private void Init() { if (ImbBus != null && ImbBus.Imb != null) { videoImbChannelOut = ImbBus.Imb.Publish(ChannelName()); videoImbChannelIn = ImbBus.Imb.Subscribe(ChannelName()); videoImbChannelIn.OnNormalEvent += videoImbChannelIn_OnNormalEvent; ImbBus.ClientAdded += ImbBus_ClientAdded; ImbBus.ClientRemoved += ImbBus_ClientRemoved; ImbBus.IncomingEventObject += ImbBus_IncomingEventObject; } }
void videoImbChannelIn_OnNormalEvent(TEventEntry aEvent, IMB3.ByteBuffers.TByteBuffer aPayload) { var cmdLine = aPayload.ReadString(); var cmdParams = cmdLine.Split(new char[] {'|'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (cmdParams.Length < 1) return; switch (cmdParams[0]) { case "DisplayVideoCmd": var cmd = new DisplayVideoCmd(ref cmdParams); if (DisplayVideoEvent != null) DisplayVideoEvent(new DisplayVideoCmdEventArgs(cmd)); break; } }
internal void CopyHandlersFrom(TEventEntry aEventEntry) { OnChangeObject = aEventEntry.OnChangeObject; OnFocus = aEventEntry.OnFocus; OnNormalEvent = aEventEntry.OnNormalEvent; OnBuffer = aEventEntry.OnBuffer; OnStreamCreate = aEventEntry.OnStreamCreate; OnStreamEnd = aEventEntry.OnStreamEnd; OnChangeFederation = aEventEntry.OnChangeFederation; OnTimerTick = aEventEntry.OnTimerTick; OnTimerCmd = aEventEntry.OnTimerCmd; OnChangeObjectData = aEventEntry.OnChangeObjectData; OnOtherEvent = aEventEntry.OnOtherEvent; OnSubAndPub = aEventEntry.OnSubAndPub; }
public void ImbSubscribe() { ImbUnsubscribe(); if (UsDomainPlugin.Connection.Connected) { if (UsDomainPlugin == null || UsDomainPlugin.CurrentSession == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(UsDomainPlugin.CurrentSession.eventName)) { Debug.WriteLine("Cannot determine current session from USDomain plugin"); return; } _effectsEvent = UsDomainPlugin.Connection.Subscribe(UsDomainPlugin.CurrentSession.eventName + ".Effects", false); _effectsEvent.OnNormalEvent += Effects_OnNormalEvent; Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Subscribed to IMB event {0}: {1}", UsDomainPlugin.CurrentSession.eventName + ".Effects", _effectsEvent.ID)); } else { Debug.WriteLine("USDomain plugin is not connected to IMB"); } }
public void ImbUnsubscribe() { if (_effectsEvent != null) { _effectsEvent.OnNormalEvent -= Effects_OnNormalEvent; } _effectsEvent = null; }
public void Follow2D(long id) { var old = AppState.Imb.FindClient(Following); if (old != null) { old.IsFollowing = false; AppState.Imb.SendCommand(Following, FollowMapOffCommand); AppState.TriggerNotification("You stopped following the map of " + old.Name, pathData:MenuHelpers.MapIcon); } Following = id; if (AppState.Imb != null && AppState.Imb.IsConnected) { if (followMap != null) { followMap.ClearAllStreams(); followMap.OnNormalEvent -= followMap_OnNormalEvent; AppState.Imb.Imb.UnSubscribe(followMap.EventName); } if (id != 0) { var c = AppState.Imb.FindClient(id); if (c == null) return; c.IsFollowing = true; followMap = AppState.Imb.Imb.Subscribe(id + ".mapextent"); followMap.OnNormalEvent += followMap_OnNormalEvent; AppState.Imb.SendCommand(id, FollowMapOnCommand); AppState.TriggerNotification("You are now following the map of " + c.Name, pathData: MenuHelpers.MapIcon); } } }
