Inflater is used to decompress data that has been compressed according to the "deflate" standard described in rfc1951. By default Zlib (rfc1950) headers and footers are expected in the input. You can use constructor public Inflater(bool noHeader) passing true if there is no Zlib header information The usage is as following. First you have to set some input with SetInput(), then Inflate() it. If inflate doesn't inflate any bytes there may be three reasons:
  • IsNeedingInput() returns true because the input buffer is empty. You have to provide more input with SetInput(). NOTE: IsNeedingInput() also returns true when, the stream is finished.
  • IsNeedingDictionary() returns true, you have to provide a preset dictionary with SetDictionary().
  • IsFinished returns true, the inflater has finished.
Once the first output byte is produced, a dictionary will not be needed at a later stage. author of the original java version : John Leuner, Jochen Hoenicke
Пример #1
 public ZlibStream(Stream inner, Inflater inflater, int buffSize)
     _innerStream = inner;
     _in = inflater;
     _inBuff = new byte[buffSize];
     _outBuff = _inBuff;
     _out = new Deflater();
		void Inflate(MemoryStream ms, byte[] original, int level, bool zlib)
			ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
			Inflater inflater = new Inflater(!zlib);
			InflaterInputStream inStream = new InflaterInputStream(ms, inflater);
			byte[] buf2 = new byte[original.Length];

			int currentIndex  = 0;
			int count = buf2.Length;

				while (true) 
					int numRead = inStream.Read(buf2, currentIndex, count);
					if (numRead <= 0) 
					currentIndex += numRead;
					count -= numRead;
			catch(Exception ex)
				Console.WriteLine("Unexpected exception - '{0}'", ex.Message);

			if ( currentIndex != original.Length )
				Console.WriteLine("Original {0}, new {1}", original.Length, currentIndex);
				Assert.Fail("Lengths different");

			for (int i = 0; i < original.Length; ++i) 
				if ( buf2[i] != original[i] )
					string description = string.Format("Difference at {0} level {1} zlib {2} ", i, level, zlib);
					if ( original.Length < 2048 )
						StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(description);
						for (int d = 0; d < original.Length; ++d)
							builder.AppendFormat("{0} ", original[d]);

Пример #3
		byte[] Decrypt(byte[] encryptedData) {
			var reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(encryptedData));
			int headerMagic = reader.ReadInt32();
			if (headerMagic == 0x04034B50)
				throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented yet since I haven't seen anyone use it.");

			byte encryption = (byte)(headerMagic >> 24);
			if ((headerMagic & 0x00FFFFFF) != 0x007D7A7B)	// Check if "{z}"
				throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Invalid SA header magic 0x{0:X8}", headerMagic));

			switch (encryption) {
			case 1:
				int totalInflatedLength = reader.ReadInt32();
				if (totalInflatedLength < 0)
					throw new ApplicationException("Invalid length");
				var inflatedBytes = new byte[totalInflatedLength];
				int partInflatedLength;
				for (int inflateOffset = 0; inflateOffset < totalInflatedLength; inflateOffset += partInflatedLength) {
					int partLength = reader.ReadInt32();
					partInflatedLength = reader.ReadInt32();
					if (partLength < 0 || partInflatedLength < 0)
						throw new ApplicationException("Invalid length");
					var inflater = new Inflater(true);
					inflater.SetInput(encryptedData, checked((int)reader.BaseStream.Position), partLength);
					reader.BaseStream.Seek(partLength, SeekOrigin.Current);
					int realInflatedLen = inflater.Inflate(inflatedBytes, inflateOffset, inflatedBytes.Length - inflateOffset);
					if (realInflatedLen != partInflatedLength)
						throw new ApplicationException("Could not inflate");
				return inflatedBytes;

