void CreateDrawCommands(CommandBuffer cmd, ImDrawDataPtr drawData, Vector2 fbSize)
            var prevTextureId = System.IntPtr.Zero;
            var clipOffst     = new Vector4(drawData.DisplayPos.x, drawData.DisplayPos.y, drawData.DisplayPos.x, drawData.DisplayPos.y);
            var clipScale     = new Vector4(drawData.FramebufferScale.x, drawData.FramebufferScale.y, drawData.FramebufferScale.x, drawData.FramebufferScale.y);

            _material.SetBuffer(_verticesID, _vtxBuf);                          // bind vertex buffer

            cmd.SetViewport(new Rect(0f, 0f, fbSize.x, fbSize.y));
                Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(0.5f / fbSize.x, 0.5f / fbSize.y, 0f)), // small adjustment to improve text
                Matrix4x4.Ortho(0f, fbSize.x, fbSize.y, 0f, 0f, 1f));

            int vtxOf = 0;
            int argOf = 0;

            for (int n = 0, nMax = drawData.CmdListsCount; n < nMax; ++n)
                ImDrawListPtr drawList = drawData.CmdListsRange[n];
                for (int i = 0, iMax = drawList.CmdBuffer.Size; i < iMax; ++i, argOf += 5 * 4)
                    ImDrawCmdPtr drawCmd = drawList.CmdBuffer[i];
                    // TODO: user callback in drawCmd.UserCallback & drawCmd.UserCallbackData

                    // project scissor rectangle into framebuffer space and skip if fully outside
                    var clip = Vector4.Scale(drawCmd.ClipRect - clipOffst, clipScale);
                    if (clip.x >= fbSize.x || clip.y >= fbSize.y || clip.z < 0f || clip.w < 0f)

                    if (prevTextureId != drawCmd.TextureId)
                        _properties.SetTexture(_texID, _texManager.GetTexture((int)(prevTextureId = drawCmd.TextureId)));

                    _properties.SetInt(_baseVertexID, vtxOf + (int)drawCmd.VtxOffset);                            // base vertex location not automatically added to SV_VertexID
                    cmd.EnableScissorRect(new Rect(clip.x, fbSize.y - clip.w, clip.z - clip.x, clip.w - clip.y)); // invert y
                    cmd.DrawProceduralIndirect(_idxBuf, Matrix4x4.identity, _material, -1, MeshTopology.Triangles, _argBuf, argOf, _properties);
                vtxOf += drawList.VtxBuffer.Size;
Пример #2
        private void CreateDrawCommands(CommandBuffer cmd, ImDrawDataPtr drawData, Vector2 fbSize)
            System.IntPtr prevTextureId = System.IntPtr.Zero;
            Vector4       clipOffst     = new Vector4(drawData.DisplayPos.X, drawData.DisplayPos.Y, drawData.DisplayPos.X, drawData.DisplayPos.Y);
            Vector4       clipScale     = new Vector4(drawData.FramebufferScale.X, drawData.FramebufferScale.Y, drawData.FramebufferScale.X, drawData.FramebufferScale.Y);

            cmd.SetViewport(new Rect(0f, 0f, fbSize.x, fbSize.y));
                Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(0.5f / fbSize.x, 0.5f / fbSize.y, 0f)),                 // small adjustment to improve text
                Matrix4x4.Ortho(0f, fbSize.x, fbSize.y, 0f, 0f, 1f));

            int subOf = 0;

            for (int n = 0, nMax = drawData.CmdListsCount; n < nMax; ++n)
                ImDrawListPtr drawList = drawData.CmdListsRange[n];
                for (int i = 0, iMax = drawList.CmdBuffer.Size; i < iMax; ++i, ++subOf)
                    ImDrawCmdPtr drawCmd = drawList.CmdBuffer[i];
                    // TODO: user callback in drawCmd.UserCallback & drawCmd.UserCallbackData

                    // project scissor rectangle into framebuffer space and skip if fully outside
                    Vector4 clip = Vector4.Scale(Helper.V4f(drawCmd.ClipRect) - clipOffst, clipScale);
                    if (clip.x >= fbSize.x || clip.y >= fbSize.y || clip.z < 0f || clip.w < 0f)

                    if (prevTextureId != drawCmd.TextureId)
                        _properties.SetTexture(_texID, _texManager.GetTexture((int)(prevTextureId = drawCmd.TextureId)));

                    cmd.EnableScissorRect(new Rect(clip.x, fbSize.y - clip.w, clip.z - clip.x, clip.w - clip.y));                     // invert y
                    cmd.DrawMesh(_mesh, Matrix4x4.identity, _material, subOf, -1, _properties);