public void Bind() { List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> GtypeList = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("ID,ParentId,TypeName,IsEnabled,(select top 1 '1' from SYS_GType sg where sg.ParentId=SYS_GType.ID )SVdef3", " dr= 0 and IsEnabled = 1 and ParentId=0", ""); this.rptGTypeList.DataSource = GtypeList; this.rptGTypeList.DataBind(); }
public void GtypeBind() { List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> list = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("", " dr=0 and IsEnabled=1 and Deep=1", ""); this.Gtype.DataSource = list; this.Gtype.DataBind(); }
/// <summary> /// 绑定分类 /// </summary> public void DataBindClass() { List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> Lindustry = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("top 16 *", "dr='0' and IsEnabled=1 and Deep=1 ", "ID asc"); this.RepList.DataSource = Lindustry; this.RepList.DataBind(); }
public void Bind() { List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> GtypeList = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("", " dr= 0 and IsEnabled = 1 and ParentId=0", ""); this.rptGTypeList.DataSource = GtypeList; this.rptGTypeList.DataBind(); }
/// <summary> /// 绑定前台导航 /// </summary> public void TitleDivDataBind() { if (CategoryIDUrl != "0") { int categoryID = Convert.ToInt32(CategoryIDUrl); Hi.Model.SYS_GType Lindustry = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetModel(categoryID); TitleDiv.InnerHtml = "<i class='bt'>全部结果</i>>"; TitleDiv.InnerHtml += "<i class='cdn'>" + Lindustry.TypeName + "<a href='javascript:;' class='close'></a></i>"; } }
//生成新的分类0: code 和 1:Fullcode 和 2:Deep public string[] NewCategoryCode(int pid) { string[] codes = new string[3]; if (pid > 0) { List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> PList = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("top 1 *", " id = '" + pid + "' and dr = 0", ""); if (PList.Count > 0) { codes[2] = (PList[0].Deep + 1).ToString(); //赋值deep级数 List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> oneList = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("top 1 TypeCode", " Deep = '" + codes[2] + "' and dr = 0", "ID desc"); if (oneList.Count > 0) { codes[0] = (oneList[0].TypeCode.ToInt() + 1).ToString(); } else { if (codes[2].ToInt(0) == 2) { codes[0] = "100"; } else { codes[0] = "1000"; } } codes[1] = PList[0].FullCode + "-" + codes[0]; if (PList[0].IsEnd) { PList[0].ts = DateTime.Now; PList[0].IsEnd = false; new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().Update(PList[0]); } } else { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Result", "<script>layerCommon.msg('父节点不存在,请确认!', IconOption.哭脸, 2000);</script>"); } } else { codes[2] = "1"; List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> oneList = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("top 1 TypeCode", " ParentId = 0", "ID desc"); if (oneList.Count > 0) { codes[1] = codes[0] = (oneList[0].TypeCode.ToInt(0) + 1).ToString(); } else { codes[1] = codes[0] = "10"; } } return(codes); }
/// <summary> /// 获取商品分类 /// </summary> /// <param name="Gid"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string Gtype(string Gid) { Hi.Model.SYS_GType gtype = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(Gid)); if (gtype != null) { return("{\"TypeName\":\"" + gtype.TypeName + "\",\"ID\":\"" + gtype.ID + "\"}"); } else { return("{\"TypeName\":\"请选择\",\"ID\":\"0\"}"); } }
// public void databind() // { // StringBuilder strwhere = new StringBuilder(); // string sql = Returnsql(CompId.ToString(), DisID.ToString(), strwhere.ToString()); // //查询商品信息 // Pagger pagger = new Pagger(sql); // Pager.RecordCount = pagger.GetDataCount(sql); // DataTable dt = pagger.getData(Pager.PageSize, Pager.StartRecordIndex - 1); // this.rpGoodsInfo.DataSource = dt; // this.rpGoodsInfo.DataBind(); // } // public string Returnsql(string Compid, string DisId, string where) // { // StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); // sql.AppendFormat(@"select info.ID,info.GoodsID,info.CompID,info.ValueInfo,info.Inventory,info.SalePrice,info.BarCode //,g.GoodsName,g.CategoryID,g.Unit,g.Pic //,coll.GoodsID collGoodsID //,dis.TinkerPrice disTinkerPrice //,pro.ProID ,pro.ID prodID,pro.GoodInfoID,pro.GoodsPrice proGoodsPrice,pro.Discount proDiscount,pro.CreateDate proCreateDate //,pro.Type proTypes,pro.ProType //,case when isnull(ProType,0) not in (3,5,6) then (case when isnull(ProID,0)<>0 then pro.GoodsPrice // when isnull(dis.TinkerPrice,0)<>0 then dis.TinkerPrice else info.SalePrice end) // when isnull(dis.TinkerPrice,0)<>0 then dis.TinkerPrice else info.SalePrice end pr //from BD_GoodsInfo info left join BD_Goods g on info.GoodsID=g.ID //left join BD_DisCollect coll on coll.GoodsID=info.GoodsID and coll.CompID={0} and coll.DisID={1} //left join BD_GoodsPrice dis on dis.GoodsInfoID=info.ID and dis.CompID={0} and dis.DisID={1} and Isnull(dis.IsEnabled,0)=1 //left join (select a.ProID,a.ID,a.GoodInfoID,a.GoodsPrice,a.Discount,a.CreateDate,a.ProType,a.Type from //(select prod.ProID,prod.ID,prod.GoodInfoID,GoodsPrice,pro.Discount,pro.CreateDate,pro.ProType,pro.Type //,pro.IsEnabled,pro.dr,pro.ProStartTime,pro.ProEndTime,pro.CompID //from BD_Promotion pro left join BD_PromotionDetail prod on pro.ID=prod.ProID ) a //inner join (select max(prod.ID) ID,max(ProID) proID,prod.GoodInfoID from BD_Promotion as pro //left join BD_PromotionDetail as prod on