// //You can use the following additional attributes as you write your tests: // //Use ClassInitialize to run code before running the first test in the class //[ClassInitialize()] //public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext) //{ //} // //Use ClassCleanup to run code after all tests in a class have run //[ClassCleanup()] //public static void MyClassCleanup() //{ //} // //Use TestInitialize to run code before running each test //[TestInitialize()] //public void MyTestInitialize() //{ //} // //Use TestCleanup to run code after each test has run //[TestCleanup()] //public void MyTestCleanup() //{ //} // #endregion internal string GetTempConfigFile(LangSetup[] langs) { string xmlPrefix = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>" + "<configuration>" + "<configSections>"+ "<section name=\"microsoft.scripting\" type=\"Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.Configuration.Section, Microsoft.Scripting, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35\" requirePermission=\"false\" />"+ "</configSections>"+ "<microsoft.scripting>"+ "<languages>"; string xmlSuffix ="</languages>"+ "</microsoft.scripting>"+ "</configuration>"; //"<options>"+ // "<set language=\"Ruby\" option=\"LibraryPaths\" value=\"..\\..\\Languages\\Ruby\\libs;..\\..\\External.LCA_RESTRICTED\\Languages\\Ruby\\Ruby-1.8.6p287\\lib\\ruby\\site_ruby\\1.8;..\\..\\..\\External.LCA_RESTRICTED\\Languages\\Ruby\\Ruby-1.8.6p287\\lib\\ruby\\site_ruby;..\\..\\..\\External.LCA_RESTRICTED\\Languages\\Ruby\\Ruby-1.8.6p287\\lib\\ruby\\1.8\" />"+ //"</options>"+ StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); Array.ForEach(langs, lang => ret.AppendLine(lang.ToString())); string contents = xmlPrefix + ret.ToString() + xmlSuffix; return TestHelpers.CreateTempSourceFile( contents, ".config"); }
static LangSetup() { Python = new LangSetup( new[] { "IronPython","Python","py" },new[] { ".py" }, "IronPython 2.6", "IronPython.Runtime.PythonContext", "IronPython, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" ); Ruby = new LangSetup( new[] { "IronRuby", "Ruby", "rb" }, new[] { ".rb" },"IronRuby", "IronRuby.Runtime.RubyContext", "IronRuby, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" ); }
static LangSetup() { Python = new LangSetup( new[] { "IronPython","Python","py" },new[] { ".py" }, "IronPython 3.0", "IronPython.Runtime.PythonContext", "IronPython, Version=, Culture=neutral" ); Ruby = new LangSetup( new[] { "IronRuby", "Ruby", "rb" }, new[] { ".rb" },"IronRuby", "IronRuby.Runtime.RubyContext", "IronRuby, Version=, Culture=neutral" ); }
static LangSetup() { Python = new LangSetup(new[] { "IronPython", "Python", "py" }, new[] { ".py" }, "IronPython 2.7", "IronPython.Runtime.PythonContext", "IronPython, Version=, Culture=neutral" ); Ruby = new LangSetup(new[] { "IronRuby", "Ruby", "rb" }, new[] { ".rb" }, "IronRuby", "IronRuby.Runtime.RubyContext", "IronRuby, Version=, Culture=neutral" ); }
public void ReadConfiguration_EmptyTypeName() { LangSetup py2 = new LangSetup(LangSetup.Python.Names, LangSetup.Python.Extensions, LangSetup.Python.DisplayName, "", LangSetup.Python.AssemblyString); string configFile = GetTempConfigFile(new[] { py2 }); var srs = ScriptRuntimeSetup.ReadConfiguration(configFile); var eng = new ScriptRuntime(srs).GetEngine("py"); Assert.AreEqual(LangSetup.Python.Names[0], eng.Setup.DisplayName); }
