CommandLineTool(string[] args) { // Set console's output encoding to UTF-8 Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; if (ProcessArguments (args) == false) { ExitWithUsageInstructions (); } if (opts.testMode) { opts.inputFile = ""; } if (opts.inputFile == null) { ExitWithUsageInstructions (); } string inputString = null; string workingDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); if (opts.outputFile == null) opts.outputFile = Path.ChangeExtension (opts.inputFile, ".ink.json"); if( !Path.IsPathRooted(opts.outputFile) ) opts.outputFile = Path.Combine (workingDirectory, opts.outputFile); if (opts.stressTest) { StressTestContentGenerator stressTestContent = null; TimeOperation ("Generating test content", () => { stressTestContent = new StressTestContentGenerator (100); }); Console.WriteLine ("Generated ~{0}k of test ink", stressTestContent.sizeInKiloChars); inputString = stressTestContent.content; } else { try { string fullFilename = opts.inputFile; if(!Path.IsPathRooted(fullFilename)) { fullFilename = Path.Combine(workingDirectory, fullFilename); } // Make the working directory the directory for the root ink file, // so that relative paths for INCLUDE files are correct. workingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(fullFilename); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(workingDirectory); // Now make the input file relative to the working directory, // but just getting the file's actual name. opts.inputFile = Path.GetFileName(fullFilename); inputString = File.ReadAllText(opts.inputFile); } catch { Console.WriteLine ("Could not open file '" + opts.inputFile+"'"); Environment.Exit (ExitCodeError); } } InkParser parser = null; Parsed.Story parsedStory = null; Runtime.Story story = null; errors = new List<string> (); warnings = new List<string> (); authorMessages = new List<string> (); var pluginManager = new PluginManager (pluginNames); var inputIsJson = opts.inputFile.EndsWith (".json"); // Loading a normal ink file (as opposed to an already compiled json file) if (!inputIsJson) { TimeOperation ("Creating parser", () => { parser = new InkParser (inputString, opts.inputFile, OnError); }); TimeOperation ("Parsing", () => { parsedStory = parser.Parse (); }); TimeOperation ("PostParsePlugins", () => { pluginManager.PostParse(parsedStory); }); if (parsedStory != null) { if (opts.countAllVisits) { parsedStory.countAllVisits = true; } TimeOperation ("Exporting runtime", () => { story = parsedStory.ExportRuntime (OnError); }); TimeOperation ("PostParsePlugins", () => { pluginManager.PostExport(parsedStory, story); }); } } // Opening up a compiled json file for playing else { story = new Runtime.Story (inputString); // No purpose for loading an already compiled file other than to play it opts.playMode = true; } PrintAllMessages (); if (story == null || errors.Count > 0) { Environment.Exit (ExitCodeError); } // JSON round trip testing // if (opts.testMode) { // var jsonStr = story.ToJsonString (indented:true); // Console.WriteLine (jsonStr); // // Console.WriteLine ("---------------------------------------------------"); // // var reloadedStory = new Runtime.Story (jsonStr); // var newJsonStr = reloadedStory.ToJsonString (indented: true); // Console.WriteLine (newJsonStr); // // story = reloadedStory; // } // Play mode // Test mode may use "-tp" in commmand line args to specify that // the test script is also played if (opts.playMode) { _playing = true; // Always allow ink external fallbacks story.allowExternalFunctionFallbacks = true; var player = new CommandLinePlayer (story, false, parsedStory, opts.keepOpenAfterStoryFinish); //Capture a CTRL+C key combo so we can restore the console's foreground color back to normal when exiting Console.CancelKeyPress += OnExit; try { player.Begin (); } catch (Runtime.StoryException e) { if (e.Message.Contains ("Missing function binding")) { OnError (e.Message, ErrorType.Error); PrintAllMessages (); } else { throw e; } } } // Compile mode else { var jsonStr = story.ToJsonString (); try { File.WriteAllText (opts.outputFile, jsonStr, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); } catch { Console.WriteLine ("Could not write to output file '" + opts.outputFile+"'"); Environment.Exit (ExitCodeError); } } }