Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies right to left direction to words
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="blockBox"></param>
 /// <param name="lineBox"></param>
 private static void ApplyRightToLeft(CssBox blockBox, CssLineBox lineBox)
     if (blockBox.Direction == CssConstants.Rtl)
         foreach (var box in lineBox.RelatedBoxes)
             if (box.Direction == CssConstants.Rtl)
                 ApplyRightToLeftOnSingleBox(lineBox, box);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Simplest alignment, just arrange words.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        private static void ApplyLeftAlignment(RGraphics g, CssLineBox line)
            //No alignment needed.

            //foreach (LineBoxRectangle r in line.Rectangles)
            //    double curx = r.Left + (r.Index == 0 ? r.OwnerBox.ActualPaddingLeft + r.OwnerBox.ActualBorderLeftWidth / 2 : 0);

            //    if (r.SpaceBefore) curx += r.OwnerBox.ActualWordSpacing;

            //    foreach (BoxWord word in r.Words)
            //    {
            //        word.Left = curx;
            //        word.Top = r.Top;// +r.OwnerBox.ActualPaddingTop + r.OwnerBox.ActualBorderTopWidth / 2;

            //        curx = word.Right + r.OwnerBox.ActualWordSpacing;
            //    }
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies vertical and horizontal alignment to words in lineboxes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="lineBox"></param>
        private static void ApplyHorizontalAlignment(RGraphics g, CssLineBox lineBox)
            switch (lineBox.OwnerBox.TextAlign)
            case CssConstants.Right:
                ApplyRightAlignment(g, lineBox);

            case CssConstants.Center:
                ApplyCenterAlignment(g, lineBox);

            case CssConstants.Justify:
                ApplyJustifyAlignment(g, lineBox);

                ApplyLeftAlignment(g, lineBox);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies centered alignment to the text on the linebox
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="lineBox"></param>
        private static void ApplyJustifyAlignment(RGraphics g, CssLineBox lineBox)
            if (lineBox.Equals(lineBox.OwnerBox.LineBoxes[lineBox.OwnerBox.LineBoxes.Count - 1]))

            double indent     = lineBox.Equals(lineBox.OwnerBox.LineBoxes[0]) ? lineBox.OwnerBox.ActualTextIndent : 0f;
            double textSum    = 0f;
            double words      = 0f;
            double availWidth = lineBox.OwnerBox.ClientRectangle.Width - indent;

            // Gather text sum
            foreach (CssRect w in lineBox.Words)
                textSum += w.Width;
                words   += 1f;

            if (words <= 0f)
                return;                                      //Avoid Zero division
            double spacing = (availWidth - textSum) / words; //Spacing that will be used
            double curx    = lineBox.OwnerBox.ClientLeft + indent;

            foreach (CssRect word in lineBox.Words)
                word.Left = curx;
                curx      = word.Right + spacing;

                if (word == lineBox.Words[lineBox.Words.Count - 1])
                    word.Left = lineBox.OwnerBox.ClientRight - word.Width;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively creates the rectangles of the blockBox, by bubbling from deep to outside of the boxes
        /// in the rectangle structure
        /// </summary>
        private static void BubbleRectangles(CssBox box, CssLineBox line)
            if (box.Words.Count > 0)
                double         x = Single.MaxValue, y = Single.MaxValue, r = Single.MinValue, b = Single.MinValue;
                List <CssRect> words = line.WordsOf(box);

                if (words.Count > 0)
                    foreach (CssRect word in words)
                        // handle if line is wrapped for the first text element where parent has left margin\padding
                        var left = word.Left;

                        if (box == box.ParentBox.Boxes[0] && word == box.Words[0] && word == line.Words[0] && line != line.OwnerBox.LineBoxes[0] && !word.IsLineBreak)
                            left -= box.ParentBox.ActualMarginLeft + box.ParentBox.ActualBorderLeftWidth + box.ParentBox.ActualPaddingLeft;