pro.ID=prod.ProID group by prod.GoodInfoID) b //on a.ID=b.ID and a.proID=b.proID and a.goodInfoID=b.GoodInfoID //where Isnull(a.Type,0) in (0,1) and isnull(a.ProType,0)in(1,2,3,4) //and isnull(a.dr,0)=0 and isnull(a.IsEnabled,0)=1 and getdate() between a.ProStartTime and a.ProEndTime //and a.CompID={0}) as pro on pro.GoodInfoID=info.ID //where isnull(info.IsOffline,0)=1 and isnull(info.dr,0)=0 and isnull(info.IsEnabled,0)=1 and info.CompID={0} //and isnull(g.IsEnabled,0)=1 and isnull(g.IsOffline,0)=1 and isnull(g.dr,0)=0 {2} //order by pro.CreateDate desc,coll.GoodsID desc,g.CreateDate desc", Compid, DisId, where); // return sql.ToString(); // } // public void Pager_PageChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) // { // databind(); // } /// <summary> /// 绑定商品分类 /// </summary> /// <param name="CompId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GoodsCategory() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> gTypes = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("Deep,TypeName,ID,ParentID", " Isnull(dr,0)=0 and Isnull(IsEnabled,0)=1", ""); if (gTypes != null && gTypes.Count > 0) { //商品分类一级 List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> cl1 = gTypes.FindAll(p => p.Deep == 1 && p.ParentId == 0); if (cl1 != null && cl1.Count > 0) { sb.Append("<div class=\"sorts\">"); sb.AppendFormat("<div class=\"sorts1\"><i class=\"arrow2\"></i><a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"a1\" tip=\"\">{0}</a></div>", "全部"); sb.Append("</div>"); foreach (var item in cl1) { sb.Append("<div class=\"sorts\">"); sb.AppendFormat("<div class=\"sorts1\"><i class=\"arrow2\"></i><a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"a1\" tip=\"{1}\">{0}</a></div>", item.TypeName, item.ID); //商品分类二级 List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> cl2 = gTypes.FindAll(p => p.Deep == 2 && p.ParentId == item.ID); if (cl2 != null && cl2.Count > 0) { sb.Append("<ul class=\"sorts2\" tipdis=\"no\" style=\"display:none;\">"); foreach (var item2 in cl2) { sb.Append("<li>"); sb.AppendFormat("<i class=\"arrow3\"></i><a href=\"javascript:;\" tip=\"{1}\">{0}</a>", item2.TypeName, item2.ID); //商品分类三级 List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> cl3 = gTypes.FindAll(p => p.Deep == 3 && p.ParentId == item2.ID); if (cl3 != null && cl3.Count > 0) { sb.Append("<ul class=\"sorts3\" tipdis=\"no\" style=\"display:none;\">"); foreach (var item3 in cl3) { sb.AppendFormat("<li tip=\"{1}\"><a href=\"javascript:;\" tip=\"{1}\">{0}</a></li>", item3.TypeName, item3.ID); } sb.Append("</ul>"); } sb.Append("</li>"); } sb.Append("</ul>"); } sb.Append("</div>"); } } } return(sb.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// 查询二级分类下的子类 /// </summary> /// <param name="ParentId">二级分类ID</param> /// <returns></returns> public string two(string ParentId) { List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> GtypeList = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("", " dr= 0 and IsEnabled = 1 and ParentId=" + ParentId + "", ""); string html = ""; foreach (var item in GtypeList) { html += "<tr id = '" + item.ID + "' class=\"tr" + item.ParentId + " tr3\" parentid = '" + item.ParentId + "' style = 'height: 26px;width: 100%;' >" + "<td ><div style=\"margin-left:80px;width:150px\"> <img class=\"Openimg3\" height='9' src='../../Company/images/menu_minus.gif' width='9'" + "border='0' /> " + item.TypeName + "---" + item.ID + "</div></td><td><div class=\"tcle\">" + "" + (item.IsEnabled ? "启用" : "禁用") + "</div></td></tr>"; } return(html); }
/// <summary> /// 查询一级分类下的子类 /// </summary> /// <param name="ParentId">一级分类ID</param> /// <returns></returns> public string one(string ParentId) { List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> GtypeList = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("ID,ParentId,TypeName,IsEnabled,(select top 1 '1' from SYS_GType sg where sg.ParentId=SYS_GType.ID )SVdef3", " dr= 0 and IsEnabled = 1 and ParentId=" + ParentId + "", ""); string html = ""; foreach (var item in GtypeList) { html += "<tr id = '" + item.ID + "' class=\"tr" + item.ParentId + " tr2\" parentid = '" + item.ParentId + "' style = 'height: 26px;width: 100%;' >" + "<td ><div style=\"margin-left:50px;width:150px\"> <img class=\"Openimg2\" height='9' src='../../Company/images/" + (item.SVdef3 == null ? "menu_minus" : "menu_plus") + ".gif' width='9'" + "border='0' /> " + item.TypeName + "</div></td><td><div class=\"tcle\">" + "" + (item.IsEnabled ? "启用" : "禁用") + "</div></td> </tr>"; } return(html); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(treeid)) { Hi.Model.SYS_GType type = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetModel(treeid.ToInt(0)); if (type != null) { this.txt_product_class.Value = type.TypeName; this.hid_product_class.Value = type.ID.ToString(); } } } }
