public Cluster(Node parent) { this.clusterPair = null; this.items = new List<Vector>(); this.mean = null; this.parent = parent; }
// The special constructor is used to deserialize values. public Sample(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { x = (Vector)info.GetValue("x", typeof(Vector)); y = (Vector)info.GetValue("y", typeof(Vector)); label = (double)info.GetValue("label", typeof(double)); id = (int)info.GetValue("id", typeof(int)); }
public Sample(double[] input, double[] output, double label, int id) { this.x = new Vector(input); this.y = new Vector(output); = id; this.label = label; }
// The special constructor is used to deserialize values. public Cluster(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { clusterPair = (ClusterPair)info.GetValue("clusterPair", typeof(ClusterPair)); items = (List<Vector>)info.GetValue("items", typeof(List<Vector>)); mean = (Vector)info.GetValue("mean", typeof(Vector)); meanMDF = (ILArray<double>)info.GetValue("meanMDF", typeof(ILArray<double>)); parent = (Node)info.GetValue("parent", typeof(Node)); }
public void GetDistance_GetCorrectDistance() { Vector v1 = new Vector(new double[] { 1, 3, 4 }); Vector v2 = new Vector(new double[] { 7, 2, 3 }); double distance = Math.Round(v1.GetDistance(v2), 3); Assert.AreEqual(distance, 6.164); }
public void Equals_VectorNotEqualsToVector() { Vector vector1 = new Vector(new double[] { 1.0, 2.0, 0, 3.0 }); Vector vector2 = new Vector(new double[] { 1.0, 0.0, 0, 3.0 }); bool equals = vector1.EqualsToVector(vector2); Assert.IsFalse(equals); }
public void GetMDFDistance_GetCorrectDistance() { Vector v = new Vector(new double[] { 1, 3, 4 }); v.ValuesMDF = new double[] { 1, 3, 4 }; ILArray<double> a2 = new double[] { 7, 2, 3 }; double distance = Math.Round(v.GetMDFDistance(a2), 3); Assert.AreEqual(distance, 6.164); }
public void AddItem(Vector vector, double label) { Vector newItem = new Vector(vector.Values.ToArray()); newItem.Label = label; newItem.Id = this.items.Count + 1; this.items.Add(newItem); // update mean this.UpdateMean(newItem); }
public void Add_AddToVectorCorrectVector() { Vector vector = new Vector(new double[] { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0}); Vector vector2 = new Vector(new double[] { 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 }); vector.Add(vector2); Assert.AreEqual(vector.Values[0], 3.0); Assert.AreEqual(vector.Values[1], 5.0); Assert.AreEqual(vector.Values[2], 7.0); }
public void GetIdOfClosestVector_GetCorrectId() { List<Vector> vectors = new List<Vector>(); vectors.Add(new Vector(new double[] { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }, 1.0, 0)); vectors.Add(new Vector(new double[] { 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 }, 1.0, 1)); vectors.Add(new Vector(new double[] { 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 }, 1.0, 2)); vectors.Add(new Vector(new double[] { 7.0, 8.0, 6.0 }, 1.0, 3)); Vector vector = new Vector(new double[] { 2.0, 3.0, 5.0 }); int result = vector.GetIdOfClosestVector(vectors); Assert.AreEqual(result, 1); }
public void GetMeanOfDataWithLabel_ReturnCorrectMean() { Params.inputDataDimension = 3; Samples samples = new Samples(); samples.Items.Add(new Sample(new double[] { 1, 2, 3 }, 1, 0)); samples.Items.Add(new Sample(new double[] { 2, 3, 4 }, 1, 0)); samples.Items.Add(new Sample(new double[] { 1, 2, 3 }, 2, 0)); samples.Items.Add(new Sample(new double[] { 2, 3, 4 }, 2, 0)); samples.Items.Add(new Sample(new double[] { 5, 6, 7 }, 2, 0)); samples.Items.Add(new Sample(new double[] { 5, 6, 7 }, 3, 0)); Vector result1 = samples.GetMeanOfDataWithLabel(1.0); Vector result2 = new Vector(new double[] { 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 }); Assert.AreEqual(result1.Values[0], result1.Values[0]); Assert.AreEqual(result1.Values[1], result1.Values[1]); Assert.AreEqual(result1.Values[2], result1.Values[2]); }