			case 2:
				if (resourceDecrypterInfo.DES_Key == null || resourceDecrypterInfo.DES_IV == null)
					throw new ApplicationException("DES key / iv have not been set yet");
				using (var provider = new DESCryptoServiceProvider()) {
					provider.Key = resourceDecrypterInfo.DES_Key;
					provider.IV  = resourceDecrypterInfo.DES_IV;
					using (var transform = provider.CreateDecryptor()) {
						return Decrypt(transform.TransformFinalBlock(encryptedData, 4, encryptedData.Length - 4));

			case 3:
				if (resourceDecrypterInfo.AES_Key == null || resourceDecrypterInfo.AES_IV == null)
					throw new ApplicationException("AES key / iv have not been set yet");
				using (var provider = new RijndaelManaged()) {
					provider.Key = resourceDecrypterInfo.AES_Key;
					provider.IV  = resourceDecrypterInfo.AES_IV;
					using (var transform = provider.CreateDecryptor()) {
						return Decrypt(transform.TransformFinalBlock(encryptedData, 4, encryptedData.Length - 4));

				throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Unknown encryption type 0x{0:X2}", encryption));
Пример #4
		/// <exception cref="Sharpen.DataFormatException"></exception>
		protected internal override int SetInput(int pos, Inflater inf)
			ByteBuffer s = buffer.Slice();
			byte[] tmp = new byte[Math.Min(s.Remaining(), 512)];
			s.Get(tmp, 0, tmp.Length);
			inf.SetInput(tmp, 0, tmp.Length);
			return tmp.Length;
Пример #5
        public static byte[] DecompressDeflate(byte[] data, int decompSize)
            var decompData = new byte[decompSize];

            var inflater = new Inflater(true);

            return decompData;
Пример #6
        public static byte[] DecompressAlphaValues(byte[] alphaValues, int width, int height)
            var data = new byte[width * height];
            var inflater = new Inflater();
            if (inflater.Inflate(data) != data.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException("Alpha values are not in valid compressed format!");

            return data;
Пример #7
 /// <summary>
 /// ��ѹ�ֽ�������
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="val">��������ֽ�������</param>
 /// <returns>���ؽ�ѹ�������</returns>
 public byte[] Decompress(byte[] val)
     if (val[0] == 1) {
         Inflater inflater = new Inflater(true);
         using (InflaterInputStream decompressStream = new InflaterInputStream(new MemoryStream(UnwrapData(val)), inflater)) {
             return ArrayHelper.ReadAllBytesFromStream(decompressStream);
         return UnwrapData(val);
 public static void HandleReqUpdateAccountData(Packet packet)
     int inflatedSize = packet.ReadInt32("Size");
     byte[] compressedData = packet.ReadBytes((int)packet.GetLength() - (int)packet.GetPosition());
     byte[] data = new byte[inflatedSize];
     var inflater = new Inflater();
     inflater.SetInput(compressedData, 0, compressedData.Length);
     inflater.Inflate(data, 0, inflatedSize);
     Console.WriteLine("Data: {0}", encoder.GetString(data));
Пример #9
 public static byte[] Decompress(byte[] compressed, uint unzippedSize)
     byte[] result = new byte[unzippedSize];
     Inflater inf = new Inflater();
     int error = inf.Inflate(result, 0, (int)unzippedSize);
     if (error == 0)
         throw new FileLoadException("The a section of the swf file could not be decompressed.");
     return result;
        public ChunkedChanges(bool compressed, CancellationToken token, ManualResetEventSlim pauseWait)
            _innerStream = new ChunkStream();
            _innerStream.BookmarkReached += (sender, args) => OnCaughtUp?.Invoke(this, null);
            if (compressed) {
                _inflater = new Inflater(true);

