Пример #1
        public Dictionary <int, double>[] prim(int size, List <RGBPixelD> listRGB)//E Log(D)
            //int size = listRGB.Count; // Number of Distincit Colors Θ(1)
            bool[] visited = new bool[size];                     //Θ(1)
            Edge[] key     = new Edge[size];                     //Θ(1)
            MSTDictionary = new Dictionary <int, double> [size]; //⊖(1)
            maxHeap       = new MaxHeap(listRGB.Count - 1);      //⊖(1)
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                key[i] = new Edge(0, double.MaxValue, 0);
            Edge minEdge     = new Edge(0, 0, 0);
            int  edgeCounter = 0; //Θ(1)

            totalCost = 0;
            while (edgeCounter != size) //iteration * body ===> E * O(Body) ==>  E * Log V
                //Edge edgeHolder = edgesHeap.getMinEdge(); //(log E)
                if (visited[minEdge.colorB])                                            //Θ(1)
                    continue;                                                           //Θ(1)
                visited[minEdge.colorB] = true;                                         //Θ(1)
                edgeCounter++;                                                          //Θ(1)
                totalCost += minEdge.weight;                                            //Θ(1)
                if (edgeCounter != 1)                                                   //⊖(1)
                    if (MSTDictionary[minEdge.colorA] == null)                          //⊖(1)
                        MSTDictionary[minEdge.colorA] = new Dictionary <int, double>(); //⊖(1)
                    if (MSTDictionary[minEdge.colorB] == null)                          //⊖(1)
                        MSTDictionary[minEdge.colorB] = new Dictionary <int, double>(); //⊖(1)
                    MSTDictionary[minEdge.colorA][minEdge.colorB] = minEdge.weight;     //⊖(1)
                    MSTDictionary[minEdge.colorB][minEdge.colorA] = minEdge.weight;     //⊖(1)
                    maxHeap.insertEdge(minEdge);                                        //⊖(log heap size)
                double min = double.MaxValue;
                int    minEdgeIndexHolder = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)                                                  // iteration * body ===> E * O(body) ===> E * log V
                    double weight = calcEuclideanDistance(listRGB[minEdge.colorB], listRGB[i]); //O(1)
                    if (!visited[i] && min > key[i].weight)
                        min = key[i].weight;
                        minEdgeIndexHolder = i;
                    if (!visited[i] && key[i].weight > weight)
                        key[i].weight = weight;
                        key[i].colorA = minEdge.colorB;
                        key[i].colorB = i;
                        if (weight < min)
                            min = weight;
                            minEdgeIndexHolder = i;
                if (minEdgeIndexHolder != -1)
                    minEdge = new Edge(key[minEdgeIndexHolder].colorA, key[minEdgeIndexHolder].weight, key[minEdgeIndexHolder].colorB);
            Mean  = totalCost / size;
            STDev = calcSTDev(maxHeap.getArr(), Mean);
            //   totalCost = Math.Round(Math.Round(sum, 2), 1); //Θ(1)
            Console.WriteLine("Num of Colors: " + size); //Θ(1)

            Console.WriteLine("Sum: " + totalCost);      //Θ(1)
Пример #2
        public void Costruct_MST(RGBPixel[,] ImageMatrix)
            int current_Node = 0;
            int n            = Distinct.Count;

            int[]  Prev = new int[n];
            int    mini;
            double mind;

            bool[,,] Visited = new bool[256, 256, 256];

            double[] Distance = new double[n];

            double minCost = 0;

            MST = new Edge[Distinct.Count - 1];
            int MST_index = 0;

            for (int k = 0; k < n - 1; k++)
                Visited[Distinct[current_Node].red, Distinct[current_Node].green, Distinct[current_Node].blue] = true;
                mind = 9999999999999999999;
                mini = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    if (k == 0)
                        Distance[i] = 9999999999999999999;
                    if (current_Node == i)
                    if (Visited[Distinct[i].red, Distinct[i].green, Distinct[i].blue])
                    double Weight = Convert.ToDouble((Distinct[current_Node].red - Distinct[i].red) * (Distinct[current_Node].red - Distinct[i].red)
                                                     + (Distinct[current_Node].green - Distinct[i].green) * (Distinct[current_Node].green - Distinct[i].green)
                                                     + (Distinct[current_Node].blue - Distinct[i].blue) * (Distinct[current_Node].blue - Distinct[i].blue));
                    if (Weight < Distance[i])
                        Distance[i] = Weight;
                        Prev[i]     = current_Node;
                    if (Distance[i] < mind)
                        mind = Distance[i];
                        mini = i;
                MST[MST_index] = new Edge(Prev[mini], mini, Math.Sqrt(Distance[mini]));
                minCost     += MST[MST_index - 1].weight;
                current_Node = mini;

