Пример #1
        private bool ChangeRecursiveSubRoutine(ref Dictionary<string, CMSObject> dictBaseLineInfo, string GUID, string NewAuthor, string Role, string Resolution = "")
            //Dim requestmetadata As StringBuilder = BuildRequestedMetadata()
            string RequestedXMLObject = "";
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            XmlDocument docorig = new XmlDocument();

            //Version is determined by the baseline.
            string version = null;
            CMSObject objCMSObject = new CMSObject("", "", "");
            dictBaseLineInfo.TryGetValue(GUID, out objCMSObject);
            if (objCMSObject.Version.Length > 0) {
                version = objCMSObject.Version;
            } else {
                //failed to find object in the baseline
                modErrorHandler.Errors.PrintMessage(2, "Failed to find object in baseline. Info: " + GUID + ".", strModuleName + "-ChangeRecursiveSubRoutine");
                return false;
            try {
                oISHAPIObjs.ISHDocObj.GetMetaData(GUID, ref version, "en", Resolution, oCommonFuncs.BuildRequestedMetadata().ToString(), ref RequestedXMLObject);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                //failed to get object
                modErrorHandler.Errors.PrintMessage(2, "Failed to get object in DB. Info: " + GUID + "=" + version + ". Message: " + ex.Message.ToString(), strModuleName + "-ChangeRecursiveSubRoutine");
                return false;

            //Load the XML and get the metadata:

            //keep the original for matching later.
            string IshType = oCommonFuncs.GetISHTypeFromMeta(doc);

            //Get the children and recurse if applicable (by type).
            switch (IshType) {
                case "ISHMasterDoc":
                case "ISHModule":
                    //if a map or topic, get children
                    //Dim CurMeta As Object = IshReports.GetReportedObjects(doc)
                    Hashtable children = new Hashtable();
                    GetReferencedModules(GUID, children, version, "en");
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry childmodule in children) {
                        if (!(childmodule.Value.GUID == GUID) & !m_recursion_hash.Contains(childmodule.Value.GUID)) {
                            //Track the GUID we're diving into so that we don't accidently try to process it again later (endless looping).
                            m_recursion_hash.Add(childmodule.Value.GUID, childmodule.Value.GUID);
                            ChangeRecursiveSubRoutine(ref dictBaseLineInfo, childmodule.Value.GUID, NewAuthor, Role, childmodule.Value.Resolution);

                //Returned something that we don't need to parse for children...
                //Return False

            //change owner by GUID Stuff
            XmlNode ishfields = doc.SelectSingleNode("//ishfields");
            XmlNode ishfieldsorig = docorig.SelectSingleNode("//ishfields");
            XmlNode funame = ishfields.SelectSingleNode("ishfield[@name='" + Role + "']");
            //If there's no currently assigned name to the role specified, we need to insert it.
            if (funame == null) {
                XmlDocument funamedoc = new XmlDocument();
                funamedoc.LoadXml("<funame><ishfield name='" + Role + "' level='lng'>" + NewAuthor + "</ishfield></funame>");
                funame = funamedoc.FirstChild;
                ishfields.AppendChild(doc.ImportNode(funame.FirstChild, true));
                funame = ishfields.LastChild;
            funame.InnerText = NewAuthor;
            XmlNode ishver = ishfields.SelectSingleNode("ishfield[@name='VERSION']");
            //change the owner of the GUID at the specified ver
            switch (IshType) {
                case "ISHMasterDoc":
                case "ISHModule":
                    //if a map or topic, update the guid with simple command
                    try {
                        oISHAPIObjs.ISHDocObj.SetMetaData(GUID, ref version, "en", "", ishfields.OuterXml.ToString(), RequestedXMLObject);
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        modErrorHandler.Errors.PrintMessage(2, "Unable to change assignee on object " + GUID + "=" + version + ". Message: " + ex.Message.ToString(), strModuleName + "-ChangeRecursiveSubRoutine");
                        return false;
                case "ISHIllustration":
                    if (!(Role == "FEDITOR") & !(Role == "FCODEREVIEWER")) {
                        //If illustration, need to update all possible resolutions.
                        //For Images, we need to replace ALL instances which means we need to trick it into thinking that we've returned the matching resolution for each type.

