/// <summary>Starts a new response frame and the encapsulation in that frame. This frame encodes a "success" /// response.</summary> /// <param name="current">The current parameter holds decoded header data and other information about the /// request currently dispatched.</param> /// <param name="format">The Slice format (Compact or Sliced) used by the encapsulation.</param> /// <returns>An <see cref="Ice.OutputStream"/> that holds the new frame.</returns> public static Ice.OutputStream StartResponseFrame(Ice.Current current, Ice.FormatType?format = null) { var ostr = new Ice.OutputStream(current.Adapter.Communicator, Ice.Util.CurrentProtocolEncoding); ostr.WriteBlob(Protocol.replyHdr); ostr.WriteInt(current.RequestId); ostr.WriteByte(ReplyStatus.replyOK); ostr.StartEncapsulation(current.Encoding, format); return(ostr); }
/// <summary>Creates a new response frame that represents "success" with a void return value. The returned /// frame is complete and no additional data can be included in its payload.</summary> /// <param name="current">The current parameter holds decoded header data and other information about the /// request currently dispatched.</param> /// <returns>An <see cref="Ice.OutputStream"/> that holds the new frame.</returns> public static Ice.OutputStream CreateEmptyResponseFrame(Ice.Current current) { var ostr = new Ice.OutputStream(current.Adapter.Communicator, Ice.Util.CurrentProtocolEncoding); ostr.WriteBlob(Protocol.replyHdr); ostr.WriteInt(current.RequestId); ostr.WriteByte(ReplyStatus.replyOK); ostr.WriteEmptyEncapsulation(current.Encoding); return(ostr); }
/// <summary>Starts a new response frame and the encapsulation in that frame. This frame encodes a "failure" /// response.</summary> /// <param name="current">The current parameter holds decoded header data and other information about the /// request currently dispatched.</param> /// <returns>An <see cref="Ice.OutputStream"/> that holds the new frame.</returns> public static Ice.OutputStream StartFailureResponseFrame(Ice.Current current) { var ostr = new Ice.OutputStream(current.Adapter.Communicator, Ice.Util.CurrentProtocolEncoding); ostr.WriteBlob(Protocol.replyHdr); ostr.WriteInt(current.RequestId); ostr.WriteByte(ReplyStatus.replyUserException); // Exceptions are always marshaled in the sliced format: ostr.StartEncapsulation(current.Encoding, FormatType.SlicedFormat); return(ostr); }
internal static void TraceSend(Ice.OutputStream str, Ice.ILogger logger, TraceLevels tl) { if (tl.Protocol >= 1) { var buffer = str.ToArray(); // TODO avoid copy the data var iss = new InputStream(str.Communicator, str.Encoding, buffer); iss.Pos = 0; using var s = new System.IO.StringWriter(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); byte type = PrintMessage(s, iss); logger.Trace(tl.ProtocolCat, "sending " + GetMessageTypeAsString(type) + " " + s.ToString()); } }
protected abstract void iceWriteImpl(OutputStream ostr);
protected virtual void iceWriteImpl(OutputStream ostr) { }
public virtual void iceWrite(OutputStream ostr) { ostr.startException(null); iceWriteImpl(ostr); ostr.endException(); }
public override bool ice_invoke(byte[] inParams, out byte[] outParams, Ice.Current current) { outParams = null; var communicator = current.adapter.getCommunicator(); Ice.InputStream inStream = null; if (inParams.Length > 0) { inStream = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, inParams); inStream.startEncapsulation(); } if (current.operation.Equals("printString")) { var message = inStream.readString(); inStream.endEncapsulation(); Console.WriteLine("Printing string `" + message + "'"); return(true); } else if (current.operation.Equals("printStringSequence")) { var seq = StringSeqHelper.read(inStream); inStream.endEncapsulation(); Console.Write("Printing string sequence {"); for (int i = 0; i < seq.Length; ++i) { if (i > 0) { Console.Write(", "); } Console.Write("'" + seq[i] + "'"); } Console.WriteLine("}"); return(true); } else if (current.operation.Equals("printDictionary")) { var dict = StringDictHelper.read(inStream); inStream.endEncapsulation(); Console.Write("Printing dictionary {"); bool first = true; foreach (var e in dict) { if (!first) { Console.Write(", "); } first = false; Console.Write(e.Key + "=" + e.Value); } Console.WriteLine("}"); return(true); } else if (current.operation.Equals("printEnum")) { var c = ColorHelper.read(inStream); inStream.endEncapsulation(); Console.WriteLine("Printing enum " + c); return(true); } else if (current.operation.Equals("printStruct")) { var s = Structure.ice_read(inStream); inStream.endEncapsulation(); Console.WriteLine("Printing struct: name=" + s.name + ", value=" + s.value); return(true); } else if (current.operation.Equals("printStructSequence")) { var seq = StructureSeqHelper.read(inStream); inStream.endEncapsulation(); Console.Write("Printing struct sequence: {"); for (int i = 0; i < seq.Length; ++i) { if (i > 0) { Console.Write(", "); } Console.Write(seq[i].name + "=" + seq[i].value); } Console.WriteLine("}"); return(true); } else if (current.operation.Equals("printClass")) { var cb = new ReadValueCallback(); inStream.readValue(cb.invoke); inStream.readPendingValues(); inStream.endEncapsulation(); var c = cb.obj as C; Console.WriteLine("Printing class: s.name=" + c.s.name + ", s.value=" + c.s.value); return(true); } else if (current.operation.Equals("getValues")) { var c = new C(new Structure("green", Color.green)); var outStream = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); outStream.startEncapsulation(); outStream.writeValue(c); outStream.writeString("hello"); outStream.writePendingValues(); outStream.endEncapsulation(); outParams = outStream.finished(); return(true); } else if (current.operation.Equals("throwPrintFailure")) { Console.WriteLine("Throwing PrintFailure"); var ex = new PrintFailure("paper tray empty"); var outStream = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); outStream.startEncapsulation(); outStream.writeException(ex); outStream.endEncapsulation(); outParams = outStream.finished(); return(false); } else if (current.operation.Equals("shutdown")) { current.adapter.getCommunicator().shutdown(); return(true); } else { throw new Ice.OperationNotExistException(current.id, current.facet, current.operation); } }
public virtual void iceWrite(OutputStream ostr) { ostr.startValue(null); iceWriteImpl(ostr); ostr.endValue(); }
public static TestIntfPrx allTests(Ice.Communicator communicator) { string sref = "test:default -p 12010"; Ice.ObjectPrx obj = communicator.stringToProxy(sref); test(obj != null); TestIntfPrx proxy = TestIntfPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(obj); test(proxy != null); Console.Out.Write("testing enum values... "); Console.Out.Flush(); test((int)ByteEnum.benum1 == 0); test((int)ByteEnum.benum2 == 1); test((int)ByteEnum.benum3 == ByteConst1.value); test((int)ByteEnum.benum4 == ByteConst1.value + 1); test((int)ByteEnum.benum5 == ShortConst1.value); test((int)ByteEnum.benum6 == ShortConst1.value + 1); test((int)ByteEnum.benum7 == IntConst1.value); test((int)ByteEnum.benum8 == IntConst1.value + 1); test((int)ByteEnum.benum9 == LongConst1.value); test((int)ByteEnum.benum10 == LongConst1.value + 1); test((int)ByteEnum.benum11 == ByteConst2.value); test((int)ShortEnum.senum1 == 3); test((int)ShortEnum.senum2 == 4); test((int)ShortEnum.senum3 == ByteConst1.value); test((int)ShortEnum.senum4 == ByteConst1.value + 1); test((int)ShortEnum.senum5 == ShortConst1.value); test((int)ShortEnum.senum6 == ShortConst1.value + 1); test((int)ShortEnum.senum7 == IntConst1.value); test((int)ShortEnum.senum8 == IntConst1.value + 1); test((int)ShortEnum.senum9 == LongConst1.value); test((int)ShortEnum.senum10 == LongConst1.value + 1); test((int)ShortEnum.senum11 == ShortConst2.value); test((int)IntEnum.ienum1 == 0); test((int)IntEnum.ienum2 == 1); test((int)IntEnum.ienum3 == ByteConst1.value); test((int)IntEnum.ienum4 == ByteConst1.value + 1); test((int)IntEnum.ienum5 == ShortConst1.value); test((int)IntEnum.ienum6 == ShortConst1.value + 1); test((int)IntEnum.ienum7 == IntConst1.value); test((int)IntEnum.ienum8 == IntConst1.value + 1); test((int)IntEnum.ienum9 == LongConst1.value); test((int)IntEnum.ienum10 == LongConst1.value + 1); test((int)IntEnum.ienum11 == IntConst2.value); test((int)IntEnum.ienum12 == LongConst2.value); test((int)SimpleEnum.red == 0); test((int)SimpleEnum.green == 1); test((int)SimpleEnum.blue == 2); Console.Out.WriteLine("ok"); Console.Out.Write("testing enum streaming... "); Console.Out.Flush(); Ice.OutputStream ostr; byte[] bytes; bool encoding_1_0 = communicator.getProperties().getProperty("Ice.Default.EncodingVersion").Equals("1.0"); ostr = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); ostr.writeEnum((int)ByteEnum.benum11, (int)ByteEnum.benum11); bytes = ostr.finished(); test(bytes.Length == 1); // ByteEnum should require one byte ostr = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); ostr.writeEnum((int)ShortEnum.senum11, (int)ShortEnum.senum11); bytes = ostr.finished(); test(bytes.Length == (encoding_1_0 ? 2 : 5)); ostr = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); ostr.writeEnum((int)IntEnum.ienum11, (int)IntEnum.ienum12); bytes = ostr.finished(); test(bytes.Length == (encoding_1_0 ? 4 : 5)); ostr = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); ostr.writeEnum((int)SimpleEnum.blue, (int)SimpleEnum.blue); bytes = ostr.finished(); test(bytes.Length == 1); // SimpleEnum should require one byte Console.Out.WriteLine("ok"); Console.Out.Write("testing enum operations... "); Console.Out.Flush(); ByteEnum byteEnum; test(proxy.opByte(ByteEnum.benum1, out byteEnum) == ByteEnum.benum1); test(byteEnum == ByteEnum.benum1); test(proxy.opByte(ByteEnum.benum11, out byteEnum) == ByteEnum.benum11); test(byteEnum == ByteEnum.benum11); ShortEnum shortEnum; test(proxy.opShort(ShortEnum.senum1, out shortEnum) == ShortEnum.senum1); test(shortEnum == ShortEnum.senum1); test(proxy.opShort(ShortEnum.senum11, out shortEnum) == ShortEnum.senum11); test(shortEnum == ShortEnum.senum11); IntEnum intEnum; test(proxy.opInt(IntEnum.ienum1, out intEnum) == IntEnum.ienum1); test(intEnum == IntEnum.ienum1); test(proxy.opInt(IntEnum.ienum11, out intEnum) == IntEnum.ienum11); test(intEnum == IntEnum.ienum11); test(proxy.opInt(IntEnum.ienum12, out intEnum) == IntEnum.ienum12); test(intEnum == IntEnum.ienum12); SimpleEnum s; test(proxy.opSimple(SimpleEnum.green, out s) == SimpleEnum.green); test(s == SimpleEnum.green); Console.Out.WriteLine("ok"); Console.Out.Write("testing enum sequences operations... "); Console.Out.Flush(); { ByteEnum[] b1 = new ByteEnum[11] { ByteEnum.benum1, ByteEnum.benum2, ByteEnum.benum3, ByteEnum.benum4, ByteEnum.benum5, ByteEnum.benum6, ByteEnum.benum7, ByteEnum.benum8, ByteEnum.benum9, ByteEnum.benum10, ByteEnum.benum11 }; ByteEnum[] b2; ByteEnum[] b3 = proxy.opByteSeq(b1, out b2); for (int i = 0; i < b1.Length; ++i) { test(b1[i] == b2[i]); test(b1[i] == b3[i]); } } { ShortEnum[] s1 = new ShortEnum[11] { ShortEnum.senum1, ShortEnum.senum2, ShortEnum.senum3, ShortEnum.senum4, ShortEnum.senum5, ShortEnum.senum6, ShortEnum.senum7, ShortEnum.senum8, ShortEnum.senum9, ShortEnum.senum10, ShortEnum.senum11 }; ShortEnum[] s2; ShortEnum[] s3 = proxy.opShortSeq(s1, out s2); for (int i = 0; i < s1.Length; ++i) { test(s1[i] == s2[i]); test(s1[i] == s3[i]); } } { IntEnum[] i1 = new IntEnum[11] { IntEnum.ienum1, IntEnum.ienum2, IntEnum.ienum3, IntEnum.ienum4, IntEnum.ienum5, IntEnum.ienum6, IntEnum.ienum7, IntEnum.ienum8, IntEnum.ienum9, IntEnum.ienum10, IntEnum.ienum11 }; IntEnum[] i2; IntEnum[] i3 = proxy.opIntSeq(i1, out i2); for (int i = 0; i < i1.Length; ++i) { test(i1[i] == i2[i]); test(i1[i] == i3[i]); } } { SimpleEnum[] s1 = new SimpleEnum[3] { SimpleEnum.red, SimpleEnum.green, SimpleEnum.blue }; SimpleEnum[] s2; SimpleEnum[] s3 = proxy.opSimpleSeq(s1, out s2); for (int i = 0; i < s1.Length; ++i) { test(s1[i] == s2[i]); test(s1[i] == s3[i]); } } Console.Out.WriteLine("ok"); return(proxy); }
