Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the start and end date of a given period in a given ledger in the given year
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>void</returns>
        public void GetPeriodDetails(int ledgernr, int period, out DateTime startOfPeriod, out DateTime endOfPeriod, int whichyear, int column)
            int currentFinancialYear         = parameters.Get("param_current_financial_year_i", column).ToInt();
            TFinancialPeriod financialPeriod = new TFinancialPeriod(situation.GetDatabaseConnection(), period, whichyear,
                                                                    situation.GetParameters(), situation.GetColumn());
            AAccountingPeriodTable tab = AAccountingPeriodAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(ledgernr, period, situation.GetDatabaseConnection().Transaction);

            if (tab.Rows.Count == 1)
                AAccountingPeriodRow row = tab[0];

                    endOfPeriod = new DateTime(row.PeriodEndDate.Year - (currentFinancialYear - financialPeriod.realYear),
                catch (Exception)
                    endOfPeriod = new DateTime(row.PeriodEndDate.Year - (currentFinancialYear - financialPeriod.realYear),
                                               row.PeriodEndDate.Day - 1);
                startOfPeriod = new DateTime(row.PeriodStartDate.Year - (currentFinancialYear - financialPeriod.realYear),
                endOfPeriod   = DateTime.MinValue;
                startOfPeriod = DateTime.MinValue;

            financialPeriod = null;
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// copy constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="APeriod"></param>
 public TFinancialPeriod(TFinancialPeriod APeriod)
     diffPeriod               = APeriod.diffPeriod;
     realYear                 = APeriod.realYear;
     realPeriod               = APeriod.realPeriod;
     realGlmSequence          = new TGlmSequence(APeriod.realGlmSequence);
     exchangeRateToIntl       = APeriod.exchangeRateToIntl;
     FCurrentFinancialYear    = APeriod.FCurrentFinancialYear;
     FNumberAccountingPeriods = APeriod.FNumberAccountingPeriods;
     FCurrentPeriod           = APeriod.FCurrentPeriod;
     FNumberForwardingPeriods = APeriod.FNumberForwardingPeriods;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// returns status CLOSED, FWD PERIOD, or CURRENT for the given period in the given year of the ledger
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetStatePeriod(int ledgernumber, int whichyear, int period)
            string           ReturnValue;
            int              currentPeriod;
            int              currentYear;
            TFinancialPeriod financialPeriod;

            currentPeriod   = parameters.Get("param_current_period_i").ToInt();
            currentYear     = parameters.Get("param_current_financial_year_i").ToInt();
            financialPeriod = new TFinancialPeriod(situation.GetDatabaseConnection(), period, whichyear,
                                                   situation.GetParameters(), situation.GetColumn());

            if (financialPeriod.realYear < currentYear)
                ReturnValue = "CLOSED";
            else if (financialPeriod.realYear > currentYear)
                ReturnValue = "FWD PERIOD";
                if (currentPeriod == financialPeriod.realPeriod)
                    ReturnValue = "CURRENT";
                else if (currentPeriod > financialPeriod.realPeriod)
                    ReturnValue = "CLOSED";
                    ReturnValue = "FWD PERIOD";

Пример #4
        private decimal GetBudgetSummary(TFinancialPeriod StartPeriodParent,
            TFinancialPeriod EndPeriodParent,
            int pv_period_number_i,
            int pv_year_i,
            String accountHierarchy)
            // get all the posting accounts that report to this account in the selected account hierarchy
            string accountChildren = GetAllAccountDescendants(StartPeriodParent.realGlmSequence.ledger_number,
            decimal ReturnValue = 0;

            // precondition: the parent periods must be in the same real year; that is taken care of in CalculateBudget
            if (StartPeriodParent.realYear != EndPeriodParent.realYear)
                return 0;

            while (accountChildren.Length > 0)
                string accountChild = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref accountChildren);

                StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref accountChildren);
                // alias
                StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref accountChildren);

