public void insertSales(DataGridView gv, string proIDgv, string proQuanGV, string totGV, string totDisGV, int doneBy, DateTime dt, float totAmount, float totalDiscount, float given, float Return, string payType) { try { using (TransactionScope sc = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30))) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("st_insertSales", MainClass.con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@done", doneBy); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date", dt); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@totamt", totAmount); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@totdis", totalDiscount); if (payType == "Cash") { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@given", given); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@return", Return); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@payType", 0); } else if (payType == "Debit Card") { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@given", 0); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@return", 0); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@payType", 1); } else if (payType == "Credit Card") { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@given", 0); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@return", 0); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@payType", 2); } MainClass.con.Open(); salCount = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (salCount > 0) { SqlCommand Scmd = new SqlCommand("st_getSalesID", MainClass.con); Scmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SaleID = Convert.ToInt64(Scmd.ExecuteScalar()); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in gv.Rows) { SqlCommand ISCmd = new SqlCommand("st_insertSalesDetails", MainClass.con); ISCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; ISCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@salID", SaleID); ISCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@proID", Convert.ToInt64(row.Cells[proIDgv].Value.ToString())); ISCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@quan", Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells[proQuanGV].Value.ToString())); ISCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sellPrice", Convert.ToSingle(row.Cells[totGV].Value.ToString())); ISCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@discount", Convert.ToSingle(row.Cells[totDisGV].Value.ToString())); ISCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); int productStock = Convert.ToInt32(r.getProductQuantityNoConnection(Convert.ToInt64(row.Cells[proIDgv].Value.ToString()))); int CurrentQuantity = Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells[proQuanGV].Value.ToString()); int finalQuantity = productStock - CurrentQuantity; u.UpdateStockNoConnection(Convert.ToInt64(row.Cells[proIDgv].Value.ToString()), finalQuantity); } } MainClass.con.Close(); MainClass.ShowMSG("Sales Successful", "Success", "Success"); sc.Complete(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MainClass.con.Close(); MainClass.ShowMSG(ex.Message, "Error", "Error"); } }
public override void SaveBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ProductTxt.Text == "") { productErrorLbl.Visible = true; } else { productErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (barcodeTxt.Text == "") { barcodeErrorLbl.Visible = true; } else { barcodeErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (ExpiryPicker.Value < DateTime.Now) { ExpiryErrorLbl.Visible = true; ExpiryErrorLbl.Text = "Invalid Date"; } else { ExpiryErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (ExpiryPicker.Value.Date == DateTime.Now.Date) { ExpiryErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (categoryCB.SelectedIndex == -1 || categoryCB.SelectedIndex == 0) { CategoryErrorLbl.Visible = true; } else { CategoryErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (productErrorLbl.Visible || barcodeErrorLbl.Visible || CategoryErrorLbl.Visible) { MainClass.ShowMSG("fields with * are mandatory", "stop", "Error");//Error is the type of message } else { if (edit == 0)//code for save operation { Insertion i = new Insertion(); if (ExpiryPicker.Value.Date == DateTime.Now.Date) { i.insertProduct(ProductTxt.Text, barcodeTxt.Text, Convert.ToInt32(categoryCB.SelectedValue)); } else { i.insertProduct(ProductTxt.Text, barcodeTxt.Text, Convert.ToInt32(categoryCB.SelectedValue), ExpiryPicker.Value); } r.showProduct(ProductdataGridView, ProductIDGV, NameGV, BarcodeGV, ExpiryGV, CategoryGV, CategoryIDGV); MainClass.disable_reset(leftPanel); } else if (edit == 1)//code for update operation { DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure, you want to update record?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { Updation u = new Updation(); if (ExpiryPicker.Value.Date == DateTime.Now.Date) { u.updateProduct(proID, ProductTxt.Text, barcodeTxt.Text, Convert.ToInt32(categoryCB.SelectedValue)); } else { u.updateProduct(proID, ProductTxt.Text, barcodeTxt.Text, Convert.ToInt32(categoryCB.SelectedValue), ExpiryPicker.Value); } r.showProduct(ProductdataGridView, ProductIDGV, NameGV, BarcodeGV, ExpiryGV, CategoryGV, CategoryIDGV); MainClass.disable_reset(leftPanel); } } } }
public override void EditBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { edit = 1; MainClass.enable(leftPanel); }
private void Products_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { MainClass.disable_reset(leftPanel); r.getCategoryList("st_getCategoriesList", categoryCB, "Category", "ID"); }
private void CartBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SupplierDD.SelectedIndex == 0) { SupplierErrorLbl.Visible = true; } else { SupplierErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (BarcodeTxt.Text == "") { BarcodeErrorLbl.Visible = true; } else { BarcodeErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (ProductTxt.Text == "") { ProductErrorLbl.Visible = true; } else { ProductErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (PerUnitTxt.Text == "") { PerUnitErrorLbl.Visible = true; } else { PerUnitErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (QuantityTxt.Text == "") { QuantityErrorLbl.Visible = true; } else { QuantityErrorLbl.Visible = false; } if (SupplierErrorLbl.Visible || BarcodeErrorLbl.Visible || ProductErrorLbl.Visible || PerUnitErrorLbl.Visible || QuantityErrorLbl.Visible) { MainClass.ShowMSG("fields with * are mandatory", "stop", "Error");//Error is the type of message } else { PurchasedataGridView.Rows.Add(productID, ProductTxt.Text, QuantityTxt.Text, PerUnitTxt.Text, TotLbl.Text); gt += Convert.ToSingle(TotLbl.Text); GrossLbl.Text = gt.ToString(); productID = 0; ProductTxt.Text = ""; PerUnitTxt.Text = ""; BarcodeTxt.Text = ""; TotLbl.Text = "0.00"; QuantityTxt.Text = ""; Array.Clear(prodArr, 0, prodArr.Length); } }
public override void ViewBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PurchaseInvoiceDetails piDetail = new PurchaseInvoiceDetails(); MainClass.showWindow(piDetail, this, ActiveForm); }