Пример #1
        public static string Processar(int clienteID, int parcelas, Decimal totalCompra, string free, string sessionID, int taxaEntregaID, int formaPagamentoID, bool diners)
            int    clientePedidoID = Controle.GetOrderID(Controle.FP_REDECARD, clienteID);
            string tid             = Controle.GeraTID(Controle.FP_REDECARD, clienteID, clientePedidoID);

            int    popup = 1;
            string loja  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RedecardMerchID"].ToString();

            string strBandeira = "";
            int    bandeira    = 1;

            if (diners)
                bandeira = 2;

            if (bandeira == 1)
                strBandeira = "CREDICARD";
            else if (bandeira == 2)
                strBandeira = "DINERS";
                throw new Exception("Bandeira Inexistente");

            string urlRetorno = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RetornoRedecard"].ToString();

            string AVS = String.Empty; //usar "s" para habilitar

            if (InserirTransacao(clienteID, tid, clientePedidoID, parcelas, totalCompra, sessionID, taxaEntregaID, formaPagamentoID, bandeira) != 0)
                                         "meio_pagamento_seguro=REDECARD&metodo=SAFENET&BANDEIRA=" + strBandeira + "&loja=" + loja + "&pedido=" + tid + "&valor=" + Util.FormataValorRedecard(totalCompra) +
                                         "&parcelas=" + parcelas + "&juros=0&urlback=" + urlRetorno + "&popup=" + popup + "&PAX1=" + tid +
                                         "&AVS=" + AVS + "&RedecardIdioma=pt&TARGET=&urlcima="));
                return("Por favor tente novamente");
Пример #2
        public static string Processar(decimal EntregaValor, int enderecoID, int pDVSelecionado, string dataSelecionada, int clienteID, int parcelas, Decimal totalCompra, string sessionID, int taxaEntregaID, int formaPagamentoID, string BIN, bool visaElectron)
                int clientePedidoID = Controle.GetOrderID(Controle.FP_VISANET, clienteID);

                string tid = Controle.GeraTID(Controle.FP_VISANET, clienteID, clientePedidoID);
                tid += GeraComplementoTID(parcelas, visaElectron);

                string free = clienteID + ";" + sessionID + ";" + taxaEntregaID + ";" + EntregaValor + ";" + enderecoID + ";" + pDVSelecionado + ";" + dataSelecionada + ";" + formaPagamentoID + ";" + BIN + ";" + parcelas;

                //arrumar metodo
                if (InserirTransacao(clienteID, tid, clientePedidoID, parcelas, free, totalCompra, sessionID, taxaEntregaID, EntregaValor, enderecoID, pDVSelecionado, dataSelecionada, formaPagamentoID, BIN) != 0)
                               "https://comercio.locaweb.com.br/comercio.comp?merchid=" + merchid +
                               "&price=" + Util.FormataValorRedecard(totalCompra) +
                               "&damount=" + totalCompra.ToString("c") +
                               "&tid=" + tid +
                               "&orderid=" + clientePedidoID +
                               "&order=" + free +
                               "&authenttype=0" +
                               "&bin=" + BIN +
                               "&free=" + free +
                               "&visa_antipopup=0" +
                    return("Por favor tente novamente");
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Método processar " + ex.Message);
Пример #3
        public static string Processar(int clienteID, int parcelas, Decimal totalCompra, string sessionID, int taxaEntregaID, int formaPagamentoID, string bin)
            SortedList transactionData = new SortedList(new VPCStringComparer());
            string     queryString     = "https://vpos.amxvpos.com/vpcpay";

            int    clientePedidoID = Controle.GetOrderID(Controle.FP_AMEX, clienteID);
            string tid             = Controle.GeraTID(Controle.FP_AMEX, clienteID, clientePedidoID);

            //string tid = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfffffff");

            transactionData.Add("vpc_Version", "1");
            transactionData.Add("vpc_Command", "pay");
            transactionData.Add("vpc_AccessCode", AccessCode);
            transactionData.Add("vpc_MerchTxnRef", tid);     // TID validar se funciona bem
            transactionData.Add("vpc_OrderInfo", sessionID); //SessionID
            transactionData.Add("vpc_Merchant", Merchant);
            transactionData.Add("vpc_Locale", "pt_BR");
            transactionData.Add("vpc_ReturnURL", ReturnURL);
            transactionData.Add("vpc_Amount", Util.FormataValorRedecard(totalCompra));  //preco no formato 15000 = 150,00

            // campos variáveis
            if (parcelas > 1)
                transactionData.Add("vpc_PaymentPlan", "PlanN");
                transactionData.Add("vpc_numPayments", parcelas);    //parcelas TODO: verificar com AMEX n esta funcionando parece

            string rawHashData = SECURE_SECRET;
            string seperator   = "?";

            foreach (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry item in transactionData)
                // build the query string, URL Encoding all keys and their values
                queryString += seperator + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(item.Key.ToString()) + "=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(item.Value.ToString());
                seperator    = "&";

                // Collect the data required for the MD5 sugnature if required
                if (SECURE_SECRET.Length > 0)
                    rawHashData += item.Value.ToString();

            // Create the MD5 signature if required
            string signature = "";

            if (SECURE_SECRET.Length > 0)
                // create the signature and add it to the query string
                signature    = CreateMD5Signature(rawHashData);
                queryString += seperator + "vpc_SecureHash=" + signature;

            // Transmit the DO to the Payment Server via a browser redirect

            if (InserirTransacao(clienteID, tid, clientePedidoID, parcelas, totalCompra, sessionID, taxaEntregaID, formaPagamentoID, bin) != 0)

            #region querystring pronta

            //queryString = "https://vpos.amxvpos.com/vpcpay?" +
            //"&vpc_Version=1" +
            //"&vpc_Command=pay" +
            //"&vpc_AccessCode=DEE970C5" +
            //"&vpc_MerchTxnRef=" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssff") +
            //"&vpc_Merchant=TEST9917588774" +
            //"&vpc_OrderInfo=campo livre" +
            //"&vpc_Amount=100" +
            //"&vpc_ReturnURL=http://localhost:8888/Amex/DR.aspx" +
