Пример #1
        public static DataTable BalanceSheetTable(Dictionary <String, TVariant>AParameters, TReportingDbAdapter DbAdapter)
            DataTable FilteredResults = null;

            /* Required columns:
             * Actual
             * LastYearActual
             * LastYearEnd

            Int32 LedgerNumber = AParameters["param_ledger_number_i"].ToInt32();
            Int32 NumberOfAccountingPeriods = new TLedgerInfo(LedgerNumber).NumberOfAccountingPeriods;
            Int32 AccountingYear = AParameters["param_year_i"].ToInt32();
            Int32 ReportPeriodEnd = AParameters["param_end_period_i"].ToInt32();
            String HierarchyName = AParameters["param_account_hierarchy_c"].ToString();
            String RootCostCentre = AParameters["param_cost_centre_code"].ToString();

            Boolean International = AParameters["param_currency"].ToString().StartsWith("Int");
            Decimal EffectiveExchangeRate = 1;
            Decimal LastYearExchangeRate = 1;

            if (International)
                TCorporateExchangeRateCache ExchangeRateCache = new TCorporateExchangeRateCache();

                EffectiveExchangeRate = ExchangeRateCache.GetCorporateExchangeRate(DBAccess.GDBAccessObj,

                LastYearExchangeRate = ExchangeRateCache.GetCorporateExchangeRate(DBAccess.GDBAccessObj,
                    AccountingYear - 1,

            TLogging.Log(Catalog.GetString("Loading data.."), TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);
            DataTable resultTable = null;
            TDBTransaction ReadTrans = null;
                ref ReadTrans,
                    ACostCentreTable AllCostCentres = ACostCentreAccess.LoadViaALedger(LedgerNumber, ReadTrans);
                    AllCostCentres.DefaultView.Sort = ACostCentreTable.GetCostCentreToReportToDBName();
                    List <string>ReportingCostCentres = new List <string>();
                    GetReportingCostCentres(AllCostCentres, ReportingCostCentres, RootCostCentre);
                    String CostCentreList = StringHelper.StrMerge(ReportingCostCentres.ToArray(), ',');
                    CostCentreList = "'" + CostCentreList.Replace(",", "','") + "'";

                    String Summarised =                                                                  // This query gets the totals I need
                                        "(SELECT " +
                                        " glm.a_year_i AS Year," +
                                        " glmp.a_period_number_i AS Period," +
                                        " a_account.a_account_type_c AS AccountType," +
                                        " a_account.a_debit_credit_indicator_l AS DebitCredit," +
                                        " glm.a_account_code_c AS AccountCode," +
                                        " a_account.a_account_code_short_desc_c AS AccountName," +
                                        " sum(glmp.a_actual_base_n) AS Actual" +

                                        " FROM a_general_ledger_master AS glm, a_general_ledger_master_period AS glmp, a_account" +
                                        " WHERE glm.a_ledger_number_i=" + LedgerNumber +
                                        " AND glm.a_cost_centre_code_c in (" + CostCentreList + ") " +
                                        " AND glm.a_year_i IN (" + (AccountingYear - 1) + ", " + AccountingYear + ")" +
                                        " AND glm.a_glm_sequence_i = glmp.a_glm_sequence_i" +
                                        " AND glmp.a_period_number_i=" + ReportPeriodEnd +
                                        " AND a_account.a_account_code_c = glm.a_account_code_c" +
                                        " AND a_account.a_ledger_number_i = glm.a_ledger_number_i" +
                                        " AND a_account.a_posting_status_l = true" +
                                        " GROUP BY glm.a_year_i, glmp.a_period_number_i, a_account.a_account_type_c," +
                                        "   a_account.a_debit_credit_indicator_l, glm.a_account_code_c," +
                                        "   a_account.a_account_code_short_desc_c" +
                                        " ORDER BY glm.a_account_code_c) AS summarised"

                    String Query =
                        "SELECT " +
                        "summarised.*," +
                        " 1 AS AccountLevel," +
                        " false AS HasChildren," +
                        " false AS ParentFooter," +
                        " 0 AS AccountTypeOrder," +
                        " false AS AccountIsSummary," +
                        " 'Path' AS AccountPath," +
                        " 0.0 AS ActualYTD," +
                        " 0.0 AS LastYearActual" +
                        " FROM " + Summarised;

                    resultTable = DbAdapter.RunQuery(Query, "BalanceSheet", ReadTrans);

                    DataView LastYear = new DataView(resultTable);
                    LastYear.Sort = "AccountCode";
                    LastYear.RowFilter = String.Format("Year={0}", AccountingYear - 1);

                    DataView ThisYear = new DataView(resultTable);
                    ThisYear.RowFilter = String.Format("Year={0}", AccountingYear);

                    // Some of these rows are from a year ago. I'll copy those into the current period "LastYear" fields.

                    TLogging.Log(Catalog.GetString("Get last year data.."), TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);

                    foreach (DataRowView rv in ThisYear)
                        if (DbAdapter.IsCancelled)

                        DataRow Row = rv.Row;
                        Int32 RowIdx = LastYear.Find(
                            new Object[] {

                        if (RowIdx >= 0)
                            DataRow LastYearRow = LastYear[RowIdx].Row;
                            Row["LastYearActual"] = LastYearExchangeRate * Convert.ToDecimal(LastYearRow["Actual"]);

                        Row["Actual"] = EffectiveExchangeRate * Convert.ToDecimal(Row["Actual"]);

                    // At the end of that process, there may be some remaining LastYearRows that don't have an equivalent entry in this year
                    // (because there's been no activity this year.)
                    // I'll tweak these so the Row appears as this year, but the amount appears as LastYear:

                    foreach (DataRowView rv in LastYear)
                        DataRow Row = rv.Row;
                        Row["Year"] = Convert.ToInt32(Row["Year"]) + 1;
                        Row["LastYearActual"] = LastYearExchangeRate * Convert.ToDecimal(Row["Actual"]);
                        Row["Actual"] = 0.0;

                    // So now I don't have to look at last year's rows:

                    FilteredResults = ThisYear.ToTable("BalanceSheet");

                    // I only have "posting accounts" - I need to add the summary accounts.

                    AAccountHierarchyDetailTable HierarchyTbl = AAccountHierarchyDetailAccess.LoadViaAAccountHierarchy(LedgerNumber,

                    HierarchyTbl.DefaultView.Sort = "a_reporting_account_code_c";  // These two sort orders
                    FilteredResults.DefaultView.Sort = "AccountCode";              // Are required by AddTotalsToParentAccountRow, below.

                    Int32 PostingAccountRecords = FilteredResults.Rows.Count;

                    TLogging.Log(Catalog.GetString("Summarise to parent accounts.."), TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);

                    for (Int32 Idx = 0; Idx < PostingAccountRecords; Idx++)
                        if (DbAdapter.IsCancelled)

                        DataRow Row = FilteredResults.Rows[Idx];
                        String ParentAccountPath;
                        Int32 ParentAccountTypeOrder;
                        Int32 AccountLevel = AddTotalsToParentAccountRow(
                            "", // No Cost Centres on Balance Sheet
                            out ParentAccountPath,
                            out ParentAccountTypeOrder,
                        Row["AccountLevel"] = AccountLevel;
                        Row["AccountPath"] = ParentAccountPath + Row["AccountCode"];
                }); // Get NewOrExisting AutoReadTransaction

            // Now if I re-order the result by AccountPath, hide all the empty rows,
            // and rows that are too detailed, it should be what I need!

            Int32 DetailLevel = AParameters["param_nesting_depth"].ToInt32();
            String DepthFilter = " AND AccountLevel<=" + DetailLevel.ToString();
            FilteredResults.DefaultView.Sort = "AccountTypeOrder, AccountPath";

            FilteredResults.DefaultView.RowFilter = "(Actual <> 0 OR LastYearActual <> 0 )" + // Only non-zero rows
                                                    DepthFilter;    // Nothing too detailed

            FilteredResults = FilteredResults.DefaultView.ToTable("BalanceSheet");

            // The income and expense accounts have been used to produce the balance of 'PL',
            // but now I don't want to see those details - only the total.

            FilteredResults.DefaultView.RowFilter = "AccountPath NOT LIKE '%-PL~%' OR AccountLevel < 3"; // Don't include Children of PL account
            FilteredResults = FilteredResults.DefaultView.ToTable("BalanceSheet");

            // Finally, to make the hierarchical report possible,
            // I want to include a note to show whether a row has child rows,
            // and if it does, I'll copy this row to a new row, below the children, marking the new row as "footer".

