private void isiDgv(string username) { dgvBooks.Rows.Clear(); koneksiSql koneksi = new koneksiSql(); SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(koneksi.getSqlConn()); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand($"SELECT * from Lendings where Username = '******'", conn); SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); ds = new DataSet(); sda.Fill(ds, "Lendings"); try { for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables["Lendings"].Rows.Count; i++) { string lendId = ds.Tables["Lendings"].Rows[i][0].ToString(); string user = ds.Tables["Lendings"].Rows[i][1].ToString(); string idBuku = ds.Tables["Lendings"].Rows[i][2].ToString(); string lend = ds.Tables["Lendings"].Rows[i][3].ToString(); string due = ds.Tables["Lendings"].Rows[i][4].ToString(); dgvBooks.Rows.Add(lendId, user, "0", idBuku, lend, due); } conn.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); } }
private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (validasiInput()) { string pathFile = ""; string filename = ""; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.path)) { pathFile = fungsi.returnDestPath(this.path, "profil"); filename = Path.GetFileName(pathFile); } string user = txtUsername.Text, pass = txtPassword.Text, tipe = "User", nama = txtName.Text, alamat = rtbAddress.Text, telp = mtbTelephone.Text.Replace("+62", "0"), gender = cBoxGender.Text, fine = "0"; koneksiSql koneksi = new koneksiSql(); if (koneksi.InsertIntoUser(user, pass, tipe, nama, alamat, telp, gender, filename, fine)) { fungsi.copyKe(path, "profil"); this.Close(); } else { txtUsername.Focus(); } } else { FormKosong dialog = new FormKosong(); dialog.loadUC(new UcNotif1(dialog)); dialog.ShowDialog(); } }
private void loadHotList() { koneksi = new koneksiSql(); SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(koneksi.getSqlConn()); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT Booklist.BookId, Booklist.PicturePath, Stock ,count(Lendings.BookID) AS jumlah FROM Booklist left join Lendings ON Booklist.BookId = Lendings.BookID GROUP BY Booklist.BookId, PicturePath, Stock ORDER BY jumlah DESC", conn); SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); sda.Fill(dsOverdue, "Hotlist"); panelHotlist.Controls.Add(new hotBook(dsOverdue)); }
private void loadLowStock() { koneksi = new koneksiSql(); SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(koneksi.getSqlConn()); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand($"SELECT BookId, PicturePath, Stock FROM Booklist ORDER BY Stock", conn); SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); sda.Fill(dsOverdue, "LowStock"); panelSupport.Controls.Add(new NoOverdue(dsOverdue)); }
private void btnRemove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { koneksiSql koneksi = new koneksiSql(); try { koneksi.removeUser(dgvAccounts.SelectedCells[0].Value.ToString()); } catch (Exception) { } }
private void btnLend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((Convert.ToInt32(Program.userSekarang.fine) <= 0)) { if ((Convert.ToInt32(dgvBooks.SelectedCells[5].Value) > 0)) { Peminjaman lend = new Peminjaman(); Random rand = new Random(); string user = Program.userSekarang.user, idBuku = dgvBooks.SelectedCells[0].Value.ToString(); bool success = false; lend.lendId = randomDigit(); lend.username = user; lend.bookId = idBuku; lend.addLendDate(); lend.addDueDate(); lend.convertToString(); koneksiSql koneksi = new koneksiSql(); do { try { koneksi.makeLend(lend.lendId, lend.username, lend.bookId, lend.strLendDate, lend.strDueDate); koneksi.updateStock(idBuku, dgvBooks.SelectedCells[5].Value.ToString(), "remove"); success = true; } catch { lend.lendId = randomDigit(); } } while (!success); } else { DialogNormal dialog = new DialogNormal("Notice", "The stock currently Empty", 70, 85); dialog.ShowDialog(); } } else { DialogNormal dialog = new DialogNormal("Notice", "You have unpaid Fine \n Please pay your fine first!", 70, 65); dialog.ShowDialog(); } isiDgv(txtSearch.Text); }
private void isiDgv(string teks) { dgvAccounts.Rows.Clear(); koneksiSql koneksi = new koneksiSql(); SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(koneksi.getSqlConn()); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM Userlist Where Username LIKE '%{teks}%' or PasswordAkun LIKE '%{teks}%' or TipeAkun LIKE '%{teks}%'", conn); SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); sda.Fill(ds, "Userlist"); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables["Userlist"].Rows.Count; i++) { string username = ds.Tables["Userlist"].Rows[i][0].ToString(); string password = ds.Tables["Userlist"].Rows[i][1].ToString(); string tipeAkun = ds.Tables["Userlist"].Rows[i][2].ToString(); dgvAccounts.Rows.Add(username, password, tipeAkun); } conn.Close(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtUsername.Text) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtPassword.Text)) { cekNull(txtPassword); cekNull(txtUsername); DialogError dialog = new DialogError(); dialog.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.blank; dialog.ShowDialog(); } else { koneksiSql koneksi = new koneksiSql(); string username = txtUsername.Text.Trim(), password = txtPassword.Text.Trim(); koneksi.validasiLogin(username, password); if (koneksi.validasiLogin(username, password)) { CurrentUser user = koneksi.returnUser(username); if (txtUsername.Text == user.user && txtPassword.Text == user.pass) { Program.userSekarang = user; this.Hide(); formMain form = new formMain(user); form.Show(); } else { DialogError dialog = new DialogError(); dialog.ShowDialog(); } } else { DialogError dialog = new DialogError(); dialog.ShowDialog(); } } }