public static Test.MyClassPrx allTests(Ice.Communicator communicator) #endif { Write("testing stringToProxy... "); Flush(); string rf = "test:default -p 12010"; Ice.ObjectPrx baseProxy = communicator.stringToProxy(rf); test(baseProxy != null); Ice.ObjectPrx b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test"); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Length == 0 && b1.ice_getAdapterId().Length == 0 && b1.ice_getFacet().Length == 0); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test "); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Length == 0 && b1.ice_getFacet().Length == 0); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy(" test "); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Length == 0 && b1.ice_getFacet().Length == 0); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy(" test"); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Length == 0 && b1.ice_getFacet().Length == 0); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("'test -f facet'"); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test -f facet") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Length == 0 && b1.ice_getFacet().Length == 0); try { b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("\"test -f facet'"); test(false); } catch (Ice.ProxyParseException) { } b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("\"test -f facet\""); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test -f facet") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Length == 0 && b1.ice_getFacet().Length == 0); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("\"test -f facet@test\""); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test -f facet@test") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Length == 0 && b1.ice_getFacet().Length == 0); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("\"test -f facet@test @test\""); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test -f facet@test @test") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Length == 0 && b1.ice_getFacet().Length == 0); try { b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test test"); test(false); } catch (Ice.ProxyParseException) { } b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test\\040test"); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test test") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Length == 0); try { b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test\\777"); test(false); } catch (Ice.IdentityParseException) { } b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test\\40test"); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test test")); // Test some octal and hex corner cases. b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test\\4test"); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test\u0004test")); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test\\04test"); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test\u0004test")); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test\\004test"); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test\u0004test")); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test\\1114test"); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test\u00494test")); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t\\'\\\"\\\\test"); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test\b\f\n\r\t\'\"\\test") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Length == 0); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("category/test"); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Equals("category") && b1.ice_getAdapterId().Length == 0); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy(""); test(b1 == null); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("\"\""); test(b1 == null); try { b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("\"\" test"); // Invalid trailing characters. test(false); } catch (Ice.ProxyParseException) { } try { b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test:"); // Missing endpoint. test(false); } catch (Ice.EndpointParseException) { } b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test@adapter"); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Length == 0 && b1.ice_getAdapterId().Equals("adapter")); try { b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("id@adapter test"); test(false); } catch (Ice.ProxyParseException) { } b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("category/test@adapter"); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Equals("category") && b1.ice_getAdapterId().Equals("adapter")); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("category/test@adapter:tcp"); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Equals("category") && b1.ice_getAdapterId().Equals("adapter:tcp")); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("'category 1/test'@adapter"); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Equals("category 1") && b1.ice_getAdapterId().Equals("adapter")); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("'category/test 1'@adapter"); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test 1") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Equals("category") && b1.ice_getAdapterId().Equals("adapter")); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("'category/test'@'adapter 1'"); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Equals("category") && b1.ice_getAdapterId().Equals("adapter 1")); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("\"category \\/test@foo/test\"@adapter"); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Equals("category /test@foo") && b1.ice_getAdapterId().Equals("adapter")); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("\"category \\/test@foo/test\"@\"adapter:tcp\""); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Equals("category /test@foo") && b1.ice_getAdapterId().Equals("adapter:tcp")); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("id -f facet"); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("id") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Length == 0 && b1.ice_getFacet().Equals("facet")); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("id -f 'facet x'"); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("id") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Length == 0 && b1.ice_getFacet().Equals("facet x")); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("id -f \"facet x\""); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("id") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Length == 0 && b1.ice_getFacet().Equals("facet x")); try { b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("id -f \"facet x"); test(false); } catch (Ice.ProxyParseException) { } try { b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("id -f \'facet x"); test(false); } catch (Ice.ProxyParseException) { } b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test -f facet:tcp"); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Length == 0 && b1.ice_getFacet().Equals("facet") && b1.ice_getAdapterId().Length == 0); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test -f \"facet:tcp\""); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Length == 0 && b1.ice_getFacet().Equals("facet:tcp") && b1.ice_getAdapterId().Length == 0); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test -f facet@test"); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Length == 0 && b1.ice_getFacet().Equals("facet") && b1.ice_getAdapterId().Equals("test")); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test -f 'facet@test'"); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Length == 0 && b1.ice_getFacet().Equals("facet@test") && b1.ice_getAdapterId().Length == 0); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test -f 'facet@test'@test"); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Length == 0 && b1.ice_getFacet().Equals("facet@test") && b1.ice_getAdapterId().Equals("test")); try { b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test -f facet@test @test"); test(false); } catch (Ice.ProxyParseException) { } b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test"); test(b1.ice_isTwoway()); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test -t"); test(b1.ice_isTwoway()); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test -o"); test(b1.ice_isOneway()); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test -O"); test(b1.ice_isBatchOneway()); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test -d"); test(b1.ice_isDatagram()); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test -D"); test(b1.ice_isBatchDatagram()); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test"); test(!b1.ice_isSecure()); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test -s"); test(b1.ice_isSecure()); test(b1.ice_getEncodingVersion().Equals(Ice.Util.currentEncoding)); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test -e 1.0"); test(b1.ice_getEncodingVersion().major == 1 && b1.ice_getEncodingVersion().minor == 0); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test -e 6.5"); test(b1.ice_getEncodingVersion().major == 6 && b1.ice_getEncodingVersion().minor == 5); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test -p 1.0 -e 1.0"); test(b1.ToString().Equals("test -t -e 1.0")); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test -p 6.5 -e 1.0"); test(b1.ToString().Equals("test -t -p 6.5 -e 1.0")); try { b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test:tcp@adapterId"); test(false); } catch (Ice.EndpointParseException) { } // This is an unknown endpoint warning, not a parse exception. // //try //{ // b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test -f the:facet:tcp"); // test(false); //} //catch(Ice.EndpointParseException) //{ //} try { b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test::tcp"); test(false); } catch (Ice.EndpointParseException) { } // // Test for bug ICE-5543: escaped escapes in stringToIdentity // Ice.Identity id = new Ice.Identity("test", ",X2QNUAzSBcJ_e$AV;E\\"); Ice.Identity id2 = communicator.stringToIdentity(communicator.identityToString(id)); test(id.Equals(id2)); id = new Ice.Identity("test", ",X2QNUAz\\SB\\/cJ_e$AV;E\\\\"); id2 = communicator.stringToIdentity(communicator.identityToString(id)); test(id.Equals(id2)); WriteLine("ok"); Write("testing propertyToProxy... "); Flush(); Ice.Properties prop = communicator.getProperties(); String propertyPrefix = "Foo.Proxy"; prop.setProperty(propertyPrefix, "test:default -p 12010"); b1 = communicator.propertyToProxy(propertyPrefix); test(b1.ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("test") && b1.ice_getIdentity().category.Length == 0 && b1.ice_getAdapterId().Length == 0 && b1.ice_getFacet().Length == 0); String property; property = propertyPrefix + ".Locator"; test(b1.ice_getLocator() == null); prop.setProperty(property, "locator:default -p 10000"); b1 = communicator.propertyToProxy(propertyPrefix); test(b1.ice_getLocator() != null && b1.ice_getLocator().ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("locator")); try { prop.setProperty(property, ""); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } property = propertyPrefix + ".LocatorCacheTimeout"; test(b1.ice_getLocatorCacheTimeout() == -1); prop.setProperty(property, "1"); b1 = communicator.propertyToProxy(propertyPrefix); test(b1.ice_getLocatorCacheTimeout() == 1); prop.setProperty(property, ""); // Now retest with an indirect proxy. prop.setProperty(propertyPrefix, "test"); property = propertyPrefix + ".Locator"; prop.setProperty(property, "locator:default -p 10000"); b1 = communicator.propertyToProxy(propertyPrefix); test(b1.ice_getLocator() != null && b1.ice_getLocator().ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("locator")); prop.setProperty(property, ""); property = propertyPrefix + ".LocatorCacheTimeout"; test(b1.ice_getLocatorCacheTimeout() == -1); prop.setProperty(property, "1"); b1 = communicator.propertyToProxy(propertyPrefix); test(b1.ice_getLocatorCacheTimeout() == 1); prop.setProperty(property, ""); // This cannot be tested so easily because the property is cached // on communicator initialization. // //prop.setProperty("Ice.Default.LocatorCacheTimeout", "60"); //b1 = communicator.propertyToProxy(propertyPrefix); //test(b1.ice_getLocatorCacheTimeout() == 60); //prop.setProperty("Ice.Default.LocatorCacheTimeout", ""); prop.setProperty(propertyPrefix, "test:default -p 12010"); property = propertyPrefix + ".Router"; test(b1.ice_getRouter() == null); prop.setProperty(property, "router:default -p 10000"); b1 = communicator.propertyToProxy(propertyPrefix); test(b1.ice_getRouter() != null && b1.ice_getRouter().ice_getIdentity().name.Equals("router")); prop.setProperty(property, ""); property = propertyPrefix + ".PreferSecure"; test(!b1.ice_isPreferSecure()); prop.setProperty(property, "1"); b1 = communicator.propertyToProxy(propertyPrefix); test(b1.ice_isPreferSecure()); prop.setProperty(property, ""); property = propertyPrefix + ".ConnectionCached"; test(b1.ice_isConnectionCached()); prop.setProperty(property, "0"); b1 = communicator.propertyToProxy(propertyPrefix); test(!b1.ice_isConnectionCached()); prop.setProperty(property, ""); property = propertyPrefix + ".InvocationTimeout"; test(b1.ice_getInvocationTimeout() == -1); prop.setProperty(property, "1000"); b1 = communicator.propertyToProxy(propertyPrefix); test(b1.ice_getInvocationTimeout() == 1000); prop.setProperty(property, ""); property = propertyPrefix + ".EndpointSelection"; test(b1.ice_getEndpointSelection() == Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Random); prop.setProperty(property, "Random"); b1 = communicator.propertyToProxy(propertyPrefix); test(b1.ice_getEndpointSelection() == Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Random); prop.setProperty(property, "Ordered"); b1 = communicator.propertyToProxy(propertyPrefix); test(b1.ice_getEndpointSelection() == Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Ordered); prop.setProperty(property, ""); property = propertyPrefix + ".CollocationOptimized"; test(b1.ice_isCollocationOptimized()); prop.setProperty(property, "0"); b1 = communicator.propertyToProxy(propertyPrefix); test(!b1.ice_isCollocationOptimized()); prop.setProperty(property, ""); property = propertyPrefix + ".Context.c1"; test(!b1.ice_getContext().ContainsKey("c1")); prop.setProperty(property, "TEST"); b1 = communicator.propertyToProxy(propertyPrefix); test(b1.ice_getContext()["c1"].Equals("TEST")); property = propertyPrefix + ".Context.c2"; test(!b1.ice_getContext().ContainsKey("c2")); prop.setProperty(property, "TEST"); b1 = communicator.propertyToProxy(propertyPrefix); test(b1.ice_getContext()["c2"].Equals("TEST")); prop.setProperty(propertyPrefix + ".Context.c1", ""); prop.setProperty(propertyPrefix + ".Context.c2", ""); WriteLine("ok"); Write("testing