            TLogging.Log(Catalog.GetString("Format data for reporting.."), TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);

            for (Int32 RowIdx = 0; RowIdx < FilteredResults.Rows.Count - 1; RowIdx++)
                if (DbAdapter.IsCancelled)
                    return FilteredResults;

                Int32 ParentAccountLevel = Convert.ToInt32(FilteredResults.Rows[RowIdx]["AccountLevel"]);
                Boolean HasChildren = (Convert.ToInt32(FilteredResults.Rows[RowIdx + 1]["AccountLevel"]) > ParentAccountLevel);
                FilteredResults.Rows[RowIdx]["HasChildren"] = HasChildren;

                if (HasChildren)
                    Int32 NextSiblingPos = -1;

                    for (Int32 ChildIdx = RowIdx + 2; ChildIdx < FilteredResults.Rows.Count; ChildIdx++)
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(FilteredResults.Rows[ChildIdx]["AccountLevel"]) <= ParentAccountLevel)  // This row is not a child of mine
                        {                                                                                           // so I insert my footer before here.
                            NextSiblingPos = ChildIdx;

                    DataRow FooterRow = FilteredResults.NewRow();
                    DataUtilities.CopyAllColumnValues(FilteredResults.Rows[RowIdx], FooterRow);
                    FooterRow["ParentFooter"] = true;
                    FooterRow["HasChildren"] = false;

                    if (NextSiblingPos > 0)
                        FilteredResults.Rows.InsertAt(FooterRow, NextSiblingPos);
            } // for

            TLogging.Log("", TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);
            return FilteredResults;
        } // Balance Sheet Table
Пример #2
        public static DataTable SurplusDeficitTable(Dictionary <String, TVariant>AParameters, TReportingDbAdapter DbAdapter)
            Int32 LedgerNumber = AParameters["param_ledger_number_i"].ToInt32();
            Int32 AccountingYear = AParameters["param_year_i"].ToInt32();
            Int32 ReportPeriodEnd = AParameters["param_end_period_i"].ToInt32();

            // Read different DB fields according to currency setting
            //String ActualFieldName = AParameters["param_currency"].ToString().StartsWith("Int") ? "a_actual_intl_n" : "a_actual_base_n";

            String CostCentreFilter;
            String AccountCodeFilter;

            // create filters from parameters
            AccountAndCostCentreFilters(AParameters, out CostCentreFilter, out AccountCodeFilter);

            DataTable resultTable = null;
            TDBTransaction ReadTrans = null;
            DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.GetNewOrExistingAutoReadTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted, TEnforceIsolationLevel.eilMinimum, ref ReadTrans,
                    TCorporateExchangeRateCache ExchangeRateCache = new TCorporateExchangeRateCache();

                    decimal ExchangeRate = 1;

                    if (AParameters["param_currency"].ToString().StartsWith("Int"))
                        ExchangeRate = ExchangeRateCache.GetCorporateExchangeRate(DBAccess.GDBAccessObj,

                    String OrderBy = " ORDER BY glm.a_cost_centre_code_c";

                    String Query = "SELECT " +
                                   " glm.a_year_i AS Year," +
                                   " glmp.a_period_number_i AS Period," +
                                   " glm.a_cost_centre_code_c AS CostCentreCode," +
                                   " a_cost_centre.a_cost_centre_name_c AS CostCentreName," +
                                   " a_cost_centre.a_cost_centre_type_c AS CostCentreType," +

                                   " SUM (CASE" +
                                   " WHEN (a_account.a_debit_credit_indicator_l = false AND glmp.a_actual_base_n > 0)" +
                                   " OR (a_account.a_debit_credit_indicator_l = true AND glmp.a_actual_base_n < 0)" +
                                   " THEN ABS(glmp.a_actual_base_n) * " + ExchangeRate +
                                   " ELSE 0 END) AS Credit," +
                                   " SUM (CASE" +
                                   " WHEN (a_account.a_debit_credit_indicator_l = true AND glmp.a_actual_base_n > 0)" +
                                   " OR (a_account.a_debit_credit_indicator_l = false AND glmp.a_actual_base_n < 0)" +
                                   " THEN ABS(glmp.a_actual_base_n) * " + ExchangeRate +
                                   " ELSE 0 END) AS Debit" +

                                   " FROM a_general_ledger_master AS glm, a_general_ledger_master_period AS glmp, a_account, a_cost_centre" +
                                   " WHERE glm.a_ledger_number_i=" + LedgerNumber +
                                   " AND glm.a_year_i=" + AccountingYear +
                                   " AND glm.a_glm_sequence_i = glmp.a_glm_sequence_i" +
                                   " AND glmp.a_period_number_i=" + ReportPeriodEnd +
                                   " AND glmp.a_actual_base_n <> 0" +

                                   " AND a_account.a_account_code_c = glm.a_account_code_c" +
                                   " AND a_account.a_ledger_number_i = glm.a_ledger_number_i" +
                                   " AND a_account.a_posting_status_l = true" +
                                   " AND a_cost_centre.a_ledger_number_i = glm.a_ledger_number_i" +
                                   " AND a_cost_centre.a_cost_centre_code_c = glm.a_cost_centre_code_c" +
                                   " AND a_cost_centre.a_posting_cost_centre_flag_l = true" +
                                   CostCentreFilter +
                                   AccountCodeFilter +
                                   " GROUP BY Year, Period, CostCentreCode, CostCentreName, CostCentreType " +

                    TLogging.Log(Catalog.GetString("Loading data.."), TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);
                    resultTable = DbAdapter.RunQuery(Query, "SurplusDeficitTable", ReadTrans);

                    TLogging.Log("", TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);
                }); // Get NewOrExisting AutoReadTransaction
            return resultTable;
        } // Surplus Deficit Table
Пример #3
        public static DataTable BalanceSheetTable(Dictionary <String, TVariant>AParameters, TReportingDbAdapter DbAdapter)
            DataTable FilteredResults = null;

            /* Required columns:
             * Actual
             * ActualLastYear
             * ActualLastYearComplete

            Int32 LedgerNumber = AParameters["param_ledger_number_i"].ToInt32();
            Int32 AccountingYear = AParameters["param_year_i"].ToInt32();
            Int32 ReportPeriodEnd = AParameters["param_end_period_i"].ToInt32();
            String HierarchyName = AParameters["param_account_hierarchy_c"].ToString();
            String RootCostCentre = AParameters["param_cost_centre_code"].ToString();

            Boolean International = AParameters["param_currency"].ToString().StartsWith("Int");
            Decimal EffectiveExchangeRate = 1;
            Decimal LastYearExchangeRate = 1;
            String ActualFieldName = "a_actual_base_n";
            String StartBalanceFieldName = "a_start_balance_base_n";

            if (International)
                TCorporateExchangeRateCache ExchangeRateCache = new TCorporateExchangeRateCache();

                EffectiveExchangeRate = ExchangeRateCache.GetCorporateExchangeRate(DBAccess.GDBAccessObj,

                LastYearExchangeRate = ExchangeRateCache.GetCorporateExchangeRate(DBAccess.GDBAccessObj,
                    AccountingYear - 1,

            String PlAccountCode = "PL"; // I could get this from the Ledger record, but in fact it's never set there!

            TDBTransaction ReadTrans = DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);

                String Query = "SELECT DISTINCT" +
                               " 1 AS AccountLevel," +
                               " false AS HasChildren," +
                               " false AS ParentFooter," +
                               " glm.a_glm_sequence_i AS Seq," +
                               " glm.a_year_i AS Year," +
                               " glmp.a_period_number_i AS Period," +
                               " a_account.a_account_type_c AS AccountType," +
                               " 0 AS AccountTypeOrder," +
                               " a_account.a_debit_credit_indicator_l AS DebitCredit," +
                               " glm.a_account_code_c AS AccountCode," +
                               " glm.a_cost_centre_code_c AS CostCentreCode," +
                               " false AS AccountIsSummary," +
                               " 'Path' AS AccountPath," +
                               " a_account.a_account_code_short_desc_c AS AccountName," +
                               " glm." + StartBalanceFieldName + " AS YearStart," +
                               " 0.0 AS ActualYTD," +
                               " glmp." + ActualFieldName + " AS Actual," +
                               " 0.0 AS ActualLastYear" +

                               " FROM a_general_ledger_master AS glm, a_general_ledger_master_period AS glmp, a_account, a_cost_centre" +
                               " WHERE glm.a_ledger_number_i=" + LedgerNumber +
                               " AND glm.a_cost_centre_code_c = '" + RootCostCentre + "' " +
                               " AND glm.a_year_i IN (" + (AccountingYear - 1) + ", " + AccountingYear + ")" +
                               " AND glm.a_glm_sequence_i = glmp.a_glm_sequence_i" +
                               " AND glmp.a_period_number_i=" + ReportPeriodEnd +
                               " AND a_account.a_account_code_c = glm.a_account_code_c" +
                               " AND (a_account.a_account_type_c IN ('Asset','Liability','Equity') OR a_account.a_account_code_c = '" +
                               PlAccountCode + "')" +
                               " AND a_account.a_ledger_number_i = glm.a_ledger_number_i" +
                               " AND (a_account.a_posting_status_l = true OR a_account.a_account_code_c = '" + PlAccountCode + "')" +
                               " ORDER BY glm.a_account_code_c"

                TLogging.Log(Catalog.GetString("Loading data.."), TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);
                DataTable resultTable = DbAdapter.RunQuery(Query, "BalanceSheet", ReadTrans);

                DataView OldPeriod = new DataView(resultTable);
                DataView ThisMonth = new DataView(resultTable);
                OldPeriod.Sort = "AccountCode";
                OldPeriod.RowFilter = String.Format("Year={0}", AccountingYear - 1);
                ThisMonth.RowFilter = String.Format("Year={0}", AccountingYear);

                // Some of these rows are from a year ago. I'll copy those into the current period "LastYear" fields.

