public ActionResult ItemsSubmit(CheckOutViewModel vm)
            if (Session["isAdmin"] == null)
                return RedirectToAction("Index", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" });
            if (Session["LoggedUserID"] == null || vm == null)
                return RedirectToAction("Index");
            IList<Items> tocheckout = new List<Items>();
            string userName = (string)Session["LoggedUserID"];
            foreach (var item in vm.ItemsToCheckOut)
                var dbItem = db.Items.Find(item.ItemId);
                if (dbItem != null && dbItem.CheckedOutById == null && dbItem.CheckedInById == null && dbItem.CheckedOutSchoolId == null)
                    TempData["error"] = "An item selected has already been checked out. Please try again";
                    return RedirectToAction("Index");

            foreach(var item in tocheckout)
                item.CheckedOutById = userName;
                item.CheckedOutSchoolId = vm.SelectedSchoolId;
                db.Entry(item).State = EntityState.Modified;
            return RedirectToAction("Index");
 //Display All Schools to Check In/ Check Out
 public ActionResult Index()
     if (Session["isAdmin"] == null)
         return RedirectToAction("Index", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" });
     if (TempData["error"] != null)
         ModelState.AddModelError("", (string)TempData["error"]);
     CheckOutViewModel vm = new CheckOutViewModel { Schools = db.Schools.ToList() };
     return View(vm);
 public ActionResult BundleSelection()
     if (Session["isAdmin"] == null)
         return RedirectToAction("Index", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" });
     //var associatedBundles = from bundle in db.Bundles where bundle.SchoolId == ((int)TempData["SelectedSchoold"]) select bundle;
     if (TempData["SelectedSchoold"] == null)
         return RedirectToAction("Index");
     int selectedSchoolId = (int)TempData["SelectedSchoold"];
     var associatedBundles = db.Schools.Find(selectedSchoolId).Bundles;
     CheckOutViewModel vm = new CheckOutViewModel { Bundles = associatedBundles, SelectedSchoolId = selectedSchoolId };
     return View(vm);
 //Called When School Is selected, store SchoolId and Direct to Bundles Selection
 public ActionResult SelectSchoolOut(int id)
     if (Session["isAdmin"] == null)
         return RedirectToAction("Index", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" });
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         TempData["SelectedSchoold"] = id;
         return RedirectToAction("BundleSelection");//, new RouteValueDictionary(new { action = "BundlesSelection" }));
         CheckOutViewModel vm = new CheckOutViewModel { Schools = db.Schools.ToList() };
         return View(vm);
        public ActionResult QuantitySubmit(CheckOutViewModel vm)
            if (Session["isAdmin"] == null)
                return RedirectToAction("Index", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" });
            if (vm == null)
                return RedirectToAction("Index");

            var selectedSchool = db.Schools.Find(vm.SelectedSchoolId);
            if (selectedSchool == null)
                return RedirectToAction("Index");
            IList<Items> itemsToCheckOut = new List<Items>();
            IList<string> itemDisplayString = new List<string>();
            IList<string> itemDisplayLabels = new List<string>();

            int currItemTypeIndex = 0;
            foreach (int quantity in vm.ItemQuantityFields)
                if(quantity <= 0)
                    TempData["error"] = "Quantity must be at least 1";
                    return RedirectToAction("Index");
                var currItemType = db.ItemTypes.Find(vm.SelectedItemTypesModel[currItemTypeIndex].ItemTypeId);
                if (currItemType == null)
                    return RedirectToAction("Index");

                var potentialItems = currItemType.Item.Where(item => item.CheckedOutById == null);
                potentialItems = potentialItems.Where(item => item.CheckedInById == null);
                potentialItems = potentialItems.Where(item => item.BundleId == null);
                potentialItems = potentialItems.Where(item => item.CheckedOutSchoolId == null);
                potentialItems = potentialItems.Where(item => item.InventoryLocationId != null);
                if (currItemType.HasLabel) //Only filter by label if the Item Type has labels
                    potentialItems = potentialItems.Where(item => item.LabelId == selectedSchool.LabelId);