//查询数据 public void loadData() { string builder = string.Empty; LoginModel user = Session["UserModel"] as LoginModel; if (user != null) { builder = @" and in ( select fca.CMID from YZT_FCArea fca left join BD_Distributor dis on (fca.Province+fca.City+fca.Area=dis.Province+dis.City+dis.Area or fca.Province+fca.City=dis.Province+dis.City or fca.Province=dis.Province) and dis.IsEnabled=1 where 1=1 and dis.ID=" + user.DisID + " and fca.CompID=" + user.CompID + " union select fcd.CMID from YZT_FCDis fcd where fcd.DisID=" + user.DisID + "and fcd.CompID=" + user.CompID + " union select ID from YZT_CMerchants where type=1 and dr=0 and isnull(IsEnabled,0)=1)"; } else { builder = @" and yc.Type=1 and isnull(yc.IsEnabled,0)=1"; } //查询企业数据 List <Hi.Model.BD_Company> comps = new Hi.BLL.BD_Company().GetList("id,CompName", " dr=0 and IsEnabled=1 and AuditState=2 and exists(select 1 from YZT_CMerchants yc where yc.InvalidDate >=getdate() and yc.CompID = " + builder + ")", " AuditState"); Rp_Production.DataSource = comps; Rp_Production.DataBind(); string gtypeids = string.Empty; string sql = "select g.CategoryID,gt.* from YZT_CMerchants yc left join BD_GoodsInfo info on info.ID=yc.GoodsID left join BD_Goods g on g.ID=info.GoodsID left join SYS_GType gt on gt.ID=g.CategoryID where isnuLL(gt.dr,0)=0 and isnuLL(gt.IsEnabled,0)=1 " + builder; DataTable dt = SqlHelper.GetTable(SqlHelper.LocalSqlServer, sql); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows) { if (item["deep"].ToString() == "1") { gtypeids += gtypeids != "" ? "," + item["ID"].ToString() : item["ID"].ToString(); } else { string cid = getCategoryDet(item["ParentId"].ToString()); gtypeids += gtypeids != "" ? "," + cid : cid; } } } //查询商品一级分类数据 List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> gtypes = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("id,TypeName", " dr=0 and IsEnabled=1 and deep=1 and id in(" + gtypeids + ")", "createdate"); Rp_Category1.DataSource = gtypes; Rp_Category1.DataBind(); }
/// <summary> /// 编辑 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Hi.Model.SYS_GType gType = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetModel(hideTypeId.Value.Trim().ToInt(0)); if (gType != null) { gType.TypeName = txtTypeNames.Value.Trim(); gType.ts = DateTime.Now; new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().Update(gType); Response.Redirect("IndustryList.aspx"); } else { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Result", "<script>layerCommon.msg('此分类不存在,请确认!', IconOption.错误, 2000);</script>"); } }
/// <summary> /// 商品列表绑定 /// </summary> public void Bind() { int pageCount = 0; int Counts = 0; string strWhere = " and ComPid=" + this.CompID + " and isnull(dr,0)=0"; if (ViewState["strWhere"] != null) { strWhere += ViewState["strWhere"].ToString(); } else { if (this.ddlState.SelectedValue != "") { strWhere += " and isNUll(IsOffLine,0)=" + this.ddlState.SelectedValue; } } //每页显示的数据设置 if (this.txtPageSize.Value.ToString() != "") { if (this.txtPageSize.Value.Trim().Length >= 5) { Pager.PageSize = 100; this.txtPageSize.Value = "100"; } else { Pager.PageSize = this.txtPageSize.Value.Trim().ToInt(0); } } List <Hi.Model.BD_Goods> l = new Hi.BLL.BD_Goods().GetList(Pager.PageSize, Pager.CurrentPageIndex, "id", true, strWhere, out pageCount, out Counts); List <int> CateIds = l.Select(T => T.CategoryID).ToList(); CateIds = CateIds.Distinct().ToList(); List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> CateList = new List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType>(); if (CateIds.Count > 0) { CateList = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("TypeName,ID", "dr=0 and ID in(" + string.Join(",", CateIds) + ")", ""); } ViewState["CateList"] = CateList; this.rptGoods.DataSource = l; this.rptGoods.DataBind(); Pager.RecordCount = Counts; page = Pager.CurrentPageIndex.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// 递归得到第一级分类ID /// </summary> /// <param name="cateId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string getCategoryDet(string cateId) { List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> gtypes = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("", "dr=0 and IsEnabled=1 and ID=" + cateId, ""); if (gtypes != null && gtypes.Count > 0) { if (gtypes[0].Deep != 1) { cid = string.Empty; getCategoryDet(gtypes[0].ParentId.ToString()); } else { cid = gtypes[0].ID.ToString(); } } return(cid); }
public string del(string typeId) { Hi.Model.SYS_GType gType = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetModel(typeId.Trim().ToInt(0)); Hi.BLL.SYS_GType BllGtype = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType(); if (gType != null) { if (gType.ParentId > 0) { gType.ts = DateTime.Now; gType.dr = true; //重置父级是否末节点 List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> oneList = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("top 1 TypeCode", " ParentId = '" + gType.ParentId + "' and dr = 0", "ID desc"); if (oneList.Count > 0) { Hi.Model.SYS_GType PgType = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetModel(gType.ParentId); PgType.ts = DateTime.Now; PgType.IsEnd = true; BllGtype.Update(PgType); } BllGtype.Update(gType); //同时删除子分类 List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> childList = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("", " ParentId = '" + gType.ID + "' and dr = 0", "ID desc"); foreach (Hi.Model.SYS_GType childType in childList) { childType.ts = DateTime.Now; childType.dr = true; BllGtype.Update(childType); } } else { gType.ts = DateTime.Now; gType.dr = true; BllGtype.Update(gType); } return("1"); } else { return("删除失败,此分类不存在!"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (UType == "label") { txt_txtIndusname.Visible = false; lblIndusName.Visible = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { Hi.Model.SYS_GType type = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetModel(id.ToInt(0)); if (type != null) { txt_txtIndusname.Value = type.TypeName; lblIndusName.InnerText = type.TypeName; hid_IndusId.Value = id; } } } }