                TLogging.Log(Catalog.GetString("Get last year data.."), TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);

                foreach (DataRowView rv in ThisMonth)
                    if (DbAdapter.IsCancelled)
                        return FilteredResults;

                    DataRow Row = rv.Row;
                    Int32 RowIdx = OldPeriod.Find(
                        new Object[] {

                    if (RowIdx >= 0)
                        DataRow LastYearRow = OldPeriod[RowIdx].Row;
                        Row["ActualLastYear"] = LastYearExchangeRate * Convert.ToDecimal(LastYearRow["Actual"]);

                    if (Row["AccountCode"].ToString() == PlAccountCode)     // Tweak the PL account and pretend it's an Equity.
                    {                                                       // (It was probably previously an income account.)
                        Row["AccountType"] = "Equity";
                        Row["AccountTypeOrder"] = 3;

                    Row["YearStart"] = EffectiveExchangeRate * Convert.ToDecimal(Row["YearStart"]);
                    Row["Actual"] = EffectiveExchangeRate * Convert.ToDecimal(Row["Actual"]);

                // So now I don't have to look at last year's rows:
                FilteredResults = ThisMonth.ToTable("BalanceSheet");

                // I only have "posting accounts" - I need to add the summary accounts.
                AAccountHierarchyDetailTable HierarchyTbl = AAccountHierarchyDetailAccess.LoadViaAAccountHierarchy(LedgerNumber,

                HierarchyTbl.DefaultView.Sort = "a_reporting_account_code_c";  // These two sort orders
                FilteredResults.DefaultView.Sort = "AccountCode";              // Are required by AddTotalsToParentAccountRow, below.

                Int32 PostingAccountRecords = FilteredResults.Rows.Count;

                TLogging.Log(Catalog.GetString("Summarise to parent accounts.."), TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);

                for (Int32 Idx = 0; Idx < PostingAccountRecords; Idx++)
                    if (DbAdapter.IsCancelled)
                        return FilteredResults;

                    DataRow Row = FilteredResults.Rows[Idx];
                    String ParentAccountPath;
                    Int32 ParentAccountTypeOrder;
                    Int32 AccountLevel = AddTotalsToParentAccountRow(
                        "", // No Cost Centres on Balance Sheet
                        out ParentAccountPath,
                        out ParentAccountTypeOrder,
                    Row["AccountLevel"] = AccountLevel;
                    Row["AccountPath"] = ParentAccountPath + Row["AccountCode"];

                // Now if I re-order the result by AccountPath, hide all the old data and empty rows, and rows that are too detailed, it should be what I need!

                Int32 DetailLevel = AParameters["param_nesting_depth"].ToInt32();
                String DepthFilter = " AND AccountLevel<=" + DetailLevel.ToString();
                FilteredResults.DefaultView.Sort = "AccountTypeOrder, AccountPath";

                FilteredResults.DefaultView.RowFilter = "(Actual <> 0 OR ActualLastYear <> 0 )" + // Only non-zero rows
                                                        DepthFilter;    // Nothing too detailed

                FilteredResults = FilteredResults.DefaultView.ToTable("BalanceSheet");

                // Finally, to make the hierarchical report possible,
                // I want to include a note to show whether a row has child rows,
                // and if it does, I'll copy this row to a new row, below the children, marking the new row as "footer".
                TLogging.Log(Catalog.GetString("Format data for reporting.."), TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);

                for (Int32 RowIdx = 0; RowIdx < FilteredResults.Rows.Count - 1; RowIdx++)
                    if (DbAdapter.IsCancelled)
                        return FilteredResults;

                    Int32 ParentAccountLevel = Convert.ToInt32(FilteredResults.Rows[RowIdx]["AccountLevel"]);
                    Boolean HasChildren = (Convert.ToInt32(FilteredResults.Rows[RowIdx + 1]["AccountLevel"]) > ParentAccountLevel);
                    FilteredResults.Rows[RowIdx]["HasChildren"] = HasChildren;

                    if (HasChildren)
                        Int32 NextSiblingPos = -1;

                        for (Int32 ChildIdx = RowIdx + 2; ChildIdx < FilteredResults.Rows.Count; ChildIdx++)
                            if (Convert.ToInt32(FilteredResults.Rows[ChildIdx]["AccountLevel"]) <= ParentAccountLevel)  // This row is not a child of mine
                            {                                                                                           // so I insert my footer before here.
                                NextSiblingPos = ChildIdx;

                        DataRow FooterRow = FilteredResults.NewRow();
                        DataUtilities.CopyAllColumnValues(FilteredResults.Rows[RowIdx], FooterRow);
                        FooterRow["ParentFooter"] = true;
                        FooterRow["HasChildren"] = false;

                        if (NextSiblingPos > 0)
                            FilteredResults.Rows.InsertAt(FooterRow, NextSiblingPos);
                } // for

            }  // try
            catch (Exception ex) // if the report was cancelled, DB calls with the same transaction will raise exceptions.
            finally  // Whatever happens, I need to do this:
            TLogging.Log("", TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);
            return FilteredResults;
        } // Balance Sheet Table
Пример #4
        public static DataTable IncomeExpenseTable(Dictionary <String, TVariant>AParameters, TReportingDbAdapter DbAdapter)
            /* Required columns:
             *   CostCentreCode
             *   CostCentreName
             *   AccountType
             *   AccountLevel
             *   HasChildren
             *   Breakdown
             *   ParentFooter
             *   AccountPath
             *   AccountCode
             *   AccountName
             *   AccountIsSummary
             *   YearStart
             *   Actual
             *   ActualYTD
             *   LastYearActual
             *   LastYearActualYtd
             *   LastYearEnd
             *   Budget
             *   BudgetYTD
             *   LastYearBudget
             *   BudgetWholeYear

             *  Cost Centre Breakdown process, in English:
             *  Find all the transactions for this period (and last month, last year) in glmp, sorting by Account, CostCentre
             *  For each account, re-calculate the summary accounts, generating parent records and AccountPath, using the given hierarchy
             *  Summarise to the required detail level by copying into new "breakdown" records:
             *      Headers and footers at a lower level are just copied,
             *      Accounts at the highest level must be made into header/footer pairs. The totals should be correct.
             *      all transactions at the required detail level or higher must be combined by CostCentreCode and listed within the appropriate level account.
             *  The initial query and calculation of previous periods and budget figures is all the same; only the summarisation is different.

             *  "Whole year breakdown by period" process, in English:
             *  Find all the transactions for the whole year (to period 12) in glmp, sorting by CostCentre, Account
             *  For each account, summarise into 12 fields of summary accounts, generating parent records and AccountPath, using the given hierarchy
             *  Summarise to the required level of detail
             *  For each remaining posting account, create a "breakdown" record with 12 fields for the summation
             *  Remove all records that are not a summary or a breakdown

            Int32 LedgerNumber = AParameters["param_ledger_number_i"].ToInt32();
            Int32 NumberOfAccountingPeriods = new TLedgerInfo(LedgerNumber).NumberOfAccountingPeriods;
            Int32 AccountingYear = AParameters["param_year_i"].ToInt32();
            Int32 ReportPeriodStart = AParameters["param_start_period_i"].ToInt32();
            Int32 ReportPeriodEnd = AParameters["param_end_period_i"].ToInt32();
            String HierarchyName = AParameters["param_account_hierarchy_c"].ToString();

            Boolean International = AParameters["param_currency"].ToString().StartsWith("Int");
            Decimal EffectiveExchangeRate = 1;
            Decimal LastYearExchangeRate = 1;

            if (International)
                TCorporateExchangeRateCache ExchangeRateCache = new TCorporateExchangeRateCache();

                EffectiveExchangeRate = ExchangeRateCache.GetCorporateExchangeRate(DBAccess.GDBAccessObj,
                LastYearExchangeRate = ExchangeRateCache.GetCorporateExchangeRate(DBAccess.GDBAccessObj,
                    AccountingYear - 1,

