public static List<IntelWebField> List(IntelWebField p1, IntelWebField p2) { List<IntelWebField> templist = new List<IntelWebField>(); templist.Add(p1); templist.Add(p2); return templist; }
protected void Page_LoadComplete(object sender, EventArgs e) { CurrentUser cuser = new CurrentUser(); cuser.userName = "******"; cuser.Load(); string tiercode = Request.QueryString["tiercode"]; string deptcode = Request.QueryString["deptcode"]; string sitecode = Request.QueryString["sitecode"]; string panelcode = Request.QueryString["panelcode"]; string devicecode = Request.QueryString["devicecode"]; string fromdate = Request.QueryString["fdate"]; string todate = Request.QueryString["tdate"]; tbl_alarm_time_details alarmDet = new tbl_alarm_time_details(cuser); IntelWebField tierFld = alarmDet.Field("tier_code"); tierFld.fieldValue = tiercode; IntelWebField deptFld = alarmDet.Field("department_code"); deptFld.fieldValue = deptcode; IntelWebField siteFld = alarmDet.Field("site_code"); siteFld.fieldValue = sitecode; IntelWebField panelFld = alarmDet.Field("panel_code"); panelFld.fieldValue = panelcode; IntelWebField deviceFld = alarmDet.Field("alarm_device_code"); deviceFld.fieldValue = devicecode; IntelWebField fdateFld = new IntelWebField("todate", OleDbType.DBDate, 10, 10, 0, DataRowVersion.Current, false, fromdate); IntelWebField tdateFld = new IntelWebField("todate", OleDbType.DBDate, 10, 10, 0, DataRowVersion.Current, false, todate); List<IntelWebField> bparam = new List<IntelWebField>(); bparam.Add(tierFld); bparam.Add(deptFld); bparam.Add(siteFld); bparam.Add(panelFld); bparam.Add(deviceFld); bparam.Add(fdateFld); bparam.Add(tdateFld); List<IntelWebObject> alarmDets = alarmDet.Load("tier_code=? and department_code=? and site_code=? and panel_code=? and alarm_device_code=? and alarm_date between ? and ?", "alarm_date,alarm_time", bparam); if (alarmDets.Count > 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<table style=\"width:100%;\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" class=\"webgrid\"><thead class=\"titlegrid\"><tr><th>Device</th><th>Alarm Date</th><th>Alarm Hour</th><th>Alaram Time</th><th>Alarm Details</th><th>Alarm Comment</th></tr>"); int rowCnt = 0; foreach (tbl_alarm_time_details alarm in alarmDets) { string trclass = (rowCnt % 2 == 0 ? "" : " class=\"gridodd\" "); sb.Append("<tr" + trclass + "><td>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(alarm.alarm_device_code) + "</td><td>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(alarm.alarm_date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")) + "</td><td>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(alarm.alarm_hour) + "</td><td>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(alarm.alarm_time) + "</td><td>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(alarm.alarm_details) + "</td><td>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(alarm.alarm_comment) + "</td></tr>"); rowCnt++; } sb.Append("</table>"); Response.Write(sb.ToString()); } else { Response.Write("There are no details found."); } }
protected void Page_LoadComplete(object sender, EventArgs e) { CurrentUser cuser = new CurrentUser(); cuser.userName = "******"; cuser.Load(); string tiercode = Request.QueryString["tiercode"]; string deptcode = Request.QueryString["deptcode"]; string sitecode = Request.QueryString["sitecode"]; string fromdate = Request.QueryString["fdate"]; string todate = Request.QueryString["tdate"]; tbl_alarm_time_details alarmDet = new tbl_alarm_time_details(cuser); IntelWebField tierFld = alarmDet.Field("tier_code"); tierFld.fieldValue = tiercode; IntelWebField deptFld = alarmDet.Field("department_code"); deptFld.fieldValue = deptcode; IntelWebField siteFld = alarmDet.Field("site_code"); siteFld.fieldValue = sitecode; IntelWebField fdateFld = new IntelWebField("todate", OleDbType.DBDate, 10, 10, 0, DataRowVersion.Current, false, fromdate); IntelWebField tdateFld = new IntelWebField("todate", OleDbType.DBDate, 