                // accountChildAccountDescr
                bool childDebitCreditIndicator = (StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref accountChildren).ToUpper() == "TRUE");
                TFinancialPeriod subAccountStartPeriod = new TFinancialPeriod(
                    situation.GetDatabaseConnection(), pv_period_number_i, pv_year_i, StartPeriodParent.diffPeriod,
                    StartPeriodParent.FCurrentFinancialYear, StartPeriodParent.FCurrentPeriod, StartPeriodParent.FNumberAccountingPeriods,
                        StartPeriodParent.realGlmSequence.ledger_number, StartPeriodParent.realGlmSequence.cost_centre_code, accountChild,
                TFinancialPeriod subAccountEndPeriod = new TFinancialPeriod(subAccountStartPeriod);
                subAccountEndPeriod.realPeriod = EndPeriodParent.realPeriod;
                decimal subAccountAmount = GetBudget(subAccountStartPeriod, subAccountEndPeriod, pv_period_number_i, pv_year_i);

                if (childDebitCreditIndicator != StartPeriodParent.realGlmSequence.DebitCreditIndicator)
                    subAccountAmount = -1 * subAccountAmount;

                ReturnValue = ReturnValue + subAccountAmount;

            return ReturnValue;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// GetActual retrieves the actuals value of the given period, no matter if it is in a forwarding period.
        /// GetActual is similar to GetBudget. The main difference is, that forwarding periods are saved in the current year.
        /// You want e.g. the actual data of period 13 in year 2, the current financial year is 3.
        /// The call would look like: GetActual(sequence_year_2, sequence_year_3, 13, 12, 3, 2, false, "B");
        /// That means, the function has to return the difference between year 3 period 1 and the start balance of year 3.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="period"></param>
        /// <param name="pv_period_number_i">If 0, then the start balance of the year (pv_this_year_i) is returned,
        /// otherwise the actual amount of the given period
        /// If it is a forwarding period, pv_this_year_i is checked against the current financial year,
        /// if not equal then the data of the next year is used</param>
        /// <param name="pv_year_i"></param>
        /// <param name="pv_ytd_l"></param>
        /// <param name="pv_currency_select_c"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private decimal GetActual(TFinancialPeriod period, int pv_period_number_i, int pv_year_i, Boolean pv_ytd_l, String pv_currency_select_c)
            if ((period == null) || (period.realGlmSequence == null))
                return 0.0M;

            if (!period.RealPeriodExists())
                if (pv_ytd_l)
                    // go back to the last valid period
                    period.realPeriod = period.FCurrentPeriod + period.FNumberForwardingPeriods;
                    return 0.0M;

            // for summary accounts, need to get the correct summary amount
            if (!period.realGlmSequence.postingAccount)
                string accountHierarchy = parameters.Get("param_account_hierarchy_c").ToString();
                return GetActualSummary(period, pv_period_number_i, pv_year_i, pv_ytd_l, pv_currency_select_c, accountHierarchy);

            decimal lv_currency_amount_n = 0;

            if (period.realPeriod == 0)
                // start balance
                string strSql =
                    "SELECT a_start_balance_base_n, a_start_balance_intl_n, a_start_balance_foreign_n FROM PUB_a_general_ledger_master " +
                    "WHERE a_glm_sequence_i = " + period.realGlmSequence.glmSequence;
                DataTable tab = ActualsCache.GetDataTable(situation.GetDatabaseConnection(), strSql);

                if (tab.Rows.Count > 0)
                    if (pv_currency_select_c == "Base")
                        lv_currency_amount_n = Convert.ToDecimal(tab.Rows[0]["a_start_balance_base_n"]);
                        if (pv_currency_select_c.ToLower().StartsWith("int"))
                            // Curiously the a_start_balance_intl_n field is not just returned here...
                            lv_currency_amount_n = Convert.ToDecimal(tab.Rows[0]["a_start_balance_base_n"]) * period.exchangeRateToIntl;
                            if (tab.Rows[0].IsNull("a_start_balance_foreign_n"))
                                // there is no foreign currency, this is an account in base currency
                                lv_currency_amount_n = Convert.ToDecimal(tab.Rows[0]["a_start_balance_base_n"]);
                                lv_currency_amount_n = Convert.ToDecimal(tab.Rows[0]["a_start_balance_foreign_n"]);
                else // No row returned!
                    return 0.0M; // This is mostly so I can put a breakpoint here and catch this eroneous event.
            else  // period != 0
                lv_currency_amount_n = GetActualValue(period, pv_currency_select_c);

