public static void generateReport(SWInfo sw) { string[,] info = new string[, ] { { "Calculation Items", "Your Condition", "Your Points" }, { "Some NOC codes could get bonus", sw.NOC, sw.NocBonusPoints.ToString() }, { "Skill level and points", sw.SkillLevel.ToString(), sw.JobLevelPoints.ToString() }, { "Is your job in Top 100", sw.Intop100?"Yes":"No", sw.Top100Bonus.ToString() }, { "Current in BC working in same occupation", sw.CurrentWorkInBCPosition?"Yes":"No", sw.CurrentWorkPoints.ToString() }, { "Annual job wage", sw.Wage.ToString(), sw.WagePoints.ToString() }, { "Work region", sw.Region, sw.RegionPoints.ToString() }, { "Direct related work experience", sw.DirectWorkExperience.ToString(), sw.DirectWorkExperiencePoints.ToString() }, { "One year direct experience in Canada", sw.OneYearDirectExperienceInCanada?"Yes":"No", sw.OneYearDirectExperienceInCanadaPoints.ToString() }, { "Education Level", sw.Education, sw.EducationPoints.ToString() }, { "Education bonus", sw.EducationBonus, sw.EducationBonusPoints.ToString() }, { "CLB Luange level", sw.CLB.ToString(), sw.CLBPoints.ToString() } }; Document doc = new Document(PageSize.LETTER, 72, 72, 72, 72); string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); string fn = path + @"\BCPNP-SW Points-" + sw.Client + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMdd") + "-" + String.Format("{0:hh}", DateTime.Now) + String.Format("{0:mm}", DateTime.Now) + String.Format("{0:ss}", DateTime.Now) + ".pdf"; PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, new FileStream(fn, FileMode.Create)); doc.Open(); // add a img to pdf iTextSharp.text.Image img = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(@"Resources\logo.png"); img.SetAbsolutePosition(toUnit(5f), toUnit(9.75f)); // set the size to be 2.5 inch x 1.5 inch img.ScaleToFit(toUnit(2.5f), toUnit(1.5f)); doc.Add(img); doc.Add(new Paragraph("\n\n\n")); PDFItems font = new PDFItems(); Paragraph Title = (new Paragraph(18.5f, " BCPNP Skill Worker Scoring Anlaysis", font.fontLevel3) { SpacingAfter = 15 }); Paragraph paraforClient = (new Paragraph(18.5f, "For: " + sw.Client + " Date: " + DateTime.Today.ToString("MMM-dd,yyyy") + " Total Points: " + sw.TotalPoints.ToString(), font.fontLevel6) { SpacingAfter = 10 }); Title.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; paraforClient.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; ////para.IndentationRight = 10; doc.Add(Title); doc.Add(paraforClient); PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(3); float[] sglTblHdWidths = new float[3]; sglTblHdWidths[0] = 300f; sglTblHdWidths[1] = 200f; sglTblHdWidths[2] = 100f; // Set the column widths on table creation. Unlike HTML cells cannot be sized. table.SetWidths(sglTblHdWidths); table.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; // float[] width = new float[3] { toUnit(2.17f),toUnit(2.17f),toUnit(2.17f)}; table.WidthPercentage = 100; table.GetFittingRows(18f, 0); PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase((sw.Client + " Scores in detail\n"), font.fontLevel5)); cell.Colspan = 3; cell.HorizontalAlignment = 1; //0=Left, 1=Centre, 2=Right table.AddCell(cell); for (int i = 0; i < info.Length / 3; i++) { table.AddCell(info[i, 0]); table.AddCell(info[i, 1]); table.AddCell(info[i, 2]); } doc.Add(table); Chunk thanks = new Chunk("\nThanks for your enquiry.\nIf you have further requirement for how to upgrade your scores, please make an appointment with our ICCRC licensed Immigration Consultant.