Пример #1
 public override void SetValue(object obj, object value, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] index, CultureInfo culture)
     if (index != null && index.Length > 0)
         Impromptu.InvokeGetIndex(obj, index.Concat(new[] { value }).ToArray());
     _cachedSet.Invoke(obj, value);
Пример #2
        public override object GetValue(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] index, CultureInfo culture)
            if (index != null && index.Length > 0)
                return(Impromptu.InvokeGetIndex(obj, index));

 /// <summary>
 /// When overridden in a derived class, sets the value of the component to a different value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="component">The component with the property value that is to be set.</param>
 /// <param name="value">The new value.</param>
 public override void SetValue(object component, object value)
         _invokeSet.Invoke(component, value);
     catch (RuntimeBinderException)
 /// <summary>
 /// When overridden in a derived class, gets the current value of the property on a component.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="component">The component with the property for which to retrieve the value.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// The value of a property for a given component.
 /// </returns>
 public override object GetValue(object component)
     catch (RuntimeBinderException)
Пример #5
        public void TestCacheableSetTimed()
            var tPoco = new PropPoco();

            var tSetValue = "1";

            var tCacheable = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.Set, "Prop1");
            var tWatch = TimeIt.Go(() => tCacheable.Invoke(tPoco, tSetValue), 500000);
            var tPropertyInfo = tPoco.GetType().GetProperty("Prop1");
            var tWatch2 = TimeIt.Go(() => tPropertyInfo.SetValue(tPoco, tSetValue, new object[] { }), 500000);

            TestContext.WriteLine("Impromptu: " + tWatch.Elapsed);
            TestContext.WriteLine("Refelection: " + tWatch2.Elapsed);
            TestContext.WriteLine("Impromptu VS Reflection: {0:0.0} x faster", (double)tWatch2.Elapsed.Ticks / tWatch.Elapsed.Ticks);
            Assert.Less(tWatch.Elapsed, tWatch2.Elapsed);
             public void TestCacheableDynamicSetAndPocoSetAndSetNull()
                 dynamic tExpando = new ExpandoObject();
                 var tSetValueD = "4";

                 var tCachedInvoke = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.Set, "Prop1");

                 tCachedInvoke.Invoke((object)tExpando, tSetValueD);

                 Assert.AreEqual(tSetValueD, tExpando.Prop1);

                 var tPoco = new PropPoco();
                 var tSetValue = "1";

                 tCachedInvoke.Invoke(tPoco, tSetValue);

                 Assert.AreEqual(tSetValue, tPoco.Prop1);
                 String tSetValue2 = null;

                 tCachedInvoke.Invoke(tPoco, tSetValue2);

                 Assert.AreEqual(tSetValue2, tPoco.Prop1);
        public void TestCacheableMethodDynamicPassVoid()
            var tTest = "Wrong";

            var tValue = "Correct";

            dynamic tExpando = new ExpandoObject();
            tExpando.Action = new Action<string>(it => tTest = it);

            var tCachedInvoke = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.InvokeMemberAction, "Action", argCount: 1);

            tCachedInvoke.Invoke((object) tExpando, tValue);

            Assert.AreEqual(tValue, tTest);
        public void TestCachedMethodStaticOverloadingPassAndGetValue()
            var tPoco = new OverloadingMethPoco();

            var tValue = 1;

            var tCachedInvoke = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.InvokeMember, "Func", argCount: 1);

            var tOut = tCachedInvoke.Invoke(tPoco, tValue);

            Assert.AreEqual("int", tOut);

            Assert.AreEqual("int", (object)tOut); //should still be int because this uses runtime type

            var tOut2 = tCachedInvoke.Invoke(tPoco, 1m);

            Assert.AreEqual("object", tOut2);

            var tOut3 = tCachedInvoke.Invoke(tPoco, new { Anon = 1 });

            Assert.AreEqual("object", tOut3);
        public void TestCacheableSetIndexer()

            dynamic tSetValue = "3";
            var tList = new List<string> { "1", "2" };

            var tCachedInvoke = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.SetIndex, argCount:2);

            tCachedInvoke.Invoke(tList, 0, tSetValue);

            Assert.AreEqual(tSetValue, tList[0]);

        public void TestCacheableGet()
            var tCached =new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.Get, "Prop1");

            var tSetValue = "1";
            var tAnon = new PropPoco{ Prop1 = tSetValue };

            var tOut = tCached.Invoke(tAnon);
            Assert.AreEqual(tSetValue, tOut);

            var tSetValue2 = "2";
            tAnon = new PropPoco { Prop1 = tSetValue2 };

            var tOut2 = tCached.Invoke(tAnon);