                if (pv_ytd_l)
 * is this something about 13 accounting periods?
 * it caused bug 833, and the unit tests for forwarding periods now work as in Progress reports
 * This code has been there since delphi.net;
 * delphi for win32 did not have it, but there was something else
 * where the amount from period 12 was subtracted
 *        if ((pv_period_number_i > period.FNumberAccountingPeriods) && (period.realGlmSequence.incExpAccount) && (pv_year_i == period.FCurrentFinancialYear))
 *        {
 *          previousPeriod = new TFinancialPeriod(situation.GetDatabaseConnection(), period, -1, situation.GetParameters(), situation.GetColumn());
 *          lv_currency_amount_n = GetActualValue(previousPeriod, pv_currency_select_c);
 *          previousPeriod = null;
 *        }
                    if ((period.diffPeriod != 0) && (period.realGlmSequence.incExpAccount))
                        decimal lv_prev_year_amount_n = 0;
                        // start balance starts with 0
                        TFinancialPeriod firstPeriod = new TFinancialPeriod(situation.GetDatabaseConnection(), 1, pv_year_i, period);

                        if (firstPeriod.realYear != period.realYear)
                            // add the amount from the last year (real)
                            TFinancialPeriod lastPeriodOfPrevYear = new TFinancialPeriod(
                                situation.GetDatabaseConnection(), period.FNumberAccountingPeriods - period.diffPeriod, pv_year_i - 1, period);

                            if (lastPeriodOfPrevYear.realGlmSequence != null)
                                lv_prev_year_amount_n = GetActualValue(lastPeriodOfPrevYear, pv_currency_select_c);

                            lastPeriodOfPrevYear = null;
                            lv_currency_amount_n = lv_currency_amount_n + lv_prev_year_amount_n;

                        // subtract the value that is before the first period of the (artificial) year
                        TFinancialPeriod beforeFirstPeriodOfYear = new TFinancialPeriod(situation.GetDatabaseConnection(), 0, pv_year_i, period);
                        lv_prev_year_amount_n = 0;

                        if (beforeFirstPeriodOfYear.realGlmSequence != null)
                            lv_prev_year_amount_n = GetActualValue(beforeFirstPeriodOfYear, pv_currency_select_c);

                        lv_currency_amount_n = lv_currency_amount_n - lv_prev_year_amount_n;
                    // not pv_ytd_l
                    lv_currency_amount_n = lv_currency_amount_n - GetActual(pv_period_number_i - 1, pv_year_i, true, pv_currency_select_c);

            period = null;
            return lv_currency_amount_n;
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// This will get the amount of the given summary account, by going through
        /// all the reporting posting accounts, and using the given account hierarchy;
        /// This is done even for the STANDARD hierarchy,
        /// though that values are stored in the database, they are calculated from the bottom again.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>void</returns>
        private decimal GetActualSummary(TFinancialPeriod periodParent,
            int pv_period_number_i,
            int pv_year_i,
            Boolean pv_ytd_l,
            String pv_currency_select_c,
            String accountHierarchy)
            // get all the posting accounts that report to this account in the selected account hierarchy
            string accountChildren = GetAllAccountDescendants(periodParent.realGlmSequence.ledger_number,
            decimal ReturnValue = 0;

            while (accountChildren.Length > 0)
                string accountChild = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref accountChildren);

                StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref accountChildren);
                // alias
                StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref accountChildren);