public bool EqualsToVector(Vector vector) { if (this.values.Length != vector.values.Length) throw new InvalidOperationException("Not the same count of attributes"); for (int i = 0; i < this.values.Length; i++) { if (this.values[i] != vector.values[i]) return false; } return true; }
public double GetDistance(Vector vector) { if (this.values.Count() != vector.values.Count()) throw new InvalidOperationException("Not the same count of attributes"); ILArray<double> result = this.values - vector.values; result = result * result; return Math.Sqrt(result.Sum()); }
public static Vector GetVarianceOfVectors(List<Vector> vectors, Vector mean) { Vector result = new Vector(vectors[0].values.Length, vectors[0].valuesMDF.Length, 0.0); foreach (var item in vectors) { Vector diff = new Vector(item.valuesMDF.ToArray()); diff.SubtractMDF(mean); diff.MultiplyMDF(diff); result.AddMDF(diff); } result.DivideMDF(vectors.Count - 1); return result; }
public void Add(Vector vector) { if (this.values.Length != vector.values.Length) throw new InvalidOperationException("Not the same count of attributes"); this.values = this.values + vector.values; }
/// <summary> /// Update mean with amnesic average /// </summary> /// <param name="vector">Vector, which should be add to mean</param> protected void UpdateMean(Vector vector) { #warning this must be remade according to F. Amnesic average with parameters t1, t2 double t = (double)this.items.Count; //double multiplier1 = (t - 1) / t; //double multiplier2 = 1 / t; double multiplier1 = (t - 1 - this.GetAmnesicParameter(t)) / t; double multiplier2 = (1 + this.GetAmnesicParameter(t)) / t; this.mean.Multiply(multiplier1); Vector incrementPart = new Vector(vector.Values.ToArray()); incrementPart.Multiply(multiplier2); this.mean.Add(incrementPart); }
public static Vector GetMeanOfVectorsMDF(List<Vector> vectors) { Vector result = new Vector(vectors[0].values.Length, vectors[0].valuesMDF.Length, 0.0); foreach (Vector item in vectors) { result.AddMDF(item); } result.DivideMDF((double)vectors.Count); return result; }
private double GetLabelOfClosestY(Vector YMean) { double minDistance = double.MaxValue; double resultLabel = 0; foreach (var item in this.labelOutputVectors) { double distance = item.Value.GetDistance(YMean); if (distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; resultLabel = item.Key; } } return resultLabel; }
public void SubtractMDF(Vector vector) { if (this.valuesMDF.Length != vector.valuesMDF.Length) throw new InvalidOperationException("Not the same count of attributes"); this.valuesMDF = this.valuesMDF - vector.valuesMDF; }
public void UpdateMeanMdf(Vector newItem) { ILArray<double> newsample = newItem.ValuesMDF.ToArray(); this.meanMDF = (this.meanMDF * ((double)(this.countOfSamples - 1) / (double)this.countOfSamples)) + ((1 / (double)this.countOfSamples) * newsample); }
public Vector GetOutputVectorFromBmp(Bitmap bmp) { if(Params.outputDataDimension != bmp.Width * bmp.Height) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to create output from bmp of another dimensionality."); } List<double> attributes = new List<double>(); for (int i = 0; i < bmp.Width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < bmp.Height; j++) { Color color = bmp.GetPixel(j,i); attributes.Add((int)((color.R * .3) + (color.G * .59) + (color.B * .11))); } } Vector output = new Vector(attributes.ToArray()); return output; }
private void EvaluateSwap() { if (this.clusterPairs.Count < Params.q) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Small count of microclusters, impossible to swap"); } // random selection is deleted, because of unification of results // select q random samples //List<Vector> centres = new List<Vector>(); //Random random = new Random(); //List<int> randoms = new List<int>(); //for (int i = 0; i < Params.q; i++) //{ // bool randomIsNotUnique = true; // int r = 0; // while (randomIsNotUnique) // { // r = random.Next(this.clusterPairs.Count); // randomIsNotUnique = randoms.Contains(r); // } // //Console.WriteLine("Center like cluster: " + r.ToString()); // randoms.Add(r); // Vector vector = new