/// <summary> /// 获取行业分类三级分类名称 /// </summary> /// <param name="ParentId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetGtypeName(string ParentId) { Hi.Model.SYS_GType gtype3 = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(ParentId)); if (gtype3 != null) { Hi.Model.SYS_GType gtype2 = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(gtype3.ParentId)); if (gtype2 == null) { return("(请重新选择系统大类)"); } Hi.Model.SYS_GType gtype1 = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(gtype2.ParentId)); if (gtype1 == null) { return("(请重新选择系统大类)"); } return("(" + gtype1.TypeName + ">" + gtype2.TypeName + ">" + gtype3.TypeName + ")"); } else { return("(请重新选择系统大类)"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { List <Hi.Model.SYS_SysName> SysNameList = new Hi.BLL.SYS_SysName().GetList("Value", " name='搜索热词' and dr=0 ", ""); if (SysNameList.Count > 0) { List <string> valuelist = SysNameList[0].Value.Split(',').ToList(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int count = 0; foreach (var item in valuelist) { count++; if (count == 1) { sb.Append(" <a href =\"goodslist_0_" + item + ".html\" style=\"color:red\">" + item + "</a>"); } else { sb.Append(" <a href =\"goodslist_0_" + item + ".html\">" + item + "</a>"); } } SelectValue.InnerHtml = sb.ToString(); } if (!IsIndex) { leftNav.Style.Add("display", "none"); } List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> gType = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("", " ParentId=0 and IsEnabled=1 and ISNULL(dr,0)=0", ""); if (gType != null && gType.Count > 0) { this.rpt_Gtype.DataSource = gType; this.rpt_Gtype.DataBind(); } } }
/// <summary> /// 验证商品大类下是否包含这个商品一级分类 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public string CheckGoodsCate(string value, string str, DataRow dr) { string catestr = string.Empty; string[] catelist = value.Split('/');//根据/分隔商品分类 for (int i = 0; i < catelist.Length; i++) { string cateValue = catelist[i].Replace("'", "''"); if (i == 0) {//一级 List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> l = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("ID", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and isenabled=1 and parentid=0 and TypeName='" + cateValue + "'", ""); if (l.Count == 0) { dr["chkstr"] += "<br>" + "没有【" + catelist[i] + "】这个一级分类!"; return(catestr); } else { catestr = catelist[i] + "@" + l[0].ID; if (catelist.Length == 1)//只有一级分类情况 { List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> ll = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("ID", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and isenabled=1 and parentid=" + l[0].ID + "", ""); if (ll.Count > 0) { dr["chkstr"] += "<br>" + "【" + catelist[i] + "】一级分类下还有二级分类,必须输入最小的分类!"; return(catestr); } else { break; } } } } else if (i == 1) {//二级 string goodsCateId = string.Empty; if (catestr.IndexOf("@") != -1) { goodsCateId = catestr.Split('@')[1]; catestr = catestr.Split('@')[0]; } else { List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> ll = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("ID", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and isenabled=1 and parentid=0 and TypeName='" + catestr + "'", ""); if (ll.Count > 0) { goodsCateId = ll[0].ID.ToString(); } } List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> l = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("ID", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and isenabled=1 and TypeName='" + cateValue + "' and parentid=" + goodsCateId, ""); if (l.Count == 0) { dr["chkstr"] += "<br>" + "【" + catestr + "】一级分类下没有【" + catelist[i] + "】这个二级分类!"; return(catestr); } else { catestr = catelist[i] + "@" + l[0].ID; if (catelist.Length == 2)//只有二级分类情况 { List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> ll = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("ID", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and isenabled=1 and parentid=" + l[0].ID + " ", ""); if (ll.Count > 0) { dr["chkstr"] += "<br>" + "【" + catelist[i] + "】二级分类下还有三级分类,必须输入最小的分类!"; return(catestr); } else { break; } } } } else if (i == 2) { //三级 string goodsCateId = string.Empty; if (catestr.IndexOf("@") != -1) { goodsCateId = catestr.Split('@')[1]; catestr = catestr.Split('@')[0]; } else { List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> ll = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("ID", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and isenabled=1 and parentid!=0 and TypeName='" + catestr + "' ", ""); if (ll.Count > 0) { goodsCateId = ll[0].ID.ToString(); } } List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> l = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("ID", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and isenabled=1 and parentid=" + goodsCateId + " and TypeName='" + cateValue + "' ", ""); if (l.Count == 0) { dr["chkstr"] += "<br>" + "【" + catestr + "】二级分类下没有【" + catelist[i] + "】这个三级分类!"; return(catestr); } else { catestr = catelist[i] + "@" + l[0].ID; if (catelist.Length == 3)//只有二级分类情况 { break; } } } } return(catestr); }
