private List <Stavka> LstStavki() { string joinQuery = @"SELECT Stavka, Opis FROM [Stavki] AS S ORDER BY Stavka;"; List <Stavka> _lstStavka = new List <Stavka>(); string connStr = "Data Source = E:\\vs2017\\svPloter\\eOFIdata.db; Version = 3;"; //System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection.CreateFile("Data Source = Config\\Data\\eOFIdata.db; Version = 3;"); using (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection con = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(connStr)) { using (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand com = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand(con)) { con.Open(); // Open the connection to the database com.CommandText = joinQuery; // Select all rows from our database table using (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader reader = com.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { Stavka s = new Stavka(); s.eKod = reader["Stavka"].ToString(); s.Vrska = reader["Opis"].ToString(); _lstStavka.Add(s); } } con.Close(); // Close the connection to the database } } return(_lstStavka); }
private ofiObj SumRes(Stavka s, List <ofiObj> lsRes) { ofiObj ofiRes = new ofiObj(); ofiRes.e_kod = s.eKod; ofiRes.Opis = s.Vrska; foreach (ofiObj o in lsRes) { ofiRes.Sum(o); } return(ofiRes); }