public void ReadConfiguration_EmptyExtensions() { LangSetup py1 = LangSetup.Python; LangSetup py2 = new LangSetup(py1.Names, new[] { "", "" }, py1.DisplayName, py1.TypeName, py1.AssemblyString); string configFile = GetTempConfigFile(new[] { py2 }); var srs = ScriptRuntimeSetup.ReadConfiguration(configFile); var runtime = new ScriptRuntime(srs); Assert.AreEqual(5, runtime.GetEngine("py").Execute("2+3")); }
public void ReadConfiguration_IncorrectType() { LangSetup py1 = LangSetup.Python; LangSetup py2 = new LangSetup(py1.Names, py1.Extensions, py1.DisplayName, "IronPython.Runtime.PythonBuffer", py1.AssemblyString); string configFile = GetTempConfigFile(new[] { py2 }); var srs = ScriptRuntimeSetup.ReadConfiguration(configFile); var sr = new ScriptRuntime(srs); var eng = sr.GetEngine("py"); Assert.Fail("some exception should have been thrown"); }
public void ReadConfiguration_MissingAssembly() { LangSetup lang = new LangSetup(new[] { "SomeName" }, new[] { ".sn" }, "Somename", "SomeLang.Runtime.LangContext", "SomeLang, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31345fgsd4344e35"); string configFile = GetTempConfigFile(new[] { lang }); var srs = ScriptRuntimeSetup.ReadConfiguration(configFile); //this should throw..error message should be meaningful var sr = new ScriptRuntime(srs); Assert.Fail("some exception should have been thrown"); }
public void ReadConfiguration_DuplicateNames() { LangSetup py1 = LangSetup.Python; LangSetup py2 = new LangSetup(LangSetup.Ruby.Names, py1.Extensions, py1.DisplayName, py1.TypeName, py1.AssemblyString); string configFile = GetTempConfigFile(new[] { py2, LangSetup.Ruby }); var srs = ScriptRuntimeSetup.ReadConfiguration(configFile); Assert.AreEqual(2, srs.LanguageSetups.Count); var sr = new ScriptRuntime(srs); Assert.Fail("some exception should have been thrown"); }
public void ReadConfiguration_Multi_SameTypeDifferentName() { LangSetup py1 = LangSetup.Python; LangSetup py2 = new LangSetup(new[] { "NewPython" }, py1.Extensions, py1.DisplayName, py1.TypeName, py1.AssemblyString); string configFile = GetTempConfigFile(new[] { py1, py2 }); var srs = ScriptRuntimeSetup.ReadConfiguration(configFile); Assert.AreEqual(1, srs.LanguageSetups.Count); var sr = new ScriptRuntime(srs); Assert.AreEqual(1, sr.Setup.LanguageSetups.Count); Assert.AreEqual("NewPython", sr.Setup.LanguageSetups[0].Names[0]); }
public void ReadConfiguration_DuplicateEmptyExtensions() { LangSetup rb1 = new LangSetup(LangSetup.Ruby.Names, new[] { "", "" }, LangSetup.Ruby.DisplayName, LangSetup.Ruby.TypeName, LangSetup.Ruby.AssemblyString); LangSetup py2 = new LangSetup(LangSetup.Python.Names, new[] { "", "" }, LangSetup.Python.DisplayName, LangSetup.Python.TypeName, LangSetup.Python.AssemblyString); string configFile = GetTempConfigFile(new[] { rb1, py2 }); var srs = ScriptRuntimeSetup.ReadConfiguration(configFile); var sr = new ScriptRuntime(srs); var eng = sr.GetEngine("py"); var eng2 = sr.GetEngine("rb"); Assert.AreEqual(5, eng.Execute("2+3")); }
internal string GetTempConfigFile(LangSetup[] langs) { string xmlPrefix = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>" + "<configuration>" + "<configSections>"+ "<section name=\"microsoft.scripting\" type=\"Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.Configuration.Section, Microsoft.Scripting, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35\" requirePermission=\"false\" />"+ "</configSections>"+ "<microsoft.scripting>"+ "<languages>"; string xmlSuffix ="</languages>"+ "</microsoft.scripting>"+ "</configuration>"; StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); Array.ForEach(langs, lang => ret.AppendLine(lang.ToString())); string contents = xmlPrefix + ret.ToString() + xmlSuffix; return TestHelpers.CreateTempSourceFile( contents, ".config"); }