/// <summary> /// 绑定产品信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> public void Bind(int id)//, int goodsInfoId) { Hi.Model.BD_Goods model = new Hi.BLL.BD_Goods().GetModel(id); if (model != null && model.dr == 0 && model.IsEnabled == 1) { if (goodsInfoId == 0) { List <Hi.Model.BD_GoodsInfo> l = new Hi.BLL.BD_GoodsInfo().GetList("", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and compid=" + this.CompID + " and goodsid=" + id, ""); if (l.Count > 0) { this.lblCode.InnerText = l[0].BarCode.Trim(); //商品编号 this.lblInventory.InnerText = l[0].Inventory.ToString(); //商品库存. goodsInfoId = l[0].ID; } } else { Hi.Model.BD_GoodsInfo model2 = new Hi.BLL.BD_GoodsInfo().GetModel(goodsInfoId); if (model2 != null) { this.lblCode.InnerText = model2.BarCode.Trim(); //商品编号 this.lblInventory.InnerText = model2.Inventory.ToString(); //商品库存. } } Hi.Model.SYS_GType model3 = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetModel(model.CategoryID); if (model3 != null) { this.lblCategory.InnerText = model3.TypeName.Trim(); //分类 } GetZiDingYi(model); //自定义字段 // this.divTitle.InnerText = model.GoodsName.Trim();//biaot // this.divTitle.InnerHtml = model.GoodsName.Trim() + SelectGoods.ProType(zhek);//商品名称 string zhek = Cuxiao(goodsInfoId.ToString()); if (!Util.IsEmpty(zhek)) { this.divTitle.InnerHtml = model.GoodsName + SelectGoods.ProType(zhek);//商品名称 } else { this.divTitle.InnerHtml = model.GoodsName; } if (model.IsLS == 1) { this.isls.Visible = true; this.lbllsprice.InnerText = "¥" + model.LSPrice.ToString("0.00"); } else { this.isls.Visible = false; } this.divMemo.InnerHtml = model.Title.Trim(); //描述 this.lblHideInfo1.InnerText = model.HideInfo1; this.lblHideInfo2.InnerText = model.HideInfo2; //描述 this.lblUnit.InnerText = model.Unit.Trim(); //计量单位 // this.lblRecommend.InnerText = model.IsRecommended == 2 ? "推荐" : "否";//是否推荐 if (model.IsRecommended == 2) { this.lblShow.InnerText = "显示"; this.lblRecommend.InnerText = "推荐"; } else if (model.IsRecommended == 1) { this.lblShow.InnerText = "显示"; this.lblRecommend.InnerText = "不推荐"; } else { this.lblShow.InnerText = "不显示"; this.lblRecommend.InnerText = "不推荐"; } if (model.Details == "") { this.DivShow.InnerHtml = "<p style=\"padding-top: 20px; line-height: 40px; padding-left: 20px\">暂无数据</p>"; } else { this.DivShow.InnerHtml = model.Details; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Pic))//有图片 { LoginModel logUser = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserModel"] as LoginModel; string basePath = Common.GetWebConfigKey("OssImgPath") + "company/" + ((logUser != null) ? logUser.CompID.ToString() : "") + "/"; string surfix = "?x-oss-process=style/resize400"; this.imgPic.Src = basePath + model.Pic + surfix; this.imgPic2.Src = basePath + model.Pic + surfix; this.imgPic.Attributes.Add("jqimg", basePath + model.Pic); this.imgPic2.Attributes.Add("bimg", basePath + model.Pic); } else { this.imgPic.Src = "../../images/havenopicmax.gif"; //无图片 this.imgPic2.Src = "../../images/havenopicmax.gif"; //无图片 this.imgPic2.Attributes.Add("bimg", "../../images/havenopicmax.gif"); this.imgPic.Attributes.Add("jqimg", "../../images/havenopicmax.gif"); } } else { JScript.AlertMethod(this, "商品不存在或者已经被删除", JScript.IconOption.错误, "function(){location.href='GoodsInfoList.aspx';}"); return; } string html = string.Empty; List <Hi.Model.BD_GoodsAttrs> ll = new Hi.BLL.BD_GoodsAttrs().GetList("", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and compId=" + this.CompID + " and goodsId=" + id.ToString(), ""); if (ll.Count > 0) { int xy = 0; foreach (Hi.Model.BD_GoodsAttrs item in ll) { List <Hi.Model.BD_GoodsAttrsInfo> lll = new Hi.BLL.BD_GoodsAttrsInfo().GetList("", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and compId=" + this.CompID + " and attrsId=" + item.ID, ""); if (lll.Count > 0) { html += "<div class=\"li\"><i class=\"bt2\" tip=\"" + item.AttrsName + "\">" + item.AttrsName + ":</i><div class=\"fun\" style=\"display: inline;\">"; int count = 1; foreach (Hi.Model.BD_GoodsAttrsInfo item2 in lll) { //Hi.Model.BD_GoodsInfo model4 = new Hi.BLL.BD_GoodsInfo().GetModel(goodsInfoId); //if (xy == 0) //{ // html += "<a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"" + (model4.Value1 == item2.AttrsInfoName.Trim() ? "hover" : "") + "\" tip=\"" + item2.AttrsInfoName + "\">" + item2.AttrsInfoName + "</a>"; //} //else if (xy == 1) //{ // html += "<a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"" + (model4.Value2 == item2.AttrsInfoName.Trim() ? "hover" : "") + "\" tip=\"" + item2.AttrsInfoName + "\">" + item2.AttrsInfoName + "</a>"; //} //else if (xy == 2) //{ // html += "<a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"" + (model4.Value3 == item2.AttrsInfoName.Trim() ? "hover" : "") + "\" tip=\"" + item2.AttrsInfoName + "\">" + item2.AttrsInfoName + "</a>"; //} if (count == 1) { html += "<a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"hover\" tip=\"" + item2.AttrsInfoName + "\">" + item2.AttrsInfoName + "</a>"; } else { html += "<a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"\" tip=\"" + item2.AttrsInfoName + "\">" + item2.AttrsInfoName + "</a>"; } count++; } html += "</div></div>"; } xy++; } } litAttrVaue.Text = html; }
