public static string GetResourceType(string payload)
            string         ctdlType = "";
            RegistryObject ro       = new RegistryObject(payload);

            ctdlType = ro.CtdlType;
            //ctdlType = ctdlType.Replace( "ceterms:", "" );
        public static string GetCtidFromUnknownEnvelope(ReadEnvelope item)
            string ctid = "";

            //string envelopeId = "";
                RegistryObject ro = new RegistryObject(item.DecodedResource.ToString());
                ctid = ro.Ctid;

                //TODO - this will have to change for type of @graph
                //envelopeId = item.EnvelopeIdentifier;
                //ctid = item.EnvelopeCetermsCtid ?? "";
                //if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( ctid ) )
                //    return ctid;

                //string payload = item.DecodedResource.ToString();
                //if ( payload.IndexOf( "@graph" ) > -1 )
                //    UnknownPayload input = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<UnknownPayload>( item.DecodedResource.ToString() );
                //    //extract from the @id
                //    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( input.Ctid ) )
                //    {
                //        ctid = input.Ctid;
                //    }
                //    else if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( input.CtdlId ) )
                //    {
                //        int pos = input.CtdlId.LastIndexOf( "/" );
                //        ctid = input.CtdlId.Substring( pos );
                //    }
                //    UnknownPayload input = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<UnknownPayload>( item.DecodedResource.ToString() );
                //    ctid = input.Ctid;
            catch (Exception ex)
                LoggingHelper.DoTrace(2, "GetCtidFromUnknownEnvelope - unable to extract ctid from envelope");