public void ReadConfiguration_DuplicateExtensions() { LangSetup py1 = LangSetup.Python; LangSetup py2 = new LangSetup(py1.Names, LangSetup.Ruby.Extensions, py1.DisplayName, py1.TypeName, py1.AssemblyString); string configFile = GetTempConfigFile(new[] { py2, LangSetup.Ruby }); var srs = ScriptRuntimeSetup.ReadConfiguration(configFile); Assert.AreEqual(2, srs.LanguageSetups.Count); var sr = new ScriptRuntime(srs); var eng = sr.GetEngine("py"); Assert.Fail("some exception should have been thrown"); }
public void ReadConfiguration_MisMatchedTypeAssembly() { LangSetup py1 = LangSetup.Python; LangSetup py2 = new LangSetup(py1.Names, py1.Extensions, py1.DisplayName, LangSetup.Ruby.TypeName, py1.AssemblyString); string configFile = GetTempConfigFile(new[] { py2}); var srs = ScriptRuntimeSetup.ReadConfiguration(configFile); var sr = new ScriptRuntime(srs); var eng = sr.GetEngine("py"); Assert.Fail("some exception should have been thrown"); }
public void ReadConfiguration_NullDisplayName() { LangSetup py2 = new LangSetup(LangSetup.Python.Names, LangSetup.Python.Extensions, null, LangSetup.Python.TypeName, LangSetup.Python.AssemblyString); string configFile = GetTempConfigFile(new[] { py2 }); var srs = ScriptRuntimeSetup.ReadConfiguration(configFile); var eng = new ScriptRuntime(srs).GetEngine("py"); Assert.AreEqual("", eng.Setup.DisplayName); }
public void ReadConfiguration_Multi_SameTypeDifferentName() { LangSetup py1 = LangSetup.Python; LangSetup py2 = new LangSetup( new[]{"NewPython"}, py1.Extensions, py1.DisplayName, py1.TypeName, py1.AssemblyString); string configFile = GetTempConfigFile(new[] { py1, py2 }); var srs = ScriptRuntimeSetup.ReadConfiguration(configFile); Assert.AreEqual(1, srs.LanguageSetups.Count); var sr = new ScriptRuntime(srs); Assert.AreEqual(1, sr.Setup.LanguageSetups.Count); Assert.AreEqual("NewPython", sr.Setup.LanguageSetups[0].Names[0]); }
public void ReadConfiguration_Multi_SameNameDifferentType() { LangSetup py1 = LangSetup.Python; LangSetup py2 = new LangSetup( py1.Names, py1.Extensions, py1.DisplayName, LangSetup.Ruby.TypeName, LangSetup.Ruby.AssemblyString); string configFile = GetTempConfigFile(new[] { py1, py2 }); var srs = ScriptRuntimeSetup.ReadConfiguration(configFile); Assert.AreEqual(2, srs.LanguageSetups.Count); var sr = new ScriptRuntime(srs); Assert.Fail("some exception should have been thrown"); }
public void ReadConfiguration_MissingAssembly() { LangSetup lang = new LangSetup(new[]{"SomeName"}, new[]{".sn"}, "Somename", "SomeLang.Runtime.LangContext", "SomeLang, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31345fgsd4344e35"); string configFile = GetTempConfigFile(new[] { lang}); var srs = ScriptRuntimeSetup.ReadConfiguration(configFile); //this should throw..error message should be meaningful var sr = new ScriptRuntime(srs); Assert.Fail("some exception should have been thrown"); }
public void ReadConfiguration_EmptyExtensions() { LangSetup py1 = LangSetup.Python; LangSetup py2 = new LangSetup(py1.Names, new[]{"",""}, py1.DisplayName, py1.TypeName, py1.AssemblyString); string configFile = GetTempConfigFile(new[] { py2 }); var srs = ScriptRuntimeSetup.ReadConfiguration(configFile); var runtime = new ScriptRuntime(srs); Assert.AreEqual(5, runtime.GetEngine("py").Execute("2+3")); }
static LangSetup() { Python = new LangSetup(new[] { "IronPython", "Python", "py" }, new[] { ".py" }, "IronPython 3.0", "IronPython.Runtime.PythonContext", "IronPython, Version=, Culture=neutral" ); }