            // Read different DB fields according to currency setting
            Boolean CostCentreBreakdown = AParameters["param_cost_centre_breakdown"].ToBool();
            Boolean WholeYearPeriodsBreakdown = AParameters["param_period_breakdown"].ToBool();

            List <String>SelectedCostCentres = GetCostCentreList(AParameters);

            DataTable FilteredResults = new DataTable();
            FilteredResults.TableName = "IncomeExpense";

            TDBTransaction ReadTrans = null;
                ref ReadTrans,
                    String YearFilter =                                         // Get last year's values too.
                                        " AND glm.a_year_i>=" + (AccountingYear - 1) +
                                        " AND glm.a_year_i<=" + AccountingYear;

                    String isThisYear = " Year=" + AccountingYear;
                    String isLastYear = " Year=" + (AccountingYear - 1);

                    String PeriodFilter = " AND glmp.a_period_number_i<=" + NumberOfAccountingPeriods; // I need the whole year to see "whole year budget".
                    String isEndPeriod = "Period=" + ReportPeriodEnd;
                    String isPrevPeriod = "Period=" + (ReportPeriodStart - 1);

                    String ActualYtdQuery = "SUM (CASE WHEN " + isThisYear + " AND " + isEndPeriod + " THEN ActualYTD ELSE 0 END) AS ActualYtd, ";
                    String PrevPeriodQuery = (ReportPeriodStart == 1) ?
                                             "SUM (CASE WHEN " + isThisYear + " THEN StartBalance ELSE 0 END) AS LastMonthYtd, "
                                             : "SUM (CASE WHEN " + isThisYear + " AND " + isPrevPeriod +
                                             " THEN ActualYTD ELSE 0 END) AS LastMonthYtd, ";
                    String LastYearActualYtdQuery = "SUM (CASE WHEN " + isLastYear + " AND " + isEndPeriod +
                                                    " THEN ActualYTD ELSE 0 END) AS LastYearActualYtd, ";
                    String LastYearPrevPeriodQuery = (ReportPeriodStart == 1) ?
                                                     "SUM (CASE WHEN " + isLastYear + " THEN StartBalance ELSE 0 END) AS LastYearLastMonthYtd, "
                                                     : "SUM (CASE WHEN " + isLastYear + " AND " + isPrevPeriod +
                                                     " THEN ActualYTD ELSE 0 END) AS LastYearLastMonthYtd, ";

                    String LastYearEndQuery = "SUM (CASE WHEN " + isLastYear + " THEN EndBalance ELSE 0 END) AS LastYearEnd, ";
                    String BudgetQuery = "SUM (CASE WHEN " + isThisYear + " AND Period>=" + ReportPeriodStart + " AND Period <= " + ReportPeriodEnd +
                                         " THEN Budget ELSE 0 END) AS Budget, ";
                    String BudgetYtdQuery = "SUM (CASE WHEN " + isThisYear + " AND Period<=" + ReportPeriodEnd +
                                            " THEN Budget ELSE 0 END) AS BudgetYTD, ";
                    String BudgetWholeYearQuery = "SUM (CASE WHEN " + isThisYear + " THEN Budget ELSE 0 END) AS WholeYearBudget, ";
                    String BudgetLastYearQuery = "SUM (CASE WHEN " + isLastYear + " THEN Budget ELSE 0 END) AS LastYearBudget, ";
                    String MonthlyBreakdownQuery =
                        "0.0 AS P1, 0.0 AS P2, 0.0 AS P3, 0.0 AS P4, 0.0 AS P5, 0.0 AS P6 , 0.0 AS P7, 0.0 AS P8, 0.0 AS P9, 0.0 AS P10, 0.0 AS P11, 0.0 AS P12 ";

                    String NoZeroesFilter =
                        "WHERE (LastMonthYtd != 0 OR ActualYtd != 0 OR Budget != 0 OR BudgetYTD != 0 OR WholeYearBudget != 0 OR LastYearBudget != 0 OR LastYearLastMonthYtd != 0 OR LastYearActualYtd != 0)";

                    if (WholeYearPeriodsBreakdown)
                        //TODO: Calendar vs Financial Date Handling - Check if this should use financial num periods and not assume 12
                        CostCentreBreakdown = false;                            // Hopefully the client will have ensured this is false anyway - I'm just asserting it!
                        MonthlyBreakdownQuery =
                            "SUM (CASE WHEN Period=1 THEN ActualYTD ELSE 0 END) AS P1, " +
                            "SUM (CASE WHEN Period=2 THEN ActualYTD ELSE 0 END) AS P2, " +
                            "SUM (CASE WHEN Period=3 THEN ActualYTD ELSE 0 END) AS P3, " +
                            "SUM (CASE WHEN Period=4 THEN ActualYTD ELSE 0 END) AS P4, " +
                            "SUM (CASE WHEN Period=5 THEN ActualYTD ELSE 0 END) AS P5, " +
                            "SUM (CASE WHEN Period=6 THEN ActualYTD ELSE 0 END) AS P6, " +
                            "SUM (CASE WHEN Period=7 THEN ActualYTD ELSE 0 END) AS P7, " +
                            "SUM (CASE WHEN Period=8 THEN ActualYTD ELSE 0 END) AS P8, " +
                            "SUM (CASE WHEN Period=9 THEN ActualYTD ELSE 0 END) AS P9, " +
                            "SUM (CASE WHEN Period=10 THEN ActualYTD ELSE 0 END) AS P10, " +
                            "SUM (CASE WHEN Period=11 THEN ActualYTD ELSE 0 END) AS P11, " +
                            "SUM (CASE WHEN Period=12 THEN ActualYTD ELSE 0 END) AS P12 "; // No comma because this is the last field!

                        ActualYtdQuery = "0 AS ActualYtd, ";
                        PrevPeriodQuery = "0.0 AS LastMonthYtd, ";
                        LastYearActualYtdQuery = "0 AS LastYearActualYtd, ";
                        LastYearPrevPeriodQuery = "0.0 AS LastYearLastMonthYtd, ";
                        LastYearEndQuery = "0.0 AS LastYearEnd, ";
                        BudgetQuery = "0.0 AS Budget,";
                        BudgetYtdQuery = "0.0 AS BudgetYTD,";
                        BudgetWholeYearQuery = "0.0 AS WholeYearBudget, ";
                        BudgetLastYearQuery = "0.0 AS LastYearBudget, ";

                        YearFilter = " AND glm.a_year_i=" + AccountingYear;
                        PeriodFilter = " AND glmp.a_period_number_i<=12";
                        NoZeroesFilter = "WHERE (P1<>0 OR P2<>0 OR P3<>0 OR P4<>0 OR P5<>0 OR P6<>0 " +
                                         "OR P7<>0 OR P8<>0 OR P9<>0 OR P10<>0 OR P11<>0 OR P12<>0) "; // No blank rows

                    TLogging.Log(Catalog.GetString("Loading data.."), TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);

                    // I can't use summary rows in GLM. Each Summary Cost Centre must be expressed as the sum of all the posting Cost Centres it represents.
                    // Accordingly, the query below is called for each Cost Centre, and the results appended into one table.

                    foreach (String ParentCC in SelectedCostCentres)
                        String[] Parts = ParentCC.Split(',');
                        String CostCentreFilter = GetReportingCostCentres(LedgerNumber, Parts[0], "");
                        CostCentreFilter = CostCentreFilter.Replace(",",
                            "','");                                                                          // SQL IN List items in single quotes
                        CostCentreFilter = " AND glm.a_cost_centre_code_c in ('" + CostCentreFilter + "') ";

                        String AllGlmp =                                                                     // This query fetches all the data I need from GLM and GLMP
                                         "(SELECT a_account.a_account_code_c AS AccountCode, a_account.a_account_type_c AS AccountType, " +
                                         "a_account.a_account_code_short_desc_c AS AccountName, " +
                                         "CASE a_account.a_account_type_c WHEN 'Income' THEN 1 WHEN 'Expense' THEN 2 END AS AccountTypeOrder, " +
                                         "a_account.a_debit_credit_indicator_l AS DebitCredit, " +
                                         "glm.a_year_i AS Year, " +
                                         "glm.a_start_balance_base_n AS StartBalance, " +
                                         "glm.a_closing_period_actual_base_n AS EndBalance, " +
                                         "glmp.a_period_number_i AS Period, " +
                                         "glmp.a_actual_base_n AS ActualYTD, " +
                                         "glmp.a_budget_base_n AS Budget " +
                                         "FROM a_general_ledger_master AS glm, a_general_ledger_master_period AS glmp, a_account " +
                                         "WHERE " +
                                         "glm.a_ledger_number_i=" + LedgerNumber + " " +
                                         YearFilter +
                                         PeriodFilter +
                                         " AND glm.a_glm_sequence_i = glmp.a_glm_sequence_i" +
                                         " AND a_account.a_account_code_c = glm.a_account_code_c" +
                                         " AND (a_account.a_account_type_c = 'Income' OR a_account.a_account_type_c = 'Expense') AND a_account.a_ledger_number_i = glm.a_ledger_number_i "
                                         "AND a_account.a_posting_status_l = true " +
                                         CostCentreFilter +
                                         "AND (glmp.a_actual_base_n != 0 OR glmp.a_budget_base_n != 0) " +
                                         ") AS AllGlmp ";