public void Init(GroupLayer gl, MapPoint start, MapPoint finish, ResourceDictionary rd) { remoteClient.ComputeFieldOfViewAsImageCompleted += ClientOnComputeFieldOfViewCompleted; localClient .ComputeFieldOfViewAsImageCompleted += ClientOnComputeFieldOfViewCompleted; StartPoint = new csPoint { Mp = start }; FinishPoint = new csPoint { Mp = finish }; MLayer = new GraphicsLayer { ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }; ImageLayer = new ElementLayer(); Image = new System.Windows.Controls.Image { HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch, Stretch = Stretch.Fill, StretchDirection = StretchDirection.Both }; ElementLayer.SetEnvelope(Image, AppState.ViewDef.MapControl.Extent); ImageLayer.Children.Add(Image); Start = new Graphic(); Finish = new Graphic(); Line = new Graphic(); var ls = new LineSymbol { Color = Brushes.Black, Width = 4 }; Line.Symbol = ls; UpdateLine(); MLayer.Graphics.Add(Line); Start.Geometry = start; Start.Symbol = rd["Start"] as Symbol; Start.Attributes["position"] = start; Start.Attributes["finish"] = Finish; Start.Attributes["start"] = Start; Start.Attributes["line"] = Line; Start.Attributes["state"] = "start"; Start.Attributes["measure"] = this; Start.Attributes["menuenabled"] = true; MLayer.Graphics.Add(Start); Finish.Geometry = finish; Finish.Attributes["position"] = finish; Finish.Symbol = rd["Finish"] as Symbol; Finish.Attributes["finish"] = Finish; Finish.Attributes["start"] = Start; Finish.Attributes["line"] = Line; Finish.Attributes["measure"] = this; Finish.Attributes["state"] = "finish"; Finish.Attributes["menuenabled"] = true; MLayer.Graphics.Add(Finish); Layer.ChildLayers.Add(ImageLayer); Layer.ChildLayers.Add(MLayer); MLayer.Initialize(); AppStateSettings.Instance.ViewDef.MapManipulationDelta += ViewDef_MapManipulationDelta; if (AppState.Imb != null && AppState.Imb.Imb != null) { _3D = AppState.Imb.Imb.Publish(AppState.Imb.Imb.ClientHandle + ".3d"); //AppState.Imb.Imb.Publish(_channel); } updateTimer.Interval = 50; updateTimer.Elapsed += UpdateTimerElapsed; updateTimer.Start(); }
private void Media_OnNormalEvent(TEventEntry aEvent, TByteBuffer aPayload) { var pl = aPayload.ReadString(); var m = Media.FromString(pl); if (m == null) return; if (MediaReceived == null) return; var s = FindClient(Convert.ToInt32(m.Sender)); if (MediaReceived!=null) MediaReceived(this, new MediaReceivedEventArgs { Media = m, Sender = s }); }
private void Media_OnBuffer(TEventEntry aEvent, int aTick, int aBufferID, TByteBuffer aBuffer) { Execute.OnUIThread(() => { using (var stream = new MemoryStream(aBuffer.Buffer)) { var image = new BitmapImage(); image.BeginInit(); image.StreamSource = stream; image.EndInit(); var m = new Media {Image = image}; TriggerMediaReceived(m); } }); }
public void InitImbEvents() { mapState = AppState.Imb.Imb.Subscribe(AppState.Imb.Id + ".mapstate"); }
public void Init(GroupLayer gl, MapPoint start, MapPoint finish, ResourceDictionary rd) { startPoint = new csPoint { Mp = start }; finishPoint = new csPoint { Mp = finish }; MLayer = new GraphicsLayer { ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }; _start = new Graphic(); _finish = new Graphic(); Line = new Graphic(); var ls = new LineSymbol { Color = Brushes.Black, Width = 4 }; Line.Symbol = ls; UpdateLine(); MLayer.Graphics.Add(Line); _start.Geometry = start; _start.Symbol = rd["Start"] as Symbol; _start.Attributes["position"] = start; _start.Attributes["finish"] = _finish; _start.Attributes["start"] = _start; _start.Attributes["line"] = Line; _start.Attributes["state"] = "start"; _start.Attributes["measure"] = this; _start.Attributes["menuenabled"] = true; MLayer.Graphics.Add(_start); _finish.Geometry = finish; _finish.Attributes["position"] = finish; _finish.Symbol = rd["Finish"] as Symbol; _finish.Attributes["finish"] = _finish; _finish.Attributes["start"] = _start; _finish.Attributes["line"] = Line; _finish.Attributes["measure"] = this; _finish.Attributes["state"] = "finish"; _finish.Attributes["menuenabled"] = true; MLayer.Graphics.Add(_finish); Layer.ChildLayers.Add(MLayer); MLayer.Initialize(); AppStateSettings.Instance.ViewDef.MapManipulationDelta += ViewDef_MapManipulationDelta; if (AppState.Imb != null && AppState.Imb.Imb != null) { _3d = AppState.Imb.Imb.Publish(AppState.Imb.Imb.ClientHandle + ".3d"); //AppState.Imb.Imb.Publish(_channel); } _updateTimer.Interval = 50; _updateTimer.Elapsed += UpdateTimerElapsed; _updateTimer.Start(); }
