public static void DisplayAnimalInfo(Animals animal) { Rooms animalRoom = Query.GetRoom(animal.AnimalId); List <string> info = new List <string>() { "ID: " + animal.AnimalId, animal.Name, animal.Age + "years old", "Demeanour: " + animal.Demeanor, "Kid friendly: " + BoolToYesNo(animal.KidFriendly), "pet friendly: " + BoolToYesNo(animal.PetFriendly), $"Location: " + animalRoom.RoomId, "Weight: " + animal.Weight.ToString(), "Food amoumnt in cups:" + animal.DietPlan.FoodAmountInCups }; DisplayUserOptions(info); Console.ReadLine(); }
internal static void UpdateShot(string shotName, Animals animal) { var foundShot = db.Shots.Where(x => x.Name == shotName).FirstOrDefault(); var newAnimalShot = new AnimalShots(); newAnimalShot.AnimalId = animal.AnimalId; newAnimalShot.ShotId = foundShot.ShotId; newAnimalShot.DateReceived = DateTime.Now; db.AnimalShots.Add(newAnimalShot); db.SaveChanges(); }
// TODO: Adoption CRUD Operations internal static void Adopt(Animals animal, Clients client) { var newAdoption = new Adoptions(); newAdoption.ApprovalStatus = "In Progress"; newAdoption.PaymentCollected = true; newAdoption.ClientId = client.ClientId; newAdoption.AnimalId = animal.AnimalId; newAdoption.AdoptionFee = 50; db.Adoptions.Add(newAdoption); db.SaveChanges(); }
public void manageAdopter(Animals theAnimals, Cages theCages) { char menuChoice; do { Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0); // move the cursor up Nine lines to paint next menu on top. //"12345678901234567890123456789012" Console.WriteLine(" MANAGE ADOPTER "); Console.WriteLine("1-) Fill Aplication "); Console.WriteLine("2-) Pay Fee "); Console.WriteLine("3-) Select Pet "); Console.WriteLine("4-) "); Console.WriteLine("5-) "); Console.WriteLine("6-) "); // setup the cages available in the facility Console.WriteLine("9-) QUIT "); Console.Write("ENTER CHOICE: "); Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.CursorLeft - 5, Console.CursorTop); // move the cursor up Nine lines to paint next menu on top. menuChoice = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; switch (menuChoice) { case '1': fillApplication(); break; case '2': payFee(); break; case '3': selectPet(theAnimals, theCages); break; case '4': break; case '5': break; case '6': break; case '9': cleanUpBack(); break; } } while (menuChoice != '9'); }
// Creates an animal // Additional method internal static Animals CreateAnAnimal(string name, int weight, int age, string demeanor, bool?kidFriendly, bool?petFriendly, string gender, string adoptionStatus, int categoryId, int dietPlanId, int employeeId) { Animals newAnimal = new Animals(); newAnimal.Name = name; newAnimal.Weight = weight; newAnimal.Age = age; newAnimal.Demeanor = demeanor; newAnimal.KidFriendly = kidFriendly; newAnimal.PetFriendly = petFriendly; newAnimal.Gender = gender; newAnimal.AdoptionStatus = adoptionStatus; newAnimal.DietPlanId = dietPlanId; newAnimal.EmployeeId = employeeId; return(newAnimal); }
private void AddAnimal() { Console.Clear(); string animalCategoryName = UserInterface.GetStringData("category/breed", "the name of the animal's"); string animalDietPlanName = UserInterface.GetStringData("diet plan", "the name of the animal's"); Animals animal = new Animals(); animal.CategoryId = Query.GetCategoryId(animalCategoryName); animal.Name = UserInterface.GetStringData("name", "the animal's"); animal.Age = UserInterface.GetIntegerData("age", "the animal's"); animal.Demeanor = UserInterface.GetStringData("demeanor", "the animal's"); animal.KidFriendly = UserInterface.GetBitData("the animal", "child friendly"); animal.PetFriendly = UserInterface.GetBitData("the animal", "pet friendly"); animal.Weight = UserInterface.GetIntegerData("the animal", "the weight of the"); animal.DietPlanId = Query.GetDietPlanId(animalDietPlanName); Query.AddAnimal(animal); }
private void CheckShots(Animals animal) { List <string> shotInfo = new List <string>(); var shots = Query.GetShots(animal); foreach (AnimalShots shot in shots.ToList()) { shotInfo.Add($"{shot.Shot.Name} Date: {shot.DateReceived}"); } if (shotInfo.Count > 0) { UserInterface.DisplayUserOptions(shotInfo); } if (UserInterface.GetBitData("Would you like to Update shots?")) { string shotToAdd = UserInterface.GetStringData("the animal received", "the shot"); Query.UpdateShot(shotToAdd, animal); } }