            _pauseWait = pauseWait;
            Task.Factory.StartNew(Process, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);
Пример #11
 public CodecInputStream(Stream baseStream)
     BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(baseStream);
     decompressedSize = br.ReadInt32();
     compressedSize = br.ReadInt32();
     byte[] inbuf = new byte[compressedSize];
     baseStream.Read(inbuf, 0, compressedSize);
     Inflater inflater = new Inflater(false);
     byte[] buf = new byte[decompressedSize];
     this.iis = new MemoryStream(buf);
Пример #12
		protected override void inflateVerify(int pos, Inflater inf)
            while (!inf.IsFinished)
                if (inf.IsNeedingInput)
                    inf.SetInput(_array, pos, _array.Length - pos);
                inf.Inflate(VerifyGarbageBuffer, 0, VerifyGarbageBuffer.Length);
            while (!inf.IsFinished && !inf.IsNeedingInput)
                inf.Inflate(VerifyGarbageBuffer, 0, VerifyGarbageBuffer.Length);
Пример #13
		protected override int Inflate(int pos, byte[] dstbuf, int dstoff, Inflater inf)
            while (!inf.IsFinished)
                if (inf.IsNeedingInput)
                    inf.SetInput(_array, pos, _array.Length - pos);
                dstoff += inf.Inflate(dstbuf, dstoff, dstbuf.Length - dstoff);
            while (!inf.IsFinished && !inf.IsNeedingInput)
                dstoff += inf.Inflate(dstbuf, dstoff, dstbuf.Length - dstoff);
            return dstoff;
Пример #14
        public static byte[] Decompress(byte[] input, int uncompressedLength, bool header = true)
            Contract.Requires(input != null);
            Contract.Requires(uncompressedLength >= 0);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<byte[]>() != null);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<byte[]>().Length == uncompressedLength);

            var inflater = new Inflater(!header);
            var output = new byte[uncompressedLength];

            inflater.SetInput(input, 0, input.Length);

            return output;
Пример #15
 protected override int Inflate(int pos, byte[] b, int o, Inflater inf)
     while (!inf.IsFinished)
         if (inf.IsNeedingInput)
             inf.SetInput(_array, pos, _array.Length - pos);
         o += inf.Inflate(b, o, b.Length - o);
     while (!inf.IsFinished && !inf.IsNeedingInput)
         o += inf.Inflate(b, o, b.Length - o);
     return o;
Пример #16
        private void Uncompress(BinaryReader SWFBinary)
            SWFBinary.BaseStream.Position = 4;
            int size = Convert.ToInt32(SWFBinary.ReadUInt32());

            byte[] UncompressedData = new byte[size];
            SWFBinary.BaseStream.Position = 0;
            SWFBinary.Read(UncompressedData, 0, 8);

            byte[] CompressedData = SWFBinary.ReadBytes(size);
            Inflater zipInflator = new Inflater();
            zipInflator.Inflate(UncompressedData, 8, size - 8);

            MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(UncompressedData);
            this.SWFBinary = new BinaryReader(m);
Пример #17
		public static byte[] Decompress(byte[] content, int offset, int count)
			//return content;
			Inflater decompressor = new Inflater();
			decompressor.SetInput(content, offset, count);

			using (MemoryStream bos = new MemoryStream(content.Length))
				var buf = new byte[1024];
				while (!decompressor.IsFinished)
					int n = decompressor.Inflate(buf);
					bos.Write(buf, 0, n);
				return bos.ToArray();
Пример #18
 public Stream Open(Stream stream)
     stream.Seek(DataOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
     byte[] data;
     if (DataCompression == 0)
         data = stream.ReadBytes(DataSize);
         var dataBuffer = stream.ReadBytes(DataCompressedSize);
         var inflater = new Inflater(false);
         data = new Byte[DataSize];
     return new MemoryStream(data);
Пример #19
        public byte[] Uncompress(byte[] input)
            Inflater decompressor = new Inflater();

            // Create an expandable byte array to hold the decompressed data
            MemoryStream bos = new MemoryStream(input.Length);

            // Decompress the data
            byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
            while (!decompressor.IsFinished)
                int count = decompressor.Inflate(buf);
                bos.Write(buf, 0, count);

