Пример #1
        public (Mat, OpenCvSharp.Point) ProcessContours(ref Mat imgPreContours, ref Mat imgGrayscale, ref System.Drawing.Point actuatorPositionPixels)
            // Find all contours from image
            allContours = IPCore.FindAllContours(ref imgPreContours);

            if (allContours.Count() > 0)
                // Get the contours that has the largest area
                largestContourArea = IPCore.FindLargestContourArea(ref imgGrayscale, ref allContours);

                // Get largest contour's area center point imgPreContours
                OpenCvSharp.Point contourCenter = IPCore.FindContourCenter(ref imgPreContours, largestContourArea);

                // Put center coordinates on image and return it
                return(IPCore.ComposeImageDTC(ref imgGrayscale, ref largestContourArea, ref contourCenter, ref actuatorPositionPixels), contourCenter);
                // Return the grayscale image if no contours were found
                return(imgGrayscale, new OpenCvSharp.Point(int.MinValue, int.MinValue));
        // C# 7 tuple syntax
        // See dummy reference for documentation
        public (Mat, int) ProcessImage(ref Mat frame)
            // Crop image to square
            croppedImg = IPCore.CropToROI(ref frame);

            // Convert image to grayscale
            imgGrayscale = IPCore.ConvertToGrayscale(ref croppedImg);

            // If checkBoxVideoFeedShowProcessedImage is not checked, return cropped and grayscale image
            if (IPCore.VideoFeedSettings.IsProcessedImageFed == false)
                return(imgGrayscale, 0);

            // Set image brightness if necessary
            if (IPCore.TASettings.Brightness != 0)
                imgGrayscale = IPCore.SetImageBrightness(ref imgGrayscale);

            // Blur grayscale image
            imgBlurred = IPCore.SimpleImageBlur(ref imgGrayscale);

            // Calculate image histogram
            histogram = IPCore.CalculateHistogram(imgBlurred);

            // Get maximum histogram value
            double maxHistValue = IPCore.FindMaxHistogramValue(histogram);

            // Get index of maximum value of histogram
            int maxHistIndex = IPCore.FindMaxHistogramIndex(histogram, maxHistValue);

            // Get value right of histogram, which is smaller or equal that the maximum value divided by a predefined value
            int dividedValIndex = IPCore.FindHistogramDividedIndex(histogram, Enums.HistogramCalculation.Reversed, maxHistValue, maxHistIndex);

            // Get threshold value & apply right offset if necessary
            int thresholdValue = IPCore.GetThresholdValue(dividedValIndex);

            // Apply threshold filter
            imgThreshold = IPCore.ThresholdFilter(ref imgBlurred, thresholdValue, ThresholdTypes.Binary);

            // Invert Image
            invertedThreshold = IPCore.InvertImage(ref imgThreshold);

            // Apply median filter
            imgMedian = IPCore.MedianFilter(ref invertedThreshold);

            // Find all contours from image
            allContours = IPCore.FindAllContours(ref imgMedian);

            // Find largest 2 contors
            largestTwoContours = IPCore.FindLargestTwoContours(ref imgMedian, ref allContours);

            if (largestTwoContours.Count() == 2)
                this.pointsList = new List <OpenCvSharp.Point>();

                foreach (Mat contour in largestTwoContours)
                    pointsList.Add(IPCore.FindContourCenter(ref imgMedian, contour));

                double distance = IPCore.CalculateEuclidianDistance(pointsList);

                return(IPCore.ComposeImageIDC(imgGrayscale, largestTwoContours, pointsList, (int)distance), (int)distance);
                return(imgGrayscale, 0);