private void teachMeAgainButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Random rnd = new Random(); int myVal = rnd.Next(0, 10); WordIgbo wd = null; int n = int.Parse(hidden.Text); if ((n >= 0) && (n <= 9)) { ToBeIgbo tbi = new ToBeIgbo(); tbi.propValue = myVal; wd = tbi; hidden.Text = myVal.ToString(); } if ((n >= 10) && (n <= 19)) { ToHaveIgbo thi = new ToHaveIgbo(); thi.propValue = myVal; wd = thi; hidden.Text = (myVal + 10).ToString(); } if ((n >= 20) && (n <= 39)) { Random rnd2 = new Random(); int myVal2 = rnd.Next(0, 2); if (myVal2 == 0) { ToBeIgbo tbi = new ToBeIgbo(); tbi.propValue = myVal; wd = tbi; hidden.Text = (myVal + 20).ToString(); } if (myVal2 == 1) { ToHaveIgbo thi = new ToHaveIgbo(); thi.propValue = myVal; wd = thi; hidden.Text = (myVal + 30).ToString(); } } if (hiddenOldValueLabel == "correct") {; } name.Text = ""; //englishOrFrenchTextTextBox.Select(); //englishOrFrenchTextTextBox.Focus(); }
private void OurReplayButton() { if (!message2.Text.Contains("....") && !message3.Text.Contains("....") && message2.Text != "" && message3.Text != "") { WordIgbo wd = null; int n = int.Parse(hiddenOld.Text); if (((n >= 0) && (n <= 9)) || ((n >= 20) && (n <= 29))) { ToBeIgbo tbi = new ToBeIgbo(); if ((n >= 0) && (n <= 9)) { tbi.propValue = n; } ; if ((n >= 20) && (n <= 29)) { tbi.propValue = n - 20; } wd = tbi; } if (((n >= 10) && (n <= 19)) || ((n >= 30) && (n <= 39))) { ToHaveIgbo thi = new ToHaveIgbo(); if ((n >= 10) && (n <= 19)) { thi.propValue = n - 10; } if ((n >= 30) && (n <= 39)) { thi.propValue = n - 30; } wd = thi; }; //name.Select(); //name.Focus(); } }
private void replayButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { WordIgbo wd = null; int n = int.Parse(hidden.Text); if (((n >= 0) && (n <= 9)) || ((n >= 20) && (n <= 29))) { ToBeIgbo tbi = new ToBeIgbo(); if ((n >= 0) && (n <= 9)) { tbi.propValue = n; } ; if ((n >= 20) && (n <= 29)) { tbi.propValue = n - 20; } wd = tbi; } if (((n >= 10) && (n <= 19)) || ((n >= 30) && (n <= 39))) { ToHaveIgbo thi = new ToHaveIgbo(); if ((n >= 10) && (n <= 19)) { thi.propValue = n - 10; } if ((n >= 30) && (n <= 39)) { thi.propValue = n - 30; } wd = thi; }; //englishOrFrenchTextTextBox.Select(); //englishOrFrenchTextTextBox.Focus(); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.TestMeWords); name = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.txtName); desc = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.txtDesc); message = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.txtMessage); hidden = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.txtHidden); score = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.txtScore); total = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.txtOutOf); var language = Intent.GetStringExtra("Language"); desc.Text = "Wale m"; var hear = Intent.GetStringExtra("Hear"); var btnHear = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btnHear); btnHear.Click += replayButton_Click; name.KeyPress += Text_Enter; WordIgbo wd = null; Random rnd = new Random(); int myVal = rnd.Next(0, 10); hidden.Text = myVal.ToString(); hidden.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; if (hear == "To be") { ToBeIgbo tbi = new ToBeIgbo(); tbi.propValue = myVal; wd = tbi; hidden.Text = myVal.ToString(); } if (hear == "To have") { ToHaveIgbo thi = new ToHaveIgbo(); thi.propValue = myVal; hidden.Text = (myVal + 10).ToString(); wd = thi; } if (hear == "To have and To be") { Random rnd2 = new Random(); int myVal2 = rnd.Next(0, 2); if (myVal2 == 0) { ToBeIgbo tbi = new ToBeIgbo(); tbi.propValue = myVal; wd = tbi; hidden.Text = (myVal + 20).ToString(); } if (myVal2 == 1) { ToHaveIgbo thi = new ToHaveIgbo(); thi.propValue = myVal; wd = thi; hidden.Text = (myVal + 30).ToString(); } }; //tmwif.propEnglishOrFrenchTextTextBox.Select(); //tmwif.propEnglishOrFrenchTextTextBox.Focus(); //tmwif.Show(); }