            // Get the decompressed data
            return bos.ToArray();
Пример #20
 internal override int inflate(int pos, byte[] b, int o, Inflater inf)
     byte[] tmp = new byte[512];
     var s = _stream;
     while ((s.Length-s.Position) > 0 && !inf.IsFinished)
         if (inf.IsNeedingInput)
             int n = (int)Math.Min((s.Length - s.Position), tmp.Length);
             s.Read(tmp, 0, n);
             inf.SetInput(tmp, 0, n);
         o += inf.Inflate(b, o, b.Length - o);
     while (!inf.IsFinished && !inf.IsNeedingInput)
         o += inf.Inflate(b, o, b.Length - o);
     return o;
Пример #21
 	protected override int Inflate(int pos, byte[] dstbuf, int dstoff, Inflater inf)
         var tmp = new byte[512];
         var s = _stream;
         while ((s.Length-s.Position) > 0 && !inf.IsFinished)
             if (inf.IsNeedingInput)
                 var n = (int)Math.Min((s.Length - s.Position), tmp.Length);
                 s.Read(tmp, 0, n);
                 inf.SetInput(tmp, 0, n);
             dstoff += inf.Inflate(dstbuf, dstoff, dstbuf.Length - dstoff);
         while (!inf.IsFinished && !inf.IsNeedingInput)
             dstoff += inf.Inflate(dstbuf, dstoff, dstbuf.Length - dstoff);
         return dstoff;
Пример #22
 public InflaterInputStream(Stream baseInputStream, Inflater inflater, int bufferSize)
     this.isStreamOwner = true;
     if (baseInputStream == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("baseInputStream");
     if (inflater == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("inflater");
     if (bufferSize <= 0)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("bufferSize");
     this.baseInputStream = baseInputStream;
     this.inf = inflater;
     this.inputBuffer = new InflaterInputBuffer(baseInputStream, bufferSize);
Пример #23
        protected bool Load(SwfStream stream, uint length, bool hasAlpha)
            CharacterID = stream.ReadUShort();

            byte format = stream.ReadByte();
            Width = stream.ReadUShort();
            Height = stream.ReadUShort();
            byte table = (format == 3) ? stream.ReadByte() : (byte)0;
            byte[] compressed = stream.ReadByteArray(length - stream.TagPosition);
            byte[] data;
            var inflater = new Inflater();

            if (format == 3)
                int rem = Width % 4;
                data = new byte[((rem == 0) ? Width : (Width + 4 - rem)) * Height * 4];
                if (inflater.Inflate(data) != data.Length)
                    throw new SwfCorruptedException("Bitmap data are not valid ZLIB stream!");
                Pixels = BitmapUtils.UnpackIndexed(data, Width, Height, table, hasAlpha);
            else if (format == 4 && !hasAlpha)
                data = new byte[(Width + Width & 0x01) * Height * 2];
                if (inflater.Inflate(data) != data.Length)
                    throw new SwfCorruptedException("Bitmap data are not valid ZLIB stream!");
                Pixels = BitmapUtils.UnpackPIX15(data, Width, Height);
            else if (format == 5)
                data = new byte[Width * Height * 4];
                if (inflater.Inflate(data) != data.Length)
                    return true;
                Pixels = BitmapUtils.UnpackPIX24(data, Width, Height, hasAlpha);
                throw new SwfCorruptedException("Invalid lossless bitmap format found!");

            return true;
		public byte[] Unpack() {
			if (peImage.PEImage.Win32Resources == null)
				return null;
			var dataEntry = peImage.PEImage.Win32Resources.Find(10, "__", 0);
			if (dataEntry == null)
				return null;

			var encryptedData = dataEntry.Data.ReadAllBytes();

			var keyData = GetKeyData();
			if (keyData == null)
				return null;
			var decrypter = new NativeFileDecrypter(keyData);
			decrypter.Decrypt(encryptedData, 0, encryptedData.Length);

			byte[] inflatedData;
			if (isNet1x)
				inflatedData = DeobUtils.Inflate(encryptedData, false);
			else {
				int inflatedSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(encryptedData, 0);
				inflatedData = new byte[inflatedSize];
				var inflater = new Inflater(false);
				inflater.SetInput(encryptedData, 4, encryptedData.Length - 4);
				int count = inflater.Inflate(inflatedData);
				if (count != inflatedSize)
					return null;

