Пример #1
 // I'm unsure if this is necessary, but it works fine, and so better safe than sorry.
 private static void Prefix(GearItem __instance)
     if (FoodRebalanceSettings.Instance.adjustCalories && __instance.m_FoodItem && __instance.m_FoodWeight)
         __instance.m_FoodWeight.m_CaloriesPerKG =
             FoodRebalanceMod.ChangedCaloriesForItem(__instance.name, __instance);
Пример #2
 // Restore the calorie changes that were removed in Prefix.
 private static void Postfix(GearItem __instance)
     if (FoodRebalanceSettings.Instance.adjustCalories && __instance.m_FoodItem && !__instance.m_FoodWeight)
         float changedCal = FoodRebalanceMod.ChangedCaloriesForItem(__instance.name, __instance);
         __instance.m_FoodItem.m_CaloriesRemaining += changedCal;
         __instance.m_FoodItem.m_CaloriesTotal     += changedCal;
Пример #3
 // Changes the calorie amount before the rest of the item's Awake call runs.
 // Items with a FoodWeight have their cal/KG changed, and the game's internal logic handles the rest.
 // Items without it have calories directly added to their value.
 private static void Prefix(GearItem __instance)
     if (FoodRebalanceSettings.Instance.adjustCalories && __instance.m_FoodItem)
         if (__instance.m_FoodWeight != null)
             __instance.m_FoodWeight.m_CaloriesPerKG =
                 FoodRebalanceMod.ChangedCaloriesForItem(__instance.name, __instance);
             float changedCal = FoodRebalanceMod.ChangedCaloriesForItem(__instance.name, __instance);
             __instance.m_FoodItem.m_CaloriesRemaining += changedCal;
             __instance.m_FoodItem.m_CaloriesTotal     += changedCal;