                // accountChildAccountDescr
                bool childDebitCreditIndicator = (StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref accountChildren).ToUpper() == "TRUE");
                TFinancialPeriod subAccountPeriod = new TFinancialPeriod(
                    situation.GetDatabaseConnection(), pv_period_number_i, pv_year_i, periodParent.diffPeriod, periodParent.FCurrentFinancialYear,
                    periodParent.FCurrentPeriod, periodParent.FNumberAccountingPeriods, periodParent.FNumberForwardingPeriods,
                        periodParent.realGlmSequence.ledger_number, periodParent.realGlmSequence.cost_centre_code, accountChild,
                decimal subAccountAmount = GetActual(subAccountPeriod, pv_period_number_i, pv_year_i, pv_ytd_l, pv_currency_select_c);

                if (childDebitCreditIndicator != periodParent.realGlmSequence.DebitCreditIndicator)
                    subAccountAmount = (-1) * subAccountAmount;

                ReturnValue = ReturnValue + subAccountAmount;

            return ReturnValue;
Пример #7
        private decimal GetActualValue(TFinancialPeriod period, String pv_currency_select_c)
            string strSql = "SELECT a_actual_base_n, a_actual_intl_n, a_actual_foreign_n FROM PUB_a_general_ledger_master_period" +
                            " WHERE a_glm_sequence_i = " + period.realGlmSequence.glmSequence +
                            " AND a_period_number_i = " + period.realPeriod;
            DataTable tab = ActualsCache.GetDataTable(situation.GetDatabaseConnection(), strSql);

            if (tab.Rows.Count > 0)
                pv_currency_select_c = pv_currency_select_c.ToLower();

                if (pv_currency_select_c == "base")
                    return Convert.ToDecimal(tab.Rows[0]["a_actual_base_n"]);
                else if (pv_currency_select_c.StartsWith("int"))
                    return Convert.ToDecimal(tab.Rows[0]["a_actual_base_n"]) * period.exchangeRateToIntl;
                else if (pv_currency_select_c == "transaction")
                    if (tab.Rows[0].IsNull("a_actual_foreign_n"))
                        // this is not a foreign currency account, so it must be base currency
                        return Convert.ToDecimal(tab.Rows[0]["a_actual_base_n"]);

                    return Convert.ToDecimal(tab.Rows[0]["a_actual_foreign_n"]);

            return 0.0M;
Пример #8
        private decimal CalculateBudget(int pv_start_period_i, int pv_end_period_i, int pv_year_i, String pv_currency_select_c)
            System.Int32 Counter;
            decimal ReturnValue = 0;
            decimal lastExchangeRate = -1;
            TFinancialPeriod startPeriod = new TFinancialPeriod(situation.GetDatabaseConnection(), pv_start_period_i, pv_year_i,
                situation.GetParameters(), situation.GetColumn());

            if (startPeriod.realPeriod > startPeriod.FNumberAccountingPeriods)
                // budgets are not stored in the forwarding periods, but in the next year
                startPeriod = new TFinancialPeriod(
                    situation.GetDatabaseConnection(), pv_start_period_i - startPeriod.FNumberAccountingPeriods, pv_year_i + 1,
                    situation.GetParameters(), situation.GetColumn());

            TFinancialPeriod endPeriod = new TFinancialPeriod(situation.GetDatabaseConnection(), pv_end_period_i, pv_year_i,
                situation.GetParameters(), situation.GetColumn());

            if (endPeriod.realPeriod > endPeriod.FNumberAccountingPeriods)
                // budgets are not stored in the forwarding periods, but in the next year
                endPeriod = new TFinancialPeriod(
                    situation.GetDatabaseConnection(), pv_end_period_i - endPeriod.FNumberAccountingPeriods, pv_year_i + 1,
                    situation.GetParameters(), situation.GetColumn());

            // make sure, endperiod is valid, ie. not beyond the existing periods
            Counter = pv_end_period_i - 1;

            while (((endPeriod == null) || (endPeriod.realGlmSequence == null)) && (Counter >= pv_start_period_i))
                endPeriod = new TFinancialPeriod(situation.GetDatabaseConnection(), Counter, pv_year_i,
                    situation.GetParameters(), situation.GetColumn());
                Counter = Counter - 1;

