private void ShowClearAllExamplesButton()
            bool disableButton = false;

            if (!Lists.IsNullOrEmpty(ref m_TrainingExamplesNode.TrainingExamplesVector))
                disableButton = false;

            // Only run button logic when there are training examples to delete
            if (!disableButton)
                // If there are any models connected we check some conditions

                /*if (!Lists.IsNullOrEmpty(ref m_SeriesTrainingExamplesNode.IMLConfigurationNodesConnected))
                 * {
                 *  foreach (var IMLConfigNode in m_SeriesTrainingExamplesNode.IMLConfigurationNodesConnected)
                 *  {
                 *      // Disable button if any of the models is runnning OR collecting data OR training
                 *      if (IMLConfigNode.Running || IMLConfigNode.Training || m_SeriesTrainingExamplesNode.CollectingData)
                 *      {
                 *          disableButton = true;
                 *          break;
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 * }*/

                // Draw button
                if (disableButton)
                    GUI.enabled = false;
                if (GUILayout.Button("Delete Data", Resources.Load <GUISkin>("GUIStyles/InteractMLGUISkin").GetStyle("Delete Button")))
                // Always enable it back at the end
                GUI.enabled = true;
            // If there are no training examples to delete we draw a disabled button
                GUI.enabled = false;
                if (GUILayout.Button("Delete Data", Resources.Load <GUISkin>("GUIStyles/InteractMLGUISkin").GetStyle("Delete Button")))
                GUI.enabled = true;
        private void ShowClearAllExamplesButton()
            string nameButton    = "";
            bool   disableButton = false;

            switch (m_TrainingExamplesNode.ModeOfCollection)
            case TrainingExamplesNode.CollectionMode.SingleExample:
                nameButton = "Delete All Training Examples";
                // Only run button logic when there are training examples to delete
                if (!Lists.IsNullOrEmpty(ref m_TrainingExamplesNode.TrainingExamplesVector))
                    disableButton = false;

            case TrainingExamplesNode.CollectionMode.Series:
                nameButton = "Delete All Training Series Collected";
                // Only run button logic when there are training examples to delete
                if (!Lists.IsNullOrEmpty(ref m_TrainingExamplesNode.TrainingSeriesCollection))
                    disableButton = false;


            // Only run button logic when there are training examples to delete
            if (!disableButton)
                // If there are any models connected we check some conditions
                if (!Lists.IsNullOrEmpty(ref m_TrainingExamplesNode.IMLConfigurationNodesConnected))
                    foreach (var IMLConfigNode in m_TrainingExamplesNode.IMLConfigurationNodesConnected)
                        // Disable button if any of the models is runnning OR collecting data OR training
                        if (IMLConfigNode.Running || IMLConfigNode.Training || m_TrainingExamplesNode.CollectingData)
                            disableButton = true;

                // Draw button
                if (disableButton)
                    GUI.enabled = false;
                if (GUILayout.Button(nameButton))
                // Always enable it back at the end
                GUI.enabled = true;
            // If there are no training examples to delete we draw a disabled button
                GUI.enabled = false;
                if (GUILayout.Button(nameButton))
                GUI.enabled = true;