            //  MessageBox.Show(minCost.ToString());
Пример #3
 private bool WeightEQUALzero(Edge e)
     return(e.weight == 0);
Пример #4
        public void Clustering(int k, ref RGBPixel[,] ImageMatrix)
            int[,,] Histogram = new int[256, 256, 256];

            ArrVisited = new int[Distinct.Count];

            componentRoot = new int[Distinct.Count];
            subtreeSize   = new int[Distinct.Count];
            edgeList      = new List <int> [Distinct.Count];

            AdjList = new List <int> [Distinct.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < Distinct.Count; i++)
                Histogram[Distinct[i].red, Distinct[i].green, Distinct[i].blue] = i;
                AdjList[i]  = new List <int>(0);
                edgeList[i] = new List <int>(0);
            for (int i = 0; i < MST.Length; i++)
                Array.Sort(MST, delegate(Edge e1, Edge e2)

                Edge[] MST_ = new Edge[MST.Length - k + 1];
                deleted = new bool[MST.Length];
                for (int i = 0, current = 0; i < k - 1; i++)
                    while (deleted[current])
                    int next = current;
                    while (deleted[next])
                    if (MST[current].weight > MST[next].weight)
                        deleted[current] = true;
                    subtreeSize   = new int[Distinct.Count];
                    componentRoot = new int[Distinct.Count];
                    for (int node = 0; node < Distinct.Count; node++)
                        if (subtreeSize[node] == 0)
                            dfs(node, -1, node);
                    int maximumDiff = int.MinValue;
                    int bestEdge    = current;
                    for (int edge = current; edge < MST.Length && MST[edge].weight == MST[current].weight; edge++)
                        if (deleted[edge])
                        int currentDiff = 0;
                        if (subtreeSize[MST[edge].from] < subtreeSize[MST[edge].to])
                            currentDiff = Math.Min(subtreeSize[componentRoot[MST[edge].from]] - subtreeSize[MST[edge].from], subtreeSize[MST[edge].from]);
                            currentDiff = Math.Min(subtreeSize[componentRoot[MST[edge].to]] - subtreeSize[MST[edge].to], subtreeSize[MST[edge].to]);
                        if (currentDiff >= maximumDiff)
                            bestEdge    = edge;
                            maximumDiff = currentDiff;
                    deleted[bestEdge] = true;
                int j = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < MST.Length; i++)
                    if (deleted[i])
                    MST_[j] = MST[i];
                MST = MST_;

            Colors       = new RGBPixelD[k + 1];
            Colors_count = new int[k + 1];

            AdjList = new List <int> [Distinct.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < Distinct.Count; i++)
                AdjList[i] = new List <int>(0);
            for (int i = 0; i < MST.Length; i++)
            MST = new Edge[0];
            for (int i = 0; i < Distinct.Count; i++)
                if (ArrVisited[i] == 0)

            for (int i = 1; i < cluster; i++)
                Colors[i].red   /= Colors_count[i];
                Colors[i].green /= Colors_count[i];
                Colors[i].blue  /= Colors_count[i];

            for (int i = 0; i < ImageMatrix.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < ImageMatrix.GetLength(1); j++)
                    RGBPixel NewColor = new RGBPixel();
                    NewColor.red      = Convert.ToByte(Colors[ArrVisited[Histogram[ImageMatrix[i, j].red, ImageMatrix[i, j].green, ImageMatrix[i, j].blue]]].red);
                    NewColor.green    = Convert.ToByte(Colors[ArrVisited[Histogram[ImageMatrix[i, j].red, ImageMatrix[i, j].green, ImageMatrix[i, j].blue]]].green);
                    NewColor.blue     = Convert.ToByte(Colors[ArrVisited[Histogram[ImageMatrix[i, j].red, ImageMatrix[i, j].green, ImageMatrix[i, j].blue]]].blue);
                    ImageMatrix[i, j] = NewColor;

            // MessageBox.Show(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());