public void StopImb() { Debug.Assert(commandChannel != null, "Already deinitialized" ); foreach (var l in Layers) { var s = (PoiService)AppState.DataServer.Services.FirstOrDefault(k => k.Id == l); if (s != null && s.Layer != null) s.Layer.Stop(); } AppState.ViewDef.MapControl.ExtentChanged -= MapControl_ExtentChanged; AppState.ViewDef.MapControl.PreviewMouseRightButtonUp -= MapControl_PreviewMouseRightButtonUp; if (commandChannel != null) { commandChannel.OnNormalEvent -= CommandChannelOnNormalEvent; commandChannel.UnSubscribe(); commandChannel = null; } Clients.Remove(AppState.Imb.Imb.ClientHandle); UpdateGroup(); }
void CommandChannelOnNormalEvent(TEventEntry aEvent, IMB3.ByteBuffers.TByteBuffer aPayload) { var l = aPayload.ReadString(); var ss = l.Split('|'); switch (ss[0]) { case "point": Execute.OnUIThread(() => { var xp = Convert.ToDouble(ss[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var yp = Convert.ToDouble(ss[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var c = AppState.Imb.FindClient(long.Parse(ss[3])); if (c != null) { var nea = new NotificationEventArgs() { Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), Options = new List<string> { "Zoom to" }, PathData = MenuHelpers.PointerIcon, Header = "Pointer triggered by " + c.Name, Background = AppState.AccentBrush, Foreground = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Black, }; nea.OptionClicked += (e, f) => AppState.ViewDef.ZoomAndPoint(new Point(yp, xp), false); AppState.TriggerNotification(nea); } AppState.ViewDef.AddGeoPointer(new GeoPointerArgs() { Position = new MapPoint(yp, xp), Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2) }); }); break; case "map": if (!string.Equals(l, lastMapEvent) && FollowMap) { lastMapEvent = l; var x = Convert.ToDouble(ss[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var y = Convert.ToDouble(ss[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var r = Convert.ToDouble(ss[3], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Execute.OnUIThread(delegate { var w = (AppState.ViewDef.MapControl.ActualWidth / 2) * r; var h = (AppState.ViewDef.MapControl.ActualHeight / 2) * r; var env = new Envelope(x - w, y - h, x + w, y + h); AppState.ViewDef.MapControl.Extent = env; }); skipNext = true; } break; } }
public void InitImb() { Debug.Assert(commandChannel == null, "Already initialized"); commandChannel = AppState.Imb.Imb.Subscribe(CommandsChannelName, true); commandChannel.OnNormalEvent += CommandChannelOnNormalEvent; AppState.ViewDef.MapControl.ExtentChanged += MapControl_ExtentChanged; AppState.ViewDef.MapControl.PreviewTouchDown += MapControl_PreviewTouchDown; AppState.ViewDef.MapControl.PreviewMouseRightButtonUp += MapControl_PreviewMouseRightButtonUp; Clients.Add(AppState.Imb.Imb.ClientHandle); UpdateGroup(); }
/// <summary> /// Initialize imb connection /// </summary> private void InitImb() { id = client.Id; foreach (var v in client.Variables) { ProcessReceivedImbBusVariable(v.Key, v.Value); } client.Imb.OnVariable += Imb_OnVariable; privateChannel = client.Imb.Subscribe(client.Id + ServiceChannelExtentions); privateChannel.OnBuffer += ReceivedPrivateMessage; }
private void _cameraStream_OnBuffer(TEventEntry aEvent, int aTick, int aBufferId, TByteBuffer aBuffer) { rsv.Dispatcher.Invoke(delegate { //string fotoStr = aPayload.ReadString(); byte[] fotoBa = aBuffer.Buffer; BitmapImage bmp = GetBitmapImage(fotoBa); wb = new WriteableBitmap(bmp); = wb;; rsv.inkStrokes.Width = wb.Width; rsv.inkStrokes.Height = wb.Height; }); }