proxyToProperty... "); Flush(); b1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test"); b1 = b1.ice_collocationOptimized(true); b1 = b1.ice_connectionCached(true); b1 = b1.ice_preferSecure(false); b1 = b1.ice_endpointSelection(Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Ordered); b1 = b1.ice_locatorCacheTimeout(100); b1 = b1.ice_invocationTimeout(1234); b1 = b1.ice_encodingVersion(new Ice.EncodingVersion(1, 0)); Ice.ObjectPrx router = communicator.stringToProxy("router"); router = router.ice_collocationOptimized(false); router = router.ice_connectionCached(true); router = router.ice_preferSecure(true); router = router.ice_endpointSelection(Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Random); router = router.ice_locatorCacheTimeout(200); router = router.ice_invocationTimeout(1500); Ice.ObjectPrx locator = communicator.stringToProxy("locator"); locator = locator.ice_collocationOptimized(true); locator = locator.ice_connectionCached(false); locator = locator.ice_preferSecure(true); locator = locator.ice_endpointSelection(Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Random); locator = locator.ice_locatorCacheTimeout(300); locator = locator.ice_invocationTimeout(1500); locator = locator.ice_router(Ice.RouterPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(router)); b1 = b1.ice_locator(Ice.LocatorPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(locator)); Dictionary <string, string> proxyProps = communicator.proxyToProperty(b1, "Test"); test(proxyProps.Count == 21); test(proxyProps["Test"].Equals("test -t -e 1.0")); test(proxyProps["Test.CollocationOptimized"].Equals("1")); test(proxyProps["Test.ConnectionCached"].Equals("1")); test(proxyProps["Test.PreferSecure"].Equals("0")); test(proxyProps["Test.EndpointSelection"].Equals("Ordered")); test(proxyProps["Test.LocatorCacheTimeout"].Equals("100")); test(proxyProps["Test.InvocationTimeout"].Equals("1234")); test(proxyProps["Test.Locator"].Equals( "locator -t -e " + Ice.Util.encodingVersionToString(Ice.Util.currentEncoding))); // Locator collocation optimization is always disabled. //test(proxyProps["Test.Locator.CollocationOptimized"].Equals("1")); test(proxyProps["Test.Locator.ConnectionCached"].Equals("0")); test(proxyProps["Test.Locator.PreferSecure"].Equals("1")); test(proxyProps["Test.Locator.EndpointSelection"].Equals("Random")); test(proxyProps["Test.Locator.LocatorCacheTimeout"].Equals("300")); test(proxyProps["Test.Locator.InvocationTimeout"].Equals("1500")); test(proxyProps["Test.Locator.Router"].Equals( "router -t -e " + Ice.Util.encodingVersionToString(Ice.Util.currentEncoding))); test(proxyProps["Test.Locator.Router.CollocationOptimized"].Equals("0")); test(proxyProps["Test.Locator.Router.ConnectionCached"].Equals("1")); test(proxyProps["Test.Locator.Router.PreferSecure"].Equals("1")); test(proxyProps["Test.Locator.Router.EndpointSelection"].Equals("Random")); test(proxyProps["Test.Locator.Router.LocatorCacheTimeout"].Equals("200")); test(proxyProps["Test.Locator.Router.InvocationTimeout"].Equals("1500")); WriteLine("ok"); Write("testing ice_getCommunicator... "); Flush(); test(baseProxy.ice_getCommunicator() == communicator); WriteLine("ok"); Write("testing proxy methods... "); test(communicator.identityToString( baseProxy.ice_identity(communicator.stringToIdentity("other")).ice_getIdentity()).Equals("other")); test(baseProxy.ice_facet("facet").ice_getFacet().Equals("facet")); test(baseProxy.ice_adapterId("id").ice_getAdapterId().Equals("id")); test(baseProxy.ice_twoway().ice_isTwoway()); test(baseProxy.ice_oneway().ice_isOneway()); test(baseProxy.ice_batchOneway().ice_isBatchOneway()); test(baseProxy.ice_datagram().ice_isDatagram()); test(baseProxy.ice_batchDatagram().ice_isBatchDatagram()); test(baseProxy.ice_secure(true).ice_isSecure()); test(!baseProxy.ice_secure(false).ice_isSecure()); test(baseProxy.ice_collocationOptimized(true).ice_isCollocationOptimized()); test(!baseProxy.ice_collocationOptimized(false).ice_isCollocationOptimized()); test(baseProxy.ice_preferSecure(true).ice_isPreferSecure()); test(!baseProxy.ice_preferSecure(false).ice_isPreferSecure()); try { baseProxy.ice_timeout(0); test(false); } catch (System.ArgumentException) { } try { baseProxy.ice_timeout(-1); } catch (System.ArgumentException) { test(false); } try { baseProxy.ice_timeout(-2); test(false); } catch (System.ArgumentException) { } try { baseProxy.ice_invocationTimeout(0); test(false); } catch (System.ArgumentException) { } try { baseProxy.ice_invocationTimeout(-1); baseProxy.ice_invocationTimeout(-2); } catch (System.ArgumentException) { test(false); } try { baseProxy.ice_invocationTimeout(-3); test(false); } catch (System.ArgumentException) { } try { baseProxy.ice_locatorCacheTimeout(0); } catch (System.ArgumentException) { test(false); } try { baseProxy.ice_locatorCacheTimeout(-1); } catch (System.ArgumentException) { test(false); } try { baseProxy.ice_locatorCacheTimeout(-2); test(false); } catch (System.ArgumentException) { } WriteLine("ok"); Write("testing proxy comparison... "); Flush(); test(communicator.stringToProxy("foo").Equals(communicator.stringToProxy("foo"))); test(!communicator.stringToProxy("foo").Equals(communicator.stringToProxy("foo2"))); Ice.ObjectPrx compObj = communicator.stringToProxy("foo"); test(compObj.ice_facet("facet").Equals(compObj.ice_facet("facet"))); test(!compObj.ice_facet("facet").Equals(compObj.ice_facet("facet1"))); test(compObj.ice_oneway().Equals(compObj.ice_oneway())); test(!compObj.ice_oneway().Equals(compObj.ice_twoway())); test(compObj.ice_secure(true).Equals(compObj.ice_secure(true))); test(!compObj.ice_secure(false).Equals(compObj.ice_secure(true))); test(compObj.ice_collocationOptimized(true).Equals(compObj.ice_collocationOptimized(true))); test(!compObj.ice_collocationOptimized(false).Equals(compObj.ice_collocationOptimized(true))); test(compObj.ice_connectionCached(true).Equals(compObj.ice_connectionCached(true))); test(!compObj.ice_connectionCached(false).Equals(compObj.ice_connectionCached(true))); test(compObj.ice_endpointSelection(Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Random).Equals( compObj.ice_endpointSelection(Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Random))); test(!compObj.ice_endpointSelection(Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Random).Equals( compObj.ice_endpointSelection(Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Ordered))); test(compObj.ice_connectionId("id2").Equals(compObj.ice_connectionId("id2"))); test(!compObj.ice_connectionId("id1").Equals(compObj.ice_connectionId("id2"))); test(compObj.ice_connectionId("id1").ice_getConnectionId().Equals("id1")); test(compObj.ice_connectionId("id2").ice_getConnectionId().Equals("id2")); test(compObj.ice_compress(true).Equals(compObj.ice_compress(true))); test(!compObj.ice_compress(false).Equals(compObj.ice_compress(true))); test(compObj.ice_timeout(20).Equals(compObj.ice_timeout(20))); test(!compObj.ice_timeout(10).Equals(compObj.ice_timeout(20))); Ice.LocatorPrx loc1 = Ice.LocatorPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("loc1:default -p 10000")); Ice.LocatorPrx loc2 = Ice.LocatorPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("loc2:default -p 10000")); test(compObj.ice_locator(null).Equals(compObj.ice_locator(null))); test(compObj.ice_locator(loc1).Equals(compObj.ice_locator(loc1))); test(!compObj.ice_locator(loc1).Equals(compObj.ice_locator(null))); test(!compObj.ice_locator(null).Equals(compObj.ice_locator(loc2))); test(!compObj.ice_locator(loc1).Equals(compObj.ice_locator(loc2))); Ice.RouterPrx rtr1 = Ice.RouterPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("rtr1:default -p 10000")); Ice.RouterPrx rtr2 = Ice.RouterPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("rtr2:default -p 10000")); test(compObj.ice_router(null).Equals(compObj.ice_router(null))); test(compObj.ice_router(rtr1).Equals(compObj.ice_router(rtr1))); test(!compObj.ice_router(rtr1).Equals(compObj.ice_router(null))); test(!compObj.ice_router(null).Equals(compObj.ice_router(rtr2))); test(!compObj.ice_router(rtr1).Equals(compObj.ice_router(rtr2))); Dictionary <string, string> ctx1 = new Dictionary <string, string>(); ctx1["ctx1"] = "v1"; Dictionary <string, string> ctx2 = new Dictionary <string, string>(); ctx2["ctx2"] = "v2"; test(compObj.ice_context(null).Equals(compObj.ice_context(null))); test(compObj.ice_context(ctx1).Equals(compObj.ice_context(ctx1))); test(!compObj.ice_context(ctx1).Equals(compObj.ice_context(null))); test(!compObj.ice_context(null).Equals(compObj.ice_context(ctx2))); test(!compObj.ice_context(ctx1).Equals(compObj.ice_context(ctx2))); test(compObj.ice_preferSecure(true).Equals(compObj.ice_preferSecure(true))); test(!compObj.ice_preferSecure(true).Equals(compObj.ice_preferSecure(false))); Ice.ObjectPrx compObj1 = communicator.stringToProxy("foo:tcp -h -p 10000"); Ice.ObjectPrx compObj2 = communicator.stringToProxy("foo:tcp -h -p 10001"); test(!compObj1.Equals(compObj2)); compObj1 = communicator.stringToProxy("foo@MyAdapter1"); compObj2 = communicator.stringToProxy("foo@MyAdapter2"); test(!compObj1.Equals(compObj2)); test(compObj1.ice_locatorCacheTimeout(20).Equals(compObj1.ice_locatorCacheTimeout(20))); test(!compObj1.ice_locatorCacheTimeout(10).Equals(compObj1.ice_locatorCacheTimeout(20))); test(compObj1.ice_invocationTimeout(20).Equals(compObj1.ice_invocationTimeout(20))); test(!compObj1.ice_invocationTimeout(10).Equals(compObj1.ice_invocationTimeout(20))); compObj1 = communicator.stringToProxy("foo:tcp -h -p 1000"); compObj2 = communicator.stringToProxy("foo@MyAdapter1"); test(!compObj1.Equals(compObj2)); Ice.Endpoint[] endpts1 = communicator.stringToProxy("foo:tcp -h -p 10000").ice_getEndpoints(); Ice.Endpoint[] endpts2 = communicator.stringToProxy("foo:tcp -h -p 10001").ice_getEndpoints(); test(!endpts1[0].Equals(endpts2[0])); test(endpts1[0].Equals(communicator.stringToProxy("foo:tcp -h -p 10000").ice_getEndpoints()[0])); // // TODO: Ideally we should also test comparison of fixed proxies. // WriteLine("ok"); Write("testing checked cast... "); Flush(); Test.MyClassPrx cl = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.checkedCast(baseProxy); test(cl != null); Test.MyDerivedClassPrx derived = Test.MyDerivedClassPrxHelper.checkedCast(cl); test(derived != null); test(cl.Equals(baseProxy)); test(derived.Equals(baseProxy)); test(cl.Equals(derived)); WriteLine("ok"); Write("testing checked cast with context... "); Flush(); Dictionary <string, string> c = cl.getContext(); test(c == null || c.Count == 0); c = new Dictionary <string, string>(); c["one"] = "hello"; c["two"] = "world"; cl = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.checkedCast(baseProxy, c); Dictionary <string, string> c2 = cl.getContext(); test(Ice.CollectionComparer.Equals(c, c2)); WriteLine("ok"); Write("testing encoding versioning... "); Flush(); string ref20 = "test -e 2.0:default -p 12010"; Test.MyClassPrx cl20 = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy(ref20)); try { cl20.ice_ping(); test(false); } catch (Ice.UnsupportedEncodingException) { // Server 2.0 endpoint doesn't support 1.1 version. } string ref10 = "test -e 1.0:default -p 12010"; Test.MyClassPrx cl10 = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy(ref10)); cl10.ice_ping(); cl10.ice_encodingVersion(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0).ice_ping(); cl.ice_encodingVersion(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0).ice_ping(); // 1.3 isn't supported but since a 1.3 proxy supports 1.1, the // call will use the 1.1 encoding string ref13 = "test -e 1.3:default -p 12010"; Test.MyClassPrx cl13 = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy(ref13)); cl13.ice_ping(); cl13.end_ice_ping(cl13.begin_ice_ping()); try { // Send request with bogus 1.2 encoding. Ice.EncodingVersion version = new Ice.EncodingVersion(1, 2); Ice.OutputStream os = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); os.startEncapsulation(); os.endEncapsulation(); byte[] inEncaps = os.finished(); inEncaps[4] = version.major; inEncaps[5] = version.minor; byte[] outEncaps; cl.ice_invoke("ice_ping", Ice.OperationMode.Normal, inEncaps, out outEncaps); test(false); } catch (Ice.UnknownLocalException ex) { // The server thrown an UnsupportedEncodingException test(ex.unknown.IndexOf("UnsupportedEncodingException") > 0); } try { // Send request with bogus 2.0 encoding. Ice.EncodingVersion version = new Ice.EncodingVersion(2, 0); Ice.OutputStream os = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); os.startEncapsulation(); os.endEncapsulation(); byte[] inEncaps = os.finished(); inEncaps[4] = version.major; inEncaps[5] = version.minor; byte[] outEncaps; cl.ice_invoke("ice_ping", Ice.OperationMode.Normal, inEncaps, out outEncaps); test(false); } catch (Ice.UnknownLocalException ex) { // The server thrown an UnsupportedEncodingException test(ex.unknown.IndexOf("UnsupportedEncodingException") > 0); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("testing protocol versioning... "); Flush(); ref20 = "test -p 2.0:default -p 12010"; cl20 = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy(ref20)); try { cl20.ice_ping(); test(false); } catch (Ice.UnsupportedProtocolException) { // Server 2.0 proxy doesn't support 1.0 version. } ref10 = "test -p 1.0:default -p 12010"; cl10 = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy(ref10)); cl10.ice_ping(); // 1.3 isn't supported but since a 1.3 proxy supports 1.1, the // call will use the 1.1 