private ClubSeasonPerformance ParseLeagueTableRow(HtmlNode tableRow)
            var cells = tableRow.Elements("td").ToArray();

            var name = cells[1].InnerText;

            return new ClubSeasonPerformance
                Club = Clubs.GetClubFromName(name),
                HomePlayed = byte.Parse(cells[2].InnerText),
                HomeWon = byte.Parse(cells[3].InnerText),
                HomeDrawn = byte.Parse(cells[4].InnerText),
                HomeLost = byte.Parse(cells[5].InnerText),
                HomeGoalsFor = byte.Parse(cells[6].InnerText),
                HomeGoalsAgainst = byte.Parse(cells[7].InnerText),
                AwayPlayed = byte.Parse(cells[10].InnerText),
                AwayWon = byte.Parse(cells[11].InnerText),
                AwayDrawn = byte.Parse(cells[12].InnerText),
                AwayLost = byte.Parse(cells[13].InnerText),
                AwayGoalsFor = byte.Parse(cells[14].InnerText),
                AwayGoalsAgainst = byte.Parse(cells[15].InnerText)

Пример #2
 public static IEnumerable <HtmlNode> Elements(this HtmlNode node, string name, string className)
     if (node == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(node));
     return(node.Elements(name).Where(n => n.HasClass(className)));
Пример #3
        private int GetProductInfoSku(HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument _doc, ref ProductInfoSku PIS, ref List <string> images, ref List <String_String> name_and_des_title_img)
            /* try
             * {*/
            HtmlNode jProductInfoSku = _doc.GetElementbyId("j-product-info-sku");

            IEnumerable <HtmlNode> proItems = jProductInfoSku.Elements("dl");

            foreach (HtmlNode proItem in proItems)
                string name = "";
                //Gonna be added to NameVal_String
                NameValueCollection skuList = new NameValueCollection();
                int hasIMGTag = 0;

                name = proItem.Element("dt").InnerText.Replace(":", "");
                HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode jSkuList = proItem.Element("dd").Element("ul");
                IEnumerable <HtmlNode>   itemSkus = jSkuList.Elements("li");
                //itemSku: li element contains class item-sku-color
                foreach (HtmlNode itemSku in itemSkus)
                    string dataSkuId = itemSku.FirstChild.Attributes["data-sku-id"].Value;
                    string title;
                    if (itemSku.FirstChild.Attributes.Contains("title"))
                        title = itemSku.FirstChild.Attributes["title"].Value;
                        title = itemSku.FirstChild.InnerText;
                    skuList.Add(dataSkuId, title);
                    //Images of colors

                    if (itemSku.FirstChild.Descendants("img").Count <HtmlNode>() > 0)
                        if (itemSku.FirstChild.Element("img").Attributes.Contains("bigpic"))
                            string bigpicWithTail    = itemSku.FirstChild.Element("img").Attributes["bigpic"].Value;
                            string bigpicWithoutTail = bigpicWithTail.Remove(bigpicWithTail.LastIndexOf('_'));

                            string values_s = "<tr><td>" + name + ": " + title + "</td><td><img width='480' height='480' src='" + bigpicWithTail + "'></td></tr>";
                            name_and_des_title_img.Add(new String_String(name, values_s));
                        hasIMGTag = 1;

                    //Background colors
                    else if (itemSku.FirstChild.Descendants("span").Where(n => n.Attributes.Contains("class") && n.Attributes["class"].Value.Contains("sku-color-")).Count <HtmlNode>() > 0)
                        HtmlNode backgroundColorCSSElem = itemSku.FirstChild.Descendants("span").Where(n => n.Attributes.Contains("class") && n.Attributes["class"].Value.Contains("sku-color-")).First();
                        string   className  = backgroundColorCSSElem.Attributes["class"].Value;
                        string   colorStyle = BackgroundColorSelector(className);
                        if (colorStyle == "")
                        string values_s = "<tr><td>" + name + ": " + title + "</td><td width='480' height='480' style='" + BackgroundColorSelector(className) + "'></td></tr>";
                        name_and_des_title_img.Add(new String_String(name, values_s));
                    else if (name.ToLower() == "color")
                        MessageBox.Show("Color not found! Liên hệ \nOuterHTML: " + itemSku.InnerHtml);
                NameVal_String skuList_hasIMGTag = new NameVal_String(skuList, hasIMGTag);
                PropertyItem   tempPI            = new PropertyItem(name, skuList_hasIMGTag);

