Пример #1
        private DateTime GetDateTime(double aUnixTime)
            DateTime dt = new DateTime();

            UnixTime.GetDateTime((long)aUnixTime, out dt);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public void StartReportLine(double aUnixTime)
            resultLine = "";
            DateTime dt = new DateTime();

            UnixTime.GetDateTime((long)aUnixTime, out dt);
            resultLine += aUnixTime + "," + dt;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public void SaveSampleLine()
            if (sampleTime == 0)

            string line = sampleTime.ToString();

            UnixTime.GetDateTime((long)sampleTime, out dt);
            line += "," + dt.ToString();

            for (int i = 0; i < numChannels; i++)
                if (sx[i] == 0)
                    line += ",";
                    line += "," + sx[i];
                if (sy[i] == 0)
                    line += ",";
                    line += "," + sy[i];
                if (sz[i] == 0)
                    line += ",";
                    line += "," + sz[i];

                //if (sx[i] == 0)
                //    line += "," + sxNonZero[i];
                //    line += "," + sx[i];
                //if (sy[i] == 0)
                //    line += "," + syNonZero[i];
                //    line += "," + sy[i];
                //if (sz[i] == 0)
                //    line += "," + szNonZero[i];
                //    line += "," + sz[i];

            if (writeCount > SPLIT_LINES)
                writeCount = 0;

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Decode multiple receiver data that has been saved by MITesLogger (always send multiple of 4 bytes). A MITesLogger saves
        /// MITesData. This reads it back in so it behaves exactly as data read from the
        /// serial port. Useful for "playing back" data that has been saved.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="someData">The array in which the resulting MITesData will be stored.</param>
        /// <param name="dataIndex">The current index of the array in which the MITesData will be stored. (This will append data onto the end of existing data if needed).</param>
        /// <param name="br1">A ByteReader object that has been opened to the proper file for receiver 1.</param>
        /// <returns>The new index for the someData array.</returns>
        public int DecodePLFormatMR(MITesData[] someData, int dataIndex, ByteReader br1)
            bool isGoodPacketRead = false;

            isEndFile1 = false;

            int fileUsed = 0;

            // Determine if consumed next data point from each file. Value of 0 indicates yes and get next value.

            if (dTimeStamp1 == 0)
                dTimeStamp1 = ReadUnixTimeStamp(br1, dLastTimeStamp1);

            if ((dTimeStamp1 - dLastTimeStamp1) > (2 * 60 * 60 * 1000))
                Console.WriteLine("Skip of more than two hours in file 1");


            DateTime dt1 = new DateTime();

            UnixTime.GetDateTime((long)dTimeStamp1, out dt1);

            //if (((dTimeStamp1 != MITesData.NONE) && (dTimeStamp2 != MITesData.NONE)) &&
            //    ((dt1.Second != dt2.Second) || (dt1.Minute != dt2.Minute)))
            //    //isLastMatch = false;
            //        Console.WriteLine("DATES: " + Environment.NewLine + dt1 + Environment.NewLine + dt2 + "    " + debugCount);

            if ((dTimeStamp1 == (double)MITesData.NONE) || (br1 == null))
                //Console.WriteLine("End of file 1: " + GetDateTime(lastGoodTime1) + " " + GetDateTime(lastGoodTime2));
                isEndFile1 = true;

            if (isEndFile1)
                Console.WriteLine("End of file.");

            // If at this point, there is some data to read in one of the files

            #region Thread wait (do in the future)
            // Insert waiting code here in the future for graphing capability option
            //diffMS1 = (int)(dTimeStamp1 - dLastTimeStamp1);
            //if ((dLastTimeStamp1 != 0) && (dTimeStamp1 != 0))
            //    timeToWait1 = diffMS1;
            //    timeToWait1 = 0;

            //diffMS2 = (int)(dTimeStamp1 - dLastTimeStamp1);
            //if ((dLastTimeStamp1 != 0) && (dTimeStamp1 != 0))
            //    timeToWait2 = diffMS1;
            //    timeToWait2 = 0;

            //// Wait the right number of MS if needed from last time data grabbed
            //diffTime = Environment.TickCount - lastTimeStampTime;
            //if ((timeToWait - diffTime) > 0)
            //    Thread.Sleep(timeToWait - diffTime);
            //    timeToWait = 0;


            if ((dTimeStamp1 != -1) && (dLastTimeStamp1 != -1) && (dTimeStamp1 < dLastTimeStamp1))
                Console.WriteLine("Jumpback: " + debugCount + " " + (dLastTimeStamp1 - dTimeStamp1));

            dLastTimeStamp1    = dTimeStamp1;
            lastTimeStampTime1 = Environment.TickCount;

