (contract.GetTypeInfo().IsAssignableFrom(serviceType))
                     MapService(services, contract, serviceType);
Пример #2
        private void MapSelectiveBaseAndInterfaceTypes(Type serviceType, ServiceMapTable services, ServiceAttribute serviceAttribute)
#if NET46
            /*Fetch implemented interfaces of service whose interface is decorated with  ContractAttribute.*/
            IEnumerable <Type> interfaces = serviceType.GetInterfaces()
                                            .Where(@interface => @interface.GetCustomAttribute <ContractAttribute>() != null);
            /*Fetch implemented interfaces of service whose interface is decorated with  ContractAttribute.*/
            IEnumerable <Type> interfaces = serviceType.GetInterfaces()
                                            .Where(@interface => @interface.GetTypeInfo().GetCustomAttribute <ContractAttribute>() != null);
            /*Maps the base class (which is decorated with contract attribute) of the service*/
            if (serviceType.GetTypeInfo().BaseType != typeof(object))
                //if base type is decorated with contract attribute then add that to service.
                var baseTypeInfo = serviceType.GetTypeInfo().BaseType.GetTypeInfo();
                if (baseTypeInfo.GetCustomAttribute <ContractAttribute>() != null)
                    MapService(services, interfaceType: serviceType.GetTypeInfo().BaseType, serviceType: serviceType);

            /*Maps the interfaces (which are decorated with contract attribute) of the service */
            /*Map service type with the contract interfaces*/
            foreach (var interfaceType in interfaces)
                MapService(services, interfaceType, serviceType);

            /*Maps inherit type (base class/interface) if the type is set to the property contract of ServiceAttribute  */
            MapServiceDefinedAtAttributeLevel(services, serviceType, serviceAttribute);