                        //Start by making the original res match the High resolution.
                        XmlNode res = doc.SelectSingleNode("//ishfields/ishfield[@name='FRESOLUTION']");
                        XmlNode resOrig = docorig.SelectSingleNode("//ishfields/ishfield[@name='FRESOLUTION']");
                        res.InnerText = "High";
                        resOrig.InnerText = "High";

                        try {
                            oISHAPIObjs.ISHDocObj.SetMetaData(GUID, ref version, "en", "High", ishfields.OuterXml.ToString(), ishfieldsorig.OuterXml.ToString());

                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                        res.InnerText = "Low";
                        resOrig.InnerText = "Low";
                        try {
                            oISHAPIObjs.ISHDocObj.SetMetaData(GUID, ref version, "en", "Low", ishfields.OuterXml.ToString(), ishfieldsorig.OuterXml.ToString());

                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                        res.InnerText = "Thumbnail";
                        resOrig.InnerText = "Thumbnail";
                        try {
                            oISHAPIObjs.ISHDocObj.SetMetaData(GUID, ref version, "en", "Thumbnail", ishfields.OuterXml.ToString(), ishfieldsorig.OuterXml.ToString());

                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                        res.InnerText = "Source";
                        resOrig.InnerText = "Source";
                        try {
                            oISHAPIObjs.ISHDocObj.SetMetaData(GUID, ref version, "en", "Source", ishfields.OuterXml.ToString(), ishfieldsorig.OuterXml.ToString());

                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                //Something else altogether... Not sure what to do here.
            //Track the GUID we're diving into so that we don't accidently try to process it again later (endless looping).
            if (!m_recursion_hash.Contains(GUID)) {
                m_recursion_hash.Add(GUID, GUID);
            return true;
Пример #2
        public Dictionary<string, CMSObject> GetBaselineObjects(string GUID, string Version, string Language = "en")
            //Get the pub's baseline ID from the pub object
            string outObjectList = "";
            string[] GUIDs = new string[1];
            GUIDs[0] = GUID;
            string[] Languages = new string[1];
            Languages[0] = Language;
            string[] Resolutions = null;
            //[UPGRADE to 2013SP1] Changed the result to return the result instead of just some arbitrary response.
            Resolutions = oISHAPIObjs.ISHMetaObj.GetLOVValues("DRESOLUTION");

            //Get the existing publication content at the specified version.
            outObjectList = oISHAPIObjs.ISHPubOutObj25.RetrieveVersionMetadata(GUIDs, Version, oCommonFuncs.BuildMinPubMetadata().ToString());

            XmlDocument VerDoc = new XmlDocument();
            if (VerDoc == null | VerDoc.HasChildNodes == false) {
                modErrorHandler.Errors.PrintMessage(3, "Unable to find publication for specified GUID: " + GUID, strModuleName + "-GetBaselineObjects");
                return null;
            //Get the Baseline ID from the publication:
            string baselineID = "";
            string baselinename = null;
            XmlNode ishfields = VerDoc.SelectSingleNode("//ishfields");
            baselinename = ishfields.SelectSingleNode("ishfield[@name='FISHBASELINE']").InnerText;
            //Pull the baseline info
            string myBaseline = "";
            //[UPGRADE to 2013SP1] Changed the result to return the result instead of just some arbitrary response.
            baselineID = oISHAPIObjs.ISHBaselineObj.GetBaselineId(baselinename);
            //[UPGRADE to 2013SP1] Changed the result to return the result instead of just some arbitrary response.
            outObjectList = oISHAPIObjs.ISHBaselineObj.GetReport(baselineID, null, Languages, Languages, Languages, Resolutions);
            //Load the resulting baseline string as an xml document
            XmlDocument baselineDoc = new XmlDocument();
            Dictionary<string, CMSObject> dictBaselineObjects = new Dictionary<string, CMSObject>();
            //for each object referenced, store the various info in an object and then store them in the hashtable. GUIDs are the keys.
            foreach (XmlNode baselineObject in baselineDoc.SelectNodes("/baseline/objects/object")) {
                //create a new CMSObject storage container
                string refGuid = baselineObject.Attributes.GetNamedItem("ref").Value;
                string ishtype = baselineObject.Attributes.GetNamedItem("type").Value;
                if (ishtype == "ISHNone") {
                string refver = baselineObject.Attributes.GetNamedItem("versionnumber").Value;
                string reportitems = baselineObject.SelectSingleNode("reportitems").OuterXml.ToString();
                CMSObject CMSObject = new CMSObject(refGuid, refver, ishtype, reportitems);
                //save the object to the hash using the GUID as the key.
                dictBaselineObjects.Add(refGuid, CMSObject);
            return dictBaselineObjects;