static void Game() { int big = 0; int small = 1; int guesses = 0; big = UIF.PromptInt("What do you want the highest number to be?" + "\n"); Random r = new Random(); int secret = r.Next(small, big); int guess = UIF.PromptInt("Guess the number between " + small + " and " + big + "." + "\n"); bool right = false; bool playag = false; while (right != true) { guesses++; if (guess == secret) { playag = UIF.Agree("That's right!" + "\n" + "It took you " + guesses + " guesses." + "\n" + "Press 'y' to play again or 'q' to quit" + "\n"); right = true; } else if (guess > secret) { guess = UIF.PromptInt("A little lower!" + "\n"); } else if (guess < secret) { guess = UIF.PromptInt("A little higher!" + "\n"); } } if (playag == true) { Game(); } else { Environment.Exit(0); } }