private void selectPet(Animals theAnimals, Cages theCages) { int cageID; if (this.theApplication.AnimalKind == "DOG") { cageID = selectDog(theAnimals); theAnimals.removeDog(cageID, theCages); } if (this.theApplication.AnimalKind == "CAT") { cageID = selectCat(theAnimals); theAnimals.removeCat(cageID, theCages); } if (this.theApplication.AnimalKind == "BIRD") { cageID = selectBird(theAnimals); theAnimals.removeBird(cageID, theCages); } }
// TODO: Animal CRUD Operations internal static void AddAnimal(Animals animal) { Animals newAnimal = new Animals(); newAnimal.Name = animal.Name; newAnimal.Weight = animal.Weight; newAnimal.Age = animal.Age; newAnimal.Demeanor = animal.Demeanor; newAnimal.KidFriendly = animal.KidFriendly; newAnimal.PetFriendly = animal.PetFriendly; newAnimal.Gender = animal.Gender; newAnimal.AdoptionStatus = animal.AdoptionStatus; newAnimal.CategoryId = animal.CategoryId; newAnimal.DietPlanId = animal.DietPlanId; newAnimal.EmployeeId = animal.EmployeeId; db.Add(newAnimal); db.SaveChanges(); Console.Clear(); }
private void RunCheckMenu(Animals animal) { bool isFinished = false; Console.Clear(); while (!isFinished) { List <string> options = new List <string>() { "Animal found:", animal.Name, animal.Category.Name, "Would you like to:", "1. Get Info", "2. Update Info", "3. Check shots", "4. Return" }; UserInterface.DisplayUserOptions(options); int input = UserInterface.GetIntegerData(); if (input == 4) { isFinished = true; continue; } RunCheckMenuInput(input, animal); } }
private void RunCheckMenuInput(int input, Animals animal) { switch (input) { case 1: UserInterface.DisplayAnimalInfo(animal); Console.Clear(); break; case 2: UpdateAnimal(animal); Console.Clear(); break; case 3: CheckShots(animal); Console.Clear(); break; default: UserInterface.DisplayUserOptions("Input not accepted please select a menu choice"); break; } }
// TODO: Shots Stuff internal static IQueryable <AnimalShots> GetShots(Animals animal) { var query = db.AnimalShots.Where(a => a.AnimalId == animal.AnimalId).Select(a => a); return(query); }
internal static void RemoveAnimal(Animals animal) { var queryRoom = db.Rooms.Where(a => a.AnimalId == animal.AnimalId).FirstOrDefault(); if (queryRoom != null) { try { if (queryRoom != null) { queryRoom.AnimalId = null; db.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } var queryShot = db.AnimalShots.Where(a => a.AnimalId == animal.AnimalId).Select(a => a); try { foreach (var item in queryShot) { db.AnimalShots.Remove(item); } db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } var queryAdoptions = db.Adoptions.Where(a => a.AnimalId == animal.AnimalId).Select(a => a); try { foreach (var item in queryAdoptions) { db.Adoptions.Remove(item); } db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } var queryAnimal = db.Animals.Where(a => a.AnimalId == animal.AnimalId).Select(a => a); if (queryAnimal != null) { foreach (var item in queryAnimal) { db.Animals.Remove(item); } } try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
internal static Animals GetAnimalByID(int id) { Animals foundAnimal = db.Animals.Where(i => i.AnimalId == id).FirstOrDefault(); return(foundAnimal); }
public void Run() { Animals theAnimals = new Animals(); Supplies theSupplies = new Supplies(); Cages theCages = new Cages(); char menuChoice; do { Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0); // move the cursor up Nine lines to paint next menu on top. //"12345678901234567890123456789012" Console.WriteLine("Humane Society Management System"); Console.WriteLine("1-) Manage Animals "); Console.WriteLine("2-) Manage Adopter "); Console.WriteLine("3-) Show Animals "); Console.WriteLine("4-) Manage Food Supplies "); Console.WriteLine("5-) Manage Medication Supplies "); Console.WriteLine("6-) Manage Cages "); // setup the cages available in the facility Console.WriteLine("7-) "); Console.WriteLine("8-) "); Console.WriteLine("9-) QUIT "); Console.Write("ENTER CHOICE: "); Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.CursorLeft - 5, Console.CursorTop); // move the cursor up Nine lines to paint next menu on top. menuChoice = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; // or just pass 0,0 switch (menuChoice) { case '1': theAnimals.manageAnimals(theSupplies, theCages); break; case '2': Adopter theAdopter = new Adopter(); theAdopter.manageAdopter(theAnimals, theCages); break; case '3': theAnimals.showAnimals(); break; case '4': theSupplies.manageFoodSupplies(); break; case '5': //manageMedication(); break; case '6': theCages.manageCages(); break; case '7': case '8': Console.Beep(5000, 250); Console.Beep(2000, 250); break; case '9': letsQuit(); break; } } while (menuChoice != '9'); }