                        String Summarised =                                                                  // This query reduces the result set from AllGlmp
                                            "(SELECT " +
                                            "AccountCode, AccountType, AccountName, DebitCredit, " +
                                            "SUM (CASE WHEN " + isThisYear + " THEN StartBalance ELSE 0 END) AS YearStart, " +
                                            PrevPeriodQuery +
                                            ActualYtdQuery +
                                            LastYearActualYtdQuery +
                                            LastYearPrevPeriodQuery +
                                            LastYearEndQuery +
                                            BudgetQuery +
                                            BudgetYtdQuery +
                                            BudgetWholeYearQuery +
                                            BudgetLastYearQuery +
                                            "AccountTypeOrder, " +
                                            MonthlyBreakdownQuery +
                                            "FROM " +
                                            AllGlmp +

                                            "GROUP BY AccountType, AccountCode, AccountName, DebitCredit, AccountTypeOrder " +
                                            ") AS Summarised ";

                        String Query = "SELECT " +                                                          // This query adds extra columns to Summarised

                                       " '" + Parts[0].Replace("'", "''") + "' AS CostCentreCode," +
                                       " '" + Parts[1].Replace("'",
                            "''") + "' AS CostCentreName," +

                                       "Summarised.*, " +
                                       "ActualYtd - LastMonthYtd AS Actual, " +
                                       "LastYearActualYtd - LastYearLastMonthYtd AS LastYearActual, " +
                                       "1 AS AccountLevel, false AS HasChildren, false AS ParentFooter, false AS AccountIsSummary, false AS Breakdown,'Path' AS AccountPath "

                                       "FROM " +
                                       Summarised +
                                       NoZeroesFilter +
                                       "ORDER BY AccountTypeOrder, AccountCode ";

                        FilteredResults.Merge(DbAdapter.RunQuery(Query, "IncomeExpense", ReadTrans));

                        if (DbAdapter.IsCancelled)
                    } // foreach ParentCC

                    if (CostCentreBreakdown) // I need to re-order the resulting table by Account:
                        FilteredResults.DefaultView.Sort = "AccountCode";
                        FilteredResults = FilteredResults.DefaultView.ToTable();

                    // I only have "posting accounts" - I need to add the summary accounts.
                    TLogging.Log(Catalog.GetString("Summarise to parent accounts.."), TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);
                    AAccountHierarchyDetailTable HierarchyTbl = AAccountHierarchyDetailAccess.LoadViaAAccountHierarchy(LedgerNumber,

                    HierarchyTbl.DefaultView.Sort = "a_reporting_account_code_c";   // These two sort orders

                    if (CostCentreBreakdown)                                        // Are required by AddTotalsToParentAccountRow, below.
                        FilteredResults.DefaultView.Sort = "AccountCode";
                        FilteredResults.DefaultView.Sort = "CostCentreCode, AccountCode";

                    Int32 PostingAccountRecords = FilteredResults.Rows.Count;

                    for (Int32 Idx = 0; Idx < PostingAccountRecords; Idx++)
                        if (DbAdapter.IsCancelled)

                        DataRow Row = FilteredResults.Rows[Idx];

                        if (WholeYearPeriodsBreakdown) // The query gave me YTD values; I need monthly actuals.
                            for (Int32 i = NumberOfAccountingPeriods; i > 1; i--)
                                Row["P" + i] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["P" + i]) - Convert.ToDecimal(Row["P" + (i - 1)]);

                            Row["P1"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["P1"]) - Convert.ToDecimal(Row["YearStart"]);

                        String CostCentreParam = (CostCentreBreakdown) ? "" : Row["CostCentreCode"].ToString();
                        String ParentAccountPath;
                        Int32 ParentAccountTypeOrder;

                        Int32 AccountLevel = AddTotalsToParentAccountRow(
                            (WholeYearPeriodsBreakdown) ? NumberOfAccountingPeriods : 0,
                            out ParentAccountPath,
                            out ParentAccountTypeOrder,
                        Row["AccountLevel"] = AccountLevel;
                        Row["AccountPath"] = ParentAccountPath + "~" + Row["AccountCode"];

                    // Now if I re-order the result, and hide any rows that are empty or too detailed, it should be what I need!

                    Int32 DetailLevel = AParameters["param_nesting_depth"].ToInt32();

                    if (CostCentreBreakdown)
                        TLogging.Log(Catalog.GetString("Get Cost Centre Breakdown.."), TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);

                        // I'm creating additional "breakdown" records for the per-CostCentre breakdown, and potentially removing
                        // some records that were summed into those "breakdown" records.
                        FilteredResults.DefaultView.Sort = "AccountType DESC, AccountPath ASC, CostCentreCode";
                        FilteredResults.DefaultView.RowFilter = "Breakdown=false";

                        // At this point I need to add together any transactions in more detailed levels, summarising them by Cost Centre,
                        // and listing them under the account to which they relate:
                        DataView SummaryView = new DataView(FilteredResults);
                        SummaryView.Sort = "AccountTypeOrder, AccountPath ASC, CostCentreCode";
                        SummaryView.RowFilter = "Breakdown=true";

                        DataRow AccumulatingRow = FilteredResults.NewRow(); // This temporary row is not part of the result set - it's just a line of temporary vars.

                        for (Int32 RowIdx = 0; RowIdx < FilteredResults.DefaultView.Count; RowIdx++)
                            if (DbAdapter.IsCancelled)

                            DataRow DetailRow = FilteredResults.DefaultView[RowIdx].Row;
                            AddToCostCentreBreakdownSummary(SummaryView, DetailLevel, DetailRow);

                            // For posting accounts in "details" view, the cost centre breakdown rows will be presented after one or more rows with the same account.
                            // The last account row will become a header, below, and any other rows with the same account will be removed.
                            // So I need the values in those rows to accumulate into the last row.

                            AccumulateTotalsPerCostCentre(DetailRow, AccumulatingRow);

                        FilteredResults.DefaultView.Sort = "AccountTypeOrder, AccountPath ASC, Breakdown, CostCentreCode";
                    } // if (CostCentreBreakdown)
                        FilteredResults.DefaultView.Sort = "CostCentreCode, AccountTypeOrder, AccountPath ASC";

                    FilteredResults.DefaultView.RowFilter = "AccountLevel<=" + DetailLevel.ToString(); // Nothing too detailed
                    FilteredResults = FilteredResults.DefaultView.ToTable("IncomeExpense");

                    // Finally, to make the hierarchical report possible,
                    // I want to include a note to show whether a row has child rows,
                    // and if it does, I'll copy this row to a new row, below the children, marking the new row as "footer".

                    TLogging.Log(Catalog.GetString("Format data for reporting.."), TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);

                    for (Int32 RowIdx = 0; RowIdx < FilteredResults.Rows.Count - 1; RowIdx++)
                        if (DbAdapter.IsCancelled)

                        Int32 ParentAccountLevel = Convert.ToInt32(FilteredResults.Rows[RowIdx]["AccountLevel"]);
                        Boolean HasChildren = (Convert.ToInt32(FilteredResults.Rows[RowIdx + 1]["AccountLevel"]) > ParentAccountLevel)
                                              || (Convert.ToBoolean(FilteredResults.Rows[RowIdx]["Breakdown"]) == false
                                                  && Convert.ToBoolean(FilteredResults.Rows[RowIdx + 1]["Breakdown"]) == true);
                        FilteredResults.Rows[RowIdx]["HasChildren"] = HasChildren;

                        if (HasChildren)
                            if (CostCentreBreakdown)
                                // Header and footer rows do not have Cost Centres -
                                // The Cost Centre fields were used for sorting, but they're misleading so I'll remove them here:
                                FilteredResults.Rows[RowIdx]["CostCentreCode"] = "";
                                FilteredResults.Rows[RowIdx]["CostCentreName"] = "";

                            Int32 NextSiblingPos = -1;