            // Read packet that is first in time from whichever file. Leave other be

            ByteReader brTemp;

            brTemp = null;

            if (!isEndFile1)
                lastGoodTime1 = dTimeStamp1;
                brTemp        = br1;
                fileUsed      = 1;

            // Check if need to ignore data because we have a bad timestamp
            // in either of the files. If so, read bytes and ignore.
            if (fileUsed == 0)
                if (dTimeStamp1 == 0)

            if (fileUsed != 0)
                isGoodPacketRead        = brTemp.ReadByte(tempByte);
                aMITesDecoder.packet[0] = tempByte[0];
                aMITesDecoder.packet[1] = tempByte[0];
                aMITesDecoder.packet[2] = tempByte[0];
                aMITesDecoder.packet[3] = tempByte[0];
                aMITesDecoder.packet[4] = tempByte[0];
                aMITesDecoder.DecodeLastPacket(someData[dataIndex], false); // Don't swap bytes
                if (!isGoodPacketRead)
                    someData[dataIndex].type = (int)MITesTypes.NOISE;

            //Console.WriteLine("FileUsed: " + fileUsed);

            if (fileUsed == 1)
                someData[dataIndex].timeStamp = UnixTime.IntTimeFromUnixTime(dTimeStamp1, aRefDate);
                aMITesDecoder.SetUnixTime(someData[dataIndex], dTimeStamp1); // Set the time
                someData[dataIndex].fileID = 1;

                // If not a good timestamp (probably because haven't gotten marker yet) set to noise
                if (dTimeStamp1 == 0)
                    someData[dataIndex].type = (int)MITesTypes.NOISE;
                    //Console.WriteLine("Losing data due to lack of timestamp sync.");

                dTimeStamp1 = 0; // Reset so gets read next time from file
                //Console.WriteLine("ERROR: no file used");

//            dataIndex++;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="br"></param>
        /// <param name="aLastUnixTime"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double ReadUnixTimeStamp(ByteReader br, double aLastUnixTime)
            double lastUnixTime = aLastUnixTime;

            //Console.WriteLine ("Read UNIX time stamp");

            if (br == null)

            bool readValid = br.ReadByte(b);

            if (!readValid)

            if (b[0] == ((int)255))
                //Console.WriteLine("Marker: " + debugCount);
                // Marker, so read the whole timecode
                readValid = br.ReadBytes(b6);

                if (!readValid)

                lastUnixTime = UnixTime.DecodeUnixTimeCodeBytesFixed(b6);                 // SSI Added test

                DateTime junk = new DateTime();

                if (lastUnixTime == refTime)
                    // This is a the so-called sync byte. Need to read 5 more bytes and ignore
                    for (int r = 0; r < 5; r++)
                        readValid = br.ReadByte(b);

                        if (!readValid)
                    Console.WriteLine("SYNC byte: keep time as: " + lastUnixTime);

                    //Now read the time byte and add to the existing time
                    readValid = br.ReadByte(b);

                    if (!readValid)

                    return(aLastUnixTime + (int)b[0]);
                    //Console.WriteLine ("UNIX Timecode: " + lastUnixTime);
                    UnixTime.GetDateTime((long)lastUnixTime, out junk);
                    Console.WriteLine("UNIX Timecode date: " + junk + " " + lastUnixTime);

                //junk = new DateTime(2007,9,9,8,16,5,609);
                //double junkme = UnixTime.GetUnixTime(junk);
                //UnixTime.GetDateTime((long)junkme,out junk);
                //Console.WriteLine("NEW DATE: " + junk);
                //byte[] somebytes = UnixTime.GetUnixTimeBytes(junkme);
                //double newUnixTime = UnixTime.DecodeUnixTimeCodeBytesFixed(somebytes);
                //UnixTime.GetDateTime((long) newUnixTime, out junk);
                //Console.WriteLine("NEW DATE: " + junk);

                if (!isRefDateSet)
                    aRefDate     = junk.AddDays(-2);
                    isRefDateSet = true;