protocol ref13 = "test -p 1.3:default -p 12010"; cl13 = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy(ref13)); cl13.ice_ping(); cl13.end_ice_ping(cl13.begin_ice_ping()); WriteLine("ok"); Write("testing opaque endpoints... "); Flush(); try { // Invalid -x option communicator.stringToProxy("id:opaque -t 99 -v abc -x abc"); test(false); } catch (Ice.EndpointParseException) { } try { // Missing -t and -v communicator.stringToProxy("id:opaque"); test(false); } catch (Ice.EndpointParseException) { } try { // Repeated -t communicator.stringToProxy("id:opaque -t 1 -t 1 -v abc"); test(false); } catch (Ice.EndpointParseException) { } try { // Repeated -v communicator.stringToProxy("id:opaque -t 1 -v abc -v abc"); test(false); } catch (Ice.EndpointParseException) { } try { // Missing -t communicator.stringToProxy("id:opaque -v abc"); test(false); } catch (Ice.EndpointParseException) { } try { // Missing -v communicator.stringToProxy("id:opaque -t 1"); test(false); } catch (Ice.EndpointParseException) { } try { // Missing arg for -t communicator.stringToProxy("id:opaque -t -v abc"); test(false); } catch (Ice.EndpointParseException) { } try { // Missing arg for -v communicator.stringToProxy("id:opaque -t 1 -v"); test(false); } catch (Ice.EndpointParseException) { } try { // Not a number for -t communicator.stringToProxy("id:opaque -t x -v abc"); test(false); } catch (Ice.EndpointParseException) { } try { // < 0 for -t communicator.stringToProxy("id:opaque -t -1 -v abc"); test(false); } catch (Ice.EndpointParseException) { } try { // Invalid char for -v communicator.stringToProxy("id:opaque -t 99 -v x?c"); test(false); } catch (Ice.EndpointParseException) { } // Legal TCP endpoint expressed as opaque endpoint Ice.ObjectPrx p1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test -e 1.1:opaque -t 1 -e 1.0 -v CTEyNy4wLjAuMeouAAAQJwAAAA=="); string pstr = communicator.proxyToString(p1); test(pstr.Equals("test -t -e 1.1:tcp -h -p 12010 -t 10000")); // Opaque endpoint encoded with 1.1 encoding. Ice.ObjectPrx p2 = communicator.stringToProxy("test -e 1.1:opaque -e 1.1 -t 1 -v CTEyNy4wLjAuMeouAAAQJwAAAA=="); test(communicator.proxyToString(p2).Equals("test -t -e 1.1:tcp -h -p 12010 -t 10000")); if (communicator.getProperties().getPropertyAsInt("Ice.IPv6") == 0) { // Working? bool ssl = communicator.getProperties().getProperty("Ice.Default.Protocol").Equals("ssl"); bool tcp = communicator.getProperties().getProperty("Ice.Default.Protocol").Equals("tcp"); if (tcp) { p1.ice_encodingVersion(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0).ice_ping(); } // Two legal TCP endpoints expressed as opaque endpoints p1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test -e 1.0:opaque -e 1.0 -t 1 -v CTEyNy4wLjAuMeouAAAQJwAAAA==:opaque -e 1.0 -t 1 -v CTEyNy4wLjAuMusuAAAQJwAAAA=="); pstr = communicator.proxyToString(p1); test(pstr.Equals("test -t -e 1.0:tcp -h -p 12010 -t 10000:tcp -h -p 12011 -t 10000")); // Test that an SSL endpoint and a nonsense endpoint get written back out as an opaque endpoint. p1 = communicator.stringToProxy("test -e 1.0:opaque -e 1.0 -t 2 -v CTEyNy4wLjAuMREnAAD/////AA==:opaque -e 1.0 -t 99 -v abch"); pstr = communicator.proxyToString(p1); if (ssl) { test(pstr.Equals("test -t -e 1.0:ssl -h -p 10001 -t infinite:opaque -t 99 -e 1.0 -v abch")); } else if (tcp) { test(pstr.Equals( "test -t -e 1.0:opaque -t 2 -e 1.0 -v CTEyNy4wLjAuMREnAAD/////AA==:opaque -t 99 -e 1.0 -v abch")); } } WriteLine("ok"); #if SILVERLIGHT cl.shutdown(); #else return(cl); #endif }
public abstract override int GetHashCode(); // Avoids a compiler warning. // // Marshal the endpoint. // public virtual void StreamWrite(Ice.OutputStream s) { s.StartEndpointEncapsulation(); StreamWriteImpl(s); s.EndEndpointEncapsulation(); }
static public int allTests(TestCommon.Application app) { Ice.Communicator communicator = app.communicator(); MyClassFactoryWrapper factoryWrapper = new MyClassFactoryWrapper(); communicator.getValueFactoryManager().add(factoryWrapper.create, MyClass.ice_staticId()); communicator.getValueFactoryManager().add((id) => { return(new Ice.InterfaceByValue("::Test::MyInterface")); }, "::Test::MyInterface"); Ice.InputStream inS; Ice.OutputStream outS; Write("testing primitive types... "); Flush(); { byte[] data = new byte[0]; inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); } { outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); outS.startEncapsulation(); outS.writeBool(true); outS.endEncapsulation(); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); inS.startEncapsulation(); test(inS.readBool()); inS.endEncapsulation(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); inS.startEncapsulation(); test(inS.readBool()); inS.endEncapsulation(); } { var data = new byte[0]; inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); try { inS.readBool(); test(false); } catch (Ice.UnmarshalOutOfBoundsException) { } } { outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); outS.writeBool(true); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); test(inS.readBool()); } { outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); outS.writeByte(1); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); test(inS.readByte() == 1); } { outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); outS.writeShort(2); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); test(inS.readShort() == 2); } { outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); outS.writeInt(3); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); test(inS.readInt() == 3); } { outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); outS.writeLong(4); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); test(inS.readLong() == 4); } { outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); outS.writeFloat((float)5.0); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); test(inS.readFloat() == (float)5.0); } { outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); outS.writeDouble(6.0); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); test(inS.readDouble() == 6.0); } { outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); outS.writeString("hello world"); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); test(inS.readString().Equals("hello world")); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("testing constructed types... "); Flush(); { outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); MyEnumHelper.write(outS, MyEnum.enum3); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var e = MyEnumHelper.read(inS); test(e == MyEnum.enum3); } { outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); var s = new SmallStruct(); s.bo = true; s.by = 1; s.sh = 2; s.i = 3; s.l = 4; s.f = 5.0f; s.d = 6.0; s.str = "7"; s.e = MyEnum.enum2; s.p = communicator.stringToProxy("test:default"); SmallStruct.ice_write(outS, s); var data = outS.finished(); var s2 = SmallStruct.ice_read(new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data)); test(s2.Equals(s)); } { outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); var o = new OptionalClass(); o.bo = true; o.by = 5; o.sh = 4; o.i = 3; outS.writeValue(o); outS.writePendingValues(); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); TestReadValueCallback cb = new TestReadValueCallback(); inS.readValue(cb.invoke); inS.readPendingValues(); var o2 = (OptionalClass)cb.obj; test(o2.bo == o.bo); test(o2.by == o.by); if (communicator.getProperties().getProperty("Ice.Default.EncodingVersion").Equals("1.0")) { test(!o2.sh.HasValue); test(!o2.i.HasValue); } else { test(o2.sh.Value == o.sh.Value); test(o2.i.Value == o.i.Value); } } { outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator, Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0); var o = new OptionalClass(); o.bo = true; o.by = 5; o.sh = 4; o.i = 3; outS.writeValue(o); outS.writePendingValues(); byte[] data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0, data); var cb = new TestReadValueCallback(); inS.readValue(cb.invoke); inS.readPendingValues(); var o2 = (OptionalClass)cb.obj; test(o2.bo == o.bo); test(o2.by == o.by); test(!o2.sh.HasValue); test(!o2.i.HasValue); } { bool[] arr = { true, false, true, false }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Ice.BoolSeqHelper.write(outS, arr); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var arr2 = Ice.BoolSeqHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(arr2, arr)); bool[][] arrS = { arr, new bool[0], arr }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); BoolSSHelper.write(outS, arrS); data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var arr2S = BoolSSHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } { byte[] arr = { 0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22 }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Ice.ByteSeqHelper.write(outS, arr); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var arr2 = Ice.ByteSeqHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(arr2, arr)); byte[][] arrS = { arr, new byte[0], arr }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); ByteSSHelper.write(outS, arrS); data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var arr2S = ByteSSHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } { Serialize.Small small = new Serialize.Small(); small.i = 99; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); outS.writeSerializable(small); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var small2 = (Serialize.Small)inS.readSerializable(); test(small2.i == 99); } { short[] arr = { 0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22 }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Ice.ShortSeqHelper.write(outS, arr); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var arr2 = Ice.ShortSeqHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(arr2, arr)); short[][] arrS = { arr, new short[0], arr }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); ShortSSHelper.write(outS, arrS); data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var arr2S = ShortSSHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } { int[] arr = { 0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22 }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Ice.IntSeqHelper.write(outS, arr); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var arr2 = Ice.IntSeqHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(arr2, arr)); int[][] arrS = { arr, new int[0], arr }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); IntSSHelper.write(outS, arrS); data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var arr2S = IntSSHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } { long[] arr = { 0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22 }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Ice.LongSeqHelper.write(outS, arr); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var arr2 = Ice.LongSeqHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(arr2, arr)); long[][] arrS = { arr, new long[0], arr }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); LongSSHelper.write(outS, arrS); data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var arr2S = LongSSHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } { float[] arr = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Ice.FloatSeqHelper.write(outS, arr); byte[] data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); float[] arr2 = Ice.FloatSeqHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(arr2, arr)); float[][] arrS = { arr, new float[0], arr }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); FloatSSHelper.write(outS, arrS); data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var arr2S = FloatSSHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } { double[] arr = { (double)1, (double)2, (double)3, (double)4 }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Ice.DoubleSeqHelper.write(outS, arr); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var arr2 = Ice.DoubleSeqHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(arr2, arr)); double[][] arrS = { arr, new double[0], arr }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); DoubleSSHelper.write(outS, arrS); data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var arr2S = DoubleSSHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } { string[] arr = { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Ice.StringSeqHelper.write(outS, arr); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var arr2 = Ice.StringSeqHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(arr2, arr)); string[][] arrS = { arr, new string[0], arr }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); StringSSHelper.write(outS, arrS); data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var arr2S = StringSSHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } { MyEnum[] arr = { MyEnum.enum3, MyEnum.enum2, MyEnum.enum1, MyEnum.enum2 }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); MyEnumSHelper.write(outS, arr); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var arr2 = MyEnumSHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(arr2, arr)); MyEnum[][] arrS = { arr, new MyEnum[0], arr }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); MyEnumSSHelper.write(outS, arrS); data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var arr2S = MyEnumSSHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } var smallStructArray = new SmallStruct[3]; for (int i = 0; i < smallStructArray.Length; ++i) { smallStructArray[i] = new SmallStruct(); smallStructArray[i].bo = true; smallStructArray[i].by = 1; smallStructArray[i].sh = 2; smallStructArray[i].i = 3; smallStructArray[i].l = 4; smallStructArray[i].f = 5.0f; smallStructArray[i].d = 6.0; smallStructArray[i].str = "7"; smallStructArray[i].e = MyEnum.enum2; smallStructArray[i].p = communicator.stringToProxy("test:default"); } var myClassArray = new MyClass[4]; for (int i = 0; i < myClassArray.Length; ++i) { myClassArray[i] = new MyClass(); myClassArray[i].c = myClassArray[i]; myClassArray[i].o = myClassArray[i]; myClassArray[i].s = new SmallStruct(); myClassArray[i].s.e = MyEnum.enum2; myClassArray[i].seq1 = new bool[] { true, false, true, false }; myClassArray[i].seq2 = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; myClassArray[i].seq3 = new short[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; myClassArray[i].seq4 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; myClassArray[i].seq5 = new long[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; myClassArray[i].seq6 = new float[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; myClassArray[i].seq7 = new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; myClassArray[i].seq8 = new string[] { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; myClassArray[i].seq9 = new MyEnum[] { MyEnum.enum3, MyEnum.enum2, MyEnum.enum1 }; myClassArray[i].seq10 = new MyClass[4]; // null elements. myClassArray[i].d = new Dictionary <string, Test.MyClass>(); myClassArray[i].d["hi"] = myClassArray[i]; } var myInterfaceArray = new Ice.Value[4]; for (int i = 0; i < myInterfaceArray.Length; ++i) { myInterfaceArray[i] = new Ice.InterfaceByValue("::Test::MyInterface"); } { outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); MyClassSHelper.write(outS, myClassArray); outS.writePendingValues(); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var arr2 = MyClassSHelper.read(inS); inS.readPendingValues(); test(arr2.Length == myClassArray.Length); for (int i = 0; i < arr2.Length; ++i) { test(arr2[i] != null); test(arr2[i].c == arr2[i]); test(arr2[i].o == arr2[i]); test(arr2[i].s.e == MyEnum.enum2); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq1, myClassArray[i].seq1)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq2, myClassArray[i].seq2)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq3, myClassArray[i].seq3)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq4, myClassArray[i].seq4)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq5, myClassArray[i].seq5)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq6, myClassArray[i].seq6)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq7, myClassArray[i].seq7)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq8, myClassArray[i].seq8)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq9, myClassArray[i].seq9)); test(arr2[i].d["hi"].Equals(arr2[i])); } MyClass[][] arrS = { myClassArray, new MyClass[0], myClassArray }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); MyClassSSHelper.write(outS, arrS); data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var arr2S = MyClassSSHelper.read(inS); test(arr2S.Length == arrS.Length); test(arr2S[0].Length == arrS[0].Length); test(arr2S[1].Length == arrS[1].Length); test(arr2S[2].Length == arrS[2].Length); } { outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); MyInterfaceSHelper.write(outS, myInterfaceArray); outS.writePendingValues(); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var arr2 = MyInterfaceSHelper.read(inS); inS.readPendingValues(); test(arr2.Length == myInterfaceArray.Length); Ice.Value[][] arrS = { myInterfaceArray, new Ice.Value[0], myInterfaceArray }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); MyInterfaceSSHelper.write(outS, arrS); data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var arr2S = MyInterfaceSSHelper.read(inS); test(arr2S.Length == arrS.Length); test(arr2S[0].Length == arrS[0].Length); test(arr2S[1].Length == arrS[1].Length); test(arr2S[2].Length == arrS[2].Length); } { outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); var obj = new MyClass(); obj.s = new SmallStruct(); obj.s.e = MyEnum.enum2; var writer = new TestValueWriter(obj); outS.writeValue(writer); outS.writePendingValues(); var data = outS.finished(); test(writer.called); factoryWrapper.setFactory(TestObjectFactory); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var cb = new TestReadValueCallback(); inS.readValue(cb.invoke); inS.readPendingValues(); test(cb.obj != null); test(cb.obj is TestValueReader); var reader = (TestValueReader)cb.obj; test(reader.called); test(reader.obj != null); test(reader.obj.s.e == MyEnum.enum2); factoryWrapper.setFactory(null); } { outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); var ex = new MyException(); var c = new MyClass(); c.c = c; c.o = c; c.s = new SmallStruct(); c.s.e = MyEnum.enum2; c.seq1 = new bool[] { true, false, true, false }; c.seq2 = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; c.seq3 = new short[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; c.seq4 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; c.seq5 = new long[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; c.seq6 = new float[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; c.seq7 = new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; c.seq8 = new string[] { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; c.seq9 = new MyEnum[] { MyEnum.enum3, MyEnum.enum2, MyEnum.enum1 }; c.seq10 = new MyClass[4]; // null elements. c.d = new Dictionary <string, MyClass>(); c.d.Add("hi", c); ex.c = c; outS.writeException(ex); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); try { inS.throwException(); test(false); } catch (MyException ex1) { test(ex1.c.s.e == c.s.e); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq1, c.seq1)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq2, c.seq2)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq3, c.seq3)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq4, c.seq4)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq5, c.seq5)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq6, c.seq6)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq7, c.seq7)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq8, c.seq8)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq9, c.seq9)); } catch (Ice.UserException) { test(false); } } { var dict = new Dictionary <byte, bool>(); dict.Add(4, true); dict.Add(1, false); outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); ByteBoolDHelper.write(outS, dict); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var dict2 = ByteBoolDHelper.read(inS); test(Ice.CollectionComparer.Equals(dict2, dict)); } { var dict = new Dictionary <short, int>(); dict.Add(1, 9); dict.Add(4, 8); outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); ShortIntDHelper.write(outS, dict); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var dict2 = ShortIntDHelper.read(inS); test(Ice.CollectionComparer.Equals(dict2, dict)); } { var dict = new Dictionary <long, float>(); dict.Add(123809828, 0.51f); dict.Add(123809829, 0.56f); outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); LongFloatDHelper.write(outS, dict); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var dict2 = LongFloatDHelper.read(inS); test(Ice.CollectionComparer.Equals(dict2, dict)); } { var dict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dict.Add("key1", "value1"); dict.Add("key2", "value2"); outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); StringStringDHelper.write(outS, dict); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var dict2 = StringStringDHelper.read(inS); test(Ice.CollectionComparer.Equals(dict2, dict)); } { var dict = new Dictionary <string, MyClass>(); var c = new MyClass(); c.s = new SmallStruct(); c.s.e = MyEnum.enum2; dict.Add("key1", c); c = new MyClass(); c.s = new SmallStruct(); c.s.e = MyEnum.enum3; dict.Add("key2", c); outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); StringMyClassDHelper.write(outS, dict); outS.writePendingValues(); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var dict2 = StringMyClassDHelper.read(inS); inS.readPendingValues(); test(dict2.Count == dict.Count); test(dict2["key1"].s.e == MyEnum.enum2); test(dict2["key2"].s.e == MyEnum.enum3); } { bool[] arr = { true, false, true, false }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); var l = new List <bool>(arr); BoolListHelper.write(outS, l); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var l2 = BoolListHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(l, l2)); } { byte[] arr = { 0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22 }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); var l = new List <byte>(arr); ByteListHelper.write(outS, l); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var l2 = ByteListHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { MyEnum[] arr = { MyEnum.enum3, MyEnum.enum2, MyEnum.enum1, MyEnum.enum2 }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); var l = new List <MyEnum>(arr); MyEnumListHelper.write(outS, l); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var l2 = MyEnumListHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); var l = new List <SmallStruct>(smallStructArray); SmallStructListHelper.write(outS, l); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var l2 = SmallStructListHelper.read(inS); test(l2.Count == l.Count); for (int i = 0; i < l2.Count; ++i) { test(l2[i].Equals(smallStructArray[i])); } } { outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); var l = new List <MyClass>(myClassArray); MyClassListHelper.write(outS, l); outS.writePendingValues(); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var l2 = MyClassListHelper.read(inS); inS.readPendingValues(); test(l2.Count == l.Count); for (int i = 0; i < l2.Count; ++i) { test(l2[i] != null); test(l2[i].c == l2[i]); test(l2[i].o == l2[i]); test(l2[i].s.e == MyEnum.enum2); test(Compare(l2[i].seq1, l[i].seq1)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq2, l[i].seq2)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq3, l[i].seq3)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq4, l[i].seq4)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq5, l[i].seq5)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq6, l[i].seq6)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq7, l[i].seq7)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq8, l[i].seq8)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq9, l[i].seq9)); test(l2[i].d["hi"].Equals(l2[i])); } } { var arr = new Ice.ObjectPrx[2]; arr[0] = communicator.stringToProxy("zero"); arr[1] = communicator.stringToProxy("one"); outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); var l = new List <Ice.ObjectPrx>(arr); MyClassProxyListHelper.write(outS, l); byte[] data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var l2 = MyClassProxyListHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { var arr = new MyInterfacePrx[2]; arr[0] = MyInterfacePrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("zero")); arr[1] = MyInterfacePrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("one")); outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); var l = new List <MyInterfacePrx>(arr); MyInterfaceProxyListHelper.write(outS, l); byte[] data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var l2 = MyInterfaceProxyListHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { short[] arr = { 0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22 }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); var l = new LinkedList <short>(arr); ShortLinkedListHelper.write(outS, l); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var l2 = ShortLinkedListHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { int[] arr = { 0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22 }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); LinkedList <int> l = new LinkedList <int>(arr); Test.IntLinkedListHelper.write(outS, l); byte[] data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); LinkedList <int> l2 = Test.IntLinkedListHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { MyEnum[] arr = { MyEnum.enum3, MyEnum.enum2, MyEnum.enum1, MyEnum.enum2 }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); LinkedList <Test.MyEnum> l = new LinkedList <Test.MyEnum>(arr); Test.MyEnumLinkedListHelper.write(outS, l); byte[] data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); LinkedList <Test.MyEnum> l2 = Test.MyEnumLinkedListHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); var l = new LinkedList <Test.SmallStruct>(smallStructArray); SmallStructLinkedListHelper.write(outS, l); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var l2 = SmallStructLinkedListHelper.read(inS); test(l2.Count == l.Count); var e = l.GetEnumerator(); var e2 = l2.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext() && e2.MoveNext()) { test(e.Current.Equals(e2.Current)); } } { long[] arr = { 0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22 }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); var l = new Stack <long>(arr); LongStackHelper.write(outS, l); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var l2 = LongStackHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { float[] arr = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); var l = new Stack <float>(arr); FloatStackHelper.write(outS, l); byte[] data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var l2 = FloatStackHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); var l = new Stack <SmallStruct>(smallStructArray); SmallStructStackHelper.write(outS, l); byte[] data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var l2 = SmallStructStackHelper.read(inS); test(l2.Count == l.Count); var e = l.GetEnumerator(); var e2 = l2.