Vector(this.clusterPairs[r].X.Mean.Values.ToArray()); // vector.Id = i; // centres.Add(vector); //} #region instead of random List<Vector> centres = new List<Vector>(); for (int i = 0; i < Params.q; i++) { Vector vector = new Vector(this.clusterPairs[i].X.Mean.Values.ToArray()); vector.Id = i; centres.Add(vector); } #endregion // evaluate to which center vector belongs foreach (ClusterPair clPair in clusterPairs) { clPair.CurrentToPrev(); clPair.CurrentCenter = clPair.X.Mean.GetIdOfClosestVector(centres); } // while assignment is not changed, do bool next = true; int whil = 1; while (next) { //Console.WriteLine("While cycle " + whil.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < centres.Count; i++) { //select all vectors assignet to center List<Vector> assignedVectors = clusterPairs.Where(cp => cp.CurrentCenter == centres[i].Id).Select(cp => cp.X.Mean).ToList<Vector>(); // update center if (assignedVectors.Count > 0) { Vector v = new Vector(Params.inputDataDimension, 0.0); double dis1 = centres[i].GetDistance(v); centres[i] = Vector.GetMeanOfVectors(assignedVectors); double dis2 = centres[i].GetDistance(v); //Console.WriteLine("Center " + i.ToString() + " Distance 1: " + dis1.ToString() + " Distance 2: " + dis2.ToString()); } centres[i].Id = i; } // update assignments // evaluate to which center vector belongs foreach (ClusterPair clPair in clusterPairs) { clPair.CurrentToPrev(); clPair.CurrentCenter = clPair.X.Mean.GetIdOfClosestVector(centres); //Console.WriteLine("Change cl. " + clPair.Id.ToString() + " from " + clPair.PreviousCenter.ToString() + " to " + clPair.CurrentCenter.ToString()); } next = this.AssigmentIsChanged(); whil++; } }
public void Substract_RestulVectorIsCorrect() { Vector vector = new Vector(new double[] { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }); Vector vector2 = new Vector(new double[] { 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 }); vector.Subtract(vector2); Assert.AreEqual(vector.Values[0], -1.0); Assert.AreEqual(vector.Values[1], -2.0); Assert.AreEqual(vector.Values[2], -3.0); }
/// <summary> /// Update MDF mean with amnesic average /// </summary> /// <param name="vector">Vector, which should be add to mean</param> protected void UpdateMeanMDF(ILArray<double> vector) { double t = (double)this.items.Count; //double multiplier1 = (t - 1) / t; //double multiplier2 = 1 / t; double multiplier1 = (t - 1 - this.GetAmnesicParameter(t)) / t; double multiplier2 = (1 + this.GetAmnesicParameter(t)) / t; Vector incrementPart = new Vector(vector.ToArray()); this.meanMDF = (this.meanMDF * multiplier1) + (vector * multiplier2); }
public void Multiply(Vector multiplier) { this.values = this.values * multiplier.values; }
public void AddItemNonLeaf(Vector newItem) { newItem.Id = this.items.Count + 1; this.items.Add(newItem); // update mean this.UpdateMean(newItem); //node.CountGSOManifold(); this.UpdateMeanAndCovMatrixMDF(newItem.ValuesMDF.ToArray()); }
public void MultiplyMDF(Vector multiplier) { this.valuesMDF = this.valuesMDF * multiplier.valuesMDF; }
public static int GetIdOfClosestVector(Vector vector, List<Vector> vectors) { int result = 0; double minDistance = double.MaxValue; foreach (Vector item in vectors) { double distance = vector.GetDistance(item); if (distance < minDistance) { result = item.Id; minDistance = distance; } } return result; }
public Vector GetOutputFromKnownSamples(Sample sample) { if (!this.outputs.ContainsKey(sample.Label)) { this.outputs[sample.Label] = new MappedValue(){ Mean = new Vector(sample.X.Values.ToArray()), Count = 1}; } else { this.outputs[sample.Label].Count++; int count = this.outputs[sample.Label].Count; this.outputs[sample.Label].Mean.Multiply(((double)count-1.0)/(double)count); Vector addPart = new Vector(sample.X.Values.ToArray()); addPart.Multiply(1 / (double)count); this.outputs[sample.Label].Mean.Add(addPart); } return new Vector(this.outputs[sample.Label].Mean.Values.ToArray()); }
public void AddItemWithoutUpdatingStats(Vector vector) { this.items.Add(vector); }