// public void AddLocalDataServiceTemplate(string folder, string file) { // var idName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file); // var guid = Guid.NewGuid(); // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(idName)) return; // var ps = new PoiService { // IsLocal = true, // Folder = folder, // Id = guid, // Name = idName, // IsTemplate = true, // StaticService = false, // RelativeFolder = folder.Replace(baseFolder, string.Empty) // }; // ps.InitPoiService(); // Templates.Add(ps); // //CheckSettings(ps); // } // // public PoiService AddLocalDataServiceFromCsv(string folder, Mode _mode, string file, string originFolder = "", // bool autoStart = false) // { // PoiServiceImporterFromFileList poiServiceImporterFromFileList = PoiServiceImporterFromFileList.Instance; // IImporter<FileLocation, PoiService> suitableImporter = poiServiceImporterFromFileList.FirstOrDefault(importer => importer.DataFormatExtension.Equals("csv")); // // if (suitableImporter == null) // { // throw new NotImplementedException("Cannot find an importer for CSV files in the assembly."); // } // // IOResult<PoiService> ioResult = suitableImporter.ImportData(new FileLocation(Path.Combine(folder, file))); // if (ioResult.Successful) // { // return ioResult.Result; // } // else // { // throw ioResult.Exception; // } // } //private static void CheckSettings(Service ps) { // if (ps.SettingsList != null) return; // ps.SettingsList = ps.CreateContentList("settings", typeof(ServiceSettings)); // ps.SettingsList.Add(new ServiceSettings()); // ps.AllContent.Remove(ps.AllContent.FirstOrDefault(c => string.Equals(ps.SettingsList.Id, c.Id, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))); // ps.AllContent.Add(ps.SettingsList); //} /// <summary> /// received message on private channel /// </summary> private void ReceivedPrivateMessage(TEventEntry aEvent, int aTick, int aBufferId, TByteBuffer aBuffer){ // REVIEW TODO fix: removed async var pm = PrivateMessage.ConvertByteArrayToMessage(aBuffer.Buffer); if (pm == null) { LogCs.LogWarning(String.Format("Received IMB message: Corrupt message! ", pm.Id, pm.Action)); return; } var s = Services.FirstOrDefault(k => k.Id == pm.Id); if (s == null) { LogCs.LogWarning(String.Format("Received IMB message: Service with GUID '{0}' is not found in servicelist (msg action is {1}). Ignore message. ", pm.Id, pm.Action)); return; } var reqClient = AppState.Imb.FindClient(pm.Sender); switch (pm.Action) { case PrivateMessageActions.RequestData: SendData(pm.Sender, s, pm.ContentId, pm.OwnerId, pm.Channel); break; case PrivateMessageActions.ResponseData: if ((, pm.ContentId, pm.Content, false))) // REVIEW TODO fix: removed await s.DataReceived(pm.ContentId, pm.Content); break; case PrivateMessageActions.SubscribeRequest: // TODO EV Why do you set server initialization to false? When adding a task, it is not synchronized anymore (RegisterContent is cancelled). //s.IsInitialized = false; if (!s.Subscribers.Contains(pm.Sender)) s.Subscribers.Add(pm.Sender); LogImbService.LogMessage(String.Format("Received IMB message: IMB client with handle {0} ({1}) requested to subscribe (join) service '{2}' ({3}) (add to service).", pm.Sender, (reqClient != null) ? reqClient.Name : "-", s.Name, pm.Id)); SendToImbBusSubscriptedToService(s.Id, pm.Sender); LogImbService.LogMessage(String.Format("IMB handles subscribed (joined) to service {0}: {1}", s.Name, s.SubscribedImbClientHandles)); if (reqClient != null && (AppState.Imb.ActiveGroup == null || !AppState.Imb.ActiveGroup.Clients.Contains(reqClient.Id))) Execute.OnUIThread( () => AppState.TriggerNotification(reqClient.Name + " has joined " + s.Name, image: reqClient.Image)); break; case PrivateMessageActions.UnsubscribeRequest: //s.IsInitialized = false; if (s.Subscribers.Contains(pm.Sender)) s.Subscribers.Remove(pm.Sender); SendPrivateMessage(pm.Sender, PrivateMessageActions.Unsubscribe, s.Id); var unsubClient = AppState.Imb.FindClient(pm.Sender); if (unsubClient != null) Execute.OnUIThread(() => AppState.TriggerNotification(unsubClient.Name + " has left " + s.Name, image: unsubClient.Image)); LogImbService.LogMessage(String.Format("Received IMB message: IMB client {0} requested to unsubscribe (unjoin) to service '{1}'({2}) (joined service).", AppState.Imb.ImbClientHandleToName(pm.Sender), s.Name, pm.Id)); LogImbService.LogMessage(String.Format("IMB handles subscribed (joined) to service '{0}'({1}): {2}", s.Name, s.Id, s.SubscribedImbClientHandles)); break; case PrivateMessageActions.ServiceReset: // requested for service reset int priority = 2; int.TryParse(pm.Channel, out priority); SendServiceReset(pm.Sender, s.Id, priority); //var resx = s.ToXml().ToString(); //SendPrivateMessage(pm.Sender,PrivateMessageActions.ResponseXml,s.Id,resx,Guid.Empty); break; case PrivateMessageActions.RequestXml: var res = s.ToXml().ToString(); SendPrivateMessage(pm.Sender, PrivateMessageActions.ResponseXml, s.Id, res, Guid.Empty); break; case PrivateMessageActions.ResponseXml: LogImbService.LogMessage(String.Format("Received IMB message: Recieved service XML definition for service {0} ({1}), Load XML into service.", s.Name, s.Id)); LogImbService.ToFile(String.Format("./logging/ReceivedServiceDefinition_{0}_{1}_{2}", s.Name, s.Id, DateTime.Now.Ticks), pm.ContentId); s.FromXml(pm.ContentId, s.Folder); s.TriggerInitialized(); break; case PrivateMessageActions.Subscribe: LogImbService.LogMessage(String.Format("Received IMB message: Subscribe request to subscribe to (join) service '{0}'({1}) acknowledged (mode={2})", s.Name, s.Id, mode)); s.Subscribe(mode); s.SubscribeServiceChannel(); //Subscribe(s); if (Subscribed != null) Subscribed(this, new ServiceSubscribeEventArgs { Service = s }); var npm = new PrivateMessage { Action = PrivateMessageActions.ServiceReset, Id = s.Id, Sender = client.Id, Channel = SyncPriority.ToString() }; SendPrivateMessage(pm.Sender, npm); break; case PrivateMessageActions.Unsubscribe: s.Unsubscribe(); s.UnSubscribeServiceChannel(); if (UnSubscribed != null) UnSubscribed(this, new ServiceSubscribeEventArgs { Service = s }); break; case PrivateMessageActions.ListReset: // receiving lists from server ListReset(s.Id, pm.Content, pm.Channel); if (pm.ContentId == "First") { count = 0; } count += pm.Content.Length; if (pm.ContentId == "Last") { var l = count; LogImbService.LogMessage(String.Format("Received last content for Service {0}", s.Id)); s.TriggerInitialized(); } LogImbService.LogMessage(String.Format("Received the content #{4} of service '{0}'({1}) from IMB client {2} (channel='{3}') (ListReset action).", s.Name, s.Id, AppState.Imb.ImbClientHandleToName(pm.Sender), pm.Channel, count)); break; case PrivateMessageActions.SendData: var f = s.Folder + @"\_Media\" + pm.ContentId; LogImbService.LogMessage(String.Format("IMB Message SendData received; store {0} bytes to location '{1}'", pm.Content.Length, f));, pm.Content); break; } }
private void _screenshot_OnBuffer(TEventEntry aEvent, int aTick, int aBufferId, TByteBuffer aBuffer) { rsv.Dispatcher.Invoke( delegate { // = GetBitmapImage(aBuffer.Buffer); //Console.WriteLine(; var bsSrc = GetImageFromJpegByteArray(aBuffer.Buffer); if(bsSrc != null) = bsSrc; // = GetImageFromByteArray(aBuffer.Buffer, Client.ResolutionY / Client.Quality,Client.ResolutionX / Client.Quality); }); }