            Assert.AreEqual(tSetValue2, tOut2);

        public void TestCacheablePrimativeDateTimeObjectNullableAndGuidNoParams()
            var tCachedInvoke = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.Constructor);

            dynamic tCast = tCachedInvoke.Invoke(typeof(Int32));

            Assert.AreEqual(default(Int32), tCast);

            tCast = tCachedInvoke.Invoke(typeof(DateTime));

            Assert.AreEqual(default(DateTime), tCast);

            tCast = tCachedInvoke.Invoke(typeof(List<string>));

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(List<string>), tCast.GetType());

            tCast = tCachedInvoke.Invoke(typeof(object));

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(object), tCast.GetType());

            tCast = tCachedInvoke.Invoke(typeof(Nullable<Int32>));

            Assert.AreEqual(null, tCast);

            tCast = tCachedInvoke.Invoke(typeof(Guid));

            Assert.AreEqual(default(Guid), tCast);
 public void TestCacheableStaticDateTimeMethod()
     object tDateDyn = "01/20/2009";
     var tCachedInvoke = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.InvokeMember, "Parse", 1,
                                                 context: typeof (DateTime).WithStaticContext());
     var tDate = tCachedInvoke.Invoke(typeof(DateTime), tDateDyn);
     Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2009, 1, 20), tDate);
        public void TestCacheableStaticSet()
            int tValue = 12;

            var tCachedInvoke = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.Set, "TestSet",
                                                        context: typeof (StaticType).WithStaticContext());
            tCachedInvoke.Invoke(typeof(StaticType), tValue);
            Assert.AreEqual(tValue, StaticType.TestSet);
        public void TestCacheableStaticGet()
            var tCached = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.Get, "Today", context: typeof(DateTime).WithStaticContext());

            var tDate = tCached.Invoke(typeof(DateTime));
            Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Today, tDate);
Пример #15
 public void TestCacheableExposePrivateMethodViaType()
     var tTest = new TestWithPrivateMethod();
     var tCachedInvoke = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.InvokeMember, "Test", context:typeof(TestWithPrivateMethod));
     Assert.AreEqual(3, tCachedInvoke.Invoke(tTest)); 
Пример #16
 public void TestCacheableDoNotExposePrivateMethod()
     var tTest = new TestWithPrivateMethod();
     var tCachedInvoke = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.InvokeMember, "Test");
     AssertException<RuntimeBinderException>(() => tCachedInvoke.Invoke(tTest));
        public override object InvokeMember(string name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object target, object[] args, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, CultureInfo culture, string[] namedParameters)
            object tContext = typeof (object);
            InvocationKind tKind;
            if ((BindingFlags.GetProperty & invokeAttr) != 0)
                tKind = name.Equals(Invocation.IndexBinderName) ? InvocationKind.GetIndex : InvocationKind.Get;
            else if ((BindingFlags.SetProperty & invokeAttr) != 0)
                tKind = name.Equals(Invocation.IndexBinderName) ? InvocationKind.SetIndex : InvocationKind.Set;

                tKind = InvocationKind.InvokeMemberUnknown;

            if((BindingFlags.NonPublic & invokeAttr) !=0)
                tContext = target;
            //Use cachedable invocation not because it's getting cached, but because the constructor matches the parameters better.
            var tCachedInvocation = new CacheableInvocation(tKind, name, args.Length, namedParameters, tContext);
            return tCachedInvocation.Invoke(target, args);
Пример #18
        public void TestCacheableMethodPocoVoidTimed()

            var tValue = new Dictionary<object, object>();

            var tCachedInvoke = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.InvokeMemberAction, "Clear");

            var tWatch = TimeIt.Go(() => tCachedInvoke.Invoke(tValue));
            var tMethodInfo = tValue.GetType().GetMethod("Clear", new Type[] { });
            var tWatch2 = TimeIt.Go(() => tMethodInfo.Invoke(tValue, new object[] { }));