public void DataBindClass() { CategoryID3List = ""; Gtypediv2.Visible = false; Gtypediv3.Visible = false; List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> GtypeModel = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("Deep,ID,ParentId,TypeCode,TypeName,FullCode", " dr='0' and IsEnabled=1 ", "ID asc"); //绑定分类 if (CategoryIDUrl != "0") //行业类别ID 不为空 { Hi.Model.SYS_GType model = GtypeModel.Where(b => b.ID == Convert.ToInt32(CategoryIDUrl)).ToList()[0]; /*new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["CategoryID"]));*/ if (model.Deep == 1) //一级分类 { Gtypediv2.Visible = true; //展示二级分类 GtypeName2.InnerHtml = "<i>" + model.TypeName + "</i>"; CategoryID = model.ID.ToString(); //保存一级分类ID List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> Lindustry3 = GtypeModel.Where(b => b.Deep == 3 && b.FullCode.Contains(model.TypeCode + "-")).ToList(); foreach (var item in Lindustry3) { CategoryID3List += item.ID + ","; } if (CategoryID3List != "" && CategoryID3List.Length > 0) { CategoryID3List = CategoryID3List.Substring(0, CategoryID3List.Length - 1); } } else if (model.Deep == 2) //二级分类 { Gtypediv2.Visible = true; //展示二级分类 Gtypediv3.Visible = true; //展示三级分类 CategoryID = model.ParentId.ToString(); //保存一级分类ID CategoryID2 = model.ID.ToString(); //保存二级分类ID Hi.Model.SYS_GType model2 = GtypeModel.Where(b => b.ID == Convert.ToInt32(CategoryID)).ToList()[0]; /*new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(CategoryID));*/ GtypeName2.InnerHtml = "<i>" + model2.TypeName + "</i>"; GtypeName3.InnerHtml = "<i>" + model.TypeName + "</i>"; //绑定三级 List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> Lindustry3 = GtypeModel.Where(b => b.ParentId == Convert.ToInt32(CategoryID2)).ToList(); //查询分类下所有三级ID foreach (var item in Lindustry3) { CategoryID3List += item.ID + ","; } if (CategoryID3List.Length > 1) { CategoryID3List = CategoryID3List.Substring(0, CategoryID3List.Length - 1); } } else if (model.Deep == 3) //三级分类 { Gtypediv2.Visible = true; //展示二级分类 Gtypediv3.Visible = true; //展示三级分类 string TypeCode1 = model.FullCode.Split('-')[0]; //保存一级分类ID List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> gTypes1 = GtypeModel.Where(T => T.TypeCode == TypeCode1).ToList(); if (gTypes1.Count > 0) { CategoryID = gTypes1[0].ID.ToString(); } CategoryID2 = model.ParentId.ToString(); //保存二级分类ID CategoryID3 = model.ID.ToString(); //保存二级分类ID Hi.Model.SYS_GType model2 = GtypeModel.Where(b => b.ID == Convert.ToInt32(CategoryID2)).ToList()[0]; /*new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(CategoryID2));*/ Hi.Model.SYS_GType model1 = GtypeModel.Where(b => b.ID == Convert.ToInt32(CategoryID)).ToList()[0]; /*new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(CategoryID));*/ GtypeName2.InnerHtml = "<i>" + model1.TypeName + "</i>"; GtypeName3.InnerHtml = "<i>" + model2.TypeName + "</i>"; CategoryID3List = model.ID.ToString(); } List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> Lindustry2 = GtypeModel.Where(b => b.ParentId == Convert.ToInt32(CategoryID)).ToList(); this.Gtype2.DataSource = Lindustry2; this.Gtype2.DataBind(); if (CategoryID2 != "0") { //绑定三级 List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> Lindustry3 = GtypeModel.Where(b => b.ParentId == Convert.ToInt32(CategoryID2)).ToList(); this.Gtype3.DataSource = Lindustry3; this.Gtype3.DataBind(); } } //绑定一级分类 List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> Lindustry = GtypeModel.Where(b => b.ParentId == Convert.ToInt32(0)).ToList(); // new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("ID,TypeName", " dr='0' and IsEnabled=1 and ParentId=0 ", "ID asc"); this.RepList.DataSource = Lindustry; this.RepList.DataBind(); }
/// <summary> /// 验证商品大类下是否包含这个商品一级分类 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public string CheckGoodsCate(string value, string str, int index, SqlTransaction Tran) { string catestr = string.Empty; string[] catelist = value.Split('/');//根据/分隔商品分类 for (int i = 0; i < catelist.Length; i++) { if (i == 0) {//一级 List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> l = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("ID", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and isenabled=1 and parentid=0 and TypeName='" + catelist[i] + "'", "", Tran); if (l.Count == 0) { Eroor = true; throw new ApplicationException("Excel行号为: <i error>" + (index + TitleIndex + 1) + "</i> 的数据有误。没有【" + catelist[i] + "】这个一级分类!请修改后重新导入。<br/>"); } else { catestr = catelist[i] + "@" + l[0].ID; if (catelist.Length == 1)//只有一级分类情况 { List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> ll = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("ID", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and isenabled=1 and parentid=" + l[0].ID + " ", "", Tran); if (ll.Count > 0) { Eroor = true; throw new ApplicationException("Excel行号为: <i error>" + (index + TitleIndex + 1) + "</i> 的数据有误。【" + catelist[i] + "】一级分类下还有二级分类,必须选择最小的分类!请修改后重新导入。<br/>"); } else { break; } } } } else if (i == 1) {//二级 string goodsCateId = string.Empty; if (catestr.IndexOf("@") != -1) { goodsCateId = catestr.Split('@')[1]; catestr = catestr.Split('@')[0]; } else { List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> ll = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("ID", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and isenabled=1 and parentid=0 and TypeName='" + catestr + "' ", "", Tran); if (ll.Count > 0) { goodsCateId = ll[0].ID.ToString(); } } List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> l = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("ID", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and isenabled=1 and TypeName='" + catelist[i] + "' and parentid=" + goodsCateId, "", Tran); if (l.Count == 0) { Eroor = true; throw new ApplicationException("Excel行号为: <i error>" + (index + TitleIndex + 1) + "</i> 的数据有误。【" + catestr + "】一级分类下没有【" + catelist[i] + "】这个二级分类!请修改后重新导入。