Пример #1
        private static BundleEntry loadEntry(XElement entry)
            BundleEntry result;

                if (entry.Name == XTOMBSTONE + XATOM_DELETED_ENTRY)
                    result    = new DeletedEntry();
                    result.Id = SerializationUtil.UriValueOrNull(entry.Attribute(XATOM_DELETED_REF));
                    XElement content = entry.Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_CONTENT);
                    var      id      = SerializationUtil.UriValueOrNull(entry.Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_ID));

                    if (content != null)
                        var parsed = getContents(content);
                        if (parsed != null)
                            result = ResourceEntry.Create(parsed);
                            throw Error.Format("BundleEntry has a content element without content", XmlDomFhirReader.GetLineInfo(content));
                        result = SerializationUtil.CreateResourceEntryFromId(id);

                    result.Id = id;

                result.Links = getLinks(entry.Elements(XATOMNS + XATOM_LINK));
                result.Tags  = TagListParser.ParseTags(entry.Elements(XATOMNS + XATOM_CATEGORY));

                if (result is DeletedEntry)
                    ((DeletedEntry)result).When = SerializationUtil.InstantOrNull(entry.Attribute(XATOM_DELETED_WHEN));
                    ResourceEntry re = (ResourceEntry)result;
                    re.Title       = SerializationUtil.StringValueOrNull(entry.Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_TITLE));
                    re.LastUpdated = SerializationUtil.InstantOrNull(entry.Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_UPDATED));
                    re.Published   = SerializationUtil.InstantOrNull(entry.Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_PUBLISHED));
                    re.AuthorName  = entry.Elements(XATOMNS + XATOM_AUTHOR).Count() == 0 ? null :
                                     SerializationUtil.StringValueOrNull(entry.Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_AUTHOR)
                                                                         .Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_AUTH_NAME));
                    re.AuthorUri = entry.Elements(XATOMNS + XATOM_AUTHOR).Count() == 0 ? null :
                                   SerializationUtil.StringValueOrNull(entry.Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_AUTHOR)
                                                                       .Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_AUTH_URI));
            catch (Exception exc)
                throw Error.Format("Exception while reading entry: " + exc.Message, XmlDomFhirReader.GetLineInfo(entry));

 public static string ToXml(this ITypedElement source, FhirXmlSerializationSettings settings = null)
 => SerializationUtil.WriteXmlToString(writer => source.WriteTo(writer, settings), settings?.Pretty ?? false, settings?.AppendNewLine ?? false);
 public static byte[] ToXmlBytes(this ITypedElement source, FhirXmlSerializationSettings settings = null)
 => SerializationUtil.WriteXmlToBytes(writer => source.WriteTo(writer, settings));
#pragma warning disable 612, 618
        public static string ToXml(this IElementNavigator source, FhirXmlSerializationSettings settings = null)
        => SerializationUtil.WriteXmlToString(writer => source.WriteTo(writer, settings), settings?.Pretty ?? false);
Пример #5
        private void build(ITypedElement source, XContainer parent)
            var xmlDetails     = source.GetXmlSerializationDetails();
            var sourceComments = (source as IAnnotated)?.Annotation <SourceComments>();

            if (!MustSerializeMember(source, out var serializationInfo))
            bool hasTypeInfo = serializationInfo != null;

            var value = source.Value != null?
                        PrimitiveTypeConverter.ConvertTo <string>(source.Value) : null;

            // xhtml children require special treament:
            // - They don't use an xml "value" attribute to represent the value, instead their Value is inserted verbatim into the parent
            // - They cannot have child nodes - the "Value" on the node contains all children as raw xml text
            var isXhtml = source.InstanceType == "xhtml" ||
                          serializationInfo?.Representation == XmlRepresentation.XHtml ||
                          xmlDetails?.Namespace?.GetName("div") == XmlNs.XHTMLDIV;

            if (isXhtml && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
                // The value *should* be valid xhtml - however if people just provide a plain
                // string, lets add a <div> around it.
                if (!value.TrimStart().StartsWith("<div"))
                    value = $"<div xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>{value}</div>";

                var      sanitized = SerializationUtil.SanitizeXml(value);
                XElement xe        = XElement.Parse(sanitized);

                // The div should be in the XHTMLNS namespace, correct if it
                // is not the case.
                xe.Name = XmlNs.XHTMLNS + xe.Name.LocalName;