\n\n"); // sign.Leading = 36; doc.Add(thanks); //RCICSigning(doc); //table.SpacingAfter = 0; //Chunk sign = new Chunk("Jacky Zhang\nRCIC: R511623\n"); //doc.Add(sign); //float curY = writer.GetVerticalPosition(false); //float x = doc.Left + sign.GetWidthPoint(); //MessageBox.Show(x.ToString()); Chunk contact1 = new Chunk("\n\n\nContact Information\nGuangson Headquarter:\n#1017 4500 Kingsway, Burnaby V5H 2A9\nEmail:[email protected]\tTel:+ 1 604 - 282 - 1536"); //contact1.Font = fontBody; doc.Add(contact1); Chunk contact2 = new Chunk("\nGuangson Immigration:\n#2319 4500 Kingsway, Burnaby V5H 2A9\nEmail:[email protected]\t+ 1 604-558-1536"); //contact2.Font = cxfontLevel1; doc.Add(contact2); //BaseFont.AddToResourceSearch("iTextAsian.dll"); BaseFont bfChinese = BaseFont.CreateFont( "MHei-Medium", "UniCNS-UCS2-H", // 橫式中文 BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED ); Font fontChinese = new Font(bfChinese, 8); doc.Add(new Paragraph( @"聰明難,糊塗難, 由聰明而轉入糊塗更難, 放一著,退一步,當下心安,非圖後來福報也。", fontChinese )); doc.Add(new Paragraph( @"1991年9月—1996年6月: 哈尔滨市马家沟小学 1996年9月—2000年6月: 哈尔滨市萧红中学 2000年9月—2003年6月: 哈尔滨市第十三中学 2003年9月—2005年5月: 加拿大多伦多Seneca学院(ESL) 2006年9月—2010年6月: 哈尔滨师范大学运动训练专业", fontChinese )); doc.Close(); // Open the new created pdf System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(fn); }
private void btnReport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SWInfo sw = new SWInfo(); if (txtClient.Text != "") { sw.Client = txtClient.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show("Please enter your client's name"); return; } sw.NOC = txtNocBonus.Text; if (lblTotalPoints.Text != "0") { sw.TotalPoints = int.Parse(lblTotalPoints.Text); } else { MessageBox.Show("You didn't even do anything. Why so hurry to generate report?!"); return; } if (int.Parse(inTop100Score.Text) != 0) { sw.Intop100 = true; } else { sw.Intop100 = false; } sw.SkillLevel = char.Parse(lblJobLevel.Text); if (cbxCurrentWork.Checked) { sw.CurrentWorkInBCPosition = true; } else { sw.CurrentWorkInBCPosition = false; } if (txtWage.Text != "") { sw.Wage = float.Parse(txtWage.Text); sw.WagePoints = int.Parse(lblWagePoints.Text); } else { MessageBox.Show("Pleae input annual wage"); return; } if (cmbRegion.SelectedIndex > -1) { sw.Region = swp.region[cmbRegion.SelectedIndex, 0]; } else { MessageBox.Show("Pleae select the work region"); return; } if (txtDirectWorkExp.Text != "") { sw.DirectWorkExperience = float.Parse(txtDirectWorkExp.Text); } else { MessageBox.Show("Pleae input direct work experience"); return; } if (cbxCanadianExp.Checked) { sw.OneYearDirectExperienceInCanada = true; } else { sw.OneYearDirectExperienceInCanada = false; } if (cmbEducaton.SelectedIndex > -1) { sw.Education =[cmbEducaton.SelectedIndex, 0]; } else { MessageBox.Show("Pleae select education level"); return; } if (cklEduBonus.SelectedIndex > -1) { foreach (object itemChecked in cklEduBonus.CheckedItems) { DataRowView castedItem = itemChecked as DataRowView; int index = cklEduBonus.Items.IndexOf(itemChecked); sw.EducationBonus = sw.EducationBonus + swp.eduBonus[index, 0] + "\n"; } sw.EducationBonusPoints = int.Parse(lblEduBonusPoints.Text); } else { MessageBox.Show("Pleae select education bonus"); return; } if (txtCLBLevel.Text != "") { sw.CLB = int.Parse(txtCLBLevel.Text); } else { MessageBox.Show("Pleae input CLB level"); return; } sw.NocBonusPoints = int.Parse(lblNOCBonusPoints.Text); sw.JobLevelPoints = int.Parse(lblJobLevelPoints.Text); sw.Top100Bonus = int.Parse(inTop100Score.Text); sw.CurrentWorkPoints = int.Parse(lblCurrentWorkPoints.Text); sw.WagePoints = int.Parse(lblWagePoints.Text); sw.RegionPoints = int.Parse(lblRegionalPoints.Text); sw.DirectWorkExperiencePoints = int.Parse(lblDirectWorkExpPoints.Text); sw.OneYearDirectExperienceInCanadaPoints = int.Parse(lblCanadianExpPoints.Text); sw.EducationPoints = int.Parse(lblEducationPoints.Text); sw.EducationBonusPoints = int.Parse(lblEduBonusPoints.Text); sw.CLBPoints = int.Parse(lblCLBpoints.Text); //txtWHWeekly.Text; //txtHRate.Text; //txtMRate.Text; //txtYrate.Text; //cmbTestType.Text; //txtListening.Text; //txtReading.Text; //txtWriting.Text; //txtSpeaking.Text; Report.generateReport(sw); }