public ActionResult Complete() { // Payment data comes in url so we have to get it from url // This id is instamojo unique payment id which can be use to get the payment details from instamojo string paymentId = Request.Params["payment_id"]; // This is payment status which will be Credit string paymentStatus = Request.Params["payment_status"]; // This is orderId string id = Request.Params["id"]; // This id is your unique transaction id which created on create order string transactionId = Request.Params["transaction_id"]; // Now you can verify the order existance in your db using transactin id // Let's get the transaction data from payment gatway // Thaer are two ways to get transaction data through orderId or transactionid InstamojoAPI.Instamojo objClass = InstamojoAPI.InstamojoImplementation.getApi(instamojoClientId, instamojoSecretId, endpoint, auth_endpoint); // Get transaciton data using transactionId PaymentOrderDetailsResponse response = objClass.getPaymentOrderDetailsByTransactionId(transactionId); // get transaciton data using orderId PaymentOrderDetailsResponse response1 = objClass.getPaymentOrderDetails(id); // Check payment made successfully if (response.status.ToLower().Equals("completed") == true) { // Create these action method return(RedirectToAction("Success")); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Failed")); } }
public PaymentResponseModel CreatePaymentOrder(int loginid, string ordernumber, int storeid) { PaymentResponseModel response = new PaymentResponseModel(); string transaction_id = ""; string OrderNumber = ""; using (sjb_androidEntities context = new sjb_androidEntities()) { var orderDetails = (from r in context.registrationmasters join o in context.ordermasters on r.LoginID equals o.LoginId where r.LoginID == loginid && o.OrderNumber == ordernumber && o.StoreId == storeid select new PaymentGatewayModel() { name = r.Name, phone = r.PhoneNumber, email = r.EmailID, description = o.OrderNumber, amount = (double)o.NetAmount }).First(); //For Production //string Insta_client_id = "YPmEwDVMbYy4hH9EZOcY4Vsw3xJWjnAd3qlTS85J", // Insta_client_secret = "fSiNKEG8PRLdOXSzpQrBba02Ix1sfbxDSHg3f562AFY0YqvgKXMm70wbE6vqxzmmpVOKB1MyG3tlwDzX4rzNXwRwqaHVafFQv1gkj4kNf14x1eeync9PoMuGtOulBxJk", // Insta_Endpoint = InstamojoConstants.INSTAMOJO_API_ENDPOINT, // Insta_Auth_Endpoint = InstamojoConstants.INSTAMOJO_AUTH_ENDPOINT; //For Test string Insta_client_id = ""; string Insta_client_secret = ""; string Insta_Endpoint = ""; string Insta_Auth_Endpoint = ""; if (storeid == 1) { Insta_client_id = "HhWceDXORiCKCKIechUmXZX6vd4nj44kKvCUIVJv"; Insta_client_secret = "5B6CAfNsEoaakuzWLia7CMtgFsp6gt0MTrN5jR0MzsTIerNXKjmS9k1bBS1J8LdANjKXWtmlR1RuiOM8o71JVYYawBCl4NRiWbpKrI8OwkwnjNlvOuYRnjfkGnjozZDM"; Insta_Endpoint = InstamojoConstants.INSTAMOJO_API_ENDPOINT; Insta_Auth_Endpoint = InstamojoConstants.INSTAMOJO_AUTH_ENDPOINT; } if (storeid == 2) { Insta_client_id = "tmLkZZ0zV41nJwhayBGBOI4m4I7bH55qpUBdEXGS"; Insta_client_secret = "IDejdccGqKaFlGav9bntKULvMZ0g7twVFolC9gdrh9peMS0megSFr7iDpWwWIDgFUc3W5SlX99fKnhxsoy6ipdAv9JeQwebmOU6VRvOEQnNMWwZnWglYmDGrfgKRheXs"; Insta_Endpoint = InstamojoConstants.INSTAMOJO_API_ENDPOINT; Insta_Auth_Endpoint = InstamojoConstants.INSTAMOJO_AUTH_ENDPOINT; } if (storeid == 3) { Insta_client_id = "tmLkZZ0zV41nJwhayBGBOI4m4I7bH55qpUBdEXGS"; Insta_client_secret = "IDejdccGqKaFlGav9bntKULvMZ0g7twVFolC9gdrh9peMS0megSFr7iDpWwWIDgFUc3W5SlX99fKnhxsoy6ipdAv9JeQwebmOU6VRvOEQnNMWwZnWglYmDGrfgKRheXs"; Insta_Endpoint = InstamojoConstants.INSTAMOJO_API_ENDPOINT; Insta_Auth_Endpoint = InstamojoConstants.INSTAMOJO_AUTH_ENDPOINT; } InstamojoAPI.Instamojo objClass = InstamojoImplementation.getApi(Insta_client_id, Insta_client_secret, Insta_Endpoint, Insta_Auth_Endpoint); PaymentOrder objPaymentRequest = new PaymentOrder(); //Required POST parameters =; =; =; objPaymentRequest.description = orderDetails.description; objPaymentRequest.amount = orderDetails.amount; objPaymentRequest.currency = "INR"; string randomName = Path.GetRandomFileName(); randomName = randomName.Replace(".", string.Empty); objPaymentRequest.transaction_id = "EVG" + randomName; transaction_id = objPaymentRequest.transaction_id; OrderNumber = objPaymentRequest.description; //For Production //objPaymentRequest.redirect_url = ""; //objPaymentRequest.webhook_url = ""; //Extra POST parameters //For Test objPaymentRequest.redirect_url = ""; objPaymentRequest.webhook_url = ""; if (objPaymentRequest.validate()) { //if (objPaymentRequest.emailInvalid) //{ // response.Message = "Email is not valid"; //} //if (objPaymentRequest.nameInvalid) //{ // response.Message = "Name is not valid"; //} if (objPaymentRequest.phoneInvalid) { response.Message = "Phone is not valid"; } if (objPaymentRequest.amountInvalid) { response.Message = "Amount is not valid"; } if (objPaymentRequest.currencyInvalid) { response.Message = "Currency is not valid"; } if (objPaymentRequest.transactionIdInvalid) { response.Message = "Transaction Id is not valid"; } if (objPaymentRequest.redirectUrlInvalid) { response.Message = "Redirect Url Id is not valid"; } if (objPaymentRequest.webhookUrlInvalid) { response.Message = "Webhook URL is not valid"; } } else { try { CreatePaymentOrderResponse objPaymentResponse = objClass.createNewPaymentRequest(objPaymentRequest); response.PaymentURL = objPaymentResponse.payment_options.payment_url; var data = context.ordermasters.Where(x => x.LoginId == loginid && x.OrderNumber == ordernumber && x.StoreId == storeid).FirstOrDefault(); if (data != null) { context.ordermasters.Where(x => x.LoginId == loginid && x.OrderNumber == ordernumber && x.StoreId == storeid).ToList().ForEach(x => x.TranactionId = transaction_id); context.SaveChanges(); } } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { response.Message = ex.Message; } catch (WebException ex) { response.Message = ex.Message; } catch (IOException ex) { response.Message = ex.Message; } catch (InvalidPaymentOrderException ex) { if (!ex.IsWebhookValid()) { response.Message = "Webhook is invalid"; } if (!ex.IsCurrencyValid()) { response.Message = "Currency is Invalid"; } if (!ex.IsTransactionIDValid()) { response.Message = "Transaction ID is Invalid"; } } catch (ConnectionException ex) { response.Message = ex.Message; } catch (BaseException ex) { response.Message = ex.Message; } catch (Exception ex) { response.Message = ex.Message; } } } return(response); }