Пример #1
 public Vector3 GetRandom(Vector3 maxRandom, int iElement)
     MathUtils.tempV3.x = maxRandom.x * (DRandom.GetUnit(iElement));
     MathUtils.tempV3.y = maxRandom.y * (DRandom.GetUnit(iElement + 13 * iElement));
     MathUtils.tempV3.z = maxRandom.z * (DRandom.GetUnit(iElement + 29 * iElement));
Пример #2
        public void InitTimes(TextAnimation se, bool force = false)
            if (mRandomSeed < 0)
                mRandomSeed = DRandom.GetSeed();

            int nElements = (se == null) ? 1 : TextAnimation.mCharacters.Size;

            if (mNumElements == nElements && !force)

            mNumElements = nElements;

            mTotalTime = 0;
            for (int i = 0, imax = _Sequences.Length; i < imax; ++i)
            //if (_Sequences[i]._Enabled || force)
                _Sequences[i].InitTimes(se, this, i, nElements);

                float seqDuration = _Sequences[i].mTotalTime;
                if (mTotalTime < 0 || seqDuration < 0)
                    mTotalTime = float.MaxValue;
                    mTotalTime = mTotalTime > seqDuration ? mTotalTime : seqDuration;
            mTotalTime += _ExtraTimePerLoop;
        public override void OnStop(TextAnimation se, SE_Animation anim, int sequenceIndex)
            if (!Application.isPlaying || !_OnFinish_SetAlphaToFinalValue)

            var currentAlpha = se.mWidgetColor.a;

            float t = anim._Backwards ? 0 : 1;

            var progress = _EasingCurve.Evaluate(t);

            //--[ From ]----------------------------
            float aFrom = _From * 255;

            if (_AnimBlend_From == eFloatAnimBlendMode.Offset)
                aFrom = aFrom + currentAlpha;
            if (_AnimBlend_From == eFloatAnimBlendMode.Blend)
                aFrom = _From * currentAlpha;

            if (HasRandom(_FromRandom))
                aFrom += 255 * _FromRandom * DRandom.GetUnit(0);

            //--[ To ]----------------------------
            float aTo = 255 * _To;

            if (_AnimBlend_To == eFloatAnimBlendMode.Offset)
                aTo = (currentAlpha + _To);
            if (_AnimBlend_To == eFloatAnimBlendMode.Blend)
                aTo = (currentAlpha * _To);

            if (HasRandom(_ToRandom))
                aTo += 255 * _ToRandom * DRandom.GetUnit(0 * 2 + 90);

            // Find Alpha for this Character
            float falpha = (aFrom + (aTo - aFrom) * progress);
            byte  alpha  = (byte)(falpha < 0 ? 0 : falpha > 255 ? 255 : falpha);

            var color = se.mWidgetColor;

            color.a = alpha;
Пример #4
        public void GetElementTimes(SE_Animation anim, int index, out float startTime, out float elementDuration)
            startTime       = index * mElementDelay;
            elementDuration = mElementDuration;
            float loopTime = mTotalTime - mDelay;

            int randomSeedBase = anim.mRandomSeed + 10 * anim.GetCurrentLoop() - DRandom.mCurrentSeed;

            if (_DurationRandom_Slower > 0 || _DurationRandom_Faster > 0)
                float durRangeSlower = _DurationRandom_Slower * loopTime;
                float durRangeFaster = _DurationRandom_Faster * elementDuration;

                float minDuration = elementDuration - durRangeFaster; if (minDuration < 0.001f)
                    minDuration = 0.001f;
                float maxDuration = elementDuration + durRangeSlower; if (maxDuration > loopTime - startTime)
                    maxDuration = loopTime - startTime;
                elementDuration = DRandom.Get(index + randomSeedBase, minDuration, maxDuration);

            if (_RandomStart > 0)
                float randRange = _RandomStart * loopTime;
                float minStart  = startTime - randRange; if (minStart < 0)
                    minStart = 0;
                float maxStart = startTime + randRange; if (maxStart > loopTime - elementDuration)
                    maxStart = loopTime - elementDuration;
                startTime = DRandom.Get(index + randomSeedBase, minStart, maxStart);

            if (_Backwards)
                startTime = mTotalTime - (startTime + mDelay) - elementDuration;
        public override void Apply_Characters(TextAnimation se, SE_Animation anim, int sequenceIndex)
            if (anim.mTime < mDelay && !_InitAllElements)

            bool applyRandomFrom = HasRandom(_FromRandom);
            bool applyRandomTo   = HasRandom(_ToRandom);

            DRandom.mCurrentSeed = GetRandomSeed(anim, sequenceIndex);

            // Iterate through all the valid range
            for (int iElement = mElementRangeStart; iElement < mElementRangeEnd; ++iElement)
                float progress = GetProgress(anim.mTime, anim, iElement);
                if (!_InitAllElements && progress < 0)
                progress = progress < 0 ? 0 : progress;

                progress = _EasingCurve.Evaluate(progress);
                var currentAlpha = TextAnimation.mOriginalVertices.Buffer[iElement * 4].color.a;

                //--[ From ]----------------------------
                float aFrom = _From * 255;
                if (_AnimBlend_From == eFloatAnimBlendMode.Offset)
                    aFrom = aFrom + currentAlpha;
                if (_AnimBlend_From == eFloatAnimBlendMode.Blend)
                    aFrom = _From * currentAlpha;

                if (applyRandomFrom)
                    aFrom += 255 * _FromRandom * DRandom.GetUnit(iElement);

                //--[ To ]----------------------------
                float aTo = 255 * _To;
                if (_AnimBlend_To == eFloatAnimBlendMode.Offset)
                    aTo = (currentAlpha + _To);
                if (_AnimBlend_To == eFloatAnimBlendMode.Blend)
                    aTo = (currentAlpha * _To);

                if (applyRandomTo)
                    aTo += 255 * _ToRandom * DRandom.GetUnit(iElement * 2 + 90);

                // Find Alpha for this Character
                float falpha = (aFrom + (aTo - aFrom) * progress);
                byte  alpha  = (byte)(falpha < 0?0 : falpha > 255?255: falpha);

                // Apply to all Vertices
                for (int v = iElement * 4; v < iElement * 4 + 4; ++v)
                    TextAnimation.mOriginalVertices.Buffer[v].color.a = alpha;