                //using (var divWriter = parent.CreateWriter())
                //using (var nodeReader = SerializationUtil.XmlReaderFromXmlText(value))
                //    divWriter.WriteNode(nodeReader, false);

            var usesAttribute = serializationInfo?.Representation == XmlRepresentation.XmlAttr ||
                                (xmlDetails?.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute);
            var ns = serializationInfo?.NonDefaultNamespace ??
                     xmlDetails?.Namespace.NamespaceName ??
                     (usesAttribute ? "" : XmlNs.FHIR);
            bool atRoot    = parent is XDocument;
            var  localName = serializationInfo?.IsChoiceElement == true ?
                             source.Name + source.InstanceType.Capitalize() : source.Name;

            // If the node is represented by an attribute (e.g. an "id" child), write
            // an attribute with the child's name + the child's Value into the parent
            if (usesAttribute && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value) && !atRoot)
                parent.Add(new XAttribute(XName.Get(localName, ns), value));
            // else: fall through - value will be serialized as an element

            var me = new XElement(XName.Get(localName, ns));

            if (xmlDetails?.SchemaLocation != null)
                me.Add(new XAttribute(XmlNs.XSCHEMALOCATION, xmlDetails.SchemaLocation));

            // If the node has a value, add the standard FHIR value attribute
            if (value != null)
                me.Add(new XAttribute("value", value));

            // If this needs to be serialized as a contained resource, do so
            var containedResourceType = atRoot ? null :
                                        (serializationInfo?.IsResource == true ?
                                         source.InstanceType :
                                         source.Annotation <IResourceTypeSupplier>()?.ResourceType);

            XElement containedResource = null;

            if (containedResourceType != null)
                containedResource = new XElement(XName.Get(containedResourceType, ns));

            var childParent = containedResource ?? me;

            // Now, do the same for the children
            // xml requires a certain order, so let's make sure we serialize in the right order
            var orderedChildren = source.Children().OrderBy(c => c.Definition?.Order ?? 0);

            foreach (var child in orderedChildren)
                build(child, childParent);

            if (serializationInfo?.Representation == XmlRepresentation.XmlText || xmlDetails?.NodeText != null)
                childParent.Add(new XText(value ?? xmlDetails.NodeText));

            if (sourceComments?.ClosingComments != null)
                writeComments(sourceComments.ClosingComments, me);

            // Only really add this contained resource to me when it has contents
            if (containedResource != null && (containedResource.HasAttributes || containedResource.HasElements))

            // Only add myself to my parent if I have content, or I am the root
            if (value != null || me.HasElements || atRoot)
                if (sourceComments?.CommentsBefore != null)
                    writeComments(sourceComments.CommentsBefore, parent);


            if (atRoot && parent.Elements().Any() && sourceComments?.DocumentEndComments != null)
                writeComments(sourceComments.DocumentEndComments, parent);
 public static string ToJson(this IElementNavigator source, FhirJsonSerializationSettings settings = null)
 => SerializationUtil.WriteJsonToString(writer => source.WriteTo(writer, settings), settings?.Pretty ?? false, settings?.AppendNewLine ?? false);
Пример #7
 public static string ToJson(this ISourceNode source, FhirJsonSerializationSettings settings = null)
 => SerializationUtil.WriteJsonToString(writer => source.WriteTo(writer, settings), settings?.Pretty ?? false);
Пример #8
        private static JObject createEntry(BundleEntry entry, bool summary)
            JObject result = new JObject();

            if (entry is ResourceEntry)
                ResourceEntry re = (ResourceEntry)entry;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(re.Title))
                    result.Add(new JProperty(BundleXmlParser.XATOM_TITLE, re.Title));
                if (SerializationUtil.UriHasValue(entry.Id))
                    result.Add(new JProperty(BundleXmlParser.XATOM_ID, entry.Id.ToString()));

                if (re.LastUpdated != null)
                    result.Add(new JProperty(BundleXmlParser.XATOM_UPDATED, re.LastUpdated));
                if (re.Published != null)
                    result.Add(new JProperty(BundleXmlParser.XATOM_PUBLISHED, re.Published));

                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(re.AuthorName))
                    result.Add(jsonCreateAuthor(re.AuthorName, re.AuthorUri));
                DeletedEntry de = (DeletedEntry)entry;
                if (de.When != null)
                    result.Add(new JProperty(BundleJsonParser.JATOM_DELETED, de.When));
                if (SerializationUtil.UriHasValue(entry.Id))
                    result.Add(new JProperty(BundleXmlParser.XATOM_ID, entry.Id.ToString()));

            if (entry.Links != null && entry.Links.Count() > 0)
                result.Add(new JProperty(BundleXmlParser.XATOM_LINK, jsonCreateLinkArray(entry.Links)));

            if (entry.Tags != null && entry.Tags.Count() > 0)

            if (entry is ResourceEntry)
                ResourceEntry re = (ResourceEntry)entry;
                if (re.Resource != null)
                    result.Add(new JProperty(BundleXmlParser.XATOM_CONTENT,
                                             getContentsAsJObject(re.Resource, summary)));