            TestContext.WriteLine("Impromptu: " + tWatch.Elapsed);
            TestContext.WriteLine("Reflection: " + tWatch2.Elapsed);
            TestContext.WriteLine("Impromptu VS Reflection: {0:0.0} x faster", (double)tWatch2.Elapsed.Ticks / tWatch.Elapsed.Ticks);
            Assert.Less(tWatch.Elapsed, tWatch2.Elapsed);
        public void TestCacheableConstructValueType()
            var tCachedInvoke = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.Constructor, argCount: 3);
            dynamic tCast = tCachedInvoke.Invoke(typeof(DateTime), 2009, 1, 20);

            Assert.AreEqual(20, tCast.Day);

        public void TestCacheableIsEventAndIsNotEvent()
            object tPoco = new PocoEvent();

            var tCachedInvoke = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.IsEvent, "Event");

            var tResult = tCachedInvoke.Invoke(tPoco);

            Assert.AreEqual(true, tResult);

            dynamic tDynamic = new ImpromptuDictionary();

            tDynamic.Event = null;

            var tResult2 = tCachedInvoke.Invoke((object) tDynamic);

            Assert.AreEqual(false, tResult2);
        public void TestCacheableStaticCall()

            var tCached = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.InvokeMember, "Create".WithGenericArgs(typeof (bool)), argCount: 1,
                                    context: typeof (StaticType).WithStaticContext());

            var tOut = tCached.Invoke(typeof(StaticType), 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(false, tOut);
         public void TestCacheablePocoAddAssign()
             var tPoco = new PocoEvent();
             bool tTest = false;

             var tCachedInvoke = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.AddAssign, "Event");

             tCachedInvoke.Invoke(tPoco, new EventHandler<EventArgs>((@object, args) => { tTest = true; }));

             tPoco.OnEvent(null, null);

             Assert.AreEqual(true, tTest);

             var tPoco2 = new PropPoco() { Event = 3 };

             tCachedInvoke.Invoke(tPoco2, 4);

             Assert.AreEqual(7L, tPoco2.Event);
        public void TestCacheableIndexer()

            var tStrings = new[] { "1", "2" };

            var tCachedInvoke = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.GetIndex, argCount: 1);

            var tOut = (string)tCachedInvoke.Invoke(tStrings, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(tStrings[0], tOut);

            var tOut2 = (string)tCachedInvoke.Invoke(tStrings, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(tStrings[1], tOut2);

            var tInts = new int[] { 3, 4 };

            var tOut3 = (int)tCachedInvoke.Invoke(tInts, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(tInts[0], tOut3);

            var tOut4 = (int)tCachedInvoke.Invoke(tInts, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(tInts[1], tOut4);

            var tList = new List<string> { "5", "6" };

            var tOut5 = (string)tCachedInvoke.Invoke(tList, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(tList[0], tOut5);

            var tOut6 = (string)tCachedInvoke.Invoke(tList, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(tList[0], tOut6);
         public void TestCacheablePocoSubtractAssign()
             var tPoco = new PocoEvent();
             bool tTest = false;
             var tEvent = new EventHandler<EventArgs>((@object, args) => { tTest = true; });

             var tCachedInvoke = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.SubtractAssign, "Event");

             tPoco.Event += tEvent;

             tCachedInvoke.Invoke(tPoco, tEvent);

             tPoco.OnEvent(null, null);

             Assert.AreEqual(false, tTest);

             tCachedInvoke.Invoke(tPoco, tEvent);//Test Second Time

             var tPoco2 = new PropPoco() { Event = 3 };

             tCachedInvoke.Invoke(tPoco2, 4);

             Assert.AreEqual(-1, tPoco2.Event);
        public void TestCacheableMethodDynamicPassAndGetValue()
            dynamic tExpando = new ExpandoObject();
            tExpando.Func = new Func<int, string>(it => it.ToString());

            var tValue = 1;

            var tCachedInvoke = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.InvokeMember, "Func", 1);

            var tOut = tCachedInvoke.Invoke((object) tExpando, tValue);

            Assert.AreEqual(tValue.ToString(), tOut);
         public void TestCacheableDynamicSubtractAssign()
             var tDynamic = Build.NewObject(Prop2: 3, Event: null, OnEvent: new ThisAction<object, EventArgs>((@this, obj, args) => @this.Event(obj, args)));
             var tDynamic2 = Build.NewObject(Event: 3);

             bool tTest = false;
             var tEvent = new EventHandler<EventArgs>((@object, args) => { tTest = true; });
             var tCachedInvoke = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.SubtractAssign, "Event");

             tDynamic.Event += tEvent;

             tCachedInvoke.Invoke((object) tDynamic, tEvent);

             tDynamic.OnEvent(null, null);

