Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This Method is not used anymore because we switched to a GUID keys
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TableName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static long GetSingleTableKey(string TableName)
            SQLAccess da       = new SQLAccess();
            long      KeyValue = -1;

            StringBuilder SQLi9Table = new StringBuilder();

            SQLi9Table.AppendLine(" BEGIN TRAN T1 ");
            SQLi9Table.AppendLine(" Update i9TableKey set KeyValue = KeyValue + 1 WHERE TableName = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(TableName) + " ");
            SQLi9Table.AppendLine(" SELECT KeyValue FROM i9TableKey WHERE TableName = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(TableName) + " ");
            SQLi9Table.AppendLine(" COMMIT TRAN T1 ");

            string    SQL = SQLi9Table.ToString();
            DataTable dt  = da.GetDataTable(SQLi9Table.ToString(), "Results");

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                if (DBNull.Value != dt.Rows[0]["KeyValue"])
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dt.Rows[0]["KeyValue"].ToString()) == false)
                        KeyValue = (long)dt.Rows[0]["KeyValue"];
Пример #2
        public static string GetReportNumber(string i9ModuleID)
            SQLAccess da = new SQLAccess();
            string ReportNumber = "";
            //need a transaction
            StringBuilder SQLReportNumber = new StringBuilder();
            SQLReportNumber.AppendLine(" BEGIN TRAN T1 ");
            SQLReportNumber.AppendLine(" if EXISTS( select * from i9ModuleReportNumber where i9ModuleID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9ModuleID) + " and ResetReportNumber = 'DAY' ) ");
            SQLReportNumber.AppendLine(" BEGIN ");
            SQLReportNumber.AppendLine("     if EXISTS( select * from i9ModuleReportNumber where i9ModuleID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9ModuleID) + " and CONVERT(date, LastUpdate) != CONVERT(date, getdate()) ) ");
            SQLReportNumber.AppendLine("     BEGIN ");
            SQLReportNumber.AppendLine("         update i9ModuleReportNumber set LastUpdate = GetDate(), ReportNumber = StartNumber WHERE i9ModuleID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9ModuleID) + " ");
            SQLReportNumber.AppendLine("     END ");
            SQLReportNumber.AppendLine(" END ");
            SQLReportNumber.AppendLine(" ELSE ");
            SQLReportNumber.AppendLine(" BEGIN ");
            SQLReportNumber.AppendLine("     if EXISTS( select * from i9ModuleReportNumber where i9ModuleID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9ModuleID) + " and year(LastUpdate) != year(getdate()) ) ");
            SQLReportNumber.AppendLine("     BEGIN ");
            SQLReportNumber.AppendLine("         update i9ModuleReportNumber set LastUpdate = GetDate(), ReportNumber = StartNumber WHERE i9ModuleID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9ModuleID) + " ");
            SQLReportNumber.AppendLine("     END ");
            SQLReportNumber.AppendLine(" END ");

            SQLReportNumber.AppendLine(" Update i9ModuleReportNumber set ReportNumber = ReportNumber + 1 WHERE i9ModuleID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9ModuleID) + "  ");
            SQLReportNumber.AppendLine(" select * from i9ModuleReportNumber ");
            SQLReportNumber.AppendLine(" COMMIT TRAN T1 ");

            string SQL = SQLReportNumber.ToString();
            DataTable dt = da.GetDataTable(SQLReportNumber.ToString(), "Results");
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                ReportNumber = dt.Rows[0]["ReportNumber"].ToString();

                if (DBNull.Value != dt.Rows[0]["NumberPrefix"])
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dt.Rows[0]["NumberPrefix"].ToString()) == false)
                        ReportNumber = DateTime.Now.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["NumberPrefix"].ToString()) + ReportNumber;

                if (DBNull.Value != dt.Rows[0]["NumberSubFix"])
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dt.Rows[0]["NumberSubFix"].ToString()) == false)
                        ReportNumber = ReportNumber + DateTime.Now.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["NumberSubFix"].ToString());

            return ReportNumber;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This Method is not used anymore because we switched to a GUID keys
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TableName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static long GetSingleTableKey(string TableName)
            SQLAccess da = new SQLAccess();
            long KeyValue = -1;
            StringBuilder SQLi9Table = new StringBuilder();
            SQLi9Table.AppendLine(" BEGIN TRAN T1 ");
            SQLi9Table.AppendLine(" Update i9TableKey set KeyValue = KeyValue + 1 WHERE TableName = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(TableName) + " ");
            SQLi9Table.AppendLine(" SELECT KeyValue FROM i9TableKey WHERE TableName = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(TableName) + " ");
            SQLi9Table.AppendLine(" COMMIT TRAN T1 ");

            string SQL = SQLi9Table.ToString();
            DataTable dt = da.GetDataTable(SQLi9Table.ToString(), "Results");
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                if (DBNull.Value != dt.Rows[0]["KeyValue"])
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dt.Rows[0]["KeyValue"].ToString()) == false)
                        KeyValue = (long)  dt.Rows[0]["KeyValue"] ;
            return KeyValue;
Пример #4
        public i9Message Login(i9Message RequestMessage)
            i9Message response = new i9Message();