                            for (Int32 ChildIdx = RowIdx + 2; ChildIdx < FilteredResults.Rows.Count; ChildIdx++)
                                if ((Convert.ToInt32(FilteredResults.Rows[ChildIdx]["AccountLevel"]) <= ParentAccountLevel)
                                    && (Convert.ToBoolean(FilteredResults.Rows[ChildIdx]["Breakdown"]) == false)) // This row is not a child of mine
                                {                                                                                 // so I insert my footer before here.
                                    NextSiblingPos = ChildIdx;

                            DataRow FooterRow = FilteredResults.NewRow();
                            DataUtilities.CopyAllColumnValues(FilteredResults.Rows[RowIdx], FooterRow);
                            FooterRow["ParentFooter"] = true;
                            FooterRow["HasChildren"] = false;

                            if (NextSiblingPos > 0)
                                FilteredResults.Rows.InsertAt(FooterRow, NextSiblingPos);

                    // For "Cost Centre Breakdown", the only transactions I want to see are the "breakdown" rows I've added.
                    // Everything else is removed unless it's a header or footer:

                    if (CostCentreBreakdown)
                        FilteredResults.DefaultView.RowFilter = "Breakdown=true OR HasChildren=true OR ParentFooter=true";
                        FilteredResults = FilteredResults.DefaultView.ToTable("IncomeExpense");

                    if (EffectiveExchangeRate != 1)
                        if (WholeYearPeriodsBreakdown)
                            foreach (DataRow Row in FilteredResults.Rows)
                                Row["p1"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["p1"]) * EffectiveExchangeRate;
                                Row["p2"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["p2"]) * EffectiveExchangeRate;
                                Row["p3"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["p3"]) * EffectiveExchangeRate;
                                Row["p4"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["p4"]) * EffectiveExchangeRate;
                                Row["p5"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["p5"]) * EffectiveExchangeRate;
                                Row["p6"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["p6"]) * EffectiveExchangeRate;
                                Row["p7"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["p7"]) * EffectiveExchangeRate;
                                Row["p8"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["p8"]) * EffectiveExchangeRate;
                                Row["p9"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["p9"]) * EffectiveExchangeRate;
                                Row["p10"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["p10"]) * EffectiveExchangeRate;
                                Row["p11"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["p11"]) * EffectiveExchangeRate;
                                Row["p12"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["p12"]) * EffectiveExchangeRate;
                            foreach (DataRow Row in FilteredResults.Rows)
                                Row["yearstart"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["yearstart"]) * EffectiveExchangeRate;
                                Row["lastmonthytd"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["lastmonthytd"]) * EffectiveExchangeRate;
                                Row["actualytd"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["actualytd"]) * EffectiveExchangeRate;
                                Row["LastYearlastmonthytd"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["LastYearlastmonthytd"]) * EffectiveExchangeRate;
                                Row["LastYearactualytd"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["LastYearactualytd"]) * EffectiveExchangeRate;
                                Row["LastYearEnd"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["LastYearEnd"]) * LastYearExchangeRate;
                                Row["budget"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["budget"]) * EffectiveExchangeRate;
                                Row["budgetytd"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["budgetytd"]) * EffectiveExchangeRate;
                                Row["wholeyearbudget"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["wholeyearbudget"]) * EffectiveExchangeRate;
                                Row["LastYearBudget"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["LastYearBudget"]) * LastYearExchangeRate;
                                Row["actual"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["actual"]) * EffectiveExchangeRate;
                                Row["LastYearactual"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["LastYearactual"]) * EffectiveExchangeRate;

                    TLogging.Log("", TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);
                }); // Get NewOrExisting AutoReadTransaction

            return FilteredResults;
        } // Income Expense Table
Пример #5
        public static DataTable IncomeExpenseTable(Dictionary <String, TVariant>AParameters, TReportingDbAdapter DbAdapter)
            /* Required columns:
             *   CostCentreCode
             *   CostCentreName
             *   AccountType
             *   AccountLevel
             *   HasChildren
             *   Breakdown
             *   ParentFooter
             *   AccountPath
             *   AccountCode
             *   AccountName
             *   AccountIsSummary
             *   YearStart
             *   Actual
             *   ActualYTD
             *   ActualLastYear
             *   ActualLastYearComplete // not currently supported
             *   Budget
             *   BudgetYTD
             *   BudgetLastYear
             *   BudgetWholeYear

             *  Cost Centre Breakdown process, in English:
             *  Find all the transactions for this period (and last month, last year) in glmp, sorting by Account, CostCentre
             *  For each account, re-calculate the summary accounts, generating parent records and AccountPath, using the given hierarchy
             *  Summarise to the required detail level by copying into new "breakdown" records:
             *      Headers and footers at a lower level are just copied,
             *      Accounts at the highest level must be made into header/footer pairs. The totals should be correct.
             *      all transactions at the required detail level or higher must be combined by CostCentreCode and listed within the appropriate level account.
             *  The initial query and calculation of previous periods and budget figures is all the same; only the summarisation is different.

             *  "Whole year breakdown by period" process, in English:
             *  Find all the transactions for the whole year (to period 12) in glmp, sorting by CostCentre, Account
             *  For each account, summarise into 12 fields of summary accounts, generating parent records and AccountPath, using the given hierarchy
             *  Summarise to the required level of detail
             *  For each remaining posting account, create a "breakdown" record with 12 fields for the summation
             *  Remove all records that are not a summary or a breakdown

            Int32 LedgerNumber = AParameters["param_ledger_number_i"].ToInt32();
            Int32 AccountingYear = AParameters["param_year_i"].ToInt32();
            Int32 ReportPeriodStart = AParameters["param_start_period_i"].ToInt32();
            Int32 ReportPeriodEnd = AParameters["param_end_period_i"].ToInt32();
            Int32 PeriodMonths = 1 + (ReportPeriodEnd - ReportPeriodStart);
            String HierarchyName = AParameters["param_account_hierarchy_c"].ToString();

            Boolean International = AParameters["param_currency"].ToString().StartsWith("Int");
            Decimal EffectiveExchangeRate = 1;

//          Decimal LastYearExchangeRate = 1;
            if (International)
                TCorporateExchangeRateCache ExchangeRateCache = new TCorporateExchangeRateCache();

                EffectiveExchangeRate = ExchangeRateCache.GetCorporateExchangeRate(DBAccess.GDBAccessObj,

 *              LastYearExchangeRate = ExchangeRateCache.GetCorporateExchangeRate(DBAccess.GDBAccessObj,
 *                  LedgerNumber,
 *                  AccountingYear - 1,
 *                  ReportPeriodEnd,
 *                  -1);

            // Read different DB fields according to currency setting
            String ActualFieldName = /* International ? "a_actual_intl_n" : */ "a_actual_base_n";
            String StartBalanceFieldName = /* International ? "a_start_balance_intl_n" : */ "a_start_balance_base_n";
            String BudgetFieldName = /* International ? "a_budget_intl_n" : */ "a_budget_base_n";
            Boolean CostCentreBreakdown = AParameters["param_cost_centre_breakdown"].ToBool();
            Boolean WholeYearPeriodsBreakdown = AParameters["param_period_breakdown"].ToBool();

            String CostCentreFilter = "";
            String CostCentreOptions = AParameters["param_costcentreoptions"].ToString();

            if (CostCentreOptions == "SelectedCostCentres")
                String CostCentreList = AParameters["param_cost_centre_codes"].ToString();
                CostCentreList = CostCentreList.Replace(",", "','");                             // SQL IN List items in single quotes
                CostCentreFilter = " AND glm.a_cost_centre_code_c in ('" + CostCentreList + "')";

            if (CostCentreOptions == "CostCentreRange")
                CostCentreFilter = " AND glm.a_cost_centre_code_c >='" + AParameters["param_cost_centre_code_start"].ToString() +
                                   "' AND glm.a_cost_centre_code_c >='" + AParameters["param_cost_centre_code_end"].ToString() + "'";

            if (CostCentreOptions == "AllActiveCostCentres") // THIS IS NOT SET AT ALL!
                CostCentreFilter = " AND a_cost_centre.a_cost_centre_active_flag_l=true";

            TDBTransaction ReadTrans = DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);
            DataTable FilteredResults = null;
                // To find the Budget YTD, I need to sum all the budget fields from the start of the year.