<br/>"); } else { catestr = catelist[i] + "@" + l[0].ID; if (catelist.Length == 2)//只有二级分类情况 { List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> ll = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("ID", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and isenabled=1 and parentid=" + l[0].ID + "", "", Tran); if (ll.Count > 0) { Eroor = true; throw new ApplicationException("Excel行号为: <i error>" + (index + TitleIndex + 1) + "</i> 的数据有误。【" + catelist[i] + "】二级分类下还有三级分类,必须选择最小的分类!请修改后重新导入。<br/>"); } else { break; } } } } else if (i == 2) { //三级 string goodsCateId = string.Empty; if (catestr.IndexOf("@") != -1) { goodsCateId = catestr.Split('@')[1]; catestr = catestr.Split('@')[0]; } else { List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> ll = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("ID", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and isenabled=1 and parentid!=0 and TypeName='" + catestr + "'", "", Tran); if (ll.Count > 0) { goodsCateId = ll[0].ID.ToString(); } } List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> l = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("ID", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and isenabled=1 and parentid=" + goodsCateId + " and TypeName='" + catelist[i] + "' ", "", Tran); if (l.Count == 0) { Eroor = true; throw new ApplicationException("Excel行号为: <i error>" + (index + TitleIndex + 1) + "</i> 的数据有误。【" + catestr + "】二级分类下没有【" + catelist[i] + "】这个三级分类!请修改后重新导入。<br/>"); } else { catestr = catelist[i] + "@" + l[0].ID; if (catelist.Length == 3)//只有二级分类情况 { break; } } } } return(catestr); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((HttpContext.Current.Session["UserModel"] as LoginModel) != null) { CompID = (HttpContext.Current.Session["UserModel"] as LoginModel).CompID; } object obj2 = Request["action"]; if (obj2 != null) { if (obj2.ToString() == "yanz")//验证是否还存在下级分类 { int id = 0; if (Request["id"] != null) { id = Convert.ToInt32(Request["id"]); } Response.Write(GetMinCategory(id)); Response.End(); } } if (!IsPostBack) { object obj = Request.QueryString["type"]; if (obj != null) { type = obj.ToString(); if (!Util.IsEmpty(type)) { if (Request.QueryString["disId"] != null) { disID = Request.QueryString["disId"]; } else { disID = "0"; } if (type == "1")//商品分类 { IsExepand = Common.RsertFolding(type, CompID); string strwhere = string.Empty; List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> FindList = new List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType>(); List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> l = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("id,TypeName,ParentId", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and isenabled=1 ", " id"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request["val"])) { FindList = l.Where(T => T.ParentId == 0).ToList(); } else { string SearchValue = Request["val"].Replace("'", "''"); List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> ParentList = new List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType>(); strwhere += " isnull(dr,0)=0 and isenabled=1 and TypeName like '%" + SearchValue + "%'"; FindList = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("id,TypeName,ParentId", strwhere, " id"); foreach (Hi.Model.SYS_GType model in FindList) { //string NewName = model.CategoryName.Replace(SearchValue, "<i style='color:red'>" + SearchValue + "</i>"); string NewName = model.TypeName; var ParentModel = l.Where(T => T.ID == model.ParentId).ToList(); if (ParentModel.Count > 0) { NewName = ParentModel[0].TypeName + " > " + NewName; } model.TypeName = NewName; ParentList.Add(model); } FindList = ParentList; } if (l.Count > 0 && FindList.Count > 0) { BindHTML(l, FindList, type); } } else if (type == "2")//代理商区域 { List <Hi.Model.BD_DisArea> FindList = new List <Hi.Model.BD_DisArea>(); List <Hi.Model.BD_DisArea> ll = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisArea().GetList("id,AreaName,ParentId", "CompanyID=" + this.CompID + " and isnull(dr,0)=0 ", ""); FindList = ll.Where(T => T.ParentID == 0).ToList(); if (ll.Count > 0 && FindList.Count > 0) { BindHTML(ll, FindList, type); } } else if (type == "3")//代理商分类 { List <Hi.Model.BD_DisType> FindList = new List <Hi.Model.BD_DisType>(); List <Hi.Model.BD_DisType> lll = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().GetList("id,ParentId,TypeName", "compid=" + this.CompID + " and isnull(dr,0)=0 ", ""); FindList = lll.Where(T => T.ParentId == 0).ToList(); if (lll.Count > 0 && FindList.Count > 0) { BindHTML(lll, FindList, type); } } else if (type == "4")//代理商地址 { List <Hi.Model.BD_DisAddr> llll = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisAddr().GetList("id,Address", "disid=" + disID + " and isnull(dr,0)=0", ""); if (llll.Count > 0) { BindHTML(llll, llll, type); } } else if (type == "5") {//代理商管理员 List <Hi.Model.BD_Distributor> lllll = new Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor().GetList("id,DisName", "compid=" + this.CompID + " and isnull(dr,0)=0", "Id desc"); if (lllll.Count > 0) { BindHTML(lllll, lllll, type); } } else if (type == "6") {//代理商管理员 List <Hi.Model.BD_Distributor> lllll = new Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor().GetList("id,DisName", "compid=" + this.CompID + " and isnull(dr,0)=0 and AuditState=2 and IsEnabled=1", "Id asc"); if (lllll.Count > 0) { BindHTML(lllll, lllll, type); } } } } } }