            LoginMessage oLoginMessage = (LoginMessage)i9Message.XMLDeserializeMessage(typeof(LoginMessage), RequestMessage.MsgBody);
            SQLAccess da = new SQLAccess();

            string SQLLogin = "******" + SQLUtility.SQLString(oLoginMessage.UserName) + " and Password = "******"i9SysPersonnel");

            if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0)
                //Just send back an empty table

                return response;

            string i9SysPersonnelID = dt.Rows[0]["i9SysPersonnelID"].ToString();

            //Give an activision code to the login user
            string UpdateSql = "UPDATE i9SysPersonnel SET ActivationGuid = '" + Guid.NewGuid() + "' WHERE i9SysPersonnelID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9SysPersonnelID);
            if (da.ExecuteSQL(UpdateSql) <= 0)
                //Nothing was updated.  


            Dictionary<string, string> tableMapping = new Dictionary<string, string>() 
                {"Table", "i9SysPersonnel"},
                {"Table1", "xxSecurityGroupTask"},
                {"Table2", "xxSecurityGroupModule"},

            string SQL = "SELECT * FROM i9SysPersonnel WHERE i9SysPersonnelID = @i9SysPersonnelID";

            SQL = SQL + Environment.NewLine + @"
                    SELECT sgt.TaskName, sp.BadgeNumber
                    FROM i9SecurityGroup sg
                            inner join i9SecurityGroupTask sgt
                            on sgt.SecurityGroupName = sg.SecurityGroupName	
                            inner join i9SecurityGroupPersonnel sgp 
                            on sgp.i9SecurityGroupID = sg.i9SecurityGroupID
                            inner join i9SysPersonnel sp
                            on sp.i9SysPersonnelID = sgp.i9SysPersonnelID
                    WHERE sp.i9SysPersonnelID = @i9SysPersonnelID
                    Group by TaskName, BadgeNumber                        
                    order by BadgeNumber, TaskName 

                SQL = SQL + Environment.NewLine +  @"
                    SELECT sgm.ModuleName, sp.BadgeNumber
                    FROM i9SecurityGroup sg
                            inner join i9SecurityGroupModule sgm
                            on sgm.SecurityGroupName = sg.SecurityGroupName	
                            inner join i9SecurityGroupPersonnel sgp 
                            on sgp.i9SecurityGroupID = sg.i9SecurityGroupID
                            inner join i9SysPersonnel sp
                            on sp.i9SysPersonnelID = sgp.i9SysPersonnelID
                    WHERE sp.i9SysPersonnelID = @i9SysPersonnelID
                    Group by ModuleName, BadgeNumber                        
                    order by BadgeNumber, ModuleName     

                SQL = SQL.Replace("@i9SysPersonnelID", SQLUtility.SQLString(i9SysPersonnelID) );

                response.MsgBodyDataSet = response.MsgBodyDataSet = da.GetDataSet(SQL, tableMapping);
                response.ErrorStatus.IsError = false;

            return response;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Sync Module Manager To DB
        /// </summary>
        private void SyncModuleManagerToDB()
            SQLAccess da = new SQLAccess();

            //DataTable dt = da.GetDataTable("SELECT * FROM i9Module WHERE ModuleKey = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(mi.i9ModuleID), "i9Module");
            DataTable dt = da.GetDataTable("SELECT * FROM i9Module", "i9Module");
            for (int i = 0; i < ModuleManager.Instance.Modules.Length - 1; i++)
                ModuleItem mi = ModuleManager.Instance.Modules[i];

                bool found = false;

                if (mi.ModuleName.ToUpper() == "CRIME WATCH")

                if (mi.ModuleName.ToUpper() == "LOGIN" ||
                        mi.ModuleName.ToUpper() == "MAIN" ||
                        mi.ModuleName.ToUpper() == "MAIN MENU" ||
                        mi.ModuleName.ToUpper() == "SPLASH SCREEN")
                    foreach (DataRow ModuleRow in dt.Rows)
                        if (ModuleRow["ModuleName"].ToString().ToUpper() == mi.ModuleName.ToUpper())
                            found = true;

                    if (found == false)
                        //Why am I adding a row if the table is blank this is strange
                        DataRow NewModuleRow = dt.NewRow();
                        NewModuleRow["ClassName"] = mi.ClassName;
                        NewModuleRow["ModuleName"] = mi.ModuleName;
                        NewModuleRow["Section"] = mi.Section;
                        NewModuleRow["PopupPage"] = mi.PopupPage;
                        NewModuleRow["DesktopEnabled"] = mi.DesktopEnabled;
                        NewModuleRow["MobileEnabled"] = mi.MobileEnabled;
                        NewModuleRow["ModuleType"] = mi.ModuleType;
                        NewModuleRow["ModuleKey"] = mi.i9ModuleID;
                        NewModuleRow["i9ModuleID"] = Guid.NewGuid();
                        NewModuleRow["FileName"] = mi.FileName;
            if (dt.DataSet.HasChanges())