10, 10, 0, DataRowVersion.Current, false, todate); List<IntelWebField> bparam = new List<IntelWebField>(); bparam.Add(tierFld); bparam.Add(deptFld); bparam.Add(siteFld); bparam.Add(fdateFld); bparam.Add(tdateFld); List<IntelWebObject> alarmDets = alarmDet.Load("tier_code=? and department_code=? and site_code=? and alarm_date between ? and ?", "panel_code", bparam); if (alarmDets.Count > 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); /* Panels Table */ sb.Append("<table><tr>"); var distPanels = alarmDets.Select(x => x.Field("panel_code").fieldValue ?? "").Distinct(); foreach (string panel in distPanels) { sb.Append("<td>" + AlaramDeviceHTML(sitecode, panel, alarmDets) + "</td>"); } sb.Append("</tr></table>"); Response.Write(sb.ToString()); } else { Response.Write("There are no details found."); } }
public DisplayField(WebGrid myGrid, string fieldName, string myDisplayName, string myJSFormatFunction, bool myIsHeaderField, string myFormFieldName) { if (myGrid.controls != null) { var control = GridDefUtil.getControl(myGrid.controls, myFormFieldName); if (control == null) { _formFieldName = myFormFieldName; } else { _formFieldName = control.ClientID; } } else { _formFieldName = myFormFieldName; } _jsFormatFunction = myJSFormatFunction; _displayName = myDisplayName; var myField = myGrid.protoObject.Field(fieldName); if (myField == null) { throw new ApplicationException("The field [" + fieldName + "] does not exist as a field in the prototype for [" + myGrid.protoObject.GetType().Name + "]"); } _fieldName = fieldName; _allowNull = myField.nullable; if (myField.type == System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.VarChar || myField.type == System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.VarWChar || myField.type == System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Char || myField.type == System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.LongVarChar || myField.type == System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.LongVarWChar) { _maxLength = myField.parameter.Size; } else { _maxLength = 0; } _isHeaderField = myIsHeaderField; if (myField.version == System.Data.DataRowVersion.Default) { _defaultField = myField; } }
public bool LoadData() { int myCount = this.submittedRecordCount; List<IntelWebField> primaryKeys = new List<IntelWebField>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int recCnt = this.submittedRecordCount; for (int counter = 0; counter < recCnt; counter++) { string isNewString = this.form.Get(this._gridName + "_isNew_" + counter.ToString()); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(isNewString) || isNewString != "true") { sb.Append("?,"); string keyvalue = this.form.Get(this._gridName + "_pk_" + counter.ToString()); object convertedKey; switch (this.primaryKey.type) { case System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Guid: convertedKey = new Guid(keyvalue); break; case System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Integer: convertedKey = int.Parse(keyvalue); break; default: convertedKey = keyvalue; break; } IntelWebField paramFld = new IntelWebField(this._gridName + "_pk_" + counter.ToString(), this.primaryKey.type, this.primaryKey.size, 0, 0, System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, convertedKey); primaryKeys.Add(paramFld); } } try { if (sb.Length > 0) { sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1); IntelWebObject tobj = this.User.protoObject(objectType); _data = tobj.Load( + " in (" + sb.ToString() + ")", "", primaryKeys); } } catch (ApplicationException ex) { this.loadErrors.Add(ex); return false; } return true; }
public WebGrid(string type, CurrentUser myUser, string myGridName) { this.User = myUser; this.objectType = type; _protoObject = this.User.protoObject(this.objectType); _pkfield = _protoObject.primaryKey; _gridName = myGridName; }
