Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new HitGrid of the same size and sets its contents to the opposite of this one.
        /// Does not set type or anything else!
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The inverted grid</returns>
        public HitGrid Invert()
            var result = new HitGrid(Width, Height, CellWidth, CellHeight);

            for (int c = 0; c < Columns; c++)
                for (int r = 0; r < Rows; r++)
                    result[c, r] = !this[c, r];

Пример #2
        public bool CollidesWith(HitGrid other)
            if (!CheckBoundingBoxes(other))

            if (Radius <= MathUtility.DistanceRectPoint(Left + Radius, Top + Radius, other.Left, other.Top, other.Width, other.Height))

            var thisCenter = new Vector2(Left + Radius, Top + Radius);
            var oCenter    = new Vector2(other.Left + other.Width / 2f, other.Top + other.Height / 2f);

            int rowStart = 0, rowMax = other.Rows, rowStep = 1;
            int colStart = 0, colMax = other.Columns, colStep = 1;

            if (thisCenter.X > oCenter.X)
                colStart = other.Columns - 1;
                colStep  = colMax = -1;

            if (thisCenter.Y > oCenter.Y)
                rowStart = other.Rows - 1;
                rowStep  = rowMax = -1;

            for (int row = rowStart; row != rowMax; row += rowStep)
                for (int col = colStart; col != colMax; col += colStep)
                    if (!other[col, row])

                    var cellPos = new Vector2(other.Left + col * other.CellWidth, other.Top + row * other.CellWidth);
                    if (Radius > MathUtility.DistanceRectPoint(thisCenter.X, thisCenter.Y, cellPos.X, cellPos.Y, other.CellWidth, other.CellHeight))

Пример #3
        public bool CollidesWith(HitGrid other)
            // Find the X edges
            var ax1 = Left;
            var ax2 = Right;
            var bx1 = other.Left;
            var bx2 = other.Right;

            if (ax2 < bx1 || ax1 > bx2)

            // Find the Y edges
            var ay1 = Top;
            var ay2 = Bottom;
            var by1 = other.Top;
            var by2 = other.Bottom;

            if (ay2 < by1 || ay1 > by2)

            // Find the overlapping area
            var ox1 = ax1 > bx1 ? ax1 : bx1;
            var oy1 = ay1 > by1 ? ay1 : by1;
            var ox2 = ax2 < bx2 ? ax2 : bx2;
            var oy2 = ay2 < by2 ? ay2 : by2;

            // Find the smallest tile size, and snap the top and left overlapping
            // edges to that tile size. This ensures that corner checking works
            // properly.
            float tw, th;

            if (CellWidth < other.CellWidth)
                tw   = CellWidth;
                ox1 -= Left;
                ox1  = (int)(ox1 / tw) * tw;
                ox1 += Left;
                tw   = other.CellWidth;
                ox1 -= other.Left;
                ox1  = (int)(ox1 / tw) * tw;
                ox1 += other.Left;
            if (CellHeight < other.CellHeight)
                th   = CellHeight;
                oy1 -= Top;
                oy1  = (int)(oy1 / th) * th;
                oy1 += Top;
                th   = other.CellHeight;
                oy1 -= other.Top;
                oy1  = (int)(oy1 / th) * th;
                oy1 += other.Top;

            // Step through the overlapping rectangle
            for (float y = oy1; y < oy2; y += th)
                // Get the row indices for the top and bottom edges of the tile
                int ar1 = (int)(y - Top) / CellHeight;
                int br1 = (int)(y - other.Top) / other.CellHeight;
                int ar2 = (int)((y - Top) + (th - 1)) / CellHeight;
                int br2 = (int)((y - other.Top) + (th - 1)) / other.CellHeight;
                for (float x = ox1; x < ox2; x += tw)
                    // Get the column indices for the left and right edges of the tile
                    int ac1 = (int)(x - Left) / CellWidth;
                    int bc1 = (int)(x - other.Left) / other.CellWidth;
                    int ac2 = (int)((x - Left) + (tw - 1)) / CellWidth;
                    int bc2 = (int)((x - other.Left) + (tw - 1)) / other.CellWidth;

                    // Check all the corners for collisions
                    if ((this.CheckCellSafely(ac1, ar1) && other.CheckCellSafely(bc1, br1)) ||
                        (this.CheckCellSafely(ac2, ar1) && other.CheckCellSafely(bc2, br1)) ||
                        (this.CheckCellSafely(ac1, ar2) && other.CheckCellSafely(bc1, br2)) ||
                        (this.CheckCellSafely(ac2, ar2) && other.CheckCellSafely(bc2, br2)))
