Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Send string message to IoT hub
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">Message content</param>
        /// <param name="userContextCallback">User data</param>
        /// <returns>Zero if successful</returns>
        public IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT SendEvent(string message, UIntPtr userContextCallback)
            IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT ret;
            IoTMessage           iotMessage = new IoTMessage(message);

            ret = SendEvent(iotMessage, userContextCallback);

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Clone the message
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The new instance will destory the message handle when disposed
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>New instance of IoTMessage for clone</returns>
        public IoTMessage Clone()
            UIntPtr clone = IoTHubMessage_Clone(MessageHandle);

            if (clone == UIntPtr.Zero)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to clone IoT message");

            IoTMessage ret = new IoTMessage(clone);

            // Since the new message handle is completely invisible to the client
            // set this to owned so it is released when the instance is destroyed
            ret.Owned = true;

            return(new IoTMessage(clone));
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Send an IoT message to the IoT hub
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">IoT message wrapper</param>
        /// <param name="userContextCallback">User data</param>
        /// <returns>Zero if successful</returns>
        public IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT SendEvent(IoTMessage message, UIntPtr userContextCallback)

            return((IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT)IoTHubClient_LL_SendEventAsync(_iotHandle, message.MessageHandle, _messageConfirmationCallback, userContextCallback));
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Send an IoT message to the IoT hub
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="message">IoT message wrapper</param>
 /// <returns>Zero if successful</returns>
 public IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT SendEvent(IoTMessage message)
     return(SendEvent(message, UIntPtr.Zero));
Пример #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT ret;
            bool quit    = false;
            int  counter = 0;

            // Create my reported device twin
            JObject twin = null;

            //IoTConnection_LL.Protocols protocol = IoTConnection_LL.Protocols.AMQP;
            IoTConnection_LL.Protocols protocol = IoTConnection_LL.Protocols.AMQP_WebSocket;
            //IoTConnection_LL.Protocols protocol = IoTConnection_LL.Protocols.MQTT;
            //IoTConnection_LL.Protocols protocol = IoTConnection_LL.Protocols.MQTT_WebSocket;

            IoTConnection_LL conn = new IoTConnection_LL(CONNECTIONSTRING, protocol);

            // Optional - turn on SDK detailed logging with true
            ret = conn.SetLogging(false);

            // Optional - route via a web proxy
            //ret = conn.SetProxy("proxyname", 9999, null, null);

            // For MQTT use URL encode and decode
            if (protocol == IoTConnection_LL.Protocols.MQTT || protocol == IoTConnection_LL.Protocols.MQTT_WebSocket)
                ret = conn.SetUrlEncodeDecode(true);

            // Required for X.509 authentication
            string certificate;
            string privateKey;

            // Certificates can be hardcoded as in this example

             *          certificate = string.Join(Environment.NewLine,
             * "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----",
             * "<<< SNIP >>>",
             * "-----END CERTIFICATE-----");
             *          privateKey = string.Join(Environment.NewLine,
             * "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----",
             * "<<< SNIP >>>",
             * "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----");

            // or certificates can be read from a file for flexibility
            certificate = File.ReadAllText(@"C:\Users\markrad\OneDrive\Documents\AzureSamples\Certificates\MarkRadHub2_X509SSTest1_Certs\public1.cer");
            privateKey  = File.ReadAllText(@"C:\Users\markrad\OneDrive\Documents\AzureSamples\Certificates\MarkRadHub2_X509SSTest1_Certs\private1.key");
            ret         = conn.SetCertificateAndKey(certificate, privateKey);

            // Callback for message confirmation
            conn.ConfirmationCallback += (o, i) =>
                Console.WriteLine("Message calback with " + i.ToString());

            // Callback for cloud to device call
            conn.MessageCallback += (o, i) =>
                string message = i.ReceivedMessage.MessageType == IoTMessage.MessageTypes.String
                    ? i.ReceivedMessage.Message
                    : i.ReceivedMessage.GetByteArrayAsString();

                Console.WriteLine("Received {0}", message);
                i.Success = true;

            // Callback for direct method call
            conn.DeviceMethodCallback += (o, i) =>
                Console.WriteLine("Method = {0}", i.Method);

                JObject input = JObject.Parse(Encoding.Default.GetString(i.Payload));

                Console.WriteLine("Payload = \r\n{0}", input.ToString());

                JObject response = new JObject(
                    new JProperty("success", "true"),
                    new JProperty("message", "Method complete"));

                i.Response = response.ToString();
                i.Result   = 200;

            conn.DeviceTwinCallback += (o, i) =>
                // A little explanation here.
                // The first time the device connects the hub will send the complete reported and desired JSON document. One can
                // determine if it is a new connection if the JSON contains a "desired" element. In this instance one would
                // compare desired to reported, make changes as necessary and report back a status.
                // If the device twin is updated at the hub then an update will be sent. This will consist of the modified
                // values. One would update the status and send a new report.
                // Note that this code has been simplified to the bare minimum to demonstrate the logic flow.
                // See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-hub/iot-hub-devguide-device-twins for further information.
                JObject payload = JObject.Parse(i.Payload);
                Console.WriteLine("Update state = {0}", i.UpdateState);
                Console.WriteLine("Payload = \r\n{0}", payload.ToString());

                    bool updateRequired = false;

                    // The first call after connection will be a complete JSON document for desired and reported
                    if (payload.ContainsKey("desired"))
                        twin = payload;

                        if ((string)payload["desired"]["mark"] != (string)twin["reported"]["mark"])
                            twin["reported"]["mark"]     = (string)payload["desired"]["mark"];
                            twin["reported"]["$version"] = (string)payload["desired"]["$version"];
                            updateRequired = true;
                        if ((string)payload["mark"] != (string)twin["reported"]["mark"])
                            twin["reported"]["mark"] = (string)payload["mark"];
                            updateRequired           = true;

                    if (updateRequired)
                        JObject report = new JObject(
                            new JProperty("mark", twin["reported"]["mark"].ToString()));

                        Console.WriteLine("Reporting \r\n{0}", report.ToString());
                catch (NullReferenceException e)
                    Console.WriteLine("Expected JSON element was not found or was wrong data type in twin request: " + e.Message);

            conn.ReportedStateCallback += (o, i) =>
                Console.WriteLine("Twin state callback = {0}", i.StatusCode);

            conn.ClientConnectionStatusCallback += (o, i) =>

            // Optional - use proxy for WebSockets
            // ret = conn.SetProxy("<Proxy Address>", 8888);

            Console.CancelKeyPress += (s, e) =>
                e.Cancel = true;
                quit     = true;

            int  messageNumber = 0;
            bool flipflop      = true;

            while (!quit)
                if (counter++ % 200 == 0)
                    flipflop ^= true;

                    IoTMessage message = new IoTMessage("Message at : " + counter.ToString());

                    message["Number"] = messageNumber++.ToString();

                    Debug.Assert(message["Number"] == (messageNumber - 1).ToString());
                    Debug.Assert(message["novalue"] == null);

                    message["Name"] = flipflop
//                        ? Uri.EscapeDataString("Mark+Radbourne")
                        ? "Mark+Radbourne"
                        : "MarkRadbourne";
                    Console.WriteLine("Name=" + message["Name"]);
                    string[] keys = message.GetPropertyKeys();

                    Debug.Assert(keys.Length == 2 && keys.Contains("Number") && keys.Contains("Name"));


Пример #6
 public MessageCallbackArgs(IoTMessage message, UIntPtr userContextCallback)
     ReceivedMessage     = message;
     UserContextCallback = userContextCallback;
     Success             = true;