private void Text_Enter(object sender, View.KeyEventArgs e) { e.Handled = false; if (e.Event.Action == KeyEventActions.Down && e.KeyCode == Keycode.Enter) { t = t + 1; WordIgbo wd = null; int n = int.Parse(hidden.Text); if (((n >= 0) && (n <= 9)) || ((n >= 20) && (n <= 29))) { ToBeIgbo tbi = new ToBeIgbo(); if ((n >= 0) && (n <= 9)) { tbi.propValue = n; } ; if ((n >= 20) && (n <= 29)) { tbi.propValue = n - 20; } wd = tbi; } if (((n >= 10) && (n <= 19)) || ((n >= 30) && (n <= 39))) { ToHaveIgbo thi = new ToHaveIgbo(); if ((n >= 10) && (n <= 19)) { thi.propValue = n - 10; } if ((n >= 30) && (n <= 39)) { thi.propValue = n - 30; } wd = thi; } if (wd.checkIton(name.Text.ToUpper()) == true) { s = s + 1; //if (msgBoxLabel.BackColor == Color.Gold) //{ msgBoxLabel.BackColor = Color.Green; } //else //{ msgBoxLabel.BackColor = Color.Gold; } message.Text = "Correct"; //Timer ti = new Timer(); //ti.Tick += blinkTextbox; //ti.Interval = 450; //ti.Enabled = true; } if (wd.checkIton(name.Text.ToUpper()) == false) { message.Text = "Incorrect answer below"; Task.Delay(1000).Wait(); } score.Text = s.ToString(); total.Text = t.ToString(); Random rnd = new Random(); int myVal = rnd.Next(0, 10); if ((n >= 0) && (n <= 9)) { ToBeIgbo tbi = new ToBeIgbo(); tbi.propValue = myVal; wd = tbi; hidden.Text = myVal.ToString(); } if ((n >= 10) && (n <= 19)) { ToHaveIgbo thi = new ToHaveIgbo(); thi.propValue = myVal; wd = thi; hidden.Text = (myVal + 10).ToString(); } if ((n >= 20) && (n <= 39)) { Random rnd2 = new Random(); int myVal2 = rnd.Next(0, 2); if (myVal2 == 0) { ToBeIgbo tbi = new ToBeIgbo(); tbi.propValue = myVal; wd = tbi; hidden.Text = (myVal + 20).ToString(); } if (myVal2 == 1) { ToHaveIgbo thi = new ToHaveIgbo(); thi.propValue = myVal; wd = thi; hidden.Text = (myVal + 30).ToString(); } }; name.Text = ""; e.Handled = true; } }
private void Text_Enter(object sender, View.KeyEventArgs e) { e.Handled = false; if (e.Event.Action == KeyEventActions.Down && e.KeyCode == Keycode.Enter) { WordIgbo wd = null; int n = int.Parse(hidden.Text); if (((n >= 0) && (n <= 9)) || ((n >= 20) && (n <= 29))) { ToBeIgbo tbi = new ToBeIgbo(); if ((n >= 0) && (n <= 9)) { tbi.propValue = n; } ; if ((n >= 20) && (n <= 29)) { tbi.propValue = n - 20; } wd = tbi; } if (((n >= 10) && (n <= 19)) || ((n >= 30) && (n <= 39))) { ToHaveIgbo thi = new ToHaveIgbo(); if ((n >= 10) && (n <= 19)) { thi.propValue = n - 10; } if ((n >= 30) && (n <= 39)) { thi.propValue = n - 30; } wd = thi; } if (wd.checkIton(name.Text.ToUpper()) == true) { hiddenOldValueLabel = "correct"; message2.Text = ""; message3.Text = ""; //if (message.HighlightColor == Color.Gold) //{ message.SetBackgroundColor(Color.Green); } //else //{ message.SetBackgroundColor(Color.Gold); } message.Text = "Correct"; //Timer ti = new Timer(); //ti.Tick += blinkTextbox; //ti.Interval = 450; //ti.Enabled = true; } if (wd.checkIton(name.Text.ToUpper()) == false) { hiddenOldValueLabel = "incorrect"; message.Text = "Incorrect: Click answer below / Click reponse ci-bas"; message2.Text = wd.propStemEnglish[wd.propValue]; message3.Text = wd.propStemFrench[wd.propValue]; hiddenOld.Text = n.ToString(); } Random rnd = new Random(); int myVal = rnd.Next(0, 10); if ((n >= 0) && (n <= 9)) { ToBeIgbo tbi = new ToBeIgbo(); tbi.propValue = myVal; wd = tbi; hidden.Text = myVal.ToString(); } if ((n >= 10) && (n <= 19)) { ToHaveIgbo thi = new ToHaveIgbo(); thi.propValue = myVal; wd = thi; hidden.Text = (myVal + 10).ToString(); } if ((n >= 20) && (n <= 39)) { Random rnd2 = new Random(); int myVal2 = rnd.Next(0, 2); if (myVal2 == 0) { ToBeIgbo tbi = new ToBeIgbo(); tbi.propValue = myVal; wd = tbi; hidden.Text = (myVal + 20).ToString(); } if (myVal2 == 1) { ToHaveIgbo thi = new ToHaveIgbo(); thi.propValue = myVal; wd = thi; hidden.Text = (myVal + 30).ToString(); } } if (hiddenOldValueLabel == "correct") {; } name.Text = ""; e.Handled = true; } }