private void Positions_OnNormalEvent(TEventEntry aEvent, TByteBuffer aPayload) { var d = aPayload.ReadString(); var s = aEvent.EventName.Split('.'); if (s.Length != 3) return; var cl = Clients.FirstOrDefault(k => k.Key == Int32.Parse(s[1])); cl.Value.UpdatePosition(d); }
public void Unsubscribe() { if (_screenshot != null) { AppState.Imb.Imb.UnSubscribe(Client.Id + ".Screenshot"); _screenshot = null; } if (_cameraStream != null) { AppState.Imb.Imb.UnSubscribe(Client.Id + ".CameraStream"); _cameraStream = null; } }
private void Commands_OnNormalEvent(TEventEntry aEvent, TByteBuffer aPayload) { var c = Command.FromString(aPayload.ReadString()); if (CommandReceived != null) CommandReceived(this, c); }
public void Subscribe() { _screenshot = AppState.Imb.Imb.Subscribe(Client.Id + ".Screenshot"); _screenshot.OnBuffer += _screenshot_OnBuffer; if (Client.Type == "Phone") { _cameraStream = AppState.Imb.Imb.Subscribe(Client.Id + ".CameraStream"); _cameraStream.OnBuffer += _cameraStream_OnBuffer; _strokeStream = AppState.Imb.Imb.Subscribe(Client.Id + ".StrokeStream"); _strokeStream.OnNormalEvent += _strokeStream_OnNormalEvent; _cameraStream.OnStreamCreate += _cameraStream_OnStreamCreate; _cameraStream.OnStreamEnd += _cameraStream_OnStreamEnd; } }
public void Init() { AppState.ShareContracts.Add(new SendToContract()); if (AppState.Imb.Enabled) { AppState.Imb.ClientAdded += ImbClientAdded; AppState.Imb.ClientRemoved += ImbClientRemoved; AppState.Imb.AllClients.CollectionChanged -= AllClients_CollectionChanged; AppState.Imb.AllClients.CollectionChanged += AllClients_CollectionChanged; AppState.Imb.Imb.OnVariable += Imb_OnVariable; AppState.Imb.CommandReceived += Imb_CommandReceived; fastMapChangeChannel = AppState.Imb.Imb.Publish(AppState.Imb.Id + ".fastmapextent"); fastMapInterval = AppState.Config.GetInt("Map.FastMapUpdateInterval", 200); AppState.Imb.Status.AddCapability("receivescreenshot"); AppState.ViewDef.VisibleChanged += ViewDefVisibleChanged; AppState.ViewDef.MapManipulationDelta += ViewDefMapManipulationDelta; foreach (var c in AppState.Imb.Clients) AddClient(c.Value); if (AppState.ViewDef.MapControl != null) { AppState.ViewDef.MapControl.ExtentChanged += MapControlExtentChanged; AppState.ViewDef.MapControl.ExtentChanging += MapControlExtentChanging; } var viewModel = new ContactsViewModel() {Plugin = this}; spti = new StartPanelTabItem { ModelInstance = viewModel, Position = StartPanelPosition.left, HeaderStyle = TabHeaderStyle.Image, Name = "Contacts", Image = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"pack://application:,,,/csCommon;component/Resources/Icons/person.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)) }; //AppState.ConfigTabs.Add(new EsriMapSettingsViewModel() { DisplayName = "Map" }); } }
void _cameraStream_OnStreamEnd(TEventEntry aEvent, ref Stream aStream, string aStreamName) { // Create image from stream long strLen = aStream.Length; }
void followMap_OnNormalEvent(TEventEntry aEvent, IMB3.ByteBuffers.TByteBuffer aPayload) { var s = aPayload.ReadString(); var ss = s.Split('|'); double xmin = Convert.ToDouble(ss[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); double ymin = Convert.ToDouble(ss[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); double xmax = Convert.ToDouble(ss[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); double ymax = Convert.ToDouble(ss[3], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Execute.OnUIThread(delegate { AppState.ViewDef.MapControl.Extent = new Envelope(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax); }); }
