Пример #1
        public virtual string AddData(Registration reg)
            if (reg.jsonSchema == null)
                throw new DataSetException(this.datasetId, ApiResponseStatus.DatasetJsonSchemaMissing);

            var addDataResult = base.AddData(reg, reg.datasetId, reg.createdBy);


            //check orderList
            if (reg.orderList?.Length > 0)
                //get mapping
                var ds       = CachedDatasets.Get(addDataResult);
                var txtProps = ds.GetTextMappingList();
                var allProps = ds.GetMappingList();
                if (allProps.Count() > 0) //0=mapping not available , (no record in db)
                    bool changedOrderList = false;

                    //find missing and remove it
                    List <int> toRemove = new List <int>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < reg.orderList.GetLength(0); i++)
                        string oProp = reg.orderList[i, 1]
                                       .Replace(DataSearchResult.OrderAsc, "")
                                       .Replace(DataSearchResult.OrderDesc, "")
                                       .Replace(DataSearchResult.OrderAscUrl, "")
                                       .Replace(DataSearchResult.OrderDescUrl, "")
                        if (allProps.Contains(oProp) == false)
                            //neni na seznamu properties, pridej do seznamu k smazani
                    if (toRemove.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var i in toRemove.OrderByDescending(n => n))
                            reg.orderList    = HlidacStatu.Util.ArrayTools.TrimArray <string>(i, null, reg.orderList);
                            changedOrderList = true;

                    for (int i = 0; i < reg.orderList.GetLength(0); i++)
                        string oProp = reg.orderList[i, 1]
                                       .Replace(DataSearchResult.OrderAsc, "")
                                       .Replace(DataSearchResult.OrderAscUrl, "")
                                       .Replace(DataSearchResult.OrderDesc, "")
                                       .Replace(DataSearchResult.OrderDescUrl, "")
                        if (txtProps.Contains(oProp))
                            //pridej keyword na konec
                            reg.orderList[i, 1] = reg.orderList[i, 1].Replace(oProp, oProp + ".keyword");
                            changedOrderList    = true;

                    if (changedOrderList)
                        addDataResult = base.AddData(reg, reg.datasetId, reg.createdBy);
            DataSet.CachedDatasets.Set(reg.datasetId, null);

Пример #2
        public virtual string AddData(Registration reg, string user, bool skipallowWriteAccess = false)
            if (reg.jsonSchema == null)
                throw new DataSetException(this.datasetId, ApiResponseStatus.DatasetJsonSchemaMissing);

            Registration oldReg = null;

            oldReg = DataSet.CachedDatasets.Get(reg.datasetId)?.Registration();
            if (oldReg == null)
                Audit.Add <Registration>(Audit.Operations.Create, user, reg, null);
                Audit.Add <Registration>(Audit.Operations.Update, user, reg, oldReg);

            var addDataResult = base.AddData(reg, reg.datasetId, reg.createdBy, validateSchema: false, skipallowWriteAccess: true);


            //check orderList
            if (reg.orderList?.Length > 0)
                //get mapping
                var ds       = CachedDatasets.Get(addDataResult);
                var txtProps = ds.GetTextMappingList();
                var allProps = ds.GetMappingList();
                if (allProps.Where(m => !DataSet.DefaultDatasetProperties.Keys.Contains(m)).Count() > 0) //0=mapping not available , (no record in db)
                    bool changedOrderList = false;

                    //find missing and remove it
                    List <int> toRemove = new List <int>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < reg.orderList.GetLength(0); i++)
                        string oProp = reg.orderList[i, 1]
                                       .Replace(DataSearchResult.OrderAsc, "")
                                       .Replace(DataSearchResult.OrderDesc, "")
                                       .Replace(DataSearchResult.OrderAscUrl, "")
                                       .Replace(DataSearchResult.OrderDescUrl, "")
                        if (oProp.EndsWith(".keyword"))
                            oProp = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(oProp, "\\.keyword$", "");
                        if (allProps.Contains(oProp) == false)
                            //neni na seznamu properties, pridej do seznamu k smazani
                    if (toRemove.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var i in toRemove.OrderByDescending(n => n))
                            reg.orderList    = Devmasters.Collections.ArrayExt.TrimArray <string>(i, null, reg.orderList);
                            changedOrderList = true;

                    for (int i = 0; i < reg.orderList.GetLength(0); i++)
                        string oProp = reg.orderList[i, 1]
                                       .Replace(DataSearchResult.OrderAsc, "")
                                       .Replace(DataSearchResult.OrderAscUrl, "")
                                       .Replace(DataSearchResult.OrderDesc, "")
                                       .Replace(DataSearchResult.OrderDescUrl, "")
                        if (txtProps.Contains(oProp))
                            //pridej keyword na konec
                            reg.orderList[i, 1] = reg.orderList[i, 1].Replace(oProp, oProp + ".keyword");
                            changedOrderList    = true;

                    if (changedOrderList)
                        addDataResult = base.AddData(reg, reg.datasetId, reg.createdBy);
            DataSet.CachedDatasets.Set(reg.datasetId, null);