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext() && e2.MoveNext()) { test(e.Current.Equals(e2.Current)); } } { var arr = new Ice.ObjectPrx[2]; arr[0] = communicator.stringToProxy("zero"); arr[1] = communicator.stringToProxy("one"); outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); var l = new Stack <Ice.ObjectPrx>(arr); MyClassProxyStackHelper.write(outS, l); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var l2 = MyClassProxyStackHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { var arr = new MyInterfacePrx[2]; arr[0] = MyInterfacePrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("zero")); arr[1] = MyInterfacePrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("one")); outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); var l = new Stack <MyInterfacePrx>(arr); MyInterfaceProxyStackHelper.write(outS, l); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var l2 = MyInterfaceProxyStackHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { double[] arr = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); var l = new Queue <double>(arr); DoubleQueueHelper.write(outS, l); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var l2 = DoubleQueueHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { string[] arr = { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); var l = new Queue <string>(arr); StringQueueHelper.write(outS, l); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var l2 = StringQueueHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); var l = new Queue <SmallStruct>(smallStructArray); SmallStructQueueHelper.write(outS, l); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var l2 = SmallStructQueueHelper.read(inS); test(l2.Count == l.Count); var e = l.GetEnumerator(); var e2 = l2.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext() && e2.MoveNext()) { test(e.Current.Equals(e2.Current)); } } { string[] arr = { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; string[][] arrS = { arr, new string[0], arr }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); var l = new List <string[]>(arrS); StringSListHelper.write(outS, l); byte[] data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var l2 = StringSListHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { string[] arr = { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; string[][] arrS = { arr, new string[0], arr }; outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); var l = new Stack <string[]>(arrS); StringSStackHelper.write(outS, l); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var l2 = StringSStackHelper.read(inS); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { var dict = new SortedDictionary <string, string>(); dict.Add("key1", "value1"); dict.Add("key2", "value2"); outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); SortedStringStringDHelper.write(outS, dict); var data = outS.finished(); inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); var dict2 = SortedStringStringDHelper.read(inS); test(Ice.CollectionComparer.Equals(dict2, dict)); } WriteLine("ok"); return(0); }
ice_invoke(byte[] inParams, out byte[] outParams, Ice.Current current) { Ice.Communicator communicator = current.adapter.getCommunicator(); Ice.InputStream inS = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, inParams); inS.startEncapsulation(); Ice.OutputStream outS = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); outS.startEncapsulation(); if (current.operation.Equals("opOneway")) { outParams = new byte[0]; return(true); } else if (current.operation.Equals("opString")) { string s = inS.readString(); outS.writeString(s); outS.writeString(s); outS.endEncapsulation(); outParams = outS.finished(); return(true); } else if (current.operation.Equals("opException")) { if (current.ctx.ContainsKey("raise")) { throw new Test.MyException(); } Test.MyException ex = new Test.MyException(); outS.writeException(ex); outS.endEncapsulation(); outParams = outS.finished(); return(false); } else if (current.operation.Equals("shutdown")) { communicator.shutdown(); outParams = null; return(true); } else if (current.operation.Equals("ice_isA")) { string s = inS.readString(); if (s.Equals("::Test::MyClass")) { outS.writeBool(true); } else { outS.writeBool(false); } outS.endEncapsulation(); outParams = outS.finished(); return(true); } else { Ice.OperationNotExistException ex = new Ice.OperationNotExistException(); ex.id = current.id; ex.facet = current.facet; ex.operation = current.operation; throw ex; } }
public override void streamWriteImpl(Ice.OutputStream s) { s.writeShort(_endpoint.type()); _endpoint.streamWrite(s); }
protected override void writeImpl__(OutputStream os__) { os__.startSlice(ice_id(), -1, true); os__.endSlice(); }
protected virtual void writeImpl__(OutputStream os__) { }
public virtual void write__(OutputStream os__) { os__.startValue(null); writeImpl__(os__); os__.endValue(); }
FillInValue(Ice.OutputStream os, Ice.OutputStream.Position pos, int value) => os.RewriteInt(value, pos);
// // Marshal the endpoint // public override void StreamWrite(Ice.OutputStream s) { s.StartEndpointEncapsulation(_rawEncoding); s.WriteSpan(_rawBytes.AsSpan()); s.EndEndpointEncapsulation(); }
private async ValueTask InvokeAllAsync(Ice.OutputStream os, int requestId) { // The object adapter DirectCount was incremented by the caller and we are responsible to decrement it // upon completion. Ice.Instrumentation.IDispatchObserver?dispatchObserver = null; try { if (_traceLevels.Protocol >= 1) { FillInValue(os, new Ice.OutputStream.Position(0, 10), os.Size); if (requestId > 0) { FillInValue(os, new Ice.OutputStream.Position(0, Ice1Definitions.HeaderSize), requestId); } TraceUtil.TraceSend(os, _logger, _traceLevels); } // TODO Avoid copy OutputStream buffer var requestFrame = new Ice.InputStream(os.Communicator, os.Encoding, os.ToArray()); requestFrame.Pos = Ice1Definitions.RequestHeader.Length; int start = requestFrame.Pos; var current = new Ice.Current(requestId, requestFrame, _adapter); // Then notify and set dispatch observer, if any. Ice.Instrumentation.ICommunicatorObserver?communicatorObserver = _adapter.Communicator.Observer; if (communicatorObserver != null) { int encapsSize = requestFrame.GetEncapsulationSize(); dispatchObserver = communicatorObserver.GetDispatchObserver(current, requestFrame.Pos - start + encapsSize); dispatchObserver?.Attach(); } bool amd = true; try { Ice.IObject?servant = current.Adapter.Find(current.Id, current.Facet); if (servant == null) { amd = false; throw new Ice.ObjectNotExistException(current.Id, current.Facet, current.Operation); } ValueTask <Ice.OutputStream> vt = servant.DispatchAsync(requestFrame, current); amd = !vt.IsCompleted; if (requestId != 0) { Ice.OutputStream responseFrame = await vt.ConfigureAwait(false); dispatchObserver?.Reply(responseFrame.Size - Ice1Definitions.HeaderSize - 4); SendResponse(requestId, responseFrame, amd); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { if (requestId != 0) { Ice.RemoteException actualEx; if (ex is Ice.RemoteException remoteEx && !remoteEx.ConvertToUnhandled) { actualEx = remoteEx; } else { actualEx = new UnhandledException(current.Id, current.Facet, current.Operation, ex); } Incoming.ReportException(actualEx, dispatchObserver, current); var responseFrame = new Ice.OutgoingResponseFrame(current, actualEx); dispatchObserver?.Reply(responseFrame.Size - Ice1Definitions.HeaderSize - 4); SendResponse(requestId, responseFrame, amd); } } }
public override void StreamWriteImpl(Ice.OutputStream s) { s.WriteShort((short)_endpoint.Type()); _endpoint.StreamWriteImpl(s); }
public abstract void StreamWriteImpl(Ice.OutputStream s);
public override void write(Ice.OutputStream outS) { obj.iceWrite(outS); called = true; }
///<summary>Creates a response frame that represents "failure" and contains an exception. The returned frame is /// complete and no additional data can be included in its payload.</summary> /// <param name="exception">The exception to marshal into the frame.</param> /// <param name="current">The current parameter holds decoded header data and other information about the /// request currently dispatched.</param> /// <returns>An <see cref="Ice.OutputStream"/> that holds the new frame.</returns> public static Ice.OutputStream CreateFailureResponseFrame(System.Exception exception, Ice.Current current) { var ostr = new Ice.OutputStream(current.Adapter.Communicator, Ice.Util.CurrentProtocolEncoding); ostr.WriteBlob(Protocol.replyHdr); ostr.WriteInt(current.RequestId); try { throw exception; } catch (Ice.RequestFailedException ex) { if (ex.Id.Name == null || ex.Id.Name.Length == 0) { ex.Id = current.Id; } if (ex.Facet == null || ex.Facet.Length == 0) { ex.Facet = current.Facet; } if (ex.Operation == null || ex.Operation.Length == 0) { ex.Operation = current.Operation; } if (ex is Ice.ObjectNotExistException) { ostr.WriteByte(ReplyStatus.replyObjectNotExist); } else if (ex is Ice.FacetNotExistException) { ostr.WriteByte(ReplyStatus.replyFacetNotExist); } else if (ex is Ice.OperationNotExistException) { ostr.WriteByte(ReplyStatus.replyOperationNotExist); } else { Debug.Assert(false); } ex.Id.IceWrite(ostr); // For compatibility with the old FacetPath. if (ex.Facet == null || ex.Facet.Length == 0) { ostr.WriteStringSeq(Array.Empty <string>()); } else { string[] facetPath2 = { ex.Facet }; ostr.WriteStringSeq(facetPath2); } ostr.WriteString(ex.Operation); } catch (Ice.UnknownLocalException ex) { ostr.WriteByte(ReplyStatus.replyUnknownLocalException); ostr.WriteString(ex.Unknown); } catch (Ice.UnknownUserException ex) { ostr.WriteByte(ReplyStatus.replyUnknownUserException); ostr.WriteString(ex.Unknown); } catch (Ice.UnknownException ex) { ostr.WriteByte(ReplyStatus.replyUnknownException); ostr.WriteString(ex.Unknown); } catch (Ice.UserException ex) { ostr.WriteByte(ReplyStatus.replyUserException); // Exceptions are always marshaled in the sliced format: ostr.StartEncapsulation(current.Encoding, FormatType.SlicedFormat); ostr.WriteException(ex); ostr.EndEncapsulation(); } catch (Ice.Exception ex) { ostr.WriteByte(ReplyStatus.replyUnknownLocalException); ostr.WriteString(ex.ice_id() + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); } catch (System.Exception ex) { ostr.WriteByte(ReplyStatus.replyUnknownException); ostr.WriteString(ex.ToString()); } return(ostr); }
static public int run(Ice.Communicator communicator) #endif { MyClassFactoryWrapper factoryWrapper = new MyClassFactoryWrapper(); communicator.getValueFactoryManager().add(factoryWrapper.create, Test.MyClass.ice_staticId()); communicator.getValueFactoryManager().add(MyInterfaceFactory, Test.MyInterfaceDisp_.ice_staticId()); Ice.InputStream @in; Ice.OutputStream @out; Write("testing primitive types... "); Flush(); { byte[] data = new byte[0]; @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); @out.startEncapsulation(); @out.writeBool(true); @out.endEncapsulation(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); @in.startEncapsulation(); test(@in.readBool()); @in.endEncapsulation(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); @in.startEncapsulation(); test(@in.readBool()); @in.endEncapsulation(); } { byte[] data = new byte[0]; @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); try { @in.readBool(); test(false); } catch (Ice.UnmarshalOutOfBoundsException) { } } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); @out.writeBool(true); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); test(@in.readBool()); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); @out.writeByte((byte)1); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); test(@in.readByte() == (byte)1); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); @out.writeShort((short)2); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); test(@in.readShort() == (short)2); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); @out.writeInt(3); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); test(@in.readInt() == 3); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); @out.writeLong(4); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); test(@in.readLong() == 4); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); @out.writeFloat((float)5.0); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); test(@in.readFloat() == (float)5.0); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); @out.writeDouble(6.0); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); test(@in.readDouble() == 6.0); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); @out.writeString("hello world"); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); test(@in.readString().Equals("hello world")); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("testing constructed types... "); Flush(); { int max = 2; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); @out.writeEnum((int)Test.MyEnum.enum3, max); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.MyEnum e = (Test.MyEnum)@in.readEnum(max); test(e == Test.MyEnum.enum3); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.SmallStruct