protected void Page_LoadComplete(object sender, EventArgs e) { CurrentUser cuser = new CurrentUser(); cuser.userName = "******"; cuser.Load(); string formTier = Request.Form["tiercode"] ?? ""; string formdept = Request.Form["deptcode"] ?? ""; string formfdate = Request.Form["fromdate"] ?? ""; string formtdate = Request.Form["todate"] ?? ""; // Testing if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(formfdate)) formfdate = "04/01/2011"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(formtdate)) formtdate = "04/30/2011"; /* * if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(formfdate)) formfdate = DateTime.Today.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); * if (string.IsNullOrEmpry(formtdate)) formtdate = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(1).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); */ lkup_tier tier = new lkup_tier(cuser); List<IntelWebObject> tiers = tier.Load(); this.ltrTiers.Text = "<option value=\"\"></option>" + string.Join("", tiers.Cast<lkup_tier>().Select(x=>"<option value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(x.tier_code) + "\" " + (formTier.Equals(x.tier_code)?"selected":"") + " >" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(x.tier_code) + "</option>").ToArray()); lkup_department lkupDept = new lkup_department(cuser); List<IntelWebObject> lkupDepts = lkupDept.Load(); this.ltrDepts.Text = "<option value=\"\"></option>" + string.Join("", lkupDepts.Cast<lkup_department>().Select(x => "<option value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(x.department_code) + "\" " + (formdept.Equals(x.department_code)?"selected":"") + " >" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(x.department_code + " (" + x.department_code_description + ")") + "</option>").ToArray()); tbl_alarm_time_details alarmDet = new tbl_alarm_time_details(cuser); List<IntelWebField> bparams = new List<IntelWebField>(); IntelWebField tierFld = alarmDet.Field("tier_code"); tierFld.fieldValue = formTier; IntelWebField deptFld = alarmDet.Field("department_code"); deptFld.fieldValue = formdept; IntelWebField fdateFld = new IntelWebField("todate", OleDbType.DBDate, 10, 10, 0, DataRowVersion.Current, false, formfdate); IntelWebField tdateFld = new IntelWebField("todate", OleDbType.DBDate, 10, 10, 0, DataRowVersion.Current, false, formtdate); bparams.Add(tierFld); bparams.Add(deptFld); bparams.Add(fdateFld); bparams.Add(tdateFld); List<IntelWebObject> alaramDets = alarmDet.Load("tier_code=? and department_code=? and alarm_date between ? and ?", "site_code,panel_code,alarm_device_code", bparams); if (alaramDets.Count > 0) { var distSites = alaramDets.Select(x => x.Field("site_code").fieldValue ?? "").Distinct().ToList(); /* Distinct Sites get Address City, State, Country */ lkup_site lkupsite = new lkup_site(cuser); bparams.Clear(); string qs = ""; foreach (string site in distSites) { qs += ("?,"); IntelWebField fld = new IntelWebField("site_code", OleDbType.VarChar, 50, 50, 0, DataRowVersion.Current, false, null); fld.fieldValue = site; bparams.Add(fld); } bparams.Add(IntelWebParameter.GetParam("deptcode", OleDbType.VarChar, 50, formdept)); if (qs.Length > 0) qs = qs.Substring(0, qs.Length - 1); List<IntelWebObject> Sites = lkupsite.Load("(site_code in (" + qs + ") or department_code=?)and city is not null ", "city", bparams); Dictionary<string, string> distCities = new Dictionary<string, string>(); foreach (lkup_site site in Sites) { string mapcity = + (((site.state_code ?? "").Length > 0) ? "," + site.state_code.Trim() : ""); string siteDets = site.site_code + "\t" + site.address1 + "\t" + site.address2 + "\t" + + "\t" + site.country_code; if (distCities.ContainsKey(mapcity)) { distCities[mapcity] = distCities[mapcity] + "\n" + siteDets; } else { distCities.Add(mapcity, siteDets); } } string jsCities = "["; foreach (string key in distCities.Keys) { jsCities += "{\"address\":\"" + key + "\",\"sitesHtml\":\""; string[] arySites = distCities[key].Split('\n'); jsCities += "<table style=\\\"width:95%;\\\"><tr>"; foreach (string st in arySites) { string[] arySiteAddr = st.Split('\t'); jsCities += "<td>"; if (arySiteAddr.Length > 0) { jsCities += "<div><img style=\\\"cursor:pointer;\\\" onclick=\\\"showDiv(this, '" + arySiteAddr[0] + "');\\\" src=\'Images/house.png\' alt=\'site\' /> " + JSUtil.EnquoteJS(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(arySiteAddr[0])) + " </div>"; } if(arySiteAddr.Length > 3) { jsCities += "<div style=\\\"border:1px solid #999;padding:2px;white-space:nowrap;\\\"><div>" + JSUtil.EnquoteJS(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(arySiteAddr[1])) + "</div><div>" + JSUtil.EnquoteJS(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(arySiteAddr[2])) + "</div><div>" + JSUtil.EnquoteJS(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(arySiteAddr[3] + " " + arySiteAddr[4])) + "</div></div>"; } jsCities += "</td>"; //<br />" + st + "<br /> Peak:50 <br />Non-Peak:20</td>"; } jsCities += "</tr></table>\"},"; } if (distCities.Count > 0) jsCities = jsCities.Substring(0, jsCities.Length - 1); jsCities += "];"; /* Map Script STARTS */ ltrMapScript.Text = @"<script type=""text/javascript""> jsMapCities = " + jsCities + @" jsFromDate = '" + formfdate + @"'; jsToDate = '" + formtdate + @"'; function mapInit(){ if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) { var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById('map_canvas')); map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl()); map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl()); map.addControl(new GOverviewMapControl()); map.enableScrollWheelZoom(); map.setCenter(new GLatLng(39, -93), 4); map.setUIToDefault(); var bounds = new GLatLngBounds(); geocoder = new GClientGeocoder(); function createMarker(address, thtml, cnt){ // Creates the customized marker icon var blueIcon = new GIcon(G_DEFAULT_ICON); if(cnt % 2 == 0) { blueIcon.image = """"; } else if(cnt % 3 == 0) { blueIcon.image = """"; } else { blueIcon.image = """"; } blueIcon.iconSize = new GSize(32, 32); // Set up our GMarkerOptions object var markerOptions = { icon:blueIcon }; if(geocoder){ geocoder.getLatLng(address, function(point) { if (point) { var marker = new GMarker(point, markerOptions); map.addOverlay(marker); bounds.extend(marker.getPoint()); var mhtml = thtml; var mklatlng = new GLatLng(marker.getPoint().lat(), marker.getPoint().lng()); GEvent.addListener(marker, ""click"", function () { map.openInfoWindowHtml(mklatlng, '<div>'+mhtml+'</div>'); }); GEvent.addListener(marker, ""mouseover"", function () { map.openInfoWindowHtml(mklatlng, '<div>'+mhtml+'</div>'); }); } }); } } map.clearOverlays(); var cnt = 0; for(var x in jsMapCities){ createMarker(jsMapCities[x].address, jsMapCities[x].sitesHtml, cnt); cnt++; } } } </script>"; /* End Script */ } else { ltrMessage.Text = @"<div class=""ui-widget""> <div class=""ui-state-error ui-corner-all"" style=""width:70%;margin-left:200px;margin-top: 5px; padding: 0 .7em;""> <p style=""height:35px;""><span class=""ui-icon ui-icon-alert"" style=""float: left; margin-right: .3em;""></span> <strong>Alert:</strong>There are no alarm details found between selected date period.</p></div></div>"; ltrMapScript.Text = @"<script type=""text/javascript""> function mapInit(){ if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) { var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById('map_canvas')); map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl()); map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl()); map.addControl(new GOverviewMapControl()); map.enableScrollWheelZoom(); map.setCenter(new GLatLng(39, -93), 4); map.setUIToDefault(); } } </script>"; } }
private string fixFieldValueForOutput(object value, IntelWebField field) { if (field.parameter.DbType.Equals(System.Data.DbType.Date)) { if (value == null || value.Equals(DateTime.MinValue)) { return "(Null)"; } DateTime m = (DateTime)value; return m.Month.ToString() + "/" + m.Day.ToString() + "/" + m.Year.ToString(); } else { return (value ?? "").ToString(); } }