Пример #1
        private void RunModelLogic()
            if (run && !m_EasyRapidlib.isModelEmpty)
                // DTW
                if (learningType == EasyRapidlib.LearningType.DTW)
                    // We init the running serie if it is null
                    if (m_RunningSerieDTW.ExampleSerie == null)
                        m_RunningSerieDTW = new RapidlibTrainingSerie();

                    // We start adding examples to the running serie until the user stops
                    AddExampleToSerie(ref m_RunningSerieDTW);
                // Classification and Regression
                    // Extract all the features from the input object
                    double[] modelInputs    = null;
                    int      sizeModelInput = 0;
                    // Calculate size of the model input vector [I CAN MOVE THIS TO THE START OF THE PROGRAM]
                    for (int i = 0; i < m_Features.Count; i++)
                        sizeModelInput += (m_LengthsFeatureVector[i] * inputs.Length);
                    modelInputs = new double[sizeModelInput];

                    if (modelInputs != null)
                        m_ExtractFeatures(ref modelInputs, inputs);

                    //for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                    //    //Debug.Log(input[i]);

                    //for (int i = 0; i < outputs.Length; i++)
                    //    //Debug.Log(outputs[i]);

                    // Get the predictions based on the features we input
                    outputs = m_EasyRapidlib.Run(modelInputs, outputs.Length);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a single example to a serie
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serieToReceiveExample"></param>
        public void AddExampleToSerie(ref RapidlibTrainingSerie serieToReceiveExample)
            // Calculate size of the new example input vector [I CAN MOVE THIS TO THE START OF THE PROGRAM]
            int sizeNewExampleInput = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < m_Features.Count; i++)
                sizeNewExampleInput += (m_LengthsFeatureVector[i] * inputs.Length);

            double[] singleInputExampleInSerie = new double[sizeNewExampleInput];

            m_ExtractFeatures(ref singleInputExampleInSerie, inputs);

            // Add a single example to the training serie dtw that we will push later on to easyRapidlib
            serieToReceiveExample.AddTrainingExample(singleInputExampleInSerie, OutputDTW.ToString());