private bool checkOverdue() { if (Program.userSekarang.tipe == "Guest") { return(false); } bool overdue = false; koneksi = new koneksiSql(); SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(koneksi.getSqlConn()); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand($"SELECT * from Lendings INNER JOIN Booklist on Lendings.BookId = Booklist.BookID where Username = '******'", conn); SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); sda.Fill(dsOverdue, "Lendings"); try { for (int i = 0; i < dsOverdue.Tables["Lendings"].Rows.Count; i++) { Peminjaman temp = new Peminjaman(); temp.username = dsOverdue.Tables["Lendings"].Rows[i]["Username"].ToString(); temp.bookId = dsOverdue.Tables["Lendings"].Rows[i]["BookId"].ToString(); temp.lendId = dsOverdue.Tables["Lendings"].Rows[i]["LendId"].ToString(); temp.strLendDate = dsOverdue.Tables["Lendings"].Rows[i]["LendDate"].ToString(); temp.strDueDate = dsOverdue.Tables["Lendings"].Rows[i]["DueDate"].ToString(); temp.fineCount(); if (temp.fine > 0) { overdue = true; break; } } conn.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); } return(overdue); }
private void isiDgv(string teks) { dgvBooks.Rows.Clear(); koneksiSql koneksi = new koneksiSql(); SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(koneksi.getSqlConn()); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM Booklist Where Title LIKE '%{teks}%' or Author LIKE '%{teks}%' or Genre LIKE '%{teks}%' or YearReleased LIKE '%{teks}%'", conn); SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); sda.Fill(ds, "Booklist"); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables["Booklist"].Rows.Count; i++) { string idBuku = ds.Tables["Booklist"].Rows[i][0].ToString(); string title = ds.Tables["Booklist"].Rows[i][1].ToString(); string author = ds.Tables["Booklist"].Rows[i][2].ToString(); string year = ds.Tables["Booklist"].Rows[i][3].ToString(); string genre = ds.Tables["Booklist"].Rows[i][4].ToString(); dgvBooks.Rows.Add(idBuku, title, author, year, genre); } conn.Close(); }
public ShowBookForm(string idbuku) { buku currentBook = new buku(); koneksiSql sql = new koneksiSql(); currentBook = sql.returnBuku(idbuku); InitializeComponent(); txtTitle.Text = currentBook.title; txtAuthor.Text =; string[] temp = currentBook.path.Split('|'); for (int i = 0; i < temp.Count(); i++) { temp[i] = utilitas.strukturFolder("buku") + temp[i]; } listGambar = temp; kontrol.setFoto(pboxGambar, listGambar[0]); }
private void btnReturnBook_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { koneksiSql koneksi = new koneksiSql(); buku temp = new buku(); temp = koneksi.returnBuku(dgvBooks.SelectedCells[3].Value.ToString()); string fine = lblFineAmount.Text.Substring(4, lblFineAmount.Text.Length - 4); bool yes = koneksi.finishLend(dgvBooks.SelectedCells[0].Value.ToString()); if (fined && yes) { DialogNormal denda = new DialogNormal($"Returned", $"You have been Fined {fine}", 43, 85); denda.ShowDialog(); koneksi.updateFine(Program.userSekarang.user, fine); koneksi.updateStock(temp.bookId, temp.stock, "add"); } else { koneksi.updateFine(Program.userSekarang.user, fine); koneksi.updateStock(temp.bookId, temp.stock, "add"); } isiDgv(Program.userSekarang.user); }
private void dgvBooks_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string idBuku = dgvBooks.SelectedCells[3].Value.ToString(); koneksiSql koneksi = new koneksiSql(); buku bukuTerpilih = koneksi.returnBuku(idBuku); isiBuku(bukuTerpilih); Peminjaman pinjam = koneksi.returnLend(dgvBooks.SelectedCells[1].Value.ToString(), dgvBooks.SelectedCells[0].Value.ToString()); isiPeminjaman(pinjam); if (pinjam.fine > 0) { fined = true; } } catch (Exception) { } btnReturnBook.Enabled = true; }
public FormAddEditBook(string bookId) //Overload Constructor utk Edit { buku currentBook = new buku(); koneksiSql sql = new koneksiSql(); currentBook = sql.returnBuku(bookId); InitializeComponent(); lblWelcome.Text = "Edit Book"; editExisting = true; txtBookId.Enabled = false; txtBookId.Text = currentBook.bookId; txtTitle.Text = currentBook.title; txtAuthor.Text =; txtGenre.Text = currentBook.genre; txtYear.Text = currentBook.year; nudStock.Value = Convert.ToInt32(currentBook.stock); string[] temp = currentBook.path.Split('|'); foreach (string x in temp) { listBoxGambar.Items.Add(x); } }