public void Enqueue(Point[] points) { foreach (var config in _configBusiness.OpenDatabaseConfig()) { IFormatter formatter; try { var agent = _influxDbAgentLoader.GetAgent(config); var agentInfo = agent.GetAgentInfo(); formatter = agentInfo.Item1; _outputMessage("Send to " + config.Url + " ver " + agentInfo.Item2, OutputLevel.Information); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { var ifx = new InfluxDb("", "-", "-", InfluxVersion.v09x); formatter = ifx.GetFormatter(); _outputMessage("Unknown client version, simulation output for version " + ifx.GetClientVersion() + ".", OutputLevel.Warning); } foreach (var point in points) { _outputMessage(formatter.PointToString(point), OutputLevel.Information); } } }
public KafkaAgent(Uri[] kafkaServers) { var options = new KafkaOptions(kafkaServers); _router = new BrokerRouter(options); var influxDbClient = new InfluxDb("http://localhost", "reapadda", "qwerty", InfluxVersion.v09x); _formatter = influxDbClient.GetFormatter(); }
public InfluxDbAgent(IDatabaseConfig databaseConfig) { _databaseConfig = databaseConfig; Uri result; if (!Uri.TryCreate(_databaseConfig.Url, UriKind.Absolute, out result)) { var exp = new InvalidOperationException("Unable to parse provided connection as url."); exp.Data.Add("Url", databaseConfig.Url); throw exp; } try { _influxDb = new InfluxDb(_databaseConfig.Url, _databaseConfig.Username, _databaseConfig.Password, InfluxVersion.Auto); } catch (Exception exception) { var exp = new InvalidOperationException("Could not establish a connection to the database.", exception); exp.Data.Add("Url", databaseConfig.Url); exp.Data.Add("Username", databaseConfig.Username); throw exp; } }
public InfluxDbProviderV8() { _influxDbClient = new InfluxDb(_influxDbUri, _influxDbUserName, _influxDbPassword); }
void SendBatch() { std::stringstream batchedData; MetricData data; bool firstLoop = true; while (_queuedData.Dequeue(data)) { if (!firstLoop) batchedData << "\n"; batchedData << data.Category; if (!_realmName.empty()) batchedData << ",realm=" << _realmName; batchedData << " "; switch (data.Type) { case METRIC_DATA_VALUE: batchedData << "value=" << data.Value; break; case METRIC_DATA_EVENT: batchedData << "title=\"" << data.Title << "\",text=\"" << data.Text << "\""; break; } batchedData << " "; batchedData << std::to_string(duration_cast<nanoseconds>(data.Timestamp.time_since_epoch()).count()); firstLoop = false; delete data; } // Check if there's any data to send if (batchedData.tellp() == std::streampos(0)) { ScheduleSend(); return; } if (!_dataStream.good() && !Connect()) return; var blah = new InfluxDB.Net.InfluxDb(_hostname, "root", "root", InfluxDB.Net.Enums.InfluxVersion.v010x); InfluxDB.Net.Models.Serie b = new InfluxDB.Net.Models.Serie(); b.Columns _dataStream.UploadString( << "POST " << "/write?db=" << _databaseName << " HTTP/1.1\r\n"; _dataStream << "Host: " << _hostname << ":" << _port << "\r\n"; _dataStream << "Accept: */*\r\n"; _dataStream << "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n"; _dataStream << "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n"; _dataStream << "Content-Length: " << std::to_string(batchedData.tellp()) << "\r\n\r\n"; _dataStream << batchedData.rdbuf(); std::string http_version; _dataStream >> http_version; unsigned int status_code = 0; _dataStream >> status_code; if (status_code != 204) { TC_LOG_ERROR("metric", "Error sending data, returned HTTP code: %u", status_code); } // Read and ignore the status description std::string status_description; std::getline(_dataStream, status_description); // Read headers std::string header; while (std::getline(_dataStream, header) && header != "\r") { if (header == "Connection: close\r") _dataStream.close(); } ScheduleSend(); }
public InfluxDbAgent(string url, string databaseName, string userName, string password, TimeSpan? requestTimeout, InfluxVersion influxVersion = InfluxVersion.Auto) { _databaseName = databaseName; _userName = userName; _password = password; Uri result; if (!Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out result)) { var exp = new InvalidOperationException("Unable to parse provided connection as url."); exp.Data.Add("Url", url); throw exp; } try { _influxDb = new InfluxDb(url, userName, password, influxVersion, requestTimeout); } catch (Exception exception) { var exp = new InvalidOperationException("Could not establish a connection to the database.", exception); exp.Data.Add("Url", url); exp.Data.Add("Username", userName); throw exp; } }