                // Note: this is a read-only property, so it is serialized but never parsed
                if (entry.Summary != null)
                    result.Add(new JProperty(BundleXmlParser.XATOM_SUMMARY, entry.Summary));

Пример #9
        internal static Bundle Load(JsonReader reader)
            JObject feed;

                reader.DateParseHandling  = DateParseHandling.None;
                reader.FloatParseHandling = FloatParseHandling.Decimal;
                feed = JObject.Load(reader);

                if (feed.Value <string>(JsonDomFhirReader.RESOURCETYPE_MEMBER_NAME) != "Bundle")
                    throw Error.Format("Input data is not an json FHIR bundle", null);
            catch (Exception exc)
                throw Error.Format("Exception while parsing feed: " + exc.Message, null);

            Bundle result;

                result = new Bundle()
                    Title       = feed.Value <string>(BundleXmlParser.XATOM_TITLE),
                    LastUpdated = instantOrNull(feed[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_UPDATED]),
                    Id          = SerializationUtil.UriValueOrNull(feed[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_ID]),
                    Links       = getLinks(feed[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_LINK]),
                    Tags        = TagListParser.ParseTags(feed[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_CATEGORY]),
                    AuthorName  = feed[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_AUTHOR] as JArray != null ?
                                  .Select(auth => auth.Value <string>(BundleXmlParser.XATOM_AUTH_NAME))
                                : null,
                    AuthorUri = feed[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_AUTHOR] as JArray != null ?
                                .Select(auth => auth.Value <string>(BundleXmlParser.XATOM_AUTH_URI))
                                .FirstOrDefault() : null,
                    TotalResults = intValueOrNull(feed[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_TOTALRESULTS])
            catch (Exception exc)
                throw Error.Format("Exception while parsing json feed attributes: " + exc.Message, null);

            var entries = feed[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_ENTRY];

            if (entries != null)
                if (!(entries is JArray))
                    throw Error.Format("The json feed contains a single entry, instead of an array", null);

                result.Entries = loadEntries((JArray)entries, result);

Пример #10
        private static BundleEntry loadEntry(JObject entry)
            BundleEntry result;

                if (entry[JATOM_DELETED] != null)
                    result    = new DeletedEntry();
                    result.Id = SerializationUtil.UriValueOrNull(entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_ID]);
                    var content = entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_CONTENT];

                    var id = SerializationUtil.UriValueOrNull(entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_ID]);
                    if (id == null)
                        throw Error.Format("BundleEntry found without an id", null);

                    if (content != null)
                        var parsed = getContents(content);
                        if (parsed != null)
                            result = ResourceEntry.Create(parsed);
                            throw Error.Format("BundleEntry {0} has a content element without content", null, id);
                        result = SerializationUtil.CreateResourceEntryFromId(id);

                    result.Id = id;

                result.Links = getLinks(entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_LINK]);
                result.Tags  = TagListParser.ParseTags(entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_CATEGORY]);

                if (result is DeletedEntry)
                    ((DeletedEntry)result).When = instantOrNull(entry[JATOM_DELETED]);
                    var re = (ResourceEntry)result;
                    re.Title       = entry.Value <string>(BundleXmlParser.XATOM_TITLE);
                    re.LastUpdated = instantOrNull(entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_UPDATED]);
                    re.Published   = instantOrNull(entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_PUBLISHED]);
                    re.AuthorName  = entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_AUTHOR] as JArray != null ?
                                     .Select(auth => auth.Value <string>(BundleXmlParser.XATOM_AUTH_NAME))
                                     .FirstOrDefault() : null;
                    re.AuthorUri = entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_AUTHOR] as JArray != null ?
                                   .Select(auth => auth.Value <string>(BundleXmlParser.XATOM_AUTH_URI))
                                   .FirstOrDefault() : null;
            catch (Exception exc)
                throw Error.Format("Exception while reading entry: " + exc.Message, null);

Пример #11
        // [WMR 20160421] Note: StringReader, XmlReader and JsonReader don't require explicit disposal
        // JsonTextReader overrides Close method => explicitly dispose

        public static XmlReader XmlReaderFromXmlText(string xml)
            return(WrapXmlReader(XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(SerializationUtil.SanitizeXml(xml)))));
Пример #12
 public static XDocument XDocumentFromXmlText(string xml)