			// CLR 1.x or DNR v4.0 - v4.4
			if (BitConverter.ToInt16(inflatedData, 0) == 0x5A4D)
				return inflatedData;

			// DNR v4.5
			if (BitConverter.ToInt16(inflatedData, loaderHeaderSizeV45) == 0x5A4D)
				return UnpackLoader(inflatedData);

			return null;
Пример #25

        /// <summary>
        /// Get an uncompressed blob from PAK_STREAM using the meta-data in ENTRY.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A MemoryStream if possible, otherwise a FileStream to a auto-delete temp file.</returns>
        protected Stream Decompress(Stream PAK_STREAM, cmk.NMS.PAK.Item.Info ENTRY)
            if (PAK_STREAM == null)

            Stream entry;

            if (ENTRY.Length < Int32.MaxValue)
                entry = new MemoryStream((int)ENTRY.Length);
                var temp = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName();
                entry = new FileStream(temp,

            // m_block_size is the max decompressed size of a block.
            // each compressed block will be this size or smaller.
            var compressed   = new byte [m_block_size];
            var decompressed = new byte [m_block_size];
            var inflater     = new zlib.Inflater();
            // using System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream.Read fails to parse the data,
            // even though it supposidly uses zlib behind the scenes.
            // todo: assume used it incorrectly, would prefer using built-in API instead of nuget zlib.

            var index  = ENTRY.Index;               // index of first block for ENTRY
            var offset = ENTRY.Offset;              // where the first block ( m_blocks[index]) starts

            // e.g. ENTRY: Index = 7, Offset = 123456, Length = 123456:
            // - m_blocks[7] = 12345, m_blocks[8] = 6789  (example compressed sizes)
            //   these would (likely) decompress to: 65536 and 57920 bytes = 123456 bytes Length.
            // - offset = 123456 is where m_blocks[7] 12345 bytes of compressed data starts,
            //   m_blocks[8]  6789 bytes of compressed data will immediately follow
            //   m_blocks[7] 12345 bytes, and so on.

            for ( ; entry.Length < ENTRY.Length; ++index)
                PAK_STREAM.Position = offset;

                // current block is uncompressed full block, just copy to output
                if (m_blocks[index] == 0)
                    PAK_STREAM.Read(compressed, 0, m_block_size);
                    entry.Write(compressed, 0, m_block_size);
                    offset += m_block_size;

                PAK_STREAM.Read(compressed, 0, (int)m_blocks[index]);                  // read compressed data for current block
                offset += m_blocks[index];                                             // update offset for next block

                // if it's not an uncompressed full block we MUST assume it's a 'compressed' block (has compression header).
                // we have no way to differentiate a compression header from valid uncompressed data.
                // original psarc.exe code assumes that if the compressed block does not
                // start with 0x78da then it's an uncompressed partial block - ugghhh.
                // Level | ZLIB  | GZIP
                // 1     | 78 01 | 1F 8B - No Compression/low
                // 2     | 78 5E | 1F 8B - Fastest Compression
                // 3     | 78 5E | 1F 8B
                // 4     | 78 5E | 1F 8B
                // 5     | 78 5E | 1F 8B
                // 6     | 78 9C | 1F 8B - Default Compression
                // 7     | 78 DA | 1F 8B - Best Compression (Slowest)
                // 8     | 78 DA | 1F 8B
                // 9     | 78 DA | 1F 8B
                if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                    Array.Reverse(compressed, 0x00, 2);
                var is_compressed = BitConverter.ToUInt16(compressed, 0);
                if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                    Array.Reverse(compressed, 0x00, 2);

                if (is_compressed != 0x7801 &&
                    is_compressed != 0x785e &&
                    is_compressed != 0x789c &&
                    is_compressed != 0x78da
                    // MessageBox.Show("Surprise, uncompressed partial ... maybe");
                    // ... turns out these exist
                    entry.Write(compressed, 0, (int)m_blocks[index]);