             * catch(Exception ex)
             * {
             *  MessageBox.Show("GetProductInfoSku: " + ex.Message);
             *  return -7;
             * }*/

 void GetLatestVideos(ref List<VideoInfo> result, HtmlNode li_container)
     foreach (var li in li_container.Elements("li"))
         if (li.GetAttributeValue("class", "").Contains("more_reiter"))
             HasNextPage = true;
             nextPageUrl = "" + li.Element("a").GetAttributeValue("href", "") + "&hajax=1";
             SerializableDictionary<string, string> tags = null;
             if (li.Element("ul") != null)
                 tags = new SerializableDictionary<string, string>();
                 foreach (var tag_li in li.Element("ul").Elements("li"))
                     tags.Add(tag_li.Element("a").InnerText, "" + tag_li.Element("a").GetAttributeValue("href", ""));
             var a = li.Descendants("h3").First().Element("a");
             result.Add(new VideoInfo()
                 Title = a.InnerText,
                 VideoUrl = "" + a.GetAttributeValue("href", ""),
                 Thumb = "" + li.Descendants("img").First().GetAttributeValue("src", ""),
                 Description = li.Descendants("p").First().FirstChild.InnerText.Trim(),
                 Other = tags
 private SubsceneSubtitle CreateSubtitleFromLink(HtmlNode anchor, string link)
     const string goodRatingClassName = "r100";
     const string neutralRatingClassName = "r0";
     var spans = anchor.Elements("span").ToArray();
     var firstSpan = spans.First();
     var ratingClass = firstSpan.Attributes["class"].Value;
     var ratingType = ratingClass.Contains(goodRatingClassName) ? 1 : ratingClass.Contains(neutralRatingClassName) ? 0 : -1;
     var language = firstSpan.InnerText.Trim();
     var lastSpan = spans.Last();
     var releaseName = RemoveComments(lastSpan?.InnerText.Trim());
     var relaseIdentity = _releaseParser.ParseEpisodeInfo(releaseName);
     var subtitle = new SubsceneSubtitle
         SubtitleLink = link,
         LanguageName = language,
         ReleaseName = releaseName,
         SeriesName = relaseIdentity.SeriesName,
         Season = relaseIdentity.Season,
         Episode = relaseIdentity.Episode,
         EndEpisode = relaseIdentity.EndEpisode,
         ReleaseGroup = relaseIdentity.ReleaseGroup,
         RatingType = ratingType
     return subtitle;
Пример #6
            public SearchResult(HtmlNode tr)
                var img = tr.Elements("th").First().Descendants("img").SingleOrDefault();
                if (img != null)
                    ISBN = imageUrlParser.Match(img.GetAttributeValue("src", "")).Groups[1].Value;

                var details = tr.Elements("td").Last().Element("span");

                //This is "Last, First"
                Author = details.FirstChild.CleanText().TrimEnd('.');

                var authorTitle = details.Element("b").CleanText().Split('/');
                Title = authorTitle[0].Trim();

                //This is "First Last"
                //Author = authorTitle[0].Trim();

                var publisherNode = details.Element("b").NextSibling;
                while (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(publisherNode.InnerText))
                    publisherNode = publisherNode.NextSibling;
                Year = GetYear(publisherNode.InnerText);

                var script = tr.Descendants("script").First();
                sessionDetailsUrl = detailsUrlFinder.Match(script.InnerText).Groups[1].Value;
Пример #7
        private static HtmlNode ClearNodes(HtmlNode JobOfferElement)
            //var trsToRemove = JobOfferElement.Elements("tr").ToList();


            JobOfferElement = RemoveDescendants(JobOfferElement, new string[] { "a", "img", "script", "style" });

            var trS = JobOfferElement.Elements("tr").ToList();

            bool removeNext = false;
            foreach (var item in trS)
                if (removeNext == false)
                    if (item.Descendants().Where(
                        d => (d.Attributes.Contains("class") &&
                            ).Count() > 0)
                        removeNext = true;
                if (removeNext == true)