s = new Test.SmallStruct(); s.bo = true; s.by = (byte)1; s.sh = (short)2; s.i = 3; s.l = 4; s.f = (float)5.0; s.d = 6.0; s.str = "7"; s.e = Test.MyEnum.enum2; s.p = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("test:default")); s.write__(@out); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.SmallStruct s2 = new Test.SmallStruct(); s2.read__(@in); test(s2.Equals(s)); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); OptionalClass o = new OptionalClass(); o.bo = true; o.by = (byte)5; o.sh = 4; o.i = 3; @out.writeObject(o); @out.writePendingObjects(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); TestReadObjectCallback cb = new TestReadObjectCallback(); @in.readObject(cb.invoke); @in.readPendingObjects(); OptionalClass o2 = (OptionalClass)cb.obj; test(o2.bo == o.bo); test(o2.by == o.by); if (communicator.getProperties().getProperty("Ice.Default.EncodingVersion").Equals("1.0")) { test(!o2.sh.HasValue); test(!o2.i.HasValue); } else { test(o2.sh.Value == o.sh.Value); test(o2.i.Value == o.i.Value); } } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator, Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0); OptionalClass o = new OptionalClass(); o.bo = true; o.by = 5; o.sh = 4; o.i = 3; @out.writeObject(o); @out.writePendingObjects(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0, data); TestReadObjectCallback cb = new TestReadObjectCallback(); @in.readObject(cb.invoke); @in.readPendingObjects(); OptionalClass o2 = (OptionalClass)cb.obj; test(o2.bo == o.bo); test(o2.by == o.by); test(!o2.sh.HasValue); test(!o2.i.HasValue); } { bool[] arr = { true, false, true, false }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Ice.BoolSeqHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); bool[] arr2 = Ice.BoolSeqHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(arr2, arr)); bool[][] arrS = { arr, new bool[0], arr }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.BoolSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); bool[][] arr2S = Test.BoolSSHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } { byte[] arr = { (byte)0x01, (byte)0x11, (byte)0x12, (byte)0x22 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Ice.ByteSeqHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); byte[] arr2 = Ice.ByteSeqHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(arr2, arr)); byte[][] arrS = { arr, new byte[0], arr }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.ByteSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); byte[][] arr2S = Test.ByteSSHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } #if !COMPACT && !SILVERLIGHT { Serialize.Small small = new Serialize.Small(); small.i = 99; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); @out.writeSerializable(small); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Serialize.Small small2 = (Serialize.Small)@in.readSerializable(); test(small2.i == 99); } #endif { short[] arr = { (short)0x01, (short)0x11, (short)0x12, (short)0x22 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Ice.ShortSeqHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); short[] arr2 = Ice.ShortSeqHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(arr2, arr)); short[][] arrS = { arr, new short[0], arr }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.ShortSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); short[][] arr2S = Test.ShortSSHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } { int[] arr = { 0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Ice.IntSeqHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); int[] arr2 = Ice.IntSeqHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(arr2, arr)); int[][] arrS = { arr, new int[0], arr }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.IntSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); int[][] arr2S = Test.IntSSHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } { long[] arr = { 0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Ice.LongSeqHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); long[] arr2 = Ice.LongSeqHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(arr2, arr)); long[][] arrS = { arr, new long[0], arr }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.LongSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); long[][] arr2S = Test.LongSSHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } { float[] arr = { (float)1, (float)2, (float)3, (float)4 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Ice.FloatSeqHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); float[] arr2 = Ice.FloatSeqHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(arr2, arr)); float[][] arrS = { arr, new float[0], arr }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.FloatSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); float[][] arr2S = Test.FloatSSHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } { double[] arr = { (double)1, (double)2, (double)3, (double)4 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Ice.DoubleSeqHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); double[] arr2 = Ice.DoubleSeqHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(arr2, arr)); double[][] arrS = { arr, new double[0], arr }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.DoubleSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); double[][] arr2S = Test.DoubleSSHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } { string[] arr = { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Ice.StringSeqHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); string[] arr2 = Ice.StringSeqHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(arr2, arr)); string[][] arrS = { arr, new string[0], arr }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.StringSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); string[][] arr2S = Test.StringSSHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } { Test.MyEnum[] arr = { Test.MyEnum.enum3, Test.MyEnum.enum2, Test.MyEnum.enum1, Test.MyEnum.enum2 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.MyEnumSHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.MyEnum[] arr2 = Test.MyEnumSHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(arr2, arr)); Test.MyEnum[][] arrS = { arr, new Test.MyEnum[0], arr }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.MyEnumSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.MyEnum[][] arr2S = Test.MyEnumSSHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } Test.SmallStruct[] smallStructArray = new Test.SmallStruct[3]; for (int i = 0; i < smallStructArray.Length; ++i) { smallStructArray[i] = new Test.SmallStruct(); smallStructArray[i].bo = true; smallStructArray[i].by = (byte)1; smallStructArray[i].sh = (short)2; smallStructArray[i].i = 3; smallStructArray[i].l = 4; smallStructArray[i].f = (float)5.0; smallStructArray[i].d = 6.0; smallStructArray[i].str = "7"; smallStructArray[i].e = Test.MyEnum.enum2; smallStructArray[i].p = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("test:default")); } Test.MyClass[] myClassArray = new Test.MyClass[4]; for (int i = 0; i < myClassArray.Length; ++i) { myClassArray[i] = new Test.MyClass(); myClassArray[i].c = myClassArray[i]; myClassArray[i].o = myClassArray[i]; myClassArray[i].s = new Test.SmallStruct(); myClassArray[i].s.e = Test.MyEnum.enum2; myClassArray[i].seq1 = new bool[] { true, false, true, false }; myClassArray[i].seq2 = new byte[] { (byte)1, (byte)2, (byte)3, (byte)4 }; myClassArray[i].seq3 = new short[] { (short)1, (short)2, (short)3, (short)4 }; myClassArray[i].seq4 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; myClassArray[i].seq5 = new long[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; myClassArray[i].seq6 = new float[] { (float)1, (float)2, (float)3, (float)4 }; myClassArray[i].seq7 = new double[] { (double)1, (double)2, (double)3, (double)4 }; myClassArray[i].seq8 = new string[] { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; myClassArray[i].seq9 = new Test.MyEnum[] { Test.MyEnum.enum3, Test.MyEnum.enum2, Test.MyEnum.enum1 }; myClassArray[i].seq10 = new Test.MyClass[4]; // null elements. myClassArray[i].d = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, Test.MyClass>(); myClassArray[i].d["hi"] = myClassArray[i]; } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.MyClassSHelper.write(@out, myClassArray); @out.writePendingObjects(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.MyClass[] arr2 = Test.MyClassSHelper.read(@in); @in.readPendingObjects(); test(arr2.Length == myClassArray.Length); for (int i = 0; i < arr2.Length; ++i) { test(arr2[i] != null); test(arr2[i].c == arr2[i]); test(arr2[i].o == arr2[i]); test(arr2[i].s.e == Test.MyEnum.enum2); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq1, myClassArray[i].seq1)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq2, myClassArray[i].seq2)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq3, myClassArray[i].seq3)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq4, myClassArray[i].seq4)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq5, myClassArray[i].seq5)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq6, myClassArray[i].seq6)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq7, myClassArray[i].seq7)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq8, myClassArray[i].seq8)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq9, myClassArray[i].seq9)); test(arr2[i].d["hi"].Equals(arr2[i])); } Test.MyClass[][] arrS = { myClassArray, new Test.MyClass[0], myClassArray }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.MyClassSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.MyClass[][] arr2S = Test.MyClassSSHelper.read(@in); test(arr2S.Length == arrS.Length); test(arr2S[0].Length == arrS[0].Length); test(arr2S[1].Length == arrS[1].Length); test(arr2S[2].Length == arrS[2].Length); } { Test.MyInterface i = new MyInterfaceI(); @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); @out.writeObject(i); @out.writePendingObjects(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); TestReadObjectCallback cb = new TestReadObjectCallback(); @in.readObject(cb.invoke); @in.readPendingObjects(); test(cb.obj != null); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.MyClass obj = new Test.MyClass(); obj.s = new Test.SmallStruct(); obj.s.e = Test.MyEnum.enum2; TestObjectWriter writer = new TestObjectWriter(obj); @out.writeObject(writer); @out.writePendingObjects(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); test(writer.called); factoryWrapper.setFactory(TestObjectFactory); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); TestReadObjectCallback cb = new TestReadObjectCallback(); @in.readObject(cb.invoke); @in.readPendingObjects(); test(cb.obj != null); test(cb.obj is TestObjectReader); TestObjectReader reader = (TestObjectReader)cb.obj; test(reader.called); test(reader.obj != null); test(reader.obj.s.e == Test.MyEnum.enum2); factoryWrapper.setFactory(null); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.MyException ex = new Test.MyException(); Test.MyClass c = new Test.MyClass(); c.c = c; c.o = c; c.s = new Test.SmallStruct(); c.s.e = Test.MyEnum.enum2; c.seq1 = new bool[] { true, false, true, false }; c.seq2 = new byte[] { (byte)1, (byte)2, (byte)3, (byte)4 }; c.seq3 = new short[] { (short)1, (short)2, (short)3, (short)4 }; c.seq4 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; c.seq5 = new long[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; c.seq6 = new float[] { (float)1, (float)2, (float)3, (float)4 }; c.seq7 = new double[] { (double)1, (double)2, (double)3, (double)4 }; c.seq8 = new string[] { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; c.seq9 = new Test.MyEnum[] { Test.MyEnum.enum3, Test.MyEnum.enum2, Test.MyEnum.enum1 }; c.seq10 = new Test.MyClass[4]; // null elements. c.d = new Dictionary <string, Test.MyClass>(); c.d.Add("hi", c); ex.c = c; @out.writeException(ex); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); try { @in.throwException(); test(false); } catch (Test.MyException ex1) { test(ex1.c.s.e == c.s.e); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq1, c.seq1)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq2, c.seq2)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq3, c.seq3)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq4, c.seq4)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq5, c.seq5)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq6, c.seq6)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq7, c.seq7)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq8, c.seq8)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq9, c.seq9)); } catch (Ice.UserException) { test(false); } } { Dictionary <byte, bool> dict = new Dictionary <byte, bool>(); dict.Add((byte)4, true); dict.Add((byte)1, false); @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.ByteBoolDHelper.write(@out, dict); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Dictionary <byte, bool> dict2 = Test.ByteBoolDHelper.read(@in); test(Ice.CollectionComparer.Equals(dict2, dict)); } { Dictionary <short, int> dict = new Dictionary <short, int>(); dict.Add((short)1, 9); dict.Add((short)4, 8); @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.ShortIntDHelper.write(@out, dict); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Dictionary <short, int> dict2 = Test.ShortIntDHelper.read(@in); test(Ice.CollectionComparer.Equals(dict2, dict)); } { Dictionary <long, float> dict = new Dictionary <long, float>(); dict.Add((long)123809828, (float)0.51f); dict.Add((long)123809829, (float)0.56f); @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.LongFloatDHelper.write(@out, dict); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Dictionary <long, float> dict2 = Test.LongFloatDHelper.read(@in); test(Ice.CollectionComparer.Equals(dict2, dict)); } { Dictionary <string, string> dict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dict.Add("key1", "value1"); dict.Add("key2", "value2"); @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.StringStringDHelper.write(@out, dict); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Dictionary <string, string> dict2 = Test.StringStringDHelper.read(@in); test(Ice.CollectionComparer.Equals(dict2, dict)); } { Dictionary <string, Test.MyClass> dict = new Dictionary <string, Test.MyClass>(); Test.MyClass c; c = new Test.MyClass(); c.s = new Test.SmallStruct(); c.s.e = Test.MyEnum.enum2; dict.Add("key1", c); c = new Test.MyClass(); c.s = new Test.SmallStruct(); c.s.e = Test.MyEnum.enum3; dict.Add("key2", c); @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.StringMyClassDHelper.write(@out, dict); @out.writePendingObjects(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Dictionary <string, Test.MyClass> dict2 = Test.StringMyClassDHelper.read(@in); @in.readPendingObjects(); test(dict2.Count == dict.Count); test(dict2["key1"].s.e == Test.MyEnum.enum2); test(dict2["key2"].s.e == Test.MyEnum.enum3); } { bool[] arr = { true, false, true, false }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); List <bool> l = new List <bool>(arr); Test.BoolListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); List <bool> l2 = Test.BoolListHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(l, l2)); } { byte[] arr = { (byte)0x01, (byte)0x11, (byte)0x12, (byte)0x22 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); List <byte> l = new List <byte>(arr); Test.ByteListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); List <byte> l2 = Test.ByteListHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { Test.MyEnum[] arr = { Test.MyEnum.enum3, Test.MyEnum.enum2, Test.MyEnum.enum1, Test.MyEnum.enum2 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); List <Test.MyEnum> l = new List <Test.MyEnum>(arr); Test.MyEnumListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); List <Test.MyEnum> l2 = Test.MyEnumListHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); List <Test.SmallStruct> l = new List <Test.SmallStruct>(smallStructArray); Test.SmallStructListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); List <Test.SmallStruct> l2 = Test.SmallStructListHelper.read(@in); test(l2.Count == l.Count); for (int i = 0; i < l2.Count; ++i) { test(l2[i].Equals(smallStructArray[i])); } } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); List <Test.MyClass> l = new List <Test.MyClass>(myClassArray); Test.MyClassListHelper.write(@out, l); @out.writePendingObjects(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); List <Test.MyClass> l2 = Test.MyClassListHelper.read(@in); @in.readPendingObjects(); test(l2.Count == l.Count); for (int i = 0; i < l2.Count; ++i) { test(l2[i] != null); test(l2[i].c == l2[i]); test(l2[i].o == l2[i]); test(l2[i].s.e == Test.MyEnum.enum2); test(Compare(l2[i].seq1, l[i].seq1)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq2, l[i].seq2)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq3, l[i].seq3)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq4, l[i].seq4)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq5, l[i].seq5)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq6, l[i].seq6)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq7, l[i].seq7)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq8, l[i].seq8)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq9, l[i].seq9)); test(l2[i].d["hi"].Equals(l2[i])); } } { Test.MyClassPrx[] arr = new Test.MyClassPrx[2]; arr[0] = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("zero")); arr[1] = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("one")); @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); List <Test.MyClassPrx> l = new List <Test.MyClassPrx>(arr); Test.MyClassProxyListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); List <Test.MyClassPrx> l2 = Test.MyClassProxyListHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { short[] arr = { (short)0x01, (short)0x11, (short)0x12, (short)0x22 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); LinkedList <short> l = new LinkedList <short>(arr); Test.ShortLinkedListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); LinkedList <short> l2 = Test.ShortLinkedListHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { int[] arr = { 0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); LinkedList <int> l = new LinkedList <int>(arr); Test.IntLinkedListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); LinkedList <int> l2 = Test.IntLinkedListHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { Test.MyEnum[] arr = { Test.MyEnum.enum3, Test.MyEnum.enum2, Test.MyEnum.enum1, Test.MyEnum.enum2 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); LinkedList <Test.MyEnum> l = new LinkedList <Test.MyEnum>(arr); Test.MyEnumLinkedListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); LinkedList <Test.MyEnum> l2 = Test.MyEnumLinkedListHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); LinkedList <Test.SmallStruct> l = new LinkedList <Test.SmallStruct>(smallStructArray); Test.SmallStructLinkedListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); LinkedList <Test.SmallStruct> l2 = Test.SmallStructLinkedListHelper.read(@in); test(l2.Count == l.Count); IEnumerator <Test.SmallStruct> e = l.GetEnumerator(); IEnumerator <Test.SmallStruct> e2 = l2.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext() && e2.MoveNext()) { test(e.Current.Equals(e2.Current)); } } { long[] arr = { 0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Stack <long> l = new Stack <long>(arr); Test.LongStackHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Stack <long> l2 = Test.LongStackHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { float[] arr = { (float)1, (float)2, (float)3, (float)4 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Stack <float> l = new Stack <float>(arr); Test.FloatStackHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Stack <float> l2 = Test.FloatStackHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Stack <Test.SmallStruct> l = new Stack <Test.SmallStruct>(smallStructArray); Test.SmallStructStackHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Stack <Test.SmallStruct> l2 = Test.SmallStructStackHelper.read(@in); test(l2.Count == l.Count); IEnumerator <Test.SmallStruct> e = l.GetEnumerator(); IEnumerator <Test.SmallStruct> e2 = l2.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext() && e2.MoveNext()) { test(e.Current.Equals(e2.Current)); } } { Test.MyClassPrx[] arr = new Test.MyClassPrx[2]; arr[0] = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("zero")); arr[1] = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("one")); @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Stack <Test.MyClassPrx> l = new Stack <Test.MyClassPrx>(arr); Test.MyClassProxyStackHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Stack <Test.MyClassPrx> l2 = Test.MyClassProxyStackHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { double[] arr = { (double)1, (double)2, (double)3, (double)4 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Queue <double> l = new Queue <double>(arr); Test.DoubleQueueHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Queue <double> l2 = Test.DoubleQueueHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { string[] arr = { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Queue <string> l = new Queue <string>(arr); Test.StringQueueHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Queue <string> l2 = Test.StringQueueHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Queue <Test.SmallStruct> l = new Queue <Test.SmallStruct>(smallStructArray); Test.SmallStructQueueHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Queue <Test.SmallStruct> l2 = Test.SmallStructQueueHelper.read(@in); test(l2.Count == l.Count); IEnumerator <Test.SmallStruct> e = l.GetEnumerator(); IEnumerator <Test.SmallStruct> e2 = l2.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext() && e2.MoveNext()) { test(e.Current.Equals(e2.Current)); } } { bool[] arr = { true, false, true, false }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.BoolCollection l = new Test.BoolCollection(arr); Test.BoolCollectionHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.BoolCollection l2 = Test.BoolCollectionHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(l, l2)); } { int[] arr = { 0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.IntCollection l = new Test.IntCollection(arr); Test.IntCollectionHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.IntCollection l2 = Test.IntCollectionHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { string[] arr = { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.StringCollection l = new Test.StringCollection(arr); Test.StringCollectionHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.StringCollection l2 = Test.StringCollectionHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { Test.MyEnum[] arr = { Test.MyEnum.enum3, Test.MyEnum.enum2, Test.MyEnum.enum1, Test.MyEnum.enum2 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.MyEnumCollection l = new Test.MyEnumCollection(arr); Test.MyEnumCollectionHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.MyEnumCollection l2 = Test.MyEnumCollectionHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.SmallStructCollection l = new Test.SmallStructCollection(smallStructArray); Test.SmallStructCollectionHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.SmallStructCollection l2 = Test.SmallStructCollectionHelper.read(@in); test(l2.Count == l.Count); IEnumerator <Test.SmallStruct> e = l.GetEnumerator(); IEnumerator <Test.SmallStruct> e2 = l2.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext() && e2.MoveNext()) { test(e.Current.Equals(e2.Current)); } } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.MyClassCollection l = new Test.MyClassCollection(myClassArray); Test.MyClassCollectionHelper.write(@out, l); @out.writePendingObjects(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.MyClassCollection l2 = Test.MyClassCollectionHelper.read(@in); @in.readPendingObjects(); test(l2.Count == l.Count); for (int i = 0; i < l2.Count; ++i) { test(l2[i] != null); test(l2[i].c == l2[i]); test(l2[i].o == l2[i]); test(l2[i].s.e == Test.MyEnum.enum2); test(Compare(l2[i].seq1, l[i].seq1)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq2, l[i].seq2)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq3, l[i].seq3)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq4, l[i].seq4)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq5, l[i].seq5)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq6, l[i].seq6)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq7, l[i].seq7)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq8, l[i].seq8)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq9, l[i].seq9)); test(l2[i].d["hi"].Equals(l2[i])); } } { string[] arr = { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; string[][] arrS = { arr, new string[0], arr }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); List <string[]> l = new List <string[]>(arrS); Test.StringSListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); List <string[]> l2 = Test.StringSListHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(l2, l)); } { string[] arr = { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; string[][] arrS = { arr, new string[0], arr }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Stack <string[]> l = new Stack <string[]>(arrS); Test.StringSStackHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Stack <string[]> l2 = Test.StringSStackHelper.read(@in); test(Compare(l2, l)); } #if !SILVERLIGHT { #if COMPACT SortedList <string, string> dict = new SortedList <string, string>(); #else SortedDictionary <string, string> dict = new SortedDictionary <string, string>(); #endif dict.Add("key1", "value1"); dict.Add("key2", "value2"); @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.SortedStringStringDHelper.write(@out, dict); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); IDictionary <string, string> dict2 = Test.SortedStringStringDHelper.read(@in); test(Ice.CollectionComparer.Equals(dict2, dict)); } { Test.StringIntDCollection dict = new Test.StringIntDCollection(); dict.Add("key1", 1); dict.Add("key2", 2); @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.StringIntDCollectionHelper.write(@out, dict); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.StringIntDCollection dict2 = Test.StringIntDCollectionHelper.read(@in); test(Ice.CollectionComparer.Equals(dict2, dict)); } #endif WriteLine("ok"); #if !SILVERLIGHT return(0); #endif }
public override void StreamWriteImpl(Ice.OutputStream s) => Debug.Assert(false);
public override void write(Ice.OutputStream @out) { obj.write__(@out); called = true; }
protected override void iceWriteImpl(OutputStream ostr) { ostr.startSlice(ice_id(), -1, true); ostr.endSlice(); }
protected abstract void writeImpl__(OutputStream os__);