Stream _cameraStream_OnStreamCreate(TEventEntry aEvent, string aStreamName) { //throw new NotImplementedException(); strm = new MemoryStream(); return strm; }
private void Effects_OnNormalEvent(TEventEntry aevent, TByteBuffer apayload) { Execute.OnUIThread(() => { int command = -1; string strJson = ""; apayload.Read(out command); apayload.Read(out strJson); // Debug.WriteLine("NormalEvent received from IMB: [id:{0}, command:{1}]:\n{2}", aevent.ID, command, strJson); Debug.WriteLine("NormalEvent received from IMB: [id:{0}, command:{1}]:\n{2} bytes", this.GetHashCode(), command, strJson.Length); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strJson)) { //todo: fixed in new effects binary, this replace WILL produce problems and MUST be removed: strJson = strJson.Replace("NAN", "NaN"); var body = JObject.Parse(strJson); Guid id; switch (command) { case 1102: Debug.WriteLine("ImbEvent hash: {0}", this.GetHashCode()); SetModelData(body["Models"] as JArray); break; case 1104: var reply = body["ParametersReply"]; id = (Guid)reply["ID"]; SetModelPropertyData(id, reply["Parameters"] as JArray); break; case 1106: var result = body["Result"]; id = (Guid)result["ID"]; SetCalculatedData(id, result["Parameters"] as JArray); break; case 1108: //SetUnitsData break; case 1110: SetChemicalsData(body["ChemicalNames"] as JArray); break; } } }); }
void _strokeStream_OnNormalEvent(TEventEntry aEvent, TByteBuffer aPayload) { rsv.Dispatcher.Invoke( delegate { string strokesStr = aPayload.ReadString(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strokesStr)) return; if (strokesStr == "clear") { _strokes = new Dictionary<string, Stroke>(); rsv.inkStrokes.Strokes.Clear(); rsv.inkStrokes.InvalidateVisual(); rsv.gMain.InvalidateVisual(); return; } string[] strokesArr = strokesStr.Split(';'); _strokes = new Dictionary<string, Stroke>(); rsv.inkStrokes.Strokes.Clear(); foreach (string strokeStr in strokesArr) { string[] strokeDef = strokeStr.Split('/'); if (strokeDef.Length != 2) break; string guid = strokeDef[0]; if (_strokes.ContainsKey(guid)) continue; string[] pointsArr = strokeDef[1].Split('|'); StylusPointCollection points = new StylusPointCollection(); try { foreach (string pointStr in pointsArr) { string[] pointParts = pointStr.Split(','); if (pointParts.Length == 2 && wb != null) { StylusPoint point = new StylusPoint(wb.Width / 640d * double.Parse(pointParts[1]), wb.Height - (wb.Height / 480d * double.Parse(pointParts[0]))); //StylusPoint point = new StylusPoint(double.Parse(pointParts[1]), wb.Height - double.Parse(pointParts[0])); points.Add(point); } } } catch (Exception err) { string errMsg = err.Message; } try { Stroke stroke = new Stroke(points); stroke.DrawingAttributes.Color = Colors.Red; stroke.DrawingAttributes.Height = 3; stroke.DrawingAttributes.Width = 3; //rsv.inkStrokes.Width =; rsv.inkStrokes.Strokes.Add(stroke); _strokes.Add(guid, stroke); } catch { } } rsv.inkStrokes.InvalidateVisual(); rsv.gMain.InvalidateVisual(); }); }
public bool InitChannel() { if (Screenshot == null) { if (Imb != null && Imb.IsConnected) { Screenshot = Imb.Imb.Publish(Imb.Imb.ClientHandle + ".Screenshot"); } else return false; } return true; }
//public string EventName[Int32 aEventID] public TEventEntry AddEvent(TConnection aConnection, string aEventName) { FCount++; while (FCount > FEvents.Length) { if (FEvents.Length == 0) Array.Resize(ref FEvents, FInitialSize); else Array.Resize(ref FEvents, FEvents.Length*2); } FEvents[FCount - 1] = new TEventEntry(aConnection, FCount - 1, aEventName); return FEvents[FCount - 1]; }