                // ??? wtf ???
                // for blocks that inflate to a full block size (65536) we end up with 4 bytes
                // in RemainingInput after first Inflate call, the second call results in 0 bytes inflated.
                // the resulting data in uncompressed_file seems good though, no missing data.
                // if there was padding added by Deflate i'd expect it to be consumed by first Inflate.
                // maybe it's the 4 byte adler checksum ???
                inflater.SetInput(compressed, 0, (int)m_blocks[index]);

                var length = inflater.Inflate(decompressed);
                entry.Write(decompressed, 0, length);


            entry.Position = 0;
Пример #26
 internal override void inflateVerify(int pos, Inflater inf)
     byte[] tmp = new byte[512];
     var s = _stream;
     while ((s.Length - s.Position) > 0 && !inf.IsFinished)
         if (inf.IsNeedingInput)
             int n = (int)Math.Min((s.Length - s.Position), tmp.Length);
             s.Read(tmp, 0, n);
             inf.SetInput(tmp, 0, n);
         inf.Inflate(verifyGarbageBuffer, 0, verifyGarbageBuffer.Length);
     while (!inf.IsFinished && !inf.IsNeedingInput)
         inf.Inflate(verifyGarbageBuffer, 0, verifyGarbageBuffer.Length);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create an InflaterInputStream with the specified decompressor
 /// and a default buffer size of 4KB.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name = "baseInputStream">
 /// The source of input data
 /// </param>
 /// <param name = "inf">
 /// The decompressor used to decompress data read from baseInputStream
 /// </param>
 public InflaterInputStream(Stream baseInputStream, Inflater inf)
     : this(baseInputStream, inf, 4096)
 /// <summary>
 /// Call <see cref="Inflater.SetInput(byte[], int, int)"/> passing the current clear text buffer contents.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="inflater">The inflater to set input for.</param>
 public void SetInflaterInput(Inflater inflater)
     if ( available > 0 ) {
         inflater.SetInput(clearText, clearTextLength - available, available);
         available = 0;
		/// <summary>
		/// Create an InflaterInputStream with the specified decompresseor
		/// and a specified buffer size.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name = "baseInputStream">
		/// the InputStream to read bytes from
		/// </param>
		/// <param name = "inf">
		/// the decompressor used to decompress data read from baseInputStream
		/// </param>
		/// <param name = "size">
		/// size of the buffer to use
		/// </param>
		public InflaterInputStream(Stream baseInputStream, Inflater inf, int size)
			this.baseInputStream = baseInputStream;
			this.inf = inf;
			try {
				this.len = (int)baseInputStream.Length;
			} catch (Exception) {
				// the stream may not support .Length
				this.len = 0;
			if (size <= 0) {
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("size <= 0");
			buf = new byte[size]; //Create the buffer
Пример #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Decompresses the provided data, returning the inflated result.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">the deflated picture data.</param>
        /// <returns>the inflated picture data.</returns>
        private static byte[] InflatePictureData(byte[] data)
            using (MemoryStream in1 = new MemoryStream(data))
                using (MemoryStream out1 = new MemoryStream())
                    InflaterInputStream zIn = null;
                        Inflater inflater = new Inflater(false);
                        zIn = new InflaterInputStream(in1, inflater);

                        byte[] buf = new byte[4096];
                        int ReadBytes;
                        while ((ReadBytes = zIn.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length)) > 0)
                            out1.Write(buf, 0, ReadBytes);
                        return out1.ToArray();
                    catch (IOException e)
                        log.Log(POILogger.WARN, "Possibly corrupt compression or non-compressed data", e);
                        return data;
Пример #31
		/// <summary>
		/// Performs inflate decompression on the given data.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="input">the data to decompress</param>
		/// <param name="output">the decompressed data</param>
		public static void DecompressZLib(byte[] input, byte[] output)
			Inflater item = new Inflater();

			item.SetInput(input, 0, input.Length);
			item.Inflate(output, 0, output.Length);