                String BudgetQuery = (PeriodMonths == 1) ? " glmp." + BudgetFieldName +  // For one month, the Budget is read directly from the record;
                                     " AS Budget," :
                                     " (CASE WHEN glm.a_year_i=" + AccountingYear +      // for multiple months, I need to do a sum.
                                     " AND a_period_number_i=" + ReportPeriodEnd +
                                     " THEN (SELECT SUM(" + BudgetFieldName + ") FROM a_general_ledger_master_period" +
                                     " WHERE a_glm_sequence_i= glm.a_glm_sequence_i " +
                                     " AND a_period_number_i >= " + ReportPeriodStart +
                                     " AND a_period_number_i <= " + ReportPeriodEnd +
                                     " ) ELSE 0.0 END) AS Budget,";

                String BudgetYtdQuery = " (CASE WHEN glm.a_year_i=" + AccountingYear +
                                        " AND a_period_number_i=" + ReportPeriodEnd +
                                        " THEN (SELECT SUM(" + BudgetFieldName + ") FROM a_general_ledger_master_period" +
                                        " WHERE a_glm_sequence_i= glm.a_glm_sequence_i AND a_period_number_i <= " + ReportPeriodEnd +
                                        " ) ELSE 0.0 END) AS BudgetYTD,";

                String YearFilter =
                    " AND glm.a_year_i>=" + (AccountingYear - 1) +
                    " AND glm.a_year_i<=" + AccountingYear;

                String PeriodFilter =
                    " AND glmp.a_period_number_i>=" + (ReportPeriodStart - PeriodMonths) +
                    " AND glmp.a_period_number_i<=" + ReportPeriodEnd;

                String WholeYearBreakdownFields =
                    ", 0.0 AS P1, 0.0 AS P2, 0.0 AS P3, 0.0 AS P4, 0.0 AS P5, 0.0 AS P6 " +
                    ", 0.0 AS P7, 0.0 AS P8, 0.0 AS P9, 0.0 AS P10, 0.0 AS P11, 0.0 AS P12 ";

                if (WholeYearPeriodsBreakdown)
                    CostCentreBreakdown = false; // Hopefully the client will have ensured this is false anyway - I'm just asserting it!
                    BudgetQuery = "0.0 AS Budget,";
                    BudgetYtdQuery = "0.0 AS BudgetYTD,";
                    YearFilter = " AND glm.a_year_i=" + AccountingYear;
                    PeriodFilter = " AND glmp.a_period_number_i<=12";
                    PeriodMonths = 12;

                String Query = "SELECT DISTINCT" +
                               " 1 AS AccountLevel," +
                               " false AS HasChildren," +
                               " false AS ParentFooter," +
                               " false AS AccountIsSummary," +
                               " false AS Breakdown," +
                               " glm.a_glm_sequence_i AS Seq," +
                               " glm.a_year_i AS Year," +
                               " glmp.a_period_number_i AS Period," +
                               " glm.a_cost_centre_code_c AS CostCentreCode," +
                               " a_cost_centre.a_cost_centre_name_c AS CostCentreName," +
                               " a_account.a_account_type_c AS AccountType," +
                               " CASE a_account.a_account_type_c WHEN 'Income' THEN 1 WHEN 'Expense' THEN 2 END AS AccountTypeOrder," +
                               " a_account.a_debit_credit_indicator_l AS DebitCredit," +
                               " glm.a_account_code_c AS AccountCode," +
                               " 'Path' AS AccountPath," +
                               " a_account.a_account_code_short_desc_c AS AccountName," +
                               " glm." + StartBalanceFieldName + " AS YearStart," +
                               " 0.0 AS Actual," +
                               " glmp." + ActualFieldName + " AS ActualYTD," +
                               " 0.0 AS ActualLastYear," +
                               BudgetQuery +
                               BudgetYtdQuery +
                               " 0.0 AS BudgetLastYear," +
                               " 0.0 AS WholeYearBudget" +
                               WholeYearBreakdownFields +

                               " FROM a_general_ledger_master AS glm, a_general_ledger_master_period AS glmp, a_account, a_cost_centre" +
                               " WHERE glm.a_ledger_number_i=" + LedgerNumber +
                               YearFilter +
                               " AND glm.a_glm_sequence_i = glmp.a_glm_sequence_i" +
                               PeriodFilter +
                               " AND a_account.a_account_code_c = glm.a_account_code_c" +
                               " AND (a_account.a_account_type_c = 'Income' OR a_account.a_account_type_c = 'Expense')" +
                               " AND a_account.a_ledger_number_i = glm.a_ledger_number_i" +
                               " AND a_account.a_posting_status_l = true" +
                               " AND a_cost_centre.a_ledger_number_i = glm.a_ledger_number_i" +
                               " AND a_cost_centre.a_cost_centre_code_c = glm.a_cost_centre_code_c" +

                if (CostCentreBreakdown)
                    Query += " ORDER BY glm.a_account_code_c, glm.a_cost_centre_code_c";
                    Query += " ORDER BY glm.a_cost_centre_code_c, glm.a_account_code_c";

                TLogging.Log(Catalog.GetString("Loading data.."), TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);
                DataTable resultTable = DbAdapter.RunQuery(Query, "IncomeExpense", ReadTrans);

                if (WholeYearPeriodsBreakdown)
                    FilteredResults = resultTable;
                    // The table includes YTD balances, but I need the balance for the specified period.
                    TLogging.Log(Catalog.GetString("Calculate period transactions.."), TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);

                    DataView OldPeriod = new DataView(resultTable);
                    DataView ThisMonth = new DataView(resultTable);
                    ThisMonth.RowFilter = "Period=" + ReportPeriodEnd;
                    OldPeriod.Sort = "Year,Period,CostCentreCode,AccountCode";

                    // If I have rows for the previous month too, I can subtract the previous month's YTD balance to get my "Actual".
                    if (ReportPeriodEnd > PeriodMonths)
                        Int32 PrevPeriod = ReportPeriodEnd - PeriodMonths;

                        foreach (DataRowView rv in ThisMonth)
                            if (DbAdapter.IsCancelled)
                                return FilteredResults;

                            DataRow Row = rv.Row;
                            Int32 RowIdx = OldPeriod.Find(
                                new Object[] {
                            DataRow PreviousPeriodRow = OldPeriod[RowIdx].Row;
                            Row["Actual"] =
                                (Convert.ToDecimal(Row["ActualYTD"]) - Convert.ToDecimal(PreviousPeriodRow["ActualYTD"])) * EffectiveExchangeRate;
                        // For the first period of the year, I can just subtract the YearStart balance, which I already have just here...
                        foreach (DataRowView rv in ThisMonth)
                            if (DbAdapter.IsCancelled)
                                return FilteredResults;

                            DataRow Row = rv.Row;
                            Row["Actual"] = (Convert.ToDecimal(Row["ActualYTD"]) - Convert.ToDecimal(Row["YearStart"])) * EffectiveExchangeRate;

                    // Some of these rows are from a year ago. I've updated their "Actual" values;
                    // now I'll copy those into the current period "LastYear" fields.
                    TLogging.Log(Catalog.GetString("Get Last year actuals.."), TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);

                    foreach (DataRowView rv in ThisMonth)
                        if (DbAdapter.IsCancelled)
                            return FilteredResults;

                        DataRow Row = rv.Row;
                        Int32 RowIdx = OldPeriod.Find(
                            new Object[] {
                                AccountingYear - 1,

                        if (RowIdx >= 0)
                            DataRow LastYearRow = OldPeriod[RowIdx].Row;
                            Row["ActualLastYear"] = Convert.ToDecimal(LastYearRow["Actual"]);
                            Row["BudgetLastYear"] = Convert.ToDecimal(LastYearRow["Budget"]) * EffectiveExchangeRate;

                        Row["Budget"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["Budget"]) * EffectiveExchangeRate;

                    // So now I don't have to look at last year's rows or last month's rows:
                    ThisMonth.RowFilter = "Year=" + AccountingYear + " AND Period=" + ReportPeriodEnd;  // Only current period
                    FilteredResults = ThisMonth.ToTable("IncomeExpense");

                    // I need to add in the "whole year budget" field:
                    TLogging.Log(Catalog.GetString("Get Budgets.."), TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);

                    foreach (DataRow Row in FilteredResults.Rows)
                        if (DbAdapter.IsCancelled)
                            return FilteredResults;

                        Query = "SELECT SUM(" + BudgetFieldName +
                                ") AS WholeYearBudget FROM a_general_ledger_master_period WHERE a_glm_sequence_i=" +
                        DataTable YearBudgetTbl = DbAdapter.RunQuery(Query, "YearBudget", ReadTrans);

                        if (YearBudgetTbl.Rows.Count > 0)
                            Row["WholeYearBudget"] = Convert.ToDecimal(YearBudgetTbl.Rows[0]["WholeYearBudget"]) * EffectiveExchangeRate;
                } // If not Whole Year Periods Breakdown

                // I only have "posting accounts" - I need to add the summary accounts.
                TLogging.Log(Catalog.GetString("Summarise to parent accounts.."), TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);
                AAccountHierarchyDetailTable HierarchyTbl = AAccountHierarchyDetailAccess.LoadViaAAccountHierarchy(LedgerNumber,