                        x = Math.Min(x, left);
                        r = Math.Max(r, word.Right);
                        y = Math.Min(y, word.Top);
                        b = Math.Max(b, word.Bottom);
                    line.UpdateRectangle(box, x, y, r, b);
                foreach (CssBox b in box.Boxes)
                    BubbleRectangles(b, line);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively flows the content of the box using the inline model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">Device Info</param>
        /// <param name="blockbox">Blockbox that contains the text flow</param>
        /// <param name="box">Current box to flow its content</param>
        /// <param name="limitRight">Maximum reached right</param>
        /// <param name="linespacing">Space to use between rows of text</param>
        /// <param name="startx">x starting coordinate for when breaking lines of text</param>
        /// <param name="line">Current linebox being used</param>
        /// <param name="curx">Current x coordinate that will be the left of the next word</param>
        /// <param name="cury">Current y coordinate that will be the top of the next word</param>
        /// <param name="maxRight">Maximum right reached so far</param>
        /// <param name="maxbottom">Maximum bottom reached so far</param>
        private static void FlowBox(RGraphics g, CssBox blockbox, CssBox box, double limitRight, double linespacing, double startx, ref CssLineBox line, ref double curx, ref double cury, ref double maxRight, ref double maxbottom)
            var startX = curx;
            var startY = cury;

            box.FirstHostingLineBox = line;
            var localCurx      = curx;
            var localMaxRight  = maxRight;
            var localmaxbottom = maxbottom;

            foreach (CssBox b in box.Boxes)
                double leftspacing  = (b.Position != CssConstants.Absolute && b.Position != CssConstants.Fixed) ? b.ActualMarginLeft + b.ActualBorderLeftWidth + b.ActualPaddingLeft : 0;
                double rightspacing = (b.Position != CssConstants.Absolute && b.Position != CssConstants.Fixed) ? b.ActualMarginRight + b.ActualBorderRightWidth + b.ActualPaddingRight : 0;


                curx += leftspacing;

                if (b.Words.Count > 0)
                    bool wrapNoWrapBox = false;
                    if (b.WhiteSpace == CssConstants.NoWrap && curx > startx)
                        var boxRight = curx;
                        foreach (var word in b.Words)
                            boxRight += word.FullWidth;
                        if (boxRight > limitRight)
                            wrapNoWrapBox = true;

                    if (DomUtils.IsBoxHasWhitespace(b))
                        curx += box.ActualWordSpacing;

                    foreach (var word in b.Words)
                        if (maxbottom - cury < box.ActualLineHeight)
                            maxbottom += box.ActualLineHeight - (maxbottom - cury);

                        if ((b.WhiteSpace != CssConstants.NoWrap && b.WhiteSpace != CssConstants.Pre && curx + word.Width + rightspacing > limitRight &&
                             (b.WhiteSpace != CssConstants.PreWrap || !word.IsSpaces)) ||
                            word.IsLineBreak || wrapNoWrapBox)
                            wrapNoWrapBox = false;
                            curx          = startx;

                            // handle if line is wrapped for the first text element where parent has left margin\padding
                            if (b == box.Boxes[0] && !word.IsLineBreak && (word == b.Words[0] || (box.ParentBox != null && box.ParentBox.IsBlock)))
                                curx += box.ActualMarginLeft + box.ActualBorderLeftWidth + box.ActualPaddingLeft;

                            cury = maxbottom + linespacing;

                            line = new CssLineBox(blockbox);

                            if (word.IsImage || word.Equals(b.FirstWord))
                                curx += leftspacing;


                        word.Left = curx;
                        word.Top  = cury;

                        if (!box.IsFixed)

                        curx = word.Left + word.FullWidth;

                        maxRight  = Math.Max(maxRight, word.Right);
                        maxbottom = Math.Max(maxbottom, word.Bottom);

                        if (b.Position == CssConstants.Absolute)
                            word.Left += box.ActualMarginLeft;
                            word.Top  += box.ActualMarginTop;
                    FlowBox(g, blockbox, b, limitRight, linespacing, startx, ref line, ref curx, ref cury, ref maxRight, ref maxbottom);

                curx += rightspacing;

            // handle height setting
            if (maxbottom - startY < box.ActualHeight)
                maxbottom += box.ActualHeight - (maxbottom - startY);

            // handle width setting
            if (box.IsInline && 0 <= curx - startX && curx - startX < box.ActualWidth)
                // hack for actual width handling
                curx += box.ActualWidth - (curx - startX);
                line.Rectangles.Add(box, new RRect(startX, startY, box.ActualWidth, box.ActualHeight));

            // handle box that is only a whitespace
            if (box.Text != null && box.Text.IsWhitespace() && !box.IsImage && box.IsInline && box.Boxes.Count == 0 && box.Words.Count == 0)
                curx += box.ActualWordSpacing;

            // hack to support specific absolute position elements
            if (box.Position == CssConstants.Absolute)
                curx      = localCurx;
                maxRight  = localMaxRight;
                maxbottom = localmaxbottom;
                AdjustAbsolutePosition(box, 0, 0);

            box.LastHostingLineBox = line;