                var availableItems = potentialItems.OrderBy(item => item.ItemType.ItemName).ToList();
                if (availableItems.Count >= quantity)
                    for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++)
                    itemDisplayString.Add(quantity + " x " + availableItems[0].ItemType.ItemName);
                    if (currItemType.HasLabel)
                        itemDisplayLabels.Add("(No Label)");
                { //Not enough Items to match requested quantity
                    TempData["error"] = "Not enough " + currItemType.ItemName + "s available";
                    return RedirectToAction("Index");
            vm.ItemsToCheckOut = itemsToCheckOut;
            vm.ItemDisplayString = itemDisplayString;
            vm.ItemDisplayLabels = itemDisplayLabels;
            TempData["CheckOutViewModel"] = vm;
            return RedirectToAction("ItemsSelect");
 //Bundle is now selected, create model, store, redirect to ItemTypes Selection
 public ActionResult MakeBundleSelection(int bundleId, int schoolId)
     if (Session["isAdmin"] == null)
         return RedirectToAction("Index", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" });
     CheckOutViewModel vm = new CheckOutViewModel();
     IList<bool> itemTypeCheckboxes = new List<bool>();
     var itemTypes = db.ItemTypes.OrderBy(itemType => itemType.ItemName).ToList();// .ToList().OrderBy(itemType => itemType.ItemName);
     var selectedBundle = db.Bundles.Find(bundleId);
     if (selectedBundle != null)
         IList<ItemTypes> itemTypesSelected = new List<ItemTypes>();
         IList<Items> itemsToCheckOut = new List<Items>();
         IList<string> itemDisplayString = new List<string>();
         IList<string> itemDisplayLabels = new List<string>();
         foreach (var bundleItem in selectedBundle.Items)
             if (bundleItem.CheckedOutById != null)
                 TempData["error"] = "All or part of bundle currently checked out";
                 return RedirectToAction("Index");
             if (itemTypesSelected.IndexOf(bundleItem.ItemType) == -1)
                 var itemsOfType = selectedBundle.Items.Where(item => item.ItemTypeId == bundleItem.ItemTypeId).OrderBy(item => item.ItemType.ItemName).ToList();
                 itemDisplayString.Add(itemsOfType.Count + " x " + bundleItem.ItemType.ItemName);
                 if (bundleItem.ItemType.HasLabel)
                     itemDisplayLabels.Add("(No Label)");
                 foreach(var itemToCheckout in itemsOfType)
         vm.ItemsToCheckOut = itemsToCheckOut;
         vm.ItemDisplayString = itemDisplayString;
         vm.ItemDisplayLabels = itemDisplayLabels;
         vm.SelectedSchoolId = schoolId;
         TempData["CheckOutViewModel"] = vm;
         return RedirectToAction("ItemsSelect");
         /*bool found;
         foreach (var ItemType in itemTypes){
             //var available = itemTypes[i].Item.Where(x => x.CheckedInById == null); //Can't be checked in
             found = false;
             for (int i = 0; i < selectedBundle.Items.Count; i++){
                 if (selectedBundle.Items[i].ItemTypeId == ItemType.ItemTypeId){
                     found = true;
             if (!found)
     else //A bundle has not been selected or not found
         foreach (var ItemType in db.ItemTypes)
     vm.ItemTypesModel = itemTypes;
     vm.ItemTypesCheckboxes = itemTypeCheckboxes;
     vm.SelectedSchoolId = schoolId;
     vm.SelectedBundleId = bundleId;
     TempData["CheckOutViewModel"] = vm;
     return RedirectToAction("ItemTypesSelect");
        public ActionResult ItemTypesSubmit(CheckOutViewModel vm)
            if (Session["isAdmin"] == null)
                return RedirectToAction("Index", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" });
            if (vm == null)
                return RedirectToAction("Index");
            IList<int> quantityFields = new List<int>();
            IList<ItemTypes> selectedItemTypes = new List<ItemTypes>();

            int currItemTypeIndex = 0;
            foreach (bool isSelected in vm.ItemTypesCheckboxes)
                if (isSelected)
                    var currItemType = db.ItemTypes.Find(vm.ItemTypesModel[currItemTypeIndex].ItemTypeId);
                    if (currItemType != null)
            vm.SelectedItemTypesModel = selectedItemTypes;
            vm.ItemQuantityFields = quantityFields;
            TempData["CheckOutViewModel"] = vm;
            return RedirectToAction("QuantitySelect");