public string GoodsType = string.Empty;//代理商分类数据源 public void bind() { int IndID = new Hi.BLL.BD_Company().GetModel(this.CompID).IndID; //绑定分类 StringBuilder sbdis = new StringBuilder(); List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> godtype1 = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("TypeCode,ID,TypeName", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and ParentId=0 ", ""); if (godtype1.Count > 0) { sbdis.Append("["); int count = 0; foreach (var item in godtype1) { count++; sbdis.Append("{code:'" + item.ID + "',value: '" + item.ID + "',label: '" + item.TypeName + "'"); List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> godtype2 = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("TypeCode,ID,TypeName", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and ParentId=" + item.ID, ""); if (godtype2.Count > 0) { sbdis.Append(",children: ["); int count2 = 0; foreach (var item2 in godtype2) { count2++; sbdis.Append("{code:'" + item2.ID + "',value: '" + item2.ID + "',label: '" + item2.TypeName + "'"); List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> godtype3 = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("TypeCode,ID,TypeName", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and ParentId=" + item2.ID, ""); if (godtype3.Count > 0) { sbdis.Append(",children: ["); int count3 = 0; foreach (var item3 in godtype3) { count3++; if (count3 == godtype3.Count) { sbdis.Append("{code:'" + item3.ID + "',value: '" + item3.ID + "',label: '" + item3.TypeName + "'}"); } else { sbdis.Append("{code:'" + item3.ID + "',value: '" + item3.ID + "',label: '" + item3.TypeName + "'},"); } } sbdis.Append("]"); } if (count2 == godtype2.Count) { sbdis.Append("}"); } else { sbdis.Append("},"); } } sbdis.Append("]"); } if (count == godtype1.Count) { sbdis.Append("}"); } else { sbdis.Append("},"); } } sbdis.Append("]"); GoodsType = sbdis.ToString(); } }
/// <summary> /// 新增子类 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Typename = Common.NoHTML(txtTypeName.Value.Trim()); string Parentid = Common.NoHTML(hideTypeId.Value.Trim()); string Typecode = string.Empty; string ParentIds = "0";//父元素ID 用于判断是否存在重复子元素 Hi.Model.BD_GoodsCategory DisType = new Hi.Model.BD_GoodsCategory(); if (Parentid != "0" && Parentid != "") { Hi.Model.BD_GoodsCategory one = new Hi.BLL.BD_GoodsCategory().GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(Parentid)); if (one != null) { Typecode = one.GoodsTypeID.ToString(); //商品大类 DisType.Code = one.Code + "-" + NewCategoryCode((one.Deep + 1).ToString()); DisType.Deep = one.Deep + 1; DisType.ParCode = one.Code; ParentIds = one.ID.ToString(); } else { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Result", "<script>layerCommon.msg('添加失败!', IconOption.哭脸, 2000);</script>"); return; } if (DisType.Deep == 4) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Result", "<script>layerCommon.msg('最多只能三级!', IconOption.哭脸, 2000);</script>"); return; } } else//一级大类 { Typecode = hid_txtGtype.Value;;//商品大类 DisType.Code = NewCategoryCode("1"); DisType.Deep = 1; DisType.ParCode = ""; ParentIds = "0"; } int Result = 0; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Typecode) || Typecode == "0") { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Result", "<script>layerCommon.msg('商品大类不能为空!', IconOption.哭脸, 2000);</script>"); return; } else if (Parentid == "0") { Hi.Model.SYS_GType gtype = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(Typecode)); if (gtype.Deep != 3) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Result", "<script>layerCommon.msg('请选择三级商品大类!', IconOption.哭脸, 2000);</script>"); return; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Typename)) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Result", "<script>layerCommon.msg('分类名称不能为空!', IconOption.哭脸, 2000);</script>"); return; } if (IsExistsType("CategoryName", Typename, ParentIds)) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Result", "<script>layerCommon.msg('分类名称已存在!', IconOption.哭脸, 2000);</script>"); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Parentid) || !int.TryParse(Parentid, out Result)) { DisType.ParentId = 0; } else { DisType.ParentId = Result; } DisType.CompID = CompID; DisType.CategoryName = Typename; DisType.GoodsTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(Typecode); DisType.SortIndex = NewCateId().ToString(); DisType.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; DisType.CreateUserID = 0; DisType.IsEnabled = 1; DisType.ts = DateTime.Now; DisType.modifyuser = 0; SqlTransaction trans = SqlHelper.CreateStoreTranSaction(); try { int countID = 0; if ((countID = new Hi.BLL.BD_GoodsCategory().Add(DisType, trans)) > 0) { List <Hi.Model.BD_Goods> gList = new Hi.BLL.BD_Goods().GetList("", " CategoryID='" + Parentid + "'", ""); if (gList != null && gList.Count > 0) { foreach (var bdGoodse in gList) { bdGoodse.CategoryID = countID; new Hi.BLL.BD_Goods().Update(bdGoodse, trans); } } trans.Commit(); Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Result", "<script>layerCommon.msg('新增成功!', IconOption.笑脸, 2000);location.href='GoodsCategory.aspx?type=" + Request["type"].ToString() + "';</script>"); } else { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Result", "<script>layerCommon.msg('添加失败!', IconOption.哭脸, 2000);</script>"); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (trans != null) { if (trans.Connection != null) { trans.Rollback(); } } ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Result", "<script>layerCommon.msg('" + ex.Message + "', IconOption.哭脸, 2000);</script>"); return; } finally { SqlHelper.ConnectionClose(); if (trans != null) { if (trans.Connection != null) { trans.Connection.Close(); } } } }