            // GetBudget can only deal with a range of periods in the same year (same glm sequence)
            if (startPeriod.realYear != endPeriod.realYear)
                TFinancialPeriod endOfYearPeriod = new TFinancialPeriod(startPeriod);
                endOfYearPeriod.realPeriod = endOfYearPeriod.FNumberAccountingPeriods;
                ReturnValue = ReturnValue + GetBudget(startPeriod, endOfYearPeriod, pv_start_period_i, pv_year_i);
                TFinancialPeriod beginOfYearPeriod = new TFinancialPeriod(endPeriod);
                endOfYearPeriod.realPeriod = 1;
                ReturnValue = ReturnValue + GetBudget(beginOfYearPeriod, endPeriod, pv_end_period_i, pv_year_i);
                ReturnValue = ReturnValue + GetBudget(startPeriod, endPeriod, pv_start_period_i, pv_year_i);

            if (pv_currency_select_c.ToLower().StartsWith("int"))
                if ((endPeriod != null) && (endPeriod.realGlmSequence != null))
                    lastExchangeRate = endPeriod.exchangeRateToIntl;
                    ReturnValue = ReturnValue * lastExchangeRate;

            return ReturnValue;
Пример #9
        private decimal GetBudget(TFinancialPeriod startperiod, TFinancialPeriod endperiod, Int32 periodNr, Int32 yearNr)
            decimal ReturnValue = 0;

            if ((startperiod == null) || (startperiod.realGlmSequence == null) || (startperiod.realGlmSequence.glmSequence <= -1))
                return 0;

            // precondition: the periods must be in the same real year; that is taken care of in CalculateBudget
            if (startperiod.realYear != endperiod.realYear)
                return 0;

            // for summary accounts, when using a different than the STANDARD accounting hierarchy,
            // need to get the correct summary amount
            string accountHierarchy = parameters.Get("param_account_hierarchy_c").ToString();

            if ((!startperiod.realGlmSequence.postingAccount) && (!(accountHierarchy.ToUpper().CompareTo("STANDARD") == 0)))
                return GetBudgetSummary(startperiod, endperiod, periodNr, yearNr, accountHierarchy);

            string strSql = "SELECT SUM(a_budget_base_n) FROM PUB_a_general_ledger_master_period WHERE a_glm_sequence_i = " +
                            startperiod.realGlmSequence.glmSequence + " AND a_period_number_i >= " + startperiod.realPeriod +
                            " AND a_period_number_i <= " + endperiod.realPeriod;
            DataTable tab = situation.GetDatabaseConnection().SelectDT(strSql, "GetBudget_TempTable", situation.GetDatabaseConnection().Transaction);

            if (tab.Rows.Count > 0)
                ReturnValue = Convert.ToDecimal(tab.Rows[0][0]);

            return ReturnValue;
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// returns status CLOSED, FWD PERIOD, or CURRENT for the given period in the given year of the ledger
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetStatePeriod(int ledgernumber, int whichyear, int period)
            string ReturnValue;
            int currentPeriod;
            int currentYear;
            TFinancialPeriod financialPeriod;

            currentPeriod = parameters.Get("param_current_period_i").ToInt();
            currentYear = parameters.Get("param_current_financial_year_i").ToInt();
            financialPeriod = new TFinancialPeriod(situation.GetDatabaseConnection(), period, whichyear,
                situation.GetParameters(), situation.GetColumn());

            if (financialPeriod.realYear < currentYear)
                ReturnValue = "CLOSED";
            else if (financialPeriod.realYear > currentYear)
                ReturnValue = "FWD PERIOD";
                if (currentPeriod == financialPeriod.realPeriod)
                    ReturnValue = "CURRENT";
                else if (currentPeriod > financialPeriod.realPeriod)
                    ReturnValue = "CLOSED";
                    ReturnValue = "FWD PERIOD";