             Assert.AreEqual(false, tTest);

             tCachedInvoke.Invoke((object)tDynamic2, 4);

             Assert.AreEqual(-1, tDynamic2.Event);
        public void TestCacheableMethodPocoOverloadingPassAndGetValueArgOptional()
            var tPoco = new OverloadingMethPoco();

            var tValue = 1;

            var tCachedIvnocation = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.InvokeMember, "Func", argCount: 1,
                                                            argNames: new[] {"two"});

            var tOut = tCachedIvnocation.Invoke(tPoco, tValue);

            Assert.AreEqual("object named", tOut);

            Assert.AreEqual("object named", (object)tOut);
        public void TestConvertCacheable()
            var tEl = new XElement("Test", "45");

            var tCacheInvoke = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.Convert, convertType: typeof (int),
                                                       convertExplicit: true);
            var tCast = tCacheInvoke.Invoke(tEl);

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(int), tCast.GetType());
            Assert.AreEqual(45, tCast);
        public void TestCacheableMethodDynamicUnknowns()
            var tTest = "Wrong";

            var tValue = "Correct";

            dynamic tExpando = new ExpandoObject();
            tExpando.Action = new Action<string>(it => tTest = it);
            tExpando.Func = new Func<string,string>(it => it);

            var tCachedInvoke = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.InvokeMemberUnknown, "Action", argCount: 1);

            tCachedInvoke.Invoke((object)tExpando, tValue);

            Assert.AreEqual(tValue, tTest);

            var tCachedInvoke2 = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.InvokeMemberUnknown, "Func", argCount: 1);

            var Test2 =tCachedInvoke2.Invoke((object)tExpando, tValue);

            Assert.AreEqual(tValue, Test2);
        public void TestCacheableConstruct()
            var tCachedInvoke = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.Constructor, argCount: 1);

            dynamic tCast = tCachedInvoke.Invoke(typeof(List<object>), new object[]
                                                                                  new string[] {"one", "two", "three"}

            Assert.AreEqual("two", tCast[1]);
        public void TestCacheableGetDynamic()

            var tSetValue = "1";
            dynamic tExpando = new ExpandoObject();
            tExpando.Test = tSetValue;

            var tCached = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.Get, "Test");

            var tOut = tCached.Invoke((object) tExpando);

            Assert.AreEqual(tSetValue, tOut);
        public void TestOptionalArgumentActivationNoneAndCacheable()
                AssertException<MissingMethodException>(() => Activator.CreateInstance<ImpromptuList>());

               var tList= Impromptu.InvokeConstructor(typeof (ImpromptuList));


               var tCachedInvoke = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.Constructor);

               var tList1 = tCachedInvoke.Invoke(typeof(ImpromptuList));

               Assert.AreEqual(typeof(ImpromptuList), tList1.GetType());
        public void TestCacheableConstructOptional()
            var tCachedInvoke = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.Constructor, argCount: 1, argNames:new[]{"three"});

            var tCast = (PocoOptConstructor)tCachedInvoke.Invoke(typeof(PocoOptConstructor), "3");

            Assert.AreEqual("-1", tCast.One);
            Assert.AreEqual("-2", tCast.Two);
            Assert.AreEqual("3", tCast.Three);
Пример #34
        public void TestCacheableMethodPocoGetValue4argsTimed()

            var tValue = "test 123 45 string";

            var tCachedInvoke = new CacheableInvocation(InvocationKind.InvokeMember, "IndexOf", 4);
            var tWatch = TimeIt.Go(() =>
                                           var tOut = tCachedInvoke.Invoke(tValue,"45", 0, 14, StringComparison.InvariantCulture);
                                       }, 500000);
            var tMethodInfo = tValue.GetType().GetMethod("IndexOf", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(StringComparison) });
            var tWatch2 = TimeIt.Go(() =>
                var tOut = tMethodInfo.Invoke(tValue, new object[] { "45", 0, 14, StringComparison.InvariantCulture });
            }, 500000);

            TestContext.WriteLine("Impromptu: " + tWatch.Elapsed);
            TestContext.WriteLine("Reflection: " + tWatch2.Elapsed);
            TestContext.WriteLine("Impromptu VS Reflection: {0:0.0} x faster", (double)tWatch2.Elapsed.Ticks / tWatch.Elapsed.Ticks);
            Assert.Less(tWatch.Elapsed, tWatch2.Elapsed);