                HierarchyTbl.DefaultView.Sort = "a_reporting_account_code_c";       // These two sort orders

                if (CostCentreBreakdown)                                            // Are required by AddTotalsToParentAccountRow, below.
                    FilteredResults.DefaultView.Sort = "AccountCode";
                    FilteredResults.DefaultView.Sort = "CostCentreCode, AccountCode";

                Int32 PostingAccountRecords = FilteredResults.Rows.Count;
                Decimal PreviousActualYTD = 0;
                String ActualAccountCode = "";

                for (Int32 Idx = 0; Idx < PostingAccountRecords; Idx++)
                    if (DbAdapter.IsCancelled)
                        return FilteredResults;

                    DataRow Row = FilteredResults.Rows[Idx];

                    if (WholeYearPeriodsBreakdown)  // Because I missed out a chunk of code above, these rows have no "Actual" - only "ActualYTD".
                    {                               // I need to calculate those Actuals before I go further.
                        if (Row["AccountCode"].ToString() != ActualAccountCode)
                            ActualAccountCode = Row["AccountCode"].ToString();
                            PreviousActualYTD = 0;

                        Row["Actual"] = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["ActualYTD"]) - PreviousActualYTD;
                        PreviousActualYTD = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["ActualYTD"]);

                    String CostCentreParam = (CostCentreBreakdown) ? "" : Row["CostCentreCode"].ToString();
                    String ParentAccountPath;
                    Int32 ParentAccountTypeOrder;

                    Int32 AccountLevel = AddTotalsToParentAccountRow(
                        out ParentAccountPath,
                        out ParentAccountTypeOrder,
                    Row["AccountLevel"] = AccountLevel;
                    Row["AccountPath"] = ParentAccountPath + "~" + Row["AccountCode"];

                // Now if I re-order the result, and hide any rows that are empty or too detailed, it should be what I need!

                Int32 DetailLevel = AParameters["param_nesting_depth"].ToInt32();
                String DepthFilter = " AccountLevel<=" + DetailLevel.ToString();

                if (CostCentreBreakdown)
                    TLogging.Log(Catalog.GetString("Get Cost Centre Breakdown.."), TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);
                    // I'm creating additional "breakdown" records for the per-CostCentre breakdown, and potentially removing
                    // some records that were summed into those "breakdown" records.
                    FilteredResults.DefaultView.Sort = "AccountType DESC, AccountPath ASC, CostCentreCode";
                    FilteredResults.DefaultView.RowFilter = "Breakdown=false";
                    // At this point I need to add together any transactions in more detailed levels, summarising them by Cost Centre,
                    // and listing them under the account to which they relate:
                    DataView SummaryView = new DataView(FilteredResults);
                    SummaryView.Sort = "AccountTypeOrder, AccountPath ASC, CostCentreCode";
                    SummaryView.RowFilter = "Breakdown=true";

                    DataRow AccumulatingRow = FilteredResults.NewRow();  // This temporary row is not part of the result set - it's just a line of temporary vars.

                    for (Int32 RowIdx = 0; RowIdx < FilteredResults.DefaultView.Count - 1; RowIdx++)
                        if (DbAdapter.IsCancelled)
                            return FilteredResults;

                        DataRow DetailRow = FilteredResults.DefaultView[RowIdx].Row;
                        AddToCostCentreBreakdownSummary(SummaryView, DetailLevel, DetailRow);

                        // For posting accounts in "details" view, the cost centre breakdown rows will be presented after one or more rows with the same account.
                        // The last account row will become a header, below, and any other rows with the same account will be removed.
                        // So I need the values in those rows to accumulate into the last row.
                        AccumulateTotalsPerCostCentre(DetailRow, AccumulatingRow);

                    FilteredResults.DefaultView.Sort = "AccountTypeOrder, AccountPath ASC, Breakdown, CostCentreCode";
                    FilteredResults.DefaultView.Sort = "CostCentreCode, AccountTypeOrder, AccountPath ASC";

                if (WholeYearPeriodsBreakdown)
                    FilteredResults.DefaultView.RowFilter =
                        DepthFilter;      // Nothing too detailed
                    FilteredResults.DefaultView.RowFilter =
                        "(Actual <> 0 OR ActualYTD <> 0 OR Budget <> 0 OR BudgetYTD <> 0)" + // Only non-zero rows
                        " AND " + DepthFilter;                                               // Nothing too detailed

                FilteredResults = FilteredResults.DefaultView.ToTable("IncomeExpense");

                if (WholeYearPeriodsBreakdown)
                    TLogging.Log(Catalog.GetString("Get whole year breakdown.."), TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);
                    // If there are any unsummarised rows left after applying the Depth Filter,
                    // I need to summarise them into new "per period" rows (with 12 "Actual" fields), and throw the original rows away.
                    FilteredResults.DefaultView.RowFilter = "AccountIsSummary=false AND Breakdown=false";
                    DataView SummaryView = new DataView(FilteredResults);
                    SummaryView.Sort = "CostCentreCode, AccountTypeOrder, AccountPath ASC";
                    SummaryView.RowFilter = "Breakdown=true";

                    foreach (DataRowView rv in FilteredResults.DefaultView)
                        if (DbAdapter.IsCancelled)
                            return FilteredResults;

                        DataRow Row = rv.Row;
                        AddToPeriodBreakdownSummary(SummaryView, Row);

                    FilteredResults.DefaultView.RowFilter = "(Breakdown=true OR AccountIsSummary=true) " + // Only the new rows with the calculated summaries
                                                            "AND (P1<>0 OR P2<>0 OR P3<>0 OR P4<>0 OR P5<>0 OR P6<>0 " +
                                                            "OR P7<>0 OR P8<>0 OR P9<>0 OR P10<>0 OR P11<>0 OR P12<>0) "; // No blank rows
                    FilteredResults.DefaultView.Sort = "CostCentreCode, AccountType DESC, AccountPath ASC";
                    FilteredResults = FilteredResults.DefaultView.ToTable("IncomeExpense");

                // Finally, to make the hierarchical report possible,
                // I want to include a note to show whether a row has child rows,
                // and if it does, I'll copy this row to a new row, below the children, marking the new row as "footer".
                TLogging.Log(Catalog.GetString("Format data for reporting.."), TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);

                for (Int32 RowIdx = 0; RowIdx < FilteredResults.Rows.Count - 1; RowIdx++)
                    if (DbAdapter.IsCancelled)
                        return FilteredResults;

                    Int32 ParentAccountLevel = Convert.ToInt32(FilteredResults.Rows[RowIdx]["AccountLevel"]);
                    Boolean HasChildren = (Convert.ToInt32(FilteredResults.Rows[RowIdx + 1]["AccountLevel"]) > ParentAccountLevel)
                                          || (Convert.ToBoolean(FilteredResults.Rows[RowIdx]["Breakdown"]) == false
                                              && Convert.ToBoolean(FilteredResults.Rows[RowIdx + 1]["Breakdown"]) == true);
                    FilteredResults.Rows[RowIdx]["HasChildren"] = HasChildren;

                    if (HasChildren)
                        if (CostCentreBreakdown)
                            // Header and footer rows do not have Cost Centres -
                            // The Cost Centre fields were used for sorting, but they're misleading so I'll remove them here:
                            FilteredResults.Rows[RowIdx]["CostCentreCode"] = "";
                            FilteredResults.Rows[RowIdx]["CostCentreName"] = "";

                        Int32 NextSiblingPos = -1;

                        for (Int32 ChildIdx = RowIdx + 2; ChildIdx < FilteredResults.Rows.Count; ChildIdx++)
                            if ((Convert.ToInt32(FilteredResults.Rows[ChildIdx]["AccountLevel"]) <= ParentAccountLevel)
                                && (Convert.ToBoolean(FilteredResults.Rows[ChildIdx]["Breakdown"]) == false))  // This row is not a child of mine
                            {                                                                                  // so I insert my footer before here.
                                NextSiblingPos = ChildIdx;

                        DataRow FooterRow = FilteredResults.NewRow();
                        DataUtilities.CopyAllColumnValues(FilteredResults.Rows[RowIdx], FooterRow);
                        FooterRow["ParentFooter"] = true;
                        FooterRow["HasChildren"] = false;

                        if (NextSiblingPos > 0)
                            FilteredResults.Rows.InsertAt(FooterRow, NextSiblingPos);

                // For "Cost Centre Breakdown", the only transactions I want to see are the "breakdown" rows I've added.
                // Everything else is removed unless it's a header or footer:

                if (CostCentreBreakdown)
                    FilteredResults.DefaultView.RowFilter = "Breakdown=true OR HasChildren=true OR ParentFooter=true";
                    FilteredResults = FilteredResults.DefaultView.ToTable("IncomeExpense");

                TLogging.Log("", TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);
            catch (Exception ex) // if the report was cancelled, DB calls with the same transaction will raise exceptions.

            return FilteredResults;
        } // IncomeExpenseTable