            return ReturnValue;
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the start and end date of a given period in a given ledger in the given year
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>void</returns>
        public void GetPeriodDetails(int ledgernr, int period, out DateTime startOfPeriod, out DateTime endOfPeriod, int whichyear, int column)
            int currentFinancialYear = parameters.Get("param_current_financial_year_i", column).ToInt();
            TFinancialPeriod financialPeriod = new TFinancialPeriod(situation.GetDatabaseConnection(), period, whichyear,
                situation.GetParameters(), situation.GetColumn());
            AAccountingPeriodTable tab = AAccountingPeriodAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(ledgernr, period, situation.GetDatabaseConnection().Transaction);

            if (tab.Rows.Count == 1)
                AAccountingPeriodRow row = tab[0];

                    endOfPeriod = new DateTime(row.PeriodEndDate.Year - (currentFinancialYear - financialPeriod.realYear),
                catch (Exception)
                    endOfPeriod = new DateTime(row.PeriodEndDate.Year - (currentFinancialYear - financialPeriod.realYear),
                        row.PeriodEndDate.Day - 1);
                startOfPeriod = new DateTime(row.PeriodStartDate.Year - (currentFinancialYear - financialPeriod.realYear),
                endOfPeriod = DateTime.MinValue;
                startOfPeriod = DateTime.MinValue;

            financialPeriod = null;
Пример #12
 /// <summary>
 /// constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="databaseConnection"></param>
 /// <param name="period"></param>
 /// <param name="year"></param>
 /// <param name="AFinancialPeriod"></param>
 public TFinancialPeriod(TDataBase databaseConnection, int period, int year, TFinancialPeriod AFinancialPeriod) :
     this(databaseConnection, period, year, AFinancialPeriod.diffPeriod, AFinancialPeriod.FCurrentFinancialYear,
          AFinancialPeriod.FCurrentPeriod, AFinancialPeriod.FNumberAccountingPeriods, AFinancialPeriod.FNumberForwardingPeriods,
Пример #13
 /// <summary>
 /// creates a period before or after the given period
 /// </summary>
 public TFinancialPeriod(TDataBase databaseConnection, TFinancialPeriod period, int diff, TParameterList parameters, int column)
     : this(databaseConnection, period.realPeriod + diff, period.realYear, parameters, column)
Пример #14
 /// <summary>
 /// constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="databaseConnection"></param>
 /// <param name="period"></param>
 /// <param name="year"></param>
 /// <param name="AFinancialPeriod"></param>
 public TFinancialPeriod(TDataBase databaseConnection, int period, int year, TFinancialPeriod AFinancialPeriod) :
     this(databaseConnection, period, year, AFinancialPeriod.diffPeriod, AFinancialPeriod.FCurrentFinancialYear,
          AFinancialPeriod.FCurrentPeriod, AFinancialPeriod.FNumberAccountingPeriods, AFinancialPeriod.FNumberForwardingPeriods,
Пример #15
 /// <summary>
 /// copy constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="APeriod"></param>
 public TFinancialPeriod(TFinancialPeriod APeriod)
     diffPeriod = APeriod.diffPeriod;
     realYear = APeriod.realYear;
     realPeriod = APeriod.realPeriod;
     realGlmSequence = new TGlmSequence(APeriod.realGlmSequence);
     exchangeRateToIntl = APeriod.exchangeRateToIntl;
     FCurrentFinancialYear = APeriod.FCurrentFinancialYear;
     FNumberAccountingPeriods = APeriod.FNumberAccountingPeriods;
     FCurrentPeriod = APeriod.FCurrentPeriod;
     FNumberForwardingPeriods = APeriod.FNumberForwardingPeriods;
Пример #16
 /// <summary>
 /// creates a period before or after the given period
 /// </summary>
 public TFinancialPeriod(TDataBase databaseConnection, TFinancialPeriod period, int diff, TParameterList parameters, int column)
     : this(databaseConnection, period.realPeriod + diff, period.realYear, parameters, column)