Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Routine to load a slice of chat-logs from our local database that represent the messages sent during this match.
 /// </summary>
 public void PopulateSegmentChatLogs()
     foreach (var segment in Segments)
         if (!segment.IsPopulated)
             segment.ChatLog     = ChatLogParser.GetChatInRange(StartTime, segment.StartTime, segment.EndTime);
             segment.IsPopulated = true;
     IsPopulated = true;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes raw VOD files. Saves their broadcast information to the LocalBroadcastManager and returns the resulting filtered matches.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="videosToProcess"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <FilteredMatches> FilterBroadcasts(List <string> videosToProcess, bool testConfiguration = false)
            // We iterate over each VOD file, filter out gameplay, get their associated chat-log and create a metadata store in the form of a Broadcast list.
            List <Task>      videoFilterTasks = new List <Task>();
            List <Broadcast> broadcasts       = new List <Broadcast>();
            bool             skip             = false;

            foreach (var video in videosToProcess)
                Console.WriteLine($"Found unprocessed video: {video}");

                // Extracting metadata from video filename
                var videoInfo = video.Substring(video.LastIndexOf("\\", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1).Split('_');

                var      recordedDate          = videoInfo[0];
                var      recordedTime          = videoInfo[1];
                DateTime videoRecordedDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(recordedDate + recordedTime, "yyyyMMddHHmmss", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                var videoId = int.Parse(videoInfo[2]);

                if (!testConfiguration)
                    // Check if the Broadcast has already been filtered. Skip this broadcast if true.
                    foreach (var filteredMatch in FilteredMatchesManager.FilteredMatches)
                        if (filteredMatch.Broadcast.Id == videoId)
                            Console.WriteLine(video + " has already been processed before, skipping.");
                            skip = true;
                    if (skip)
                        skip = false;

                // Keep track of this broadcast by assigning a corresponding Broadcast object to it.
                broadcasts.Add(new Broadcast(videoId, videoRecordedDateTime));

                // We put each filtered broadcast into its own test folder.
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Helper.BroadcastsPath + $"{videoId}");
                string outputPath = Helper.BroadcastsPath + $"{videoId}\\";

                // Queue the broadcast filter operation for future parallel filtering.
                videoFilterTasks.Add(new Task(() => FilterVideo(video, outputPath, FilterTemplatePath, FilterThreshold, StartingFrame,
                                                                FramesToSkip, ConvertToGreyscale, SecondsUntilTimeout, SecondsMinimumMatchLength)));

            Console.WriteLine("Parsing chat-logs to local database.");

            // Loads in the Twitch chat logs for the day to our local SQL database.
            // These will be loaded in filtered by each match's time range to avoid unnecessary ram usage.
            foreach (var broadcast in broadcasts)
                Console.WriteLine($"processing {broadcast.Id}'s chat-log");
                if (!testConfiguration)

            Console.WriteLine("chat-log processing completed.");
            Console.WriteLine("Starting video filtering.");

            // Start filtering our queued videos.
            foreach (var task in videoFilterTasks)

            // Progress tracking
            Regex      percentageRegex        = new Regex("\\d+%");
            double     highestPercentage      = 0.00;
            double     prevReportedPercentage = 0.00;
            List <int> taskProgressTracker    = new List <int>();

            // Wait for all videos to be fully processed.
            // Regularly filter and report information given by each python process.
            while (!Task.WaitAll(videoFilterTasks.ToArray(), 500))
                Tuple <string, String> progress = null;
                lock (_lockProgress)
                    // Take the latest report from a particular task.
                    if (_taskProgress.Count > 0)
                        progress = _taskProgress[0];

                if (progress != null)
                    // Percentage process of a particular task.
                    if (progress.Item2.Contains("%"))
                        var match      = percentageRegex.Match(progress.Item2);
                        var percentage = int.Parse(match.Value.Trim('%'));
                        // Rolling average.
                        if (taskProgressTracker.Count > 5)

                        // Make sure the average progress never goes down.
                        if (taskProgressTracker.Average() > Math.Ceiling(highestPercentage))
                            highestPercentage += 1;
                            if (taskProgressTracker.Average() > prevReportedPercentage)
                                // Reports every % or so.
                                Console.WriteLine(taskProgressTracker.Average() + "% complete.");
                            prevReportedPercentage = taskProgressTracker.Average();

                    // Report when a filtered video (match or highlight) has been created.
                    if (progress.Item2.Contains("video created"))
            Console.WriteLine("All videos processed.");

            // Use the csv report generated by each python process to create a reference to each filtered match and highlight.
            var filteredMatches = BuildFilteredMatchesFromBroadcasts(broadcasts);