                //lastUnixTime = UnixTime.DecodeUnixTimeCodeBytesFixed(b6);
                //DateTime dt = new DateTime();
                //UnixTime.GetDateTime((long) lastUnixTime, out dt);
                //Console.WriteLine("TEST: " + dt);
                if (lastUnixTime == 0)

                    if ((junkTimecodeData % 5000) == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Hit " + junkTimecodeData + " of junk timecode data."); //"Last unix time is zero for some reason!");
                        junkTimecodeData = 0;
                    // Read only the difference between this and previous time (less than 255 ms)
                    lastUnixTime += (int)b[0];
                    //Console.WriteLine ("Diff byte: " + b[0] + " modified UNIX Timecode: " + lastUnixTime);
Пример #6
        public int DecodeWocketsPLFormat(MITesData[] someData, int dataIndex, ByteReader br)
            isEndFile = false;

            // Determine if consumed next data point from each file. Value of 0 indicates yes and get next value.

            if (dTimeStamp == 0)
                dTimeStamp = ReadUnixTimeStamp(br, dLastTimeStamp);


            DateTime dt = new DateTime();

            UnixTime.GetDateTime((long)dTimeStamp, out dt);

            //if (((dTimeStamp1 != MITesData.NONE) && (dTimeStamp2 != MITesData.NONE)) &&
            //    ((dt1.Second != dt2.Second) || (dt1.Minute != dt2.Minute)))
            //    //isLastMatch = false;
            //        Console.WriteLine("DATES: " + Environment.NewLine + dt1 + Environment.NewLine + dt2 + "    " + debugCount);

            if (dTimeStamp == (double)MITesData.NONE)
                //Console.WriteLine("End of file 1: " + GetDateTime(lastGoodTime1) + " " + GetDateTime(lastGoodTime2));
                isEndFile = true;

            if (isEndFile)
                Console.WriteLine("End of both files.");

            // If at this point, there is some data to read in one of the files

            #region Thread wait (do in the future)
            // Insert waiting code here in the future for graphing capability option
            //diffMS1 = (int)(dTimeStamp1 - dLastTimeStamp1);
            //if ((dLastTimeStamp1 != 0) && (dTimeStamp1 != 0))
            //    timeToWait1 = diffMS1;
            //    timeToWait1 = 0;

            //diffMS2 = (int)(dTimeStamp1 - dLastTimeStamp1);
            //if ((dLastTimeStamp1 != 0) && (dTimeStamp1 != 0))
            //    timeToWait2 = diffMS1;
            //    timeToWait2 = 0;

            //// Wait the right number of MS if needed from last time data grabbed
            //diffTime = Environment.TickCount - lastTimeStampTime;
            //if ((timeToWait - diffTime) > 0)
            //    Thread.Sleep(timeToWait - diffTime);
            //    timeToWait = 0;


            if ((dTimeStamp != -1) && (dLastTimeStamp != -1) && (dTimeStamp < dLastTimeStamp))
                Console.WriteLine("Jumpback1: " + debugCount);

            dLastTimeStamp    = dTimeStamp;
            lastTimeStampTime = Environment.TickCount;

            //DateTime junkme = new DateTime();
            //UnixTime.GetDateTime((long) dTimeStamp1, out junkme);
            //Console.WriteLine("                               DTIMESTAMP1: " + junkme);

            //UnixTime.GetDateTime((long)dTimeStamp2, out junkme);
            //Console.WriteLine("                               DTIMESTAMP2: " + junkme);

            // Read packet that is first in time from whichever file. Leave other be

            if ((dTimeStamp != 0) && (!isEndFile))
                lastGoodTime = dTimeStamp;

                Console.WriteLine("ERROR2 -- Should not be here!! ----------------------------");

            aMITesDecoder.packet2[0] = tempByte[0];
            aMITesDecoder.packet2[1] = tempByte[0];
            aMITesDecoder.packet2[2] = tempByte[0];
            aMITesDecoder.packet2[3] = tempByte[0];
            aMITesDecoder.packet2[4] = tempByte[0];
            aMITesDecoder.packet2[5] = tempByte[0];
            aMITesDecoder.packet2[6] = tempByte[0];

            //if the packet is for an HTC phone (i.e. packet[1]>=50)... read 1 additional byte
            aMITesDecoder.DecodeWocketsFrame(someData[dataIndex], aMITesDecoder.packet2);
            //aMITesDecoder.DecodeLastPacket(someData[dataIndex], false); // Don't swap bytes

            //Console.WriteLine("FileUsed: " + fileUsed);

            someData[dataIndex].timeStamp = UnixTime.IntTimeFromUnixTime(dTimeStamp, aRefDate);

            aMITesDecoder.SetUnixTime(someData[dataIndex], dTimeStamp); // Set the time
            someData[dataIndex].fileID = 1;
            dTimeStamp = 0;                                             // Reset so gets read next time from file

            //            dataIndex++;