            return JobOfferElement;
Пример #8
 internal List<SongModel> ParseSearchedSongTable(HtmlNode table)
     string temp = table.InnerHtml;
     foreach(Match m in Regex.Matches(temp, @"(<tbody\s)[\s\S]+?(/tbody>)"))
         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
         temp = temp.Replace(m.Value, sb.ToString());
     table.InnerHtml = temp;
     List<SongModel> res = new List<SongModel>();
     foreach(var node in table.Elements("tbody"))
         if (node.GetAttributeValue("class", "").Contains("same_song_group"))
             res.AddRange(node.Elements("tr").Select((tr) =>
                 var song = ParseSearchedSong(tr);
                 song.DuplicateOf = res[res.Count - 1];
                 return song;
             })); // 不全部返回的话会造成歌曲数目不够,PageItem加载时会产生Exception
             res.AddRange(node.Elements("tr").Select((tr) => ParseSearchedSong(tr)));
     return res;
Пример #9
 internal SongModel ParseSearchedSong(HtmlNode tr)
     var tds = tr.Elements("td").ToList();
     var checkbox = tds[0].Descendant("input");
     SongModel song = SongModel.GetNew(uint.Parse(checkbox.GetAttributeValue("value", "0")));
     song.Available = checkbox.GetAttributeValue("checked", "") == "checked";
     var links = tds[1].SelectNodes("./a[@target='_blank']");
     song.NameHtml = links[0].InnerHtml;
     if (links.Count > 1) song.MV = MVModel.GetNew(ParseXiamiIDString(links[1].GetAttributeValue("href", "/0")));
     var anode = tds[3].Element("a");
     var album = AlbumModel.GetNew(ParseXiamiID(anode.GetAttributeValue("href", "/0")));
     album.NameHtml = anode.InnerHtml.Replace("《", "").Replace("》", "");
     var arnode = tds[2].Element("a");
     album.Artist = ArtistModel.GetNew(ParseXiamiID(arnode.GetAttributeValue("href", "/0")));
     album.Artist.NameHtml = arnode.InnerHtml;
     song.Album = album;
     return song;
Пример #10
        private VideoInfo getVideoInfo(HtmlNode itemDiv)
            VideoInfo video = new VideoInfo();

            video.VideoUrl = itemDiv.Elements("div").Last().GetAttributeValue("arte_vp_url", "");
            video.Length = itemDiv.Descendants("div").Where(d => d.GetAttributeValue("class", "").Contains("badge-holder")).FirstOrDefault().Element("div").NextSibling.InnerText.Trim().Trim('"').Trim();
            video.Airdate = itemDiv.Descendants("p").FirstOrDefault().ChildNodes.LastOrDefault().InnerText.Trim();
            video.Title = itemDiv.Descendants("h3").FirstOrDefault().InnerText.Trim();
            video.Thumb = itemDiv.Element("img").GetAttributeValue("src", "");
            video.Description = itemDiv.GetAttributeValue("data-description", "");

            return video;
Пример #11
 private IEnumerable<Task<ItemDB.Gem>> ParseGemTable(HtmlNode table)
     return from row in table.Elements("tr").Skip(1)
            select row.ChildNodes[0] into cell
            select cell.SelectNodes("span/a[not(contains(@class, 'image'))]")[0] into nameNode
            select _gemReader.FetchGemAsync(nameNode.InnerHtml);
Пример #12
 public static HtmlNode Element(this HtmlNode node, string name, string className)
     return(node.Elements(name, className).FirstOrDefault());
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all the column values from the li node (Aggregate)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">The Aggregate Node</param>
        /// <param name="columnNumber">Desired Columne Number, 'all' or'1' for the name column</param>
        /// <returns>Array of column values</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Abstracted the getting the column values to here to follow OO SRP and
        /// the column tag names are only maintained in a single place.
        /// </remarks>
        private string[] GetColumnValues(HtmlNode node, string columnNumber = "all")
            //  Using an array we can guarantee the order of the column values
            var columnValues = new string[10];

            //  Extract the elements from the column <p> tags
            var columns = node.Elements("p");

            //  Use foreach so there is only one iteration over the collection
            //  then we don't need to use .ToArray() to allow indexing;
            foreach (var column in columns)
                if (column.Attributes.Count > 0)
                    var colName = column.Attributes[0].Value;
                    var colAttributes = colName.Split(' ');
                    var colId = colAttributes[0];
                    switch (colId)
                        case "panel-column1":
                             *  HTML Agility Pack has a utility class HtmlEntity containing a static class
                             *  DeEntitize, which decode html elements like &nbsp; replacing them with
                             *  the appropriate character.
                             * */
                            var trimChars = new char[] { '\r', '\n', ' ' };
                            //var colValue = column.InnerText;
                            //var colValueTrimmed = colValue.Trim(trimChars);
                            //columnValues[0] = HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlEntity.DeEntitize(colValueTrimmed);
                            //  If only interested in the name, the first column, then exit immediately
                            columnValues[0] = HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlEntity.DeEntitize(column.InnerText.Trim(trimChars));
                            if (columnNumber != "all")
                                return columnValues;
                        case "panel-column2":
                            columnValues[1] = column.InnerText;
                        case "panel-column3":
                            columnValues[2] = HtmlEntity.DeEntitize(column.InnerText);
                        case "panel-column4":
                            columnValues[3] = column.InnerText;
                        case "panel-column5":
                            columnValues[4] = column.InnerText;
                        case "panel-column6":
                            columnValues[5] = column.InnerText;
                        case "panel-column7":
                            columnValues[6] = column.InnerText;
                        case "panel-column8":
                            columnValues[7] = column.InnerText;
                        case "panel-column9":
                            columnValues[8] = column.InnerText;
                        case "panel-column10":
                            columnValues[9] = column.InnerText;
            return columnValues;