// TODO: Shots Stuff internal static IQueryable <AnimalShot> GetShots(Animal animal) { var animalShots = db.AnimalShots.Where(s => s.AnimalId == animal.AnimalId); return(animalShots); }
// TODO: Animal CRUD Operations internal static void AddAnimal(Animal animal) { db.Animals.InsertOnSubmit(animal); db.SubmitChanges(); }
internal static void RemoveAnimal(Animal animal) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
// TODO: Shots Stuff internal static IQueryable <AnimalShot> GetShots(Animal animal) { IQueryable <AnimalShot> animalShots = db.AnimalShots.Where(c => c.AnimalId == animal.AnimalId); return(animalShots); }
internal static Animal GetAnimalByID(int id) { Animal animalById = db.Animals.Where(a => a.AnimalId >= id).First(); return(animalById); }
public void AddCSVFile(string fileName) { try { using (TextFieldParser parser = new TextFieldParser(@fileName)) { parser.TextFieldType = FieldType.Delimited; parser.SetDelimiters(","); while (!parser.EndOfData) { string[] animalTrait = parser.ReadFields(); Animal animalToAdd = new Animal(); animalToAdd.Name = animalTrait[0].Trim('"'); int?intParseValue = UserInterface.GetCsvIntData(animalTrait[2]); animalToAdd.Weight = intParseValue; string testedInput = UserInterface.CsvNullChecker(animalTrait[1]); while (testedInput == null) { UserInterface.DisplayUserOptions("Please enter the animal`s species: "); string input = Console.ReadLine(); intParseValue = Query.GetCategoryId(input); if (intParseValue != null) { testedInput = "Not null"; } } animalToAdd.CategoryId = intParseValue; intParseValue = UserInterface.GetCsvIntData(animalTrait[3]); animalToAdd.Age = intParseValue; intParseValue = UserInterface.GetCsvIntData(animalTrait[4]); animalToAdd.DietPlanId = intParseValue; animalToAdd.Demeanor = animalTrait[5].Trim('"'); bool?newFriendlyStatus = UserInterface.GetCsvBoolData(animalTrait[6]); animalToAdd.KidFriendly = newFriendlyStatus; newFriendlyStatus = UserInterface.GetCsvBoolData(animalTrait[7]); animalToAdd.PetFriendly = newFriendlyStatus; animalToAdd.Gender = animalTrait[8]; animalToAdd.AdoptionStatus = animalTrait[9].Trim('"'); intParseValue = UserInterface.GetCsvIntData(animalTrait[10]); animalToAdd.EmployeeId = intParseValue; if (Query.CheckIfEmptyRoom()) { Query.AddAnimal(animalToAdd); Query.PlaceAnimalIntoRoom(animalToAdd.AnimalId); } else { UserInterface.DisplayUserOptions("There are no open rooms at this time. The animal has not been admitted. Press any key to continue."); Console.ReadLine(); RunUserMenus(); } } RunUserMenus(); } } catch { UserInterface.DisplayUserOptions("There is something wrong with the file you are attempting to load or the file does not exist. Please check it and try again. Press any key to continue."); Console.ReadLine(); RunUserMenus(); } }