Пример #1
            public void SetThrust(Vector3D deltaV, bool align)
                Base6Directions.Direction direction         = Base6Directions.GetClosestDirection(deltaV);
                Base6Directions.Direction oppositeDirection = Base6Directions.GetOppositeDirection(direction);
                //Program.Echo($"\nDirection: {direction.ToString()}");
                //Program.Echo($"\nOpposite: {oppositeDirection.ToString()}");
                float maxThrust = MaxThrusters[direction];

                //double decayFactor = 0.8;
                //if (align && direction != Base6Directions.Direction.Forward || direction != Base6Directions.Direction.Backward)
                //    decayFactor = 0.25;

                //double acceleration = MathHelper.Clamp(maxThrust / Remote.CalculateShipMass().TotalMass, 0.1, Math.Pow(deltaV.Length(), decayFactor));
                //Drone.LogToLcd($"{direction.ToString()} {acceleration.ToString()}m/s/s");

                double acceleration = 0;
                var    freq         = this.Program.Runtime.TimeSinceLastRun.TotalMilliseconds / 1000;

                if (direction == Base6Directions.Direction.Left || direction == Base6Directions.Direction.Right)
                    acceleration = XPID.CorrectError(deltaV.Length(), freq);
                else if (direction == Base6Directions.Direction.Up || direction == Base6Directions.Direction.Down)
                    acceleration = YPID.CorrectError(deltaV.Length(), freq);
                else if (direction == Base6Directions.Direction.Forward || direction == Base6Directions.Direction.Backward)
                    acceleration = ZPID.CorrectError(deltaV.Length(), freq);

                double force = Remote.CalculateShipMass().TotalMass *acceleration;

                foreach (IMyThrust thruster in Thrusters[direction])
                    thruster.Enabled        = true;
                    thruster.ThrustOverride = (float)force;

                foreach (IMyThrust thruster in Thrusters[oppositeDirection])
                    thruster.ThrustOverride = 0f;
                    thruster.Enabled        = false;
Пример #2
            public bool AlignBlockTo(Vector3D vPos, IMyTerminalBlock block = null)
                if (block == null)
                    block = Remote;

                Matrix   m       = block.WorldMatrix;
                Vector3D forward = m.Forward;
                Vector3D left    = m.Left;
                Vector3D up      = m.Up;

                Vector3D vTarget = (vPos - block.GetPosition());


                // Check angle.
                var angleF = VectorHelper.AngleBetween(vTarget, m.Forward);

                this.Program.Echo(string.Format("Angle: {0}", angleF));
                if (angleF <= 0.01)

                double yaw, pitch;

                GetRotationAngles(vTarget, forward, left, up, out yaw, out pitch);

                // Correct with PID.
                var freq = this.Program.Runtime.TimeSinceLastRun.TotalMilliseconds / 1000;

                pitch = PitchPID.CorrectError(pitch, freq) * 0.1;     // * speedFactor; apply factor to reduce the speed if needed.
                yaw   = YawPID.CorrectError(yaw, freq) * 0.1;         // * speedFactor; apply factor to reduce the speed if needed.

                // Apply gyro overrides.
                ApplyGyroOverride(pitch, yaw, 0